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Hey friends! It is time for more questions to be asked by you so they can be answered by me! Feel free to ask about things you might want to know, or things you... might not want to know? I suppose? Uh.

Anyway, if you ask questions I can answer them on an Asking Sterling podcast. How useful! 


Craig Jones

Thanks for answering my question last time, One more for ya! Apart from SH2 which is your fav Silent Hill game? Love you still!!❤️


Hello Mr. Sterling. How do you see 2K games monetizing the Civilization series?


Hey Jim. What are your favorite games of the PS2/GameCube and PS1/N64 generations? Thanks for all you do, it's nice having English videos and podcasts to relax with while I get used to adjusting to life in Japan.


What is a game/series you wish would get a TV show or comic tie-in? Personally I'd love a Star Fox cartoon.


Can we have story time with Uncle Jim Jim about your trip to Japan?


When do you think we will be seeing the next true generation of consoles coming out? And do you think they will start to come out faster than the usual 7-ish year cycles due to the new generation-and-a-half console trend?


Hey buddy, have you ever heard of the podcast "My Dad Wrote a Porno"? There is a character with your name in it

Thomas Halpin

A guy like me can't help but wonder, do you cook at all? I've always thought that if you want something truly done right in the kitchen, like a scotch egg, you need to do it yourself, fuck it up, and then pay a professional instead.


Hey Jim, I remember quite a while ago you were talking about coming to London but had to put that on ice. Are you looking at coming back across the pond or is that still on the backburner? Or have I been a complete tit and missed something. TGFY


I think you said before you generally don't cover point and clicks but I was wondering what some of your favourites are? I s5arted playing one called Yesterday that was so frrigging zany I thought if D4 and thus you


Hypothetical scenario: You are taken to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber from Dragon Ball, the dimension where one year there equates to one day in Earth, to learn up to three new skills. <b>What new skills would you learn or invest in?</b> It could be anything like a new language, getting fit, art, programming or improving your old skills like wrestling, writing, sex, or tackling your game backlog, etc.


Are you friends with any other youtube video game commentators/critics?


Hey Jim. Love podquisition, jimquisition and everything you do. Just a statement because the world needs more love! You also replied to one of my Instagram comments on your post about Puppetmaster. You definitely made my day worse pointing out that one of the puppets vomited Leeches and not Slugs. You bastard. Anyway, my question is, a bit ago you casually mentioned you were working on some kind of Jimquisition book, can you share any more details about this or is it still very early stages? Thanks for everything you do and keep up the good fight!


Jim! Bloody love you and everything you do! I remember an old jimpressions video in which you apologised for losing your voice after singing Muse's Panic Station. Are you still into them? What's your fave song of theirs? Also, have you ever gotten a platinum trophy or all the achievements in game? Keeping doing what you're doing. You're a hero!


So...what non video game related technology/product has made you giddy lately (apologies for using the term “giddy”)


Hey Jim! I was wondering what your opinion on Borderlands series are? Also, love your show!


I want to know your thoughts on Big Chungus. Could you share how you feel about him? :U


Hey Jim! I’m so sorry to hear about your grandfather. My own grandparents are in their 90s and I know we aren’t long from saying goodbye too. I wanted to ask, family and Laura and Gav excluded, who is the 1 person you could not have lived without, and who is the 1 person you wish you had never met/crossed paths with?


Was your annual pixelcast based on the McElroy podcast Till death do us blart where they review paul blart mall cop2 every Thanksgiving until the end of linear time?


Also, also, what do you think about Rockstar leaving the RedDead Undead Nightmare DLC unplayable on XB1? It’s filled with glitches that makes the game unplayable, the zombies start spawning without heads/arms, the NPCs being marked as zombies on map and as the objective to kill, etc. I was hoping for a fix before the launch of RDR2 but even though there have been updates made for RDR none of them have fixed the game breaking ones.

Beech Horn

As AI/algorithmic/procedurally generated content improves how do you feel about it being sold as DLC? Specifically the output being sold as DLC rather than the thing to generate levels, characters, etc being sold as DLC.


(It's pronounced Men-oh-mee) In light of the recent couple of MovieBoyz/Spin-Off Doctors episodes with some cult-classics, would you veer the podcast in that direction entirely once you run out of video-game movies? And if you had to recommend a so-bad-it's-good film, which would it be?

