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Cyberpunk 2077 is finally out, which means people are unhappy, because that's how videogames work.   

We know the routine with massively hyped "AAA" videogames by now. Before the game is even out, it accrues a mass of fans who've already decided to love it and will attack anyone who disagrees. Then the reviews come out, and all hell breaks loose.  

 Between a stagnant games media, permissive industry, and violently zealous fans, videogame discussion is well and truly broken. As broken as Cyberpunk 2077, which - after all the controversy and hassle - launched as a complete bug fest!


Videogame Discourse: More Broken Than Cyberpunk (The Jimquisition)

http://www.patreon.com/jimquisition http://www.twitch.tv/jimsterling Cyberpunk 2077 is finally out, which means people are unhappy, because that's how videogames work. We know the routine with massively hyped "AAA" videogames by now. Before the game is even out, it accrues a mass of fans who've already decided to love it and will attack anyone who disagrees. Then the reviews come out, and all hell breaks loose. Between a stagnant games media, permissive industry, and violently zealous fans, videogame discussion is well and truly broken. As broken as Cyberpunk 2077, which - after all the controversy and hassle - launched as a complete bug fest! #Cyberpunk2077 #CDPR #Reviews #Fandom #Harassment #Seizures #Controversy #SocialMedia #GameJournalism #JimSterling #Jimquisition #RPG #FPS #GTAV #TwilightPrincess #Zelda #Games #Gaming #Videogame #Controversy __ Twitter: https://twitter.com/jimsterling Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jimsterling0 Bandcamp of the Sax Dragon - https://carlcatron.bandcamp.com Nathan Hanover - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-8L7n7l11PJM6FFcI6Ju8A


Matthew Parmeter

Keep up the great work Jim. Let the haters hate. We all Thank God for You.


Keep fighting the good fight Jim, thank God for You


On the beat!


I remember feeling a bit weird about people taking video games too seriously when they were taking Wind Waker over the coals for having a quirky art style. I remember feeling even more weird when people were actively harassing BioWare employees about Mass Effect 3. I remember that “waiting in the trenches for the order to go over the top” feeling when people were going crazy for No Man’s Sky, and I’ve never been a games journalist. You’re right, Jim, people need to get some bloody perspective. Thank god for you!

Trevor Bond

Yeah, I'm shutting down any attempt at conversation about Cyberpunk 2077 beyond 'I liked it' or 'I don't like it'. I just don't need to hear about this from people who are taking a damn game WAY too seriously. People's heads are screwed on a little wrong about games lately, yeesh.


Funny thing this is the Mass Effect 3 writers hated the original ending just as much as fans did as they had ZERO input on it, Casey Hudson and Mac Walters both wrote the ending behind close doors with no outside influence whatsoever which explains why it comes right the hell out of nowhere and makes zero sense. There was definitely legit criticism to be had over the ending, though most of that falls on Casey's shoulders as he's the one who was blatantly lying in interviews promoting the game saying and I quote "the ending is not being to be like option A, B or C" and lo and behold that's EXACTLY what the games ending was like, thankfully the new ME game is finally going to fix that mess or so it seems.

Benedict Holland

The only thing missing is a roadmap. I am so tired of developers putting out garbage, demanding 70$ or 60$, working employees to breakdowns for 18 months when the game needs 36, and then saying that they are sorry. If a game like this needs 36 months to finish, you can't wait 4 years to start, work like mad for 18 months, and then pit out something good. It will never work.

Benedict Holland

The ME3 ending made Shepard into an epic hero in the epic story telling tradition. It makes perfect sense. The hero always dies to make way for the future and represents the dying off of a previous generation or idea. The mass effect series is an almost perfect story and I absolutely loved it. We are still talking about it. I got duped by no man's sky and 76. Those games were trash but super hyped.


