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Ever since I first started criticizing the business practices of mainstream videogame publishers, people have been quick to remind me that it doesn't matter what I think, people will buy games anyway.   

The facts are the facts, and I can't dispute the truth that publishers enjoy success regardless of how they treat their staff and their audience. They will continue to make money, even as the industry faces scandal after scandal, and publicly sneers at all accountability.   

I'm told that all this is proof that the publishers are right. They set out to make money, they made money, and that justifies all the exploitation and abuse. But they're wrong. Money isn't a validation. It's only a motive.


"They'll Buy It Anyway" Doesn't Excuse The Corporate Racket (The Jimquisition)

http://www.patreon.com/jimquisition http://www.twitch.tv/jimsterling Ever since I first started criticizing the business practices of mainstream videogame publishers, people have been quick to remind me that it doesn't matter what I think, people will buy games anyway. The facts are the facts, and I can't dispute the truth that publishers enjoy success regardless of how they treat their staff and their audience. They will continue to make money, even as the industry faces scandal after scandal, and publicly sneers at all accountability. I'm told that all this is proof that the publishers are right. They set out to make money, they made money, and that justifies all the exploitation and abuse. But they're wrong. Money isn't a validation. It's only a motive. #Money #Videogames #Activision #Ubisoft #Capitalism #Games #Gaming #JimSterling #Jimquisition #Greed #XboxSeriesX #PS5 #NextGen __ Twitter: https://twitter.com/jimsterling Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jimsterling0 Bandcamp of the Sax Dragon - https://carlcatron.bandcamp.com Nathan Hanover - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-8L7n7l11PJM6FFcI6Ju8A



Not going to lie...I had to look up whether or not someone had sex with a pumpkin in Point State Park...


Awesome video and deep respect for the end. Calling out the one true downside of being principled against an entertainment industry, and sticking it out anyway. Speaking personally I've always been more game collector than gamer, so I have a backlog a mile wide of content from nearly every generation of games to catch up with. From beloved gems I've mastered, to good games I've never finished, to allegedly good games I've haven't gotten around to a first look. I've always chafed more that the advent of online gaming because the experience is richest within a limited bubble and may not be possible outside of it. And it's only gotten worse as we only have so long until "consoles" begin transitioning into "streaming services". You know that's going to happen, they just need to figure out a way to make you still pay for things a much as we do now. Considering beyond my own perspective, (apparently a rare skill), I know there are people on the opposite side of my coin, who for whatever reason, don't hold on to consoles and maintain a small revolving library. They have no fear of the march of time abandoning dedicated hardware or standalone games, but are especially vulnerable of refusing to engage with a company's latest wares. Only a couple of games truly rule the collective consciousness at any one time, and they want to be a part of that.


I'd like to see more reporting on the Jimquisition again. Its not like it isnt there still with some videos, but I didnt feel it on this video. I agreed with most if not all of the points, but not because the video made a good argument on them, it was because I already did before watching the video.


It's too bad you aren't doing Ubisoft games as I was looking forward to you and Laura discussing the portrayal of London in Legion, I was awed by that one level where you control a spiderbot inside the Westminster clock and I feel like some of the more subtle nuances in that game will be lost on a yank like me, but I understand why you don't want to play those games anymore. I'm going to play 2077 as I think it looks badass and i'm personally not seeing much in the way of transphobia in regards to that game(I remember one guy on their PR team got fired for making ignorant comments), plus i've seen actual trans people on social media arguing that supporting Cyberpunk isn't on nearly the same level as supporting Rowling(I enjoyed reading the HP books back when they originally came out and liked the movies well enough, but i've not read them since then and I despised the Fantastic Beast films so i'm definitely not going to be wasting my time on any of those, and even though JKR won't be involved in the game, the fact that it's ANOTHER damn prequel like the FB films instantly made me lose interest in it, so I can't exactly call that a boycott since i'm not avoiding her work for any moral reasons) so that's reason enough for me to justify still checking it out:https://twitter.com/Nymphomachy/status/1335374662671470592 I won't swear off being friends with someone just for supporting fictional media made by companies or people that did bad things(let's face it, no company is ever truly innocent)that i'm not a fan of myself, I won't do that unless the person takes it a step further and starts preaching actual hateful bigotry. I don't believe that publishers actually believe their games aren't political, i think that's just a thing they feel they HAVE to say because certain asshats will throw a hissy-fit at the faintest whiff of politics in a game(remember all the morons whining about how Far Cry 5 was "racist against whites"?) having played a decent amount of Legion I can tell you that game definitely gets extremely political, almost as much as the 2nd game, covering everything from immigrants being demonized and blamed for crimes they did not commit and being deported as a result, organized crime being enabled by those in power, the police force getting privatized and ensuring that money and not justice is the main motivation for arresting people, the news media chasing ratings instead of the truth, etc.