Kyle McGuffin

You mentioned in a previous Asking Sterling that you thought 5 was the worst score you could give a game because it's just mediocre. You've also mentioned giving good scores to kind of terrible games because they were enjoyably bad. I've seen some people using a -10 to 10 score instead, with -10 being bad in a fun way, 10 being actually good and 0 being that mediocre, boring score. I know you don't put scores on your reviews anymore, but do you think this would be a better way to rate media? Also, it would wreak havoc on Metacritic scores, which might be a good thing.

Joshua Tarchala

Hey Jim! Big fan of the show and also big fan of ELO. What's your personal ranking of all their albums?


Hey Jim, fourth question (Yes, greedy little bugger, I know). &lt;3 Do you know about anyone "important" in the game industry that listens to your content or that maybe gets bothered by your analytical deductions about their shady practices? Maybe some higher ups at EA or Ubisoft where you know about you reaching their ugly little ears? :D Just wondering, because it would be cool if you could reach them. Or maybe not, since my friends and me are always joking about how, one day, you will have an "unfortunate" car accident after you dug too deep in the big companie's shit. :D


Hey Jim, can you tell me why my elbow hurts? I'm concerned.


Hey Jim. What are your thoughts on the whole Metro Exodus situation?


Hello again! I was wondering, what kind of games/genre of games do you think are most underrated? If possible, maybe from a perspective of, first from big publishers, and then from indie developers? Though the latter may be a bit difficult granted, as they give a lot of love to different genres.


What are the things you most value in this old life?


Are you excited for my birthday


How do you feel about Big Chungus having become a fairly popular internet meme late last year?


It was great to hear Laura, Gav, and yours' voice on Hbomberguy's stream. Do you think you will invite him to join as a guest on the podcast, or others as well? Also, thank you for the advice advice last time about anxiety. It was a big help!


This is just a theory of mine. But I believe that keiji inafune when he made the now iconic better than nothing quote, he was trying to make a phoenix wright quote. In professor layton vs phoenix wright in the special episode chapter 4 phoenix wright makes the quote "I suppose bread would be better than nothing" . for the record this game was released in 2012 in japan, in the 2014 UK. What more interesting is level-5 the makers of the Layton series now own comcept.


I asked Ian this awhile ago, but I want to get your take on it too. How many Doozers from Fraggle Rock do you reckon it would take to capture an average human adult, ala Gulliver's Travels?


Hello Jim, I was wondering if you had gotten your copy of Binding of Isaac: 4 Souls, and how are your liking it? I think McMillen did a great job of translating the feel of isaac to a board/card game.


Hello lovely Jim! Was wondering to what extent, if any, you've been hit by the 'Patreon Exodus' &amp; if you had any thoughts on the controversies that appear to nourish the 'Intellectual Dark Web'?


Hi Jim Whats your current view on VR in games? Is it becoming a gimmick like 3D screens were or is there still untapped potential?


Congratulations on your pro wrestling ventures. Are there any other live action ventures that you are pursuing or planning to pursue? Either performative like other forms of live theatre or academic things like speaking tours on game history and criticism? P.S. Regarding the people that say you need to be more positive in your work... I just wanted to express that I love your so called negative content. Watching you shred games, devs or publishers is delicious and fills me with great joy. The Jimpressions of "We Happy Few" was superb and The episode on Kingdom Heart's writing was excellent. Thank you. Ignore the haters and keep up the good work.


If you were going to be trapped on a desert island for 6 months and could take 5 games to keep you entertained what would you chose - PLOT TWIST - they have to be games you haven't played before!


Is there an asset flip, or borderline asset flip game that you genuinely like and think is worth the money?


What are your favorite western and Japanese RPG's respectively?


I was properly chuffed to find out you are a fan of the Medieval games. I didn't think anybody cared about it anymore, but that game was formative for a significant portion of my childhood - maybe that explains a bit about me... ;p <b>ACTUAL QUESTION/s:</b> I was hoping to get some of your wildest fantasies regarding where the franchise might go, if the games remake that was recently announced does well enough. Did you ever play Medieval 2 - the one where Fortesque is resurrected in the Victorian era? If so are you as fond of it as the series debut? I played the aforementioned sequel as much as the first game, and I'm holding onto unrealistic hopes the new remake will result in similar revamp of the second game.


Ever thought about coming back to England? Also love you so much you have helped me through some dark times and thank you for fighting the good fight for us gamers


When you suffered from allergic reaction a while back, did you have EpiPen or a similar medicine with you (and yet got that severe of reaction)? I have a friend that is allergic to shrimp and she stubbornly doesn't carry anything, and now she'd like to try Japanese cuisine. My apologies if this is too private of a question, and feel free to disregard it if it is.


