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Come for the sarcasm, stay for the particularly spicy speech at the end. Either way, it's time to consume our favorite videogame products!  

The past few months have been rough both in and out of gaming, and I've come to understand that my weekly dose of pessimism is Literally The Actual Problem. The time has come to compartmentalize, make excuses, and ignore the game industry's rot.   

It's not like we want to think about Ubisoft's abuse when it has a bevy of hot new products to sell us! Ubisoft doesn't want us to think of it either.  


Shut Up, Stop Thinking, And Play Games Guilt-Free! (The Jimquisition)

http://www.patreon.com/jimquisition http://www.thejimquisition.com https://www.thejimporium.com Come for the sarcasm, stay for the particularly spicy speech at the end. Either way, it's time to consume our favorite videogame products! The past few months have been rough both in and out of gaming, and I've come to understand that my weekly dose of pessimism is Literally The Actual Problem. The time has come to compartmentalize, make excuses, and ignore the game industry's rot. It's not like we want to think about Ubisoft's abuse when it has a bevy of hot new products to sell us! Ubisoft doesn't want us to think of it either. #Ubisoft #UbiForward #NaughtyDog #Sony #XboxOne #PS4 #PC #Switch #Microsoft #Nintendo #Microtransactions #Allegations #Capitalism #Politics #CAAApitalism #Money #Propaganda #Sarcasm #Journalism #Media #Games #Gaming #Videogame #JimSterling #Jimquisition #Positivity #Criticism #AssassinsCreed #AssassinsCreedValhalla __ Twitter: https://twitter.com/jimsterling Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jimsterling0 Bandcamp of the Sax Dragon - https://carlcatron.bandcamp.com Nathan Hanover - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-8L7n7l11PJM6FFcI6Ju8A



Man the stock videos made this sooo creepy... Fitting, really.


Thanks for this video, Jim. Please keep being you, because you're rad. And please take care of yourself. (And Vienna sausages ARE dog food for people, yes.)


Nobody's forcing you to eat food. I mean, you can just sort of... starve to death. fReEdOm!!!


Amazing episode.


You may joke but I honestly was surprised Ubisoft did as much as they did and there's apparently more firings to come(at least 20 people there are being investigated and they don't ask for investigations unless they are damn sure that person is going to be fired) BTW Last of Us 2's message was not "violence is bad", it was more about forgiveness: https://twitter.com/BootlegGirl/status/1282680693659709440 I do agree that it is reductive for people to whine about politics in games, getting real sick of that. I won't forget what Ubisoft did even if I am still looking forward to their games.

Warren Rumak

One of the very best Jimquisitions to date.


Keep up the good work Jim - only person I listen to for what is going on behind the scenes in gaming. Quality work as ever and proud to support you on Patreon


I’m looking forward to how people are going to say politics aren’t in Far Cry 6, even though it appears to *literally* be about overthrowing a dictator...


I feel like when Ubisoft and other publisher say things like that, it's an attempt to avoid employees getting death threats because the mere hint of politics in ANY fictional form of media will send a bunch of crazy alt-right shitheads swarming anyone they can find related to the game on social media.

Pete Spicer

You seemed to be having fun by the end of the video, I approve of this.


The thing that I am most terrified of in this world is anger. Not necessarily at me, or about something in particular, but anger in general. Whenever I see someone angry - even if they're angry on my behalf - I will, at minimum, experience a low-grade panic in response to the anger. As you might imagine, this makes learning about (understandably) emotionally charged issues like abuse in the workplace and systemic efforts to cover up sexual assault incredibly difficult for me. And yet despite all of my issues with, and fear of, anger, I'm able to watch your videos about abuses in the game industry without any problems, and instead think about what, if anything, I can do to fight back against the industry's abuses (which realistically is just me refusing to by AAehhhfuckit videogames, but hey, maybe I'll be able to do something useful someday). I don't know what it is about how you present and discuss all of the industry's systemic problems, but you've given me a way to actually learn about serious issues that I normally have trouble learning about, and for that, I'm thankful. Thank God for you, Jim.

Twit In A Hat

Not even three minutes in and my sarcasm metre broke. I'm sending you my repair bill, Jim! :P

Twit In A Hat

Being serious now, could you please consider adding links to the articles mentioned in the video to the video description? Some of those headlines mentioned things I haven't heard before, like gun sponsorships.


I remember quotes I heard in my university years. I don't remember who said. Probably one of the professors. "Positive-thinking is about accepting grim reality and finding possible solutions to make it better. It's not about saying everything is fine. That's not positive-thinking. That's a delusion." I think more people need to be reminded of this in these days.

Benedict Holland

This reminded me. I still haven't picked up a Pitchford game since he had underage porn on a work computer and shared videos of animal abuse and cruelty. Jim, you were the only one talking about it. Cheers to you. Also, I started a new campaign of bg2 using the bgt mod (bg1, bg2, and tob). It holds up really well, no microtransactions, and it runs on a pi4. So that is about 400 hours of content.


This is one of my favourite episodes. Keep up the good work. I'm glad I support you.

Lea Chinelo

Great video, Jim. Might be of your best. Especially those last few minutes. Thinking about video games always makes me sad. To me, the industry is like a live demonstration of what happens when art gets overcommercialized. People passionate about creating and the art itself get taken advantage of to sqeeze as much profit out of them as possible while the corporations raking in the money do their best to trivialize the product (that is only art when it saves them from having to do something they don't want) so that consumers aren't even motivated to think about it. And then they shove out the next big release because we wouldn't want people to a) realize that you don't need a brand new toy every month and b) spend so much time with their toys that they start being interested in more than its surface value. I want to support the artists, but I'm not giving money to their abusers in the hopes that they might get a few bread crumbs. I liked your *Birth of a Nation* example. I'll use that the next time someone refuses to talk about a games context, even when asked about it. Half of the discussion about pieces of art is their context. You can't just "Death of the Author" reality.


"Politicians have failed to protect us" Oh, yikes. Political Dictates are neither Care nor Safety, and those who delegate those personal responsibilities to political private interests will end up with less of both, and at their own expense.

Crissa Kentavr

That's pretty foolish. Only through the government, can We the People enforce labor regulations and interdict scams and predatory practices.


Actually Pitchford did not have underage porn on his computer, that accusation turned out to be false(something Jim did address in later videos on the matter). He's still a piece of shit though, he's just not a pedo.


Speaking of Birth of a Nation, that film was nowhere near as revolutionary in terms of filmmaking as many white film scholars made it out to be as all of it's techniques had been used in other films before that one. After seeing Rockstar devs beg people on Twitter not to boycott RDR2, I just cannot in good conscious boycott any companies as I feel like that would be making their unfortunate situation all about myself, that's the issue i've always had with boycotts-they feel more like they are done for alleviating the guilt of the consumer as opposed to because they actually help anyone. Fact is those abusers are going to get paid whether a game sells well or not, so your boycott makes literally no tangible difference. I won't judge people if they want to boycott, but I won't allow myself to be guilt-tripped over me choosing not to boycott either.


Jim, Don't know if you read the comments, but I don't like the new format with the clips of actors. It is distracting and I find myself not listening to your point anymore because I start getting obsessed over the creepiness of these people. Please go back to stills! I couldn't even finish this video. Gone are the warm fuzzies of looking at images and retro cartoons, replaced by the uneasiness of creepy actors. (Oh yes, also please use a different sensor sound on your podcasts. The beep is ear assaulting.)