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What is up, my lovely dingalings?

You know the routine by now, or you don’t, in which case it’s very simple! I do a podcast where I answer questions. Specifically questions from my delightful patrons. So use this post’s comments to ask away!

I’ll have the answers in the next Asking Sterling podcasts!


Joseph La Russa

Hi Jim! Will you please archive your Twitch streams on YouTube? I want to watch, but I don't always have a chance when you go live. Additionally, is there any chance you would continue Skyrim by Committee or create a similar show for a different open world RPG like that? Thanks!


Is Craig the intern related to Rory Fingers? He is credited as Craig Fingers in JimQ. Edit: Craig's such a dick.


Have you read Cosmic Ghost Rider? It's a fantastic comic.


Is there still a chance of a UK live thing? If so, can you bring merch and fuck off London for Manchester?


What's one of your earlier videos that you feel deserves a revisit?


Sorry if this has been asked before, but what is your favorite song from Undertale (original and/or fan-made)?


Hello Jim how are you? Any chance of you doing a wrestle in the uk sometime? I’ve been trying to get a certain Mr. Louie Falls out to a show but no such luck yet.


Simple question this time: Mettaton, Mettaton NEO or Mettaton EX?


Jim, off the top of your head, what's a B- or C-tier cartoon from the 90s or 00s that you absolutely loved? For me, I adored Xiaolin Showdown on Kids WB back in the day.


How do you feel about about poor or harmful queer representation in games, and what would you say to devs about how to improve?


Dunno if you saw it, but I posted a public apology a month ago for bothering you on the Subreddit. I'm sorry to hear that you're so busy all the time and I hope we can work together sometime in the future. On a lighter note, which jimquisition episode are you the most proud of producing?


It's well known that the phrase "I'm Jim Fucking Sterling Son" was coined by digital homicide while try to insult you. Are there any other time when someone tried to mock or insult you, but you instead found it funny?


I just picked up a Switch. What games would you recommend?


Hey Jim, wondering why Mississippi? What led you to live there versus some other place in America? Since you are down here in the southeast, do you think the con circuit is something you'd like to do if various comic/game/media cons invited you as a guest?


With your upcoming move to the east coast, can we expect to see our good pal Conrad placed into a Mystery Science Theater scenario where he has to watch video game spin off films in perpetuity (perhaps with a return from Jimsaw ;3c)?? Love the podcast btw, a highlight of my month :>


In regards to positive vs negative videos performing differently, do you think a positive video could do well if it were presented with the wrapping of a negative one (snarky video title, sassy thumbnail, etc)? And more importantly, of the two flavors of Club I can get in the US, Orange and Mint, which is best?


Who was your favorite Octopath Traveler?


You seem like you're full of ideas. Have you thought of any wrestling gimmicks that don't suit you or you can't use but liked the idea?


Jim, who's the sexiest video game character of all time? I'm 100% sure it's Tooty from Banjo-Kazooie, by the way.


What are your thoughts on Mother 3 as a game? If you have not played it, may I ask what your thoughts are on the whole western release circus that has occurred over the years? I have been watching you for years now and I am so glad to finally financially support your work.


Who are your standout new Pokemon from Sword & Shield? Dragapult was love at first sight for me since ghost and dragon are my two favorite types. I also liked Runerigus mainly because his evolution method was so damn weird (take 50+ damage, survive, and then walk under a particular stone arch in the wild area without healing).


You seem fair at separating the quality of a game from your enjoyment of a game. What is, in your opinion, the best game that you like the least?


Hey Jim, hope you're doing well! When the day comes that you eventually retire, how do you want your career to be remembered?

Book Of Jobe

What’s your lest favourite puppet master/full moon film?


Hardest thing? It can be literally anything just what is the hardest (just take this question anyway you want, that can be sexual, in terms of what is the hardest content based thing or anything at all)

Thomas Halpin

A guy like me can't help but wonder, how do you react to the realization that the work you choose to do makes my life and the lives other other people genuinely, materially better? Second part of the question, do you believe there's any truth to the rumor that Todd Howard and Randy Pitchford go to a private sex club to smell each others farts out of jars in a sexual way, until they orgasm from smelling farts?