How did you get into Indie Wrestling? Like how did you prepare yourself? I'm a little on the thicker side and wanna try it out.

Jamie C.

I wanted to ask why major shit companies keep trying to force MMO or online only feature I know for the money; But do they actually seem to see that there is a problem here? I work 13hr shift 4 days a week, and I barely find time to play war frame. Let alone play anything else other than single player games. I had to quit online only games mainly cause of the grind no matter what game I play there is this ludicrous amount of grind. every month a new event to unlock rare weapons which make previous events weapons obsolete. Then if you fall behind you play catch up the whole time to even be able to compete. But no matter what it always comes down to any MMO or what ever feeling like a second job and I end up hating it. Do they not see that the market is starved for a great single player game. Is this intentional so that next game they make becomes super star hit. I don't see how since EA put something in the works its automatically viewed at least by me as a con. Now if Beth puts anything in the works I put a hazmat suit on. If another major game company puts anything out I need a bullet proof vest cause I get called entitled or a hater because I am tired of this whole Online Service only push. There are so many out there I don't want to spend 300 USD to play on top of a monthly subscription to circle jerk Anthem. Look at Anthem its the same god damn game everyone else is shitting out? What are your thought Jim?


I've got a bit of an odd wrestling one. What's your favorite ring gear style for wrestlers? Like take a generic pro wrestler what do you put him in: The classic trunks, long tights, bicycle shorts, a leotard, etc.?


Jim, at this point in the current status of the industry, would you want Squenix to make an HD remake/version of FFIX? A big part of me really, really wants it, but there's another big part of me that worries that they'd fuck it up royally. Edit following "Asking Sterling #9": Does the high quality of the game play in Kingdom Hearts 3 increase your confidence in a good FFIX remake since Squenix doesn't have to create any story? Secondarily, may I ask you to shed one small tear for me since I'm a long, long time fan of KH, but am just unwilling to drop $500 to play one game?


Whats some of your Favorite horror movies baby!?


Hey Jim! Love all that you do, I was wondering how much do you keep up with the MCU movies and what your top 5 would be? Same for the Netflix shows? (Sorry, I know that two questions but I never get to hear you talk about comic book stuff besides here and there on Podquisition.)


Hey Jim! You're super awesome and always help me when my brain is feeling mutinous. My question is anime related: Have you watched Black Lagoon? If not I feel like it might strike your interest. A lot of morally ambiguous characters and bombastic action, but there's some pretty triggering things in there as well. Anyway, thanks for doing what you do!


Before Sekiro comes out I want to ask what are your favorite Souls series/Bloodborne Bosses aside from the Nameless King?


But really, where did that lectern go?


Hi Jim, I'm curious about your opinion on vulgarity. While I don't mind strong language myself, I wonder if you ever considered cutting down on it (e.g. to increase your user base), or if you consider it an immutable part of your brand. Any thoughts?


What's it been like producing weekly content for so long? Compared to your other projects, working long term, releasing when completed. Would you say having the strict deadline helped you in the long run? Has burnout ever been a problem for you? Also, how are Doris and Balthazar doing? I heard they switched jobs after The Senior Partners allied with The Scarlet King.

Nagatsu Seiken

I've lagged behind, so if this has already been asked, by all means feel free to ignore this. Near the beginning of the AskSterling series, you were asked what foods you missed (and being a German living in Virginia, I can completely empathize with you on the bread); which has me wondering - what culture's/country's foods have not yet tried, but would like to?


What are your thoughts on Nintendo 3DS, past, present and future?

Beeray Echo

Any chance of having Holmes on an episode of The Spin-Off Doctors in the future?


Are there any moments in games that gave you an unexpected emotional response, or stuck with you in a way you weren't expecting? I find sometimes in games there will be very simple moments or lines of dialogue that aren't significant on their own, but they feel meaningful in the moment and catch me off-guard. An incidental line near the end of Night in the Woods brought me to tears because it seemed to sum up so much of the game's themes. Do you have any experiences like that, big or small?


Mr. Sterling, have you watched that British animated series on Netflix called Hilda? In my opinion, it's a goddamn masterpiece.


What responsibilities do you feel a reviewer has to their audience?


If you could visit anywhere in the world, with infinite funds (only usable for doing tourist stuff), where would you go?

Jesse Dusk

What would you do if your song was mesh tank tops? Also, how physically and mentally fucked up is Craig after working for Fistshark Marketing?