16:25 in the video is great example of reason why people would hate reviewers for saying stuff like that ... because you present your subjective criticism as unshakeable fact that sounds almost like a demand to the developers. Meanwhile ignoring that your point of view comes from living in UK/US (slaver countries) where black people were relocated to not too many hundreds years ago.


Regarding this whole mess there seems to be one elephant in the room that nobody in games journalism seems to want to address as the main culprit behind this toxic behavior, and that's Metacritic itself. TotalBiscuit was calling out MC years ago and rightfully so as I truly believe the industry and gaming culture as a whole would be a lot better if Metacritic didn't exist period, it's done nothing at all worthwhile for the industry with it's "one size fits all" aggregate model that treats a 3 out of 5 as the same as a 7 out of 10 and has zero requirements for users posting reviews to prove whether or not they actually played the game(I'm shocked it took as long as it did for them to make people wait for several days after a game comes out for them to allow user reviews, should've happened way sooner) and with it's scoring system it flat out encourages the kind of fanboy tribalism that runs rampants amongst AAA games, not to absolve the truly shitty fanboys of all blame, but I do honestly and truly believe that Gamergate NEVER would've happened if Metacritic hadn't existed in the first place as that whole thing started because one person got upset over a positive preview of a game written by someone's significant other, to be clear that person was wildlly overreacting and getting upset over stupid reasons, but I don't think many other people would've cared about his whining if Metacritic hadn't spent years conditioning people to fight over every single review. Another problem with Metacritic is that they don't let reviewers replace reviews if they fuck up, one Gamestop reviewer gave Natural Selection 2 a 6 out of 10 and it was blatantly obvious that he'd barely played the game at all, a fact which he later admitted and corrected that by playing more of the game and actually enjoying it and giving the game a higher score, but when he tried to replace the old review on Metacritic, those morons refused to let him do so, so the game got stuck with an old outdated review on MC that isn't at all accurate and the games score suffered as a result and i'm sure it's far from the only example out there. Metacritic also has a negative influence on games development as we all know the story of Obsidian missing out on a bonus because Fallout New Vegas get one point below the target metascore, and i'm sure that's far from the only example. Not to mention some studios are so obsessed with getting 90s on MC that they deliberately frontload their games as much as possible so that critics will praise them, knowing most critics won't have time to push on far enough to notice any of the games problems, Simcity 2013 and several Total War games(Rome and Empire most notably) were accused of this, as it took many hours before those games issues really reared their ugly heads, by which point it was too late for those that bought them(and ensures they can't get refunds on Steam cause of that stupid two hour time limit). Like TotalBiscuit I personally do believe scores are a genuine problem as they just encourage people to ignore the text altogether and just focus on the number, and several times the score is at odds with the text, i've read plenty of reviews that came off as mostly negative yet the game still got a 7 out of 10 which just made no sense. I was personally happy when you stopped doing traditional reviews with scores myself, not that your reviews were badly written or anything, they were often entertaining, but I couldn't help but feel like you were sticking with scores more out of tradition then anything else as more then one of your reviews sounded more positive then the accompanying score would indicate and I wasn't surprised when you admitted that your desire to complete a game before reviewing it was lessening your enjoyment of games overall, you definitely seemed a lot happier doing first impressions reviews. There's a reason why outlets like Eurogamer and Polygon ditched review scores altogether and studies did show that comments were overall a lot more positive after those sites got rid of scoring(for one thing it put a stop to any and all "why did you give X a higher score then X?" discourse)I do hope this convinces Gamespot to ditch scores themselves. Quantic Dream is still pretty good though, sure you can do better but you can also do a hell of a lot worse too. Don't really agree on GTA V being misogynist but yeah the backlash over that review was ridiculous. Cyberpunk's character creator could've been better, but it's still definitely a step above what most games have done and I think CDPR would be willing to do a patch so that gender is no longer tied to voice as they've already toned down the strobe effects in braindances with a patch. You are right that fans tie their identities to video games too much, I also see this with MCU fans who are so determined to go to war against DCEU fans that they'll attack anyone that dares to express the slightest praise for Snyder's films, it's getting old.