Hi Jim!! Love the content coming out lately, lost my shit at your Bethesda segment w/pokemon music!! You said in your Medievil video, you wished they changed the game play instead of it being an honest remake. Do you think any other games in the ps library should get that remake treatment too? Personally, I’d like a Jax & Daxter remake similar to God of War’s remake did to that franchise.


Are you hyped for the sequel (Evil Genius 2) to the world’s best video game (Evil Genius)?


Hey, Jim! I'm sorry if you've mentioned the game Yuppie Psycho before and I just missed it, but I'd love to hear your thoughts if you've played it. (Thank God for you!)


Hey Jim, Baby Yoda due on your lectern right?


Hello, Jim. What are your predictions for the next decade as far as video games are concerned? (Both big corporate and things outside of it.)


<b>Scenario:</b><br>Your <strike>indentured servant</strike>, I mean your intern Craig Fingers, or whatever his last name is, has reached a point in his career where his sheer incompetence and utter unlikeablility as a human being can sabotage an institution of any kind and size (person, company, government, establishment, empire, or whatever) to oblivion. To save your company from devastation, you devise a scheme to destroy an institution of your choice by selling them Craig for his <i>"superior work ethic and reliability"</i> only for you to watch from afar an escalating shitshow that far surpasses the likes of Fallout 76 and Mortal Kombat: Annihilation. <u>What institution would you dupe into buying Craig from you in order to witness their destruction?</u>


Hey Jim, ever since fistshark ended there's a gaping hole in my soul that needs to be filled with wolves. You mentioned you'd continue the something similar in a different kind of way, am I right to assume that 'Boston's favorite son' is this continuation or is there another project you're thinking about doing if time and energy are available?

Alicejack Airheart

Have you ever played/ watched/ read/ heard of any of the .hack games? They remastered them a few months ago and I was surprised no one said anything about them (.hack//GU Last Recode)


What are games that most of the critics loved that you personally hated? Personally I didn't get on with Rocket League at all, to quote TotalBiscuit "it's just soccer with cars" and seeing all the horrendous business models that game has adopted over the years, i'm honestly glad I never got into it.

Ben L.

Have you seen the 2007 live action Yakuza movie, and would you consider doing a Spinoff Movieboy Doctors episode on it?

Mike Craft

I was excited to see Conrad's audiobook was being distributed by itch.io - I didn't know you could do that! What sort of content do you think would benefit from going to itch.io as opposed to more mainstream options?


What is your favourite notable egg in videogames


Hello Jim. Are you going to continue to collaborate with cultaholic? Are there any plans going forward? Hearing your colourful opinions always brightens my day. Seeing you appear on cultaholic more regularly would be awesome. I can understand if you are too busy. X


Jim, do you remember a cartoon called Animal Olympic's? It was on the telly all the time in the 80s? I think it's the people from the Simpson wot done it. Just wondering....


Hello Jim, I hope you're doing great. I usually think about a million questions while listening to the podcast, but when you ask for them I always forget everything... Anyway, if I can get away with two quick questions slightly related: would you consider uploading this podcast on the Spotify and/or Acast Jimquisition page? I usually listen to my podcasts on my phone and downloading files makes it hard to listen a little bit on each time I commute. And secondly, would you, Laura and Conrad ever consider bringing back the fan questions on Podquisition? (oh and while I'm talking about Podquisition and Spotify, just a heads-up that the Jimquisition description on Spotify still says it stars Jim Sterling, Laura Kate and Gavin Dunne. Cheers!

Shapie Starberrie

Hello Jim good morning, afternoon, and/or evening to you. I have one question for you, because I see you/notice you have slowly less interest in playing steam games anymore. Does this mean that is going to be no more steam shit ambassador awards?


So I have pretty bad depression, and in my worst moments I cling to certain things to help me get out of the darker holes. Watch movies like The Burbs or series like scrubs. Reread Mick Foleys books, etc. One of the more recent things was playing Overwatch. However with Blizzard and it’s actions I’m rather conflicted. Now my question to you is, you’ve been open with your issues etc and do you have media you visit when at your worst and how do you think you would feel if those behind the media turned out to be scum? Love your stuff Jim. And Spin Off Doctors happens to be one of my comfort things I listen to when really bad.