Dear Jim, When are you going to come back to the UK? That’s my question. We *need* you to do a Jimquisition on Brexit in your inimitable style. I want to know whether EA were ‘the leave whisperers’ during the referendum. Conspiracy theories abound. I also feel loot boxes were somehow used to sway the vote. Love your show. But the island needs you.


Hey Jim, I was wondering if you have any love for the Legacy of Kain franchise? Soul Reaver on PS1 was the first video game to show me that games could be more than arcade games or colourful mascot platformers (not that there's anything wrong with that), but have rich stories and movie level acting/production. Also I feel what happened to the franchise, turning it into a hero based multiplayer game with Nosgoth, is a perfect example of the game industry chasing trends to the detriment of games/franchises. Keep up doing what you're doing, and thank you!

Twit In A Hat

Have you ever played a game that was so close to perfection but was let down by one fatal flaw? I don't mean wasted potential, like <i>We Happy Few</i>, or a really good game having some niggles, but something that was otherwise amazing but one misstep in execution ruined it.


"How is this, how is that?" But the most important question, how are you?

John Howland

What are your favorite examples of character development in game storytelling? Not your favorite characters, but arc which are well executed


(pronounced A-E-H-Elephant) would like to know a little more about you, and would like to ask directly instead of creeping on the internet. 1.Are you married, kids, family life, etc.? 2.And when did you move to the States? 3.What's the weirdest fan interaction you've ever had? 4.I discovered you through Ashens; how did you guys meet?

Trevor Bond

Someone comments that there are no more really weird, unique and fun games out there. You correct them by handing them a game... what game do you hand them?


Any updates on copyright deadlock?


Jim, first of all, I want to say I love your work and you're a big inspiration to me. A couple of questions, first, do you follow any kind of eSport, like the Overwatch League or something like that? If not, is it because of a lack of interest or time? Second question, do you think there's a single AAA publisher currently not being a piece of shit? Not counting first party like Nintendo or Sony, I wanted to think Capcom is doing a good work with things like Monster Hunter World, Resident Evil 2 and its free updates, but then there's also things like the advertisement on SF5 that is just disgusting. Thanks for being awesome and keep up the amazing work.


How do you protect your hearing from the loud sound effects thrown at you? You record horrible games (like machine hunt) from developers who don't care about sound balance. So you risk hearing random BEEPS and KABOOMs while you make your Jimpressions. You even had to add text to your play-through of achievement hunter cromulent stating that you lowered the recording's volume to protect your viewers. But it feels like you experience such audio torture unmitigated for a few seconds. You must have some way to pro-actively protect your ears rather than re-actively.


Hello Jim. I love your work and, most importantly, your fearless indepence. You've expressed your dismay about Fallout New Vegas devs getting a bonus only if the game's Metacritic score was &gt;85%. You've also often spoken against the trend towards releasing broken, unfinished and/or empty games like No Man's Sky in order to meet arbitrary release deadlines, with the intention of patching fixes and adding promised content months (or in Hello Games's case, two-and-a-half years) after release. Can't the former actually be considered a good thing in order to prevent the latter?


Hey Jim, I know you're a fan of turn based RPGs, but do you feel we're overdue innovation for the genre? Personally, for the most part, I don't enjoy turn based games, but I'd love to for the story in many cases and only few have been interesting enough for me to push through. The one turn based game I think which has helped me enjoy the genre more is the Mario + Luigi RPG series. I feel adding the ability to counter/avoid enemy attacks and timing button presses for effective/longer attacks have made it so I can enjoy the game as it keeps me fully engaged through every battle, while with others I feel I need to stick with potentially long and boring cycles to win, but I'm interested to hear your thoughts. Thanks and keep up the good work!


Hey Jim, my personal favorite topics you cover are game design/game mechanics that you find either very good or very bad, and wish you would talk about that just a bit more, so I had a question about it so you can scratch my itch metaphorically speaking. Or not, open offer!Anyways what side do you come down on in the debate about open world stories? More like Far Cry, Skyrim, and Falllout 3/4, where the story is focused and rushes you through and wants you to do side stuff later so you get invested in the main conflict quickly, or do you agree with Superbunnyhop's view that games like Fallout New Vegas, Morrowind and, the Witcher 3 were better since the first two made exploring and doing side quests to get to know the various factions and become involved in the world part of the story, and Witcher 3 is based on books where its the main character's job to do side quests so every time he showed up in a new chapter he'd describe the side stuff he did along the way to get enough money to eat, so there's a lroe reason for the side quests.


do they have fry ups in america and do you agree that the pudding is the grossest part of a fry up? (the correct answer is it's revolting)


Hi Jim So, my 89 years old, almost nonfunctional, aunt spend 7500 dollars in mobile games in 3 months. Now she has 6 months of savings. So far, one of the problems with loot boxes/ aggressive microtransactions that I have seen has mostly been reported in this way. One really bad case. Is there any study that you have seen that does a deep statistical analyst of this shit? I want to see some big numbers/ big data of the problem.