It wasn't Sheperd dying that was the problem, it was the half-assed way in which it was executed that pissed people off, Angry Joe did an excellent video on why the ending was so terrible:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6M0Cf864P7E&list=ULGLT3ttQNH7o&index=1001


but even people in Poland agreed that the lack of black people in the game was out of laziness on CDPR's part.

Benedict Holland

I don't get your point about slavery or racism. Black people were not in the Witcher 3 and they could have been. They just were not. That seems fairly objective and fairly factual. Like, were they in the game at all or how about played a major role in plot development or a side quest?


oh okay, didn't know that, but people pointing that out about Kingdome Come Deliverance really irked me for example because people who don't know the region tell people who studied the historic sources that their game is wrong

Benedict Holland

Maybe that is true now but people were passed as hell that they died at all. It was a choice to follow your good, neutral, or evil path. Honestly, it made sense. I think a lot of people were pissed that their hero was never going to live after spending so long with their hero. I remember the story lovingly, even if 1 was fanatic, 2 was a cover based shooter, and 3 was largely forgettable except for the ending that was awesome.


Well it's not like the game takes place in a realistic setting, it's a fantasy setting so they totally could've had black folks in it.


KCD definitely does realistic setting Witcher 3 ... I guess they could, but there are other minorities around these parts that are large enough and get completely overlooked in favor of US people crying.


One of the most famous paintings in Australia is Blue Poles. When it was purchased in 1973, it caused huge scandal: the painting didn't align with what many Australians considered to be art, and there was outrage that the government spent $1.3 Million on it. Today almost everyone still alive who previously hated the purchase decision have changed their minds, especially now it's worth over $100 Million. Obviously Cyberpunk does not even measure up to the standard of Pollock's work, but I think we'll see a similar perspective change over time: 20 years in the future, people (even some of the people currently abusing others over the game) will look back on Cyberpunk for what it is: buggy, deeply problematic with regards to diversity, and not even close to the greatest game of all time.


You may be interesting in checking out Star Citizen in a month's time. Many people's frustration with that game has resulted in the developers sharing their roadmap, and it will soon be updated to show which *teams* are working on which tasks. You may find it useful to see how many people it takes to develop certain features and the time to do so. At least for me, I don't know of any other sources of this data. The next time a company claims their game will have feature X and will be released in Y years, I will look at the data and see if it is plausible.


The thing that truly baffles me about the cyberpunk "discourse" is that there are people out there saying that they've not encountered any bugs. I'm on pc and having a much better experience from the game performance wise than I expected (5700xt for once is not acting like a pos) but I'm encountering "minor" bugs constantly. In 30 minutes of gameplay I would quite happily bet money that I'd spot a bug that really ought to have been spotted by Q&A - we're talking really dumb stuff like hud elements getting stuck or NPC's smoking 2 cigarettes at once. More problematic though is there are obviously some really huge issues with ai pathing that I am not convinced they are likely to fix anytime soon. If you actually take some time to observe how the ai drives it is quite obvious it doesn't actually know how. I just took a trip where I was a passenger and my driver hit the rear of a van stopped at a light at 60mph. Cars regularly turn from the wrong lane. The traffic signals seem to have little to no impact on what the ai does. Cars regularly create traffic jams because they get stuck navigating. The criteria for vehicles turning their running lights on truly escapes me. The people claiming no bugs must be playing another game or lying (probably the second one) I just don't understand what possesses someone to act like this is fine - we've all paid for it why wouldn't you want them to fix all the broken stuff? (edited for paragraphs)


