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Final Fantasy VII Remake is perhaps the most anticipated videogame of all time, and a well-received demo made it appear as if it would be everything fans wanted. 

It isn't. 

Final Fantasy VII Remake is something new. It's something different. It's bold, and clever, and overwhelmingly arrogant. It's contentious, controversial, conceited, and some people may view it as simply a... con. 

But if it ain't a subversive masterpiece nonetheless, I don't know what is. 


Final Fantasy VII Remake - A Work Of Subversive Genius (Jimpressions)

http://www.patreon.com/jimquisition http://www.thejimquisition.com https://www.thejimporium.com Final Fantasy VII Remake is perhaps the most anticipated videogame of all time, and a well-received demo made it appear as if it would be everything fans wanted. It isn't. Final Fantasy VII Remake is something new. It's something different. It's bold, and clever, and overwhelmingly arrogant. It's contentious, controversial, conceited, and some people may view it as simply a... con. But if it ain't a subversive masterpiece nonetheless, I don't know what is. #FinalFantasyVIIRemake #FinalFantasyVII #FFVII #FFVIIRemake #FinalFantasy #SquareEnix #Remake #Reboot #PS4 #PlayStation4 #RPG #JRPG #Controversial #Review #JimSterling #Jimpressions __ Twitter: https://twitter.com/jimsterling Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jimsterling0 Jim’s Big Ego (No Relation): http://bigego.com/ Bandcamp of the Sax Dragon - https://carlcatron.bandcamp.com Nathan Hanover - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-8L7n7l11PJM6FFcI6Ju8A



Aaw man. It just makes me happy when Jim has such a wonderful time. ❤️

Matt Ahn

I'm just upset that for now it's a PS4 exclusive. Just like with most other games and game content it seems. Can't wait until 2021...


Gotta be honest I adored my experience with it to Jim, I went in not expecting to much as the dreamake final fantasy 7 Ive been thinking of for the last 10 years was never going to happen. But I enjoyed it far allot and didnt expect it to be as good as it was. There was some minor issues, the ending is strange and all but yes. So far the FF7 remake series has started off very well :)! Im glad you enjoyed it.


My only question is am I gonna hafta pay 180 dollars for the full remake?

Lea Chinelo

I had absolutely no interest in this game until I head about the controversy about the changes. Now I almost want to play the entire Final Fantasy catalogue to be able to really get invested into this new narrative. Unfortunately I don't have access to any of the games and don't enjoy JRPGs all that much, but I've never lamented those two things as much as I do now. I hope something I love will be remade like this at some point. *Edit:* I forgot to mention that that Honey Bee scene is the best thing. Just in general.

Hansbert Emmer

There's always Let's Plays, and tons of them, as the franchise is hugely popular. :) I personally love JPRGs to bits, but I've had similar issues with other games and genres, so I've done quite a bit vicarious LP watching in my time. Sometimes even for games I like, because I can't be arsed playing them again, but watching it in the backgorund while doing other stuff? Hell yeah.


That’s definitely one of the best videos you’ve done Jim. Great analysis. If this is the result, we need to keep you in lockdown permanently 😀


Honestly I'm really glad they are putting a new spin on it. Not knowing what is coming up next story wise is nice. Although I saw what was going to happen with those ghosts the 2nd time I saw them when they put you on the mako 5 team. They are also very kingdom Heartsie.

Hansbert Emmer

So the game is a re-imagining? Honestly, the only thing that worries me is that Nomura is in charge. The man doesn't have the best track record when it comes to keeping things on track and you've already mentoined some KH bullshit creeping in. Here's hoping the rest of the team, especially the writers, can reign him in.

Trevor Bond

Eh. It's pretty, it's new, it's fast paced... and frankly, it's not Final Fantasy to me, much less Final Fantasy Seven. Glad you like it, glad others do, but I just find it well.... it's just a game with about as much impact on me as a feather. I couldn't get into it.