Ben L.

If there's a game that I think is important that I experience myself, but I don't like the unethical practices of the creators or publishers (like The Last of Us 2), then I'll buy it used. But not from Gamestop, for the same reason.

Oberon's Paradox

As always, our beloved Sterdust is spitting facts so straight they turned gay ;D

Ben L.

Fair enough, Walmart is pretty fucking evil.

Trevor Bond

This is pretty much why I stopped buying games and consoles. I occasionally buy an indie game for the computer I have, but if it's more than ten bucks forget it.


Sterling himself has made them better in the past and more importantly, backed them up. I can recommend watching, or re watching his Jimquisition "Anger" from 2018, I think its very good, and very on point, and relevant, on things that have been happening in and around the game industry recently.


Hello, Jim. I respect your decision, you are setting yourself as a good example not buying from these developers. But I think if you haven’t played a lot of games, criticizing their practices , I may not be aware of this disgusting industry. You are the one to play and open our eyes and we are the ones to show the industry what we accept or not.


I shouldn't have laughed as hard as I did at "I will just play Call of Duty: Cold War!"... On the subject of things gamers say that are better thought of as motives than defenses, I've run into an alarming number of supposedly "woke" gamers who have been using "There's no ethical consumption under capitalism" as an excuse for why it's okay to buy Cyberpunk. I'm hoping this is just a case of me needing to find better people to talk about videogames with.


Kotaku recently put out a review of 2077. It seems like a good well rounded review, and they actually bothered to provide their perspective on its diversity. But from them and many other outlets it is coming across that the game is far from being finished yet. issues of morality re diversity and workers rights aside, I won't buy any product built by a big company if they can't be bothered to manage themselves well enough to actually finish it.


If we all bought more games on disk, we could but used copies of cyberpunk in a month. I am part of the digital convenience problem. And yeah, while there is no ethical consumption under capitalism, there is some that is less ethical than others. We have to admit that most of our clothing is made mostly because global south workers are being exploited. The answer to that is, dear gamers, is not to turn around and accept entertainment that comes at the hands of abused programmers with a shrug.

Jason Youngberg

Can someone explain the transphobia in CP2077? I'm probably not going to get it. I'm not sure it's my style of game (I prefer turn based and city management games). I'd search YouTube, but worried all I'll find are a bunch of people saying the LGBTQ+ community are being overly sensitive. I hope you'll talk about it on JimQuisition.

Shapie Starberrie

PumpkinFucker that's what our industry is filled with.


When some guy unzips in the men's room and everyone smells not Old Spice but pumpkin spice. |B [


An ad leaked that showed a female “cyber punk” with an erection tucked into her waistband. There are some parts of the internet that think any mercurial content remotely related to lgbt+ is offensive and then they speak for trans people like me... who couldn’t be arsed what video game developers do. Frankly I think it feels like pandering, I would hardly call it offensive, and people who are offended by video game ads need to get laid in my humble opinion. I’m a progressive person they can get laid with whomever they wish, and I promise I won’t ask rude questions about their gender....because I sincerely don’t care.


Man the Wii U is looking better and better everyday.