And I just want to say that you're literally my hero. So. Oh, also, all these bugs - because they're literally the most entertaining thing about the game - I keep seeing them independently discovered by people, the same bugs, over and over again, across all platforms. So these things must have been known issues and in the game and yet they shipped with the game. With its fucking massive day one patch on Xbox. And I got it with the full intention of returning it to EB Games anyway because why not finish it and then do that because fuck EB Games and fuck CDPR. And it's two discs, and the patch is 43gb. And it took three fucking hours to install on Xbox Series X. And it's still fucking shit. So shit that I might excuse some things, I might say "hmm" to others, but it's not just buggy. It's an ugly mess. It's got godawful writing and storytelling. It's got at best average acting. It's not even an actually good game - it's got janky combat, movement and everything is generally purposeless. And I just gave the fuck up and took it back the next day instead of in the 10 day return window I was abusing for my own personal gain because fuck that. Also you're still my hero. <3

Benedict Holland

It was a reference to how every failed massive game that was over hyped and under delivered have a roadmap to content. It never actually happens. It is never really real. It is just some promise that a bunch of very underpaid developers are forced to work on. This was avoidable. It was entirely preventable. If I form a company in 10 years, it will be based on this promise. If they needed 18 months, stop promising 2020 and start promising 2022 or hire a bunch of people. Fix the issues and demand a 40h work week. This garbage is what happens when management demands the impossible. A bug that takes 8 to 16 hours to fix gets 2h on a timeline. No one wants to hear that it takes 16h but it still does. This is what happens in software all of the time. Except in open source where someone actually cares. But here, they promised 18 months, it took 24, and they needed 36. In 12 months, it will be the best game on the ps5. It might be for 5 years. But darn it if they just couldn't do 36m worth of work in 24 months. So you get a car without breaks or wheels and has engine trouble. All of it can be fixed. It will take a long time. It might take a very long time depending on how rushed the code was. If they wrote tests that took 4 to 8 hours and they passed, an 8h bug now takes 4. If they were told to make an 8 hour problem disappear in 2 hours, your bug will take 16 to 24. It 8s the magic that makes everything run. I am intimately familiar with it.

Benedict Holland

I guarantee you that qa has a backlog of 10k bugs of which 1 to 5 percent were critical. They know the problems and they have a timelime to fix them. They just didn't. They have bugs but they overlook them. Hell, they have huge issues or a 4k computer. If I had 2 3090's and an i10 with 64gb of ram and a super fast ssd, I too could run this game at 4k with Ray tracing. But the 10 grand to shell out might not be worth it for 1 game.


Gamergate wasn’t really about Metacritic or games journalism. It certainly began with people who had issues with games journalism, but it was pretty quickly hijacked by antifeminists and the kind of right-wing folks who would eventually become the alt-right. The “source” of the whole movement was an angry dude who posted a revenge rant about his ex, who was a game dev who was now dating a game journalist. He lied and embellished quite a bit of that too, but the “ethics” people didn’t really care about that part. Is MC a terrible site with an outsized impact on the industry? Yes. But let’s not absolve the actual culprits behind gamergate by pinning everything on MC. Ditching review scores is a good step toward reducing its influence. It’d be great if sites went to a “Buy,” “Wait for Sale,” “Skip” model. That gives more room for nuance and gives people an actionable impression. It’d also give AAA companies less of an excuse to use metacritic scores as a means to withhold performance bonuses, which is horseshit. QD is mediocre at best, in my opinion, but it’s made worse by David Cage who is a prick and a half. Especially given his reaction to accusations of a hostile work environment. Minority friends don’t excuse terrible behavior: period. CDPR probably could have saved themselves a lot of trouble by just delaying the game again. The strobe issue was a boneheaded thing to let slip, since a product giving someone a seizure is something they can be sued over (EULA notwithstanding).


Not from what I read at the time, the vast majority of criticism I read about the ending wasn't about the fact that Sheperd died at all, but the piss poor way in which the ending was handled which essentially made it so that NONE of the dozens of choices you made over the past three games mattered at all, THAT was what pissed most fans, not the fact that Sheperd died and i'm tired of people stereotyping legit criticism of that game's ending as gamer entitlement when it's anything but.


Star Citizen is such a blatant money pit scam it's not even funny at this point. You want to know why Chris Roberts does not work with other publishers anymore? Because of his tendency to blow money and take way too long on projects for no good reason, Microsoft said as much, Roberts is basically the John K of video games(well minus the statutory rape)with his needless perfectionism.


it's not just the "US crying though", that's a bullshit stereotype, plenty of European folks had issues with it too.


Yeah this Legeden guy is sounding an awful lot like that stupidly bigoted developer of Kingdom Come Deliverance who made similar excuses for his game not having any non-white people in it.


I know it wasn't about that and i'm well aware of the source of GG nor do I at any point in my last post say I was "pinning everything on MC", I wasn't saying it was, what i'm saying is I don't think believe GG would've likely happened(or at least not gotten nearly as big) if Metacritic hadn't been pandering to those kinds of toxic assholes for years and encouraging that kind of mindless corporate asskissing, TotalBiscuit said as much and he was absolutely right. I'm not going to criticize CDPR over the strobe issue too much as there's no secret morse code of flashing lights that makes EVERYONE with epilepsy get a seizure-its totally different for everyone, so there's no way they could've predicted something like this would happen. Anyways they properly addressed this by toning down the effects in a patch and putting in a proper disclaimer so they didn't pretty much everything you could ask for to address this. I just don't want a repeat of all the stupid hysteria over Pokemon that we had in the 90s over that Porygon episode(those seizures apparently were caused more by Japanese families tendencies to have dark living rooms which forced their kids to sit close to the TV as opposed to the strobe effects in the show itself. I believe there was a strong encouragement for families to keep their living rooms lit to avoid future incidents like that)so i'm a bit reluctant to burn CDPR at the stake over that(though I certainly will do that to the shitheads harassing journalists with seizure videos though) I think QD are damn good and not "mediocre" in the least, i'm with TotalBiscuit on their games, I found them genuinely gripping and intriguing, I still remember getting the best ending for Detroit right on the same day that the democrats crushed it in the mid-terms in 2018, it was just exactly the game I needed back then(like how a lot of people needed Animal Crossing New Horizons this year). I don't think Cage is a total prick(at least not on the same level as say billionaire CEOs like Andrew Wilson or Bobby Kotich or as liars like Randy Pitchford and Dennis Dyack), just a bit tone deaf at times is all I specifically mentioned in my last post that my issues with Metacritic DON'T absolve the shitty fanboys of their behavior, all i'm saying is that kind of behavior does not simply happen in a vacuum or manifest itself completely out of the blue, it happens because websites like MC encourage that kind of tribalism. Rottentomatoes is almost as guilty, with some 2.5-4 reviews being labeled as "Fresh" yet other reviews with the same rating from different critics being labeled as "rotten" which makes zero sense, and it's user reviews are also pretty worthless, it took alt-right shitheads bombarding Captain Marvel to get them to finally prevent users from posting reviews until the day of the film's release when that should've been standard a long-ass time ago. I don't think CDPR can be sued over this as its totally random what combination of lights can cause seizures, after all Pokemon avoided being used over the Porygon episode and that was a way more high profile case. They just had to ban the episode(though that was a pretty big overreaction on their part IMO, they could've just removed the strobe effects as it's not like the technology to edit episodes didn't exist back then).


I disagree, I think once the game is patched more people will actually look on it MORE favorably and not less, after all we saw the same thing happen with Fallout New Vegas and No Man's Sky after their massive patches. Same for FFIVX a Realm Reborn.