Jim, you've mentioned you're unhappy with how Epic has gone about challenging Steam's monopoly. Given that every other Steam contender has failed to make a significant dent on the market, what would be a better way for Epic to take on Steam? I understand why people don't like the aggressive exclusives, but I also think that Valve has used its market share to behave irresponsibly and charge monopoly rents.

Ben L.

We know you have a fondness for villains, especially Mysterio, so I'm wondering, what's a villain that you hate? Not because they suck or don't work for the story they're in; a villain that is well written and is a great part of the narrative, but is not sympathetic at all and you want to see them fail. Like, Kilgrave from Jessica Jones, or (my personal example) Andrew Ryan from Bioshock.


You ever going to use that footage of my dogs barking at Life of Black Tiger?


Have you ever thought about leaving Mississippi?


Hey Jim, With the AAA publishers completely destroying the gaming industry I have really gotten into retro games recently. In 2018 I played more gamecube/gba/snes games than I did new games. I'm really enjoying myself, and I doubt 2019 will be any different. Playing games that are actually finished products and that don't constantly harass me for more money is so refreshing. Plus, there are so many I haven't played. Have you considered played retro games? Or are you just too busy? p.s. I know the indy scene is still good. Almost all the new games I've played are indy games.


Hello Jim! Learned about you when the Digital Homicide video popped up in my recommended list, subscribed when I first heard you use the phrase 'Unichronic Arts'. It really resonated with me, as I'd recently and abruptly parted ways when EA as an engineer when they cancelled Command &amp; Conquer and closed down Victory Games with zero freaking notice. I love and respect what you do, even when I disagree with you on some topics. Questions: 1) I just picked up Warframe on switch, and as my very first venture into the game, I'm loving it so far. I know there's some form of recruitment in game, do you have a group/clan/guild you're a part of that fans of yours can join? 2) Given your critiques of the Games Industry in general, have you ever considered cross-posting some of your stuff on industry sites? For example, having a blog on Gamasutra? 3) If an indie dev has questions about monetization strategies, as well as money, are you available for consulting work?


Just watching the latest Jimquisition - you lost weight, did you?

Shapie Starberrie

Your colors of choice is red and black. Why such fearful colors if you are the ''Beatles of the people.''


What up Jim, love the show, in regards to the wrestling: How does a relatively small production like PWE afford to hand out the shiny belts without charging the participants for them? Because those are some seriously cool looking belts mate-- you should sell replicas :D


Not really a question for the Podcast, but have you played Wargroove yet? It's up your alley, I think.


Don't you find it odd that the people who insist vehemently and pointedly that we take video games seriously as an art form are often the first to balk at the inclusion of topical political themes in games as "SJW propaganda"? Do they want video games to be timely and capable of commentary or not?


One of my favorite things about watching your content is the random references to old eighties cartoons like He-man, Thundercats and Skeleton Warriors. You've even referenced INhumanoids which makes you one of like three people who recall the show (D'Compose was a favorite of mine). My question is, can we expect other eighties cartoon properties to be enlisted in service to your epic tear-downs of the industry, and if so which ones? M.A.S.K.? Centurions? Visionaries? Defenders of the Earth? Bionic 6? Is this question just a ruse to try to convince you to discuss eighties cartoons? Perhaps. Bonus question: Your love of the G1 Transformers has been readily demonstrated, however you have never really mentioned G.I. Joe, which many people associate with the latter. Is this a consequence of your British upbringing? I would have pegged you for a big fan of Cobra Commander.


Hi Jim. So if you ran a dev team and had a 100 units of 'miscellaneous resources' to spend on a making your dream game, where would you put it: Story, Gameplay/Mechanics, Sound/Music, Graphics, Polish/Bug-fixing, Marketing and Other stuff.


Hi Jim! I'm wondering how often when playing online games under usernames like "Chungus" or "Jim_Sterling" people recognize you and want to talk to you? Do you ever get cursed at by haters while playing online under your known aliases? Also, do you usually game under a username the public isn't aware of so you don't get recognized and can just have fun? Thