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We feel confident saying, by way of comparison, that this podcast is very, very punk.

Games we played this week include:
Demon's Souls (21:05)
Nullpointer (24:40)
Visual Out (27:05)
Grindstone (29:15)
Dead to Rights: Retribution (32:25)
Calico (38:10)
Spinnortality (44:30)
Dicey Dungeons (47:15)
Observer (50:45)
Among Us (54:45)
Fall Guys (58:15)

News things talked about in this episode:
Cyberpunk has too many dildos (2:00)
CDPR offers refunds on last-gen Cyberpunk without informing retailers (13:00)
CDPR paying out staff bonuses previously tied to review scores (18:45)
New Fortnite mode appropriates Among Us (1:03:19)
EA’s entire library added to console version of Xbox Game Pass (1:05:13)
Mass Effect trailer indicates canon ending for original trilogy (1:06:45)
Omen wins ‘worst commercial’ at The Game Adverts (1:10:30)
Twitch to ban hate content…in February (1:14:35)

Find Laura at LauraKBuzz on Twitter, Twitch, YouTube, and Patreon. All her content goes on LauraKBuzz.com, and you can catch Access-Ability on YouTube every Friday.

Follow Conrad at ConradZimmerman on Twitter and check out his Patreon (patreon.com/fistshark). You can also peruse his anti-capitalist propaganda at Pinfultruth.com


Podquisition 312: Now That's Punk! by Jimquisition

We feel confident saying, by way of comparison, that this podcast is very, very punk.



So, I started a Change.org petition you might be interested in. Basically, if consumers don't refund customers for Cyberpunk 2077, we threaten a mass chargeback, and Sony could take a $200 million loss from not having consumer friendly return policies. The game is great and does not deserve that, but you have to protect your rights through the legal means available. http://chng.it/5yZHj9s9pJ


Ah, Blank Reg, we hardly knew ye. Little alphabety spaghetti.

Harry Moore

I still can't play the PC version on a high end VR capable PC cause I can't pick up the shit in my characters starter area. It's common with Nomads Among Us is just a ripoff of Space Station 13 and Mafia so that's a weird complaint that Fortnite is copying. Andromeda was a fucking awesome game a month after release... it was the best of the series.

Harry Moore

Fuck off, I am badass genetically badass. Strong af, tall af, intelligent af (all abbreviation to the contrary), I am genetically superior.... and also into men, so yeah maybe they should come get my swim swims...

Harry Moore

"All you can eat, my ass" should have been the name of this episode.


Would be great to get Gav in and hear his thoughts on Cyberpunk


Acquiescing to the will of the Chinese Republic? Uli Behringer comes to mind.


I've been literally waiting years to hear Gav talk about Cyberpunk 2077. I hope he comes on soon to talk about it <3

Benedict Holland

He likes to play games at the 20$ or less price point so we should hear his reactions in about 3 or 4 weeks.

Benedict Holland

Yahtzee asked a question that haunted me about mass effect. He asked if the people who loved me1 also loved me2 and me3. I shouldn't be surprised to hear that me1 was the least liked or even hated game but I absolutely loved it, wasn't very happy with 2 because it was a cover based shooter and the villain wasn't great, and was torn on 3. It wasn't great game play but the story was fantastic. I have wanted that remastered trillogy for the ps4 for 5 years now and I finally get it for the ps5.


hell yeah signed, Sony's refund policy has been dogshit for years, it's about they paid the piper for years of treating customers like cattle.


He's actually already playing it right now, as I saw a post of his on Twitter showing people what settings to use in the game to improve the aiming.


I enjoyed all three games personally, I missed some of the RPG stuff in the sequels but the boss battles were way less clunky and frustrating.

Benedict Holland

Oh absolutely but if me1 was your jam, favorite game, etc., did you also like 2 or 3? I loved them all but 1 was the best.


The thumbnail is W Morgan Sheppard from Max Headroom and I sad cuz he died last year. Mark Sheppard (his son, was on SPN and BSG among other things) was gracious enough to share a bit of his dad’s last days on IG (IIRC.) He was magnificent. Rest in peace, Blank Reg. 💜