I don't get upset over that because it's totally different for everyone, the buggiest I played so far was actually Alien Isolation on the 360(way more buggy for me then Colonial Marines was ironically) where I frequently had to restart checkpoints or reload the game due to glitches(like one of my weapons randomly stopping working or checkpoints not progressing) and in the second half I had textures constantly dissapearing like the entire fucking ceiling and many more objects flickering in and out of existence, it killed any suspense the game had up to that point. But I didn't begrudge others that said they didn't encounter any bugs, some people are just luckier then others. Like I heard about games like Alpha Protocol, Homefront Revolution and Call of Juarez the Cartel being buggy but I personally didn't encounter any bugs while playing them.


Strongly disagree, I think it has a damn good storyline and acting, Reeves is especially good here, I think the combat is really fun and the game has plenty of "purpose.


quite the contrary I love when there are minorities involved, but they have to make sense for the historical context when doing historical game you don't make documentaries by changing facts to suite your current agenda, if you do, then good by history and welcome propaganda


exactly that, lot of people see europe as one unit, but there are so many different nationalities, cultures and ethnicities


The thing with the bugs in Cyberpunk is that they're obviously baked in. We're not talking odd texture glitches, or idiosyncratic stuff related to hardware. This is stuff that is in the code and will always be broken until it is fixed. I happened to watch Yong Yea's review ahead of launch and encountered virtually all the bugs he showed. I also saw all of the ones in Jim's bug roll. I'm not "that" bothered by the bugs I have encountered as they are not game breaking. But the sheer volume is astounding and I can't believe there are people out there who are prepared to say they don't exist. I just can't fathom the thought process. I simply don't believe anyone who says "this game has no bugs" they're either playing with their eyes closed or insane.

Benedict Holland

They are not game breaking until they are. There were quests in Witcher 3 that were broken and you couldn't finish. It took a long time for those bugs to get worked out. Again, critical is basically a game crash or a progress blocker. They are typically rare but from what I have seen, they still exist. If those bugs still exist, expect tons of lesser bugs to still be there. QA couldn't block the release. That happens all the time too.

Benedict Holland

I call bullshit. None of these games are historical. There wasn't a guy who climbed all over Florence, worked with Leonardo, and assassinated people. There wasn't a man with two swords slaying monsters in Prague. It's a video game. Video games can have diversity. The Witcher could have trans people, gay people, straight people, people of all shapes, colors, and sizes. So why doesn't it? Mass effect did. Dragon age did. Historical context my ass. If this was based on Europe, there were lots of Black and Islamic merchants and traders. If the islands were based on Scandinavian countries, they too had non-white people. So again, what is your point?


My point is Jim had used a point he has already ranted and makes fun of people who think otherwise in a paragraph where he rants on people who insult others because they rant on people who think otherwise it's okay to not agree, but let's be civil ... I thought that was part of the message of the video and it got broken while talking about it

Perpetual Noob

Absolutely brilliant! On the level of your politics of Dark Souls video. Very very well done. 😃


Excellent point, I think you're right. In the same way that Hello Games' reputation was tarnished but they repaired it, I assume CPR will want to do the same. I guess I was assuming that they won't spend much more time on it, but this of course does not have to be the case.

Daddy Ric

I bet Ubisoft are pleased that Cyberpunk has taken the PS4 bug heat that should also be going their way!


ah here it is: https://gamerant.com/bioware-mass-effect-3-ending/ Also just because i'm annoyed at how the game's ending turned out does NOT automatically mean I "have a grudge" against it, that's just a really fucking stupid claim to make. Did I claim the game murdered anyone? NOOOOOOOOOO No those people were not "entitled" you fucking jackass, their demands were quite reasonable considering the fact that Casey Hudson spent months lying about the ending. You're the entitled one moron, "retake Mass Effect" was a nice group of people, and they actually did some genuine good, like the time they made cupcakes that ended up donated to a homeless shelter:https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidthier/2012/03/27/mass-effect-3-protesters-sending-cupcakes-to-bioware/ It wasn't about fans thinking they were "owed" something, it was about expecting the ending that Casey Hudson had been fucking PROMISING fans in interviews for months leading up to the games release. You can't just shove your hand into a hornets nest and then get mad at the hornets for stinging you. It's a matter of fact, NONE of the choices you made over the 3 games matter at all in the ending, you only got three binary choices, the directors cut ending improves things a bit, but there's a still a ton of stuff that's forgotten about. I'm hoping the new game rectifies this. Are you implying that if something happened a long time ago we shouldn't care about it at all anymore? Do you take that same logic with say people that had experience with racism 9 years ago? "oh it happened a long time ago stop holding a grudge!" Somehow I don't see that ending well for you LOL.


well I think your nuts, almost ANY combination of lights can cause a seizure, nobody can possibly predict how everyone will react to your game. Nah he's fine, also Page seemed more upset at Sony then Cage, as they were the ones he was trying to sue over that. I don't see how claiming to work with Page was a bad thing, honestly I think some of the people hating on Cage are bigger assholes then he is. I disagree, I think RT and MC are part of the "root cause", and no i'm not "shifting the entirety of the blame" at all, just saying they have a lot to answer for, TotalBiscuit said as much and he knew way more then you.


Watch Dogs Legion mostly runs pretty well now, I played it on the base Xbox One for several hours(just finished it last night) and I think it only crashed on me like once, occasionally NPCs would get stuck in walls but aside from that, the game ran really smoothly.


Except most of us weren't asking for a totally new ending, just SOMETHING that addressed the dozens of choices we made over the past three games, as in ya know the very thing Casey Hudson PROMISED the ending would have? I fail to see what's so unreasonable about expecting the game to be like what the person in charge of the game PROMISED it would be like that, there's nothing "entitled" about that, it's about not fucking over your customers. You're the only "Straw-manning" and 'ad-hominiming" here troll with you stupidly painting EVERY single person with a legitimate gripe against the ending with the same "OMG ur so entitled!" brush and it's getting real fucking old. Um when the fuck did I say ANYTHING at all about "Systemic racism" jackass? The answer is never, I never once compared this game's ending to that, so I don't know why the fuck you randomly brought that up out of nowhere, it makes zero fucking sense and does not make you look clever or smart, it's just makes you come off as a disingenuous hack. No it was not "baked into the game" at all, clearly you weren't paying attention, it didn't fit in with the rest of the game one bit. Yeah there were some assholes attacking Bioware devs, but that's true of literally EVERY single movement on the planet and it's not unique to ME fans at all, i've personally seen WAY more toxic behavior from the Steven Universe fandom(Who outright bullied someone so severely over fucking fan-art that they tried to commit suicide, compared to that the retake-ME3 stuff is small potatoes). It's not about fans "not knowing how a product is made", it's about the games director fucking lying his ass off and promising fans their choices would matter in several interviews leading up to the games release, if Casey hand't lied so thoroughly and scammed so many people, there wouldn't be nearly as big of a backlash as there was. If he weren't promised the moon for the ending, we wouldn't have expected the moon, it wasn't even the ending itself so much that pissed most of us off(though it sure as fuck didn't help) it was the fact that were fucking LIED to about it and ripped off, that's what people like me and Angry Joe were most upset about and rightfully so. I hope Bioware has learned their lessons from all this, hopefully now that Casey Hudson is gone ME can set things right. Far Cry 5's ending was kinda eh, but because it wasn't the last game in a trilogy and it starred entirely new characters(Except for one recurring character) nobody had super-high expectations for it's story so there wasn't nearly as big of a backlash over the ending as with ME3, so not a very good comparison.


easier said then done, most investors simply will not allow you to do that, they are the main reason 2077 came out in the state it did, CDPR likely wasn't comfortable releasing it as is but investors refused to allow any more delays.


No but they distributed the game and they were the ones Page was trying to sue, so there. I don't think it's scummy, I think it's reasonable. No they didn't make up fiction, but they did lay the groundwork that made people think it was acceptable to do that sort of thing, and no it's not "disingenuous" to want to not ignore the root causes.