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Joker is not a hero. If you think he is, you're an idiot. 

Also, we talk about things like The Avengers, Control, Sea Salt, and all sorts of early preview games that Laura played. 

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Also also, check out Conrad Zimmerman and Boston's Favorite Son!


Podquisition 254: The Jokerman by Jimquisition

Joker is not a hero. If you think he is, you're an idiot. Also, we talk about things like The Avengers, Control, Sea Salt, and all sorts of early preview games that Laura played.



These are my insomnia time company. So grateful for the giggles when I'm tired and grumpy

Uriel grey

Absolutely agree with you on joker


I'm not usually a fan of US accents but hot damn Conrad has a sexy voice!


Didn't think I was going to like Conrad but he's funny and angry at the right times. I like him.


Saw Joker last night. Such a great film, though troubling in it's messaging to the audience. Can't wait to hear Jim's take on it (and Laura and Conrad too if they've deigned to see it).


I was just watching the ProSouth Wrestling live stream, and wanted to throw huge props for totally taking over their silly southern wrestle-guy culture. The Constellation is literally the whole show. Well done, good sir!


Not a hero, certainly, but deserving of pity.

Trevor Bond

Yes, thank you for saying The Joker didn't NEED to be 'The Joker'! This would have worked perfectly well as it's own movie. A new Falling Down basically.