Daniel Schiffer

Gday from down under Jim! I was wondering if youve ever been in touch with Colin Moriarty in the last few years? Is a future crossover possible in podcast or similar? I think you being cut from opposite ends of the same cloth leads to some interesting conversations.


Hey, Jim! I wondered if you still play bad Steam games in your free time. Sometimes I see footage for games on your videos, and I wondered if that was old footage or new footage you got in your private time. I miss those unpredictable adventures you used to take us on.


I actually had a different question here, but on Christmas Eve I remembered that something existed: Is Google Stadia already done?


What old game would you be most happy to see pop up un-announced on GOG? (Or, y'know, Steam, Epic, whatever. Not looking for platform debate. Just... Something that's been out of circulation that you have fond memories of and would love a chance to replay?)


Hey Jim, hope you having a good one. Have you ever watched a show named Letterkenny? You and Conrad say “to be fair” like the do on the show. If you have seen it what do you think of it, and if not, I recommend it if you need a good laugh. Keep up the great work.


Yoooooo JIM! Hope you are good my dude. No question for you, just wanna say you are doing awesome work. I look forward to my favorite rant every Monday. Big love man, keep it up!

Sebastian Mies

Thank God, for you. As someone who recently jumped on the dwarf fortress train, I would like to know if you have tried it.


Hello Mr fucking sterling son, i have an extremely important question: what is your favorite gwent faction?

Peter Paizs

Hey Jim, love your videos, keep up the great work! :) As for the question: How does Youtube's newest demonetization hell affect you? Will you be fine?


Hi Jim. Is there a place to find the old dismal jesters episodes? Love Boston's favourite son.


Hey Jim, really enjoyed the video on Shenmue, and as a Shenmue fan I totally agreed with you. I, really lost all interest when I heard it didn't finish the story. I've got like 6 more Yakuza games to play instead. Anyway, I was wondering if there was anyone in particular you take inspiration from in wrestling?


the 'we tell you if your favourite games are perfect or just great' thing lately has a pretty adversarial feeling to it, do you think you are feeling the weight of negative comments more these days? P.S. - Have a big hug and much love, don't let the haters get you down.


Pidgin pie, yay or nay?

Trevor Bond

Death Stranding, Shenmue 3, Deadly Premonition 2, they all have me curious.... Jim, what in your wisdom and experience is the difference between an auteur game designer who is successful, and one who is not? I mean besides 'gets lucky with the timing...'


Hey Jim, let me begin by saying that this is absolutely not a mean spirited question, I am just interested in the financials of your work. So: Judging by the amount you get out of Patreon, you seem to be doing fine and not relying on ad revenue any more. But you also have many expenses with Justin working full time and most publishers not giving you review copies any more. So where is your money going these days, and where does it come from? Are you doing great or perfect? Thank god* for you, answer as much as you are comfortable with. *fuck God


Dear Jim, Whenever you mention Baron Corbin I think you're talking about Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the UK Labour Party. What would Jeremy's wrestling name and gimmick be?


Apologies in advance, I seem to be incapable of spontaneous brevity. I've been banging the drum about the dangers of Internet-gating video games since the OG Xbox days and pretty much everything I tried to warn people about has come to pass and it's only getting worse. I don't and never have wittingly participated in DLC or digital distribution. The only console games I've ever even downloaded patches for were MMO's and Destiny for all of the two weeks I played it. I play the game that comes on the disc/cartridge and judge it based on that - no credit is given for after-the-fact fixes. My motto is 'ship shit, get shit', because I'm only interested in the part of video gaming that I can keep. Although I would love it if they did, I don't expect anyone to take quite the hard line that I do because it involves passing on things that look like they might be fun to play (Like Modern Warfare which has an offline campaign that will not work unless you download something to "unlock" it), or struggling with frustrating game-breaking bugs, but I cannot, in good conscience, reward these publishers for their caustic behavior. I'm a short-time watcher of your show, and the content you've been putting out recently really resonates with me, so firstly, I sincerely thank God for you. Secondly, you're pointing out what publishers are doing that's wrong, shaming them for it, and suggesting how they might be less evil, and that's great. Hopefully your audience will promulgate your ideas to publishers effectively enough that they get better at keeping their greed on a leash, but in the short time I've been watching you, I've not seen a lot of suggestions about what positive (as in something they do, rather than abstain from) actions gamers might take to improve the situation. GOG is amazing in their respect for customers and rights of ownership. They may be mostly old and indie titles, but they're geared for new game releases and the only thing holding them back from selling most "AAA" or popular new releases is the fact that publishers won't go to them because they want their DRM security blankets. However if more gamers were demanding publishers offer their games on GOG, that tide could be shifted and maybe even turn one day. Corporations will go where the money is. Furthermore, companies like Limited Run Games, Special Reserve Games, Strictly Limited Games and probably a dozen others are gaining in popularity precisely because ownership matters. They have historically dealt with small batches because they have small budgets and have to limit risk, but because LRG, for example, is gaining momentum, availability is getting better - it's possible one day they may not have to limit availability at all. Not only do these guys deserve our support, we can make an impact by bugging publishers of download-only games to make their wares available for actual sale through these outlets. Many of these companies are very smart about their approach - they let the digital-only customers bug test everything and then write the ostensibly best version of the game to physical media. My main point is that I'd like to see the message "support the companies that support your rights of ownership". If digital distribution has any place in a consumer-respecting world, it's in beta testing before actual sale of a real, ownable product. Maybe these are good ideas, maybe they're terrible, but the bottom line is that players vote with their wallets not their mouths, they can complain all they want, but as long as they keep shoveling money into EA, ActiBlizzard, Bethesda, 2K and the like, those corporations have zero motivation to stop destroying the posterity of the games industry. There ought to be as many "do this" messages as there are "don't do that" to help right this ship.


Hi Jim! I gotta ask, how do you manage to never miss a monday and still look this good? #bringbackekans #charizardisshit


If you were offered the opportunity to be the creative director of a AAA video game, what kind of game would you make? Which publisher would you be willing to work with?

Tim Albers

Will you ever just enjoy a video game or will there always be that little critic in the back of your head nagging?

Efrain Benavides

Where does he get those wonderful toys?


How hard would you like the current political landscape to go and fuck itself?


What state are you moving to from Mississippi?


Suppose your characters (Pog Fucker, Surprise Mechanic, Duke Amiel) were all in an arcade fighter. What would your ideal tier list be?


what the hell is star citizen, anyway? have a friend who wont stop raving about it. it honestly looks like some sort of money laundering scheme


Hey Jim! How do you feel about changing source material to make for better game mechanics when adapting other media into games. For instance, in the Witcher games Geralt carries 2 swords on his back so he can switch between them easier, but in the source books he has to go back to his horse to change swords for tge situation like Red Dead 2

Jamie C.

Jim What is your opinion on systems like stadia or future game streaming? Do you believe that software like stadia will become more common like the surprise mechanics in order to finally destroy used game sales and force users to pay for micro transactions claiming it helps keep the service serviced?


Have you read/listened to any of Yahtzee's books? Would highly recommend the audiobook versions of them if you haven't, they're entertaining as hell and he's a damn good world builder. Also, favorite Rush song?


HeyX what sort of questions do you answer?


wait, you’ve probably answered that one already


I’ll buy you a beer next time I’m in your neighbourhood. Oh, that’s not a question. I’m bad at this


Hey Jim, have you revisited Dynasty Warriors 9 after your Jimpressions? It ranks as one of the biggest disappointments I've had in gaming personally speaking but I perhaps didn't give it enough of a chance. And are you looking forward to Persona 5 Scramble?


Hi Jim! How did you enjoy watching Olly's Philosophy Tube Jimquisition-inspired video about gaming &amp; capitalism? Will there be a Spin-Off Doctor's on Netflix's Witcher? Thanks for all your work!


Hiya Jim. A few friends, some family and I really want to have a b movie fest sometime during the holidays. I have suggested we go through some of Full Moon Entertainment's catalogue. But there's so much to choose from. Do you have a few suggestions of what we should watch? Thanks!


Hi Jim! I noticed you updated the color on your outfit from red to purple. Can you tell us the story behind the transition? Thank God for you!


Hey Jim, hope things are going well. Having gotten 3 months of the WWE network for free (I would never pay for it otherwise) I found myself getting back into wrestling and wrestling culture. I have to ask, what's your favourite botchamania moment, or just favourite wrestling fuck up in general? My personal fav will always be Lux Luger's "I DON'T KNOW!" train wreck promo, it kills me every time.


I would just like to know if we will be getting JimSaw back sometime (maybe next Halloween)?


Hi Jim, could you give me a bit of insight to your life whilst you were growing up? Where did you live, what did you do, what got you into video games, have you always liked being the centre of attention, etc.


Hi Jim, I noticed you've played Fire Emblem: Three Houses and thus I'd like to ask what you think of the series as a whole (i.e: is it worthwhile to be invested in, anything you'd like to see changed in future entries etc.) ?

Stephen B Devine

Hey Chungusamanjaro, I've been a viewer/reader since your Escapist days and consider you to be the most staunch and consistent consumer advocate in grames journalism active today. I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on the future of asynchronous multiplayer, particularly within more "mainstream" games media. I believe this style of design to be an untapped gold mine of creative potential and games like Dark Souls, Journey, and Death Stranding have only scratched the surface. In Death Stranding especially, these features are designed in such a way that ensures interacting with other players is always a positive experience. Do you see any "Triple $$$" companies experimenting with this in the near future, or is competitive multiplayer too lucrative to warrant such creativity and risk in design?

Stephen B Devine

Also, since it's my first time writing here, I'd sincerely like to thank you for your dedication to consumer advocacy even in the face of some pretty nasty vitriol and push-back (Especially that Romino crime syndicate you had to take down single-handedly). In all seriousness, as someone who suffers from depression and anxiety which stems not insignificantly from the culture of greed and corruption we live in, it's reassuring to have such a strong and consistent voice cutting through all the bullshit. I have great admiration for you, and I genuinely wish you the best.


Hey Jim, I've been listening to Your old podtoid episode, and I've noticed there's a few things you've said on there that some people might consider quite risky, even by your standards, such as the great segment "is It peodophilia or not" and a few drops of the n-word So, is there anything that you regret saying in the past? and to an extent is there anything you would remove from The internet if you could?


Howdy Jim! Over the last couple of months I've really become quite obsessed with <i>Boston's Favorite Son.</i> You, Conrad and the critical darling that is Jonathan off Road Rules never fail to make my day whenever I tune in, and might actually be my absolute favourite thing you're involved in (not sure how you might feel about that! ;3). I actually have more of a request than a question. Can we please have a few seconds of Crumbly Grundleshire of The Smoke and Sugar Lounge? We haven't heard from him for so long! Or if your throat isn't up to that, can I just hear your Meat Loaf impression again (holy-mother-of-god your Meat Loaf impression x3).


Jim, i just learnt about this cat cafe saga over at Boston https://www.imgur.com/a/pppsk Basically, someone who doesnt have any business sense had a cat cafe and refused to listen to experts. So, my question is will you be talking about this to Jonathan since he is Boston Favorite Son, so i will assume that he has something to say about Purr cat cafe. Q2, in the event that the previous question is too long, but since the months, have you been able to catch an episode of Ultraman, how do you find them in terms of wrestling techniques? Ignore the bottom since it's too late. Hopefully this question is before Christmas, so my question would be what did you get for your family? Or how did you spend your New Year Celebration?


How long have you known star of stage and screen Willem Dafoe and how come he guests on your shows so often?


I have a request, can you make another video about fighting games? I hate modern fighting games and I feel they are a complete scam, yet nobody bats an eye on them and If someone tries to say anything against them, these stupid people start talking trash to that guy.


I have to ask, is there a particular reason you don’t plug your own content more? Like in the video card on videos, they doesn’t require any actual promotion and they’d make it easier to navigate topics. Also, what is your opinion Ps, loving the new format, it looks great

Beeray Echo

Where did you get the phrase "he looked at me while he was doing it, which proves it"?


CD Projekt Red is often seen as one of the good studios both quality and culture-wise. Any plans to do a piece on them? I’d like to see them get their due if they actually are.


Jim, you talk a lot about CAAApitalism problem. I'm largely of the same mind, but I'm often left wondering: what is the solution? Giving employees a seat on the board? (Volkswagen does this). Stronger labor laws and stronger customer protection laws? Public shaming of the worst corporate behavior? Commune development? Crowd funding? Mega rich auteurs being empowered to do whatever they want (mostly joking about this one, but I do think there is some danger of this)? I will run through a quick summary of the problem, and how I see it. Would you agree with this summation? 1) Building a game often (but not always) requires pooling money together from other people (Investors) 2) In return for handing out cash, investors expect constant growth that is not only growth, but also competitive with other things they could have invested in instead (so even being profitable is not enough) 3) This pressure for strong growth often has a negative effect on how the company treats its workers and customers.


They have quite a serious crunch problem, unfortunately.


Hey Jim, I really liked your politics of Dark Souls video a few months ago. I know you said it's performance disappointed you. I would like to suggest that if you pivot into this type of thing and do more videos like this. Then people will come to your channel specifically for this type of content. One "Politics of Blank" video is an aberration that won't generate it's own audience, but if "The Politics of Blank" becomes it's own monthly series (rather than as a random Jimquisition) then people will tune in specifically for it and you add a new group of people to your audience. This was supposed to be a question, so thoughts?


Jim, you're the greatest! I can't get enough of you talking about FromSoft games. Can you name a few moments from any of the games that were "Holy Shit" moments for you? That could be finding an unexpected shortcut, fighting an unexpected enemy or boss, or arriving in a familiar place. Fighting Havel in DS3 and getting captured by a "sack" enemy in Bloodborne stick out for me.


When doing your jewel skit's have you though about putting a large bedsheet on the floor so it would be easy to pick up the Jewels. Also have you though about adding a minute or 2 of you playing with your dog Bartleby in the beginning or end of the jimquistion, people love dogs. If in the title you add the words Dog and Bartleby it might be enough to trick youtubes algorithms. You can even include props to match the latest movie or game release and add it into the title further trick youtubes algorithms. One last thing when David Cameron fucked a pig you reviewed a game on itchio.com. Iron snout , I'd thought i'd let you know it's out on the switch.

BlueTemplar En Taro Brian !

Well, I'm not certain that this is the best place to post this, but I'm kind of running out of options here... A week ago, I've posted a thread on your reddit... (under the nick BlueTemplar85) but it has been in limbo since. 4 days ago, I sent a message inquiring as to what is going on to your reddit moderation team... and got no answer either ! (It's kind of ironic - the very subject of that thread is YouTube/platform moderation...)


Hey Jim, I've been thinking about how games seem to be increasingly making use of in-game advertisements , and seemingly not getting as much widespread criticism over it, e.g. the latest case to me being Death Stranding and use of Monster drinks and Norman's RIDE series. I can also remember FFXV with the coleman equipment and cup noodle quest. Whats your thoughts on games use of this and do you see this being a thing that will be increasingly used in future? Thank god for you!


Jim, what's your take on leaks? Does it spoil the surprise for you? What about the dev side of things? Is it not just spoiling the surprise they had for people?

Minus Underscore

Dearest Jim, Let's say an indie game company forms and begins work on a game, and then the one that came up with the original idea leaves, and the company then chooses to continue to make the game, so the leaving person gets angry and tells them to stop immediately. Who's in the right?


Hi Jim. Have you ever considered having Bartleby be more involved as part of the Jimquisition brand? I know that dogs make for easy free magic internet points, but I still remember that time I heard Bartleby audibly playing with a squeeky toy in the background during a Best of Greenlight Trailers recording many years ago, so Bartleby's forever tied to my fond memories of the channel. All the best, Peng.


Hey Jim, long time fan but never quite up to date on your content, so forgive me if you've already answered this question in a previous episode but... Given your suboptimal experiences at the Escapist &amp; Co., how would you go about starting a career like yours today? Would you do it all the same because you eventually ended up where you are or would you try to build a vast fanbase on your own?


Dearest Jim, Do you like me? Yes No (please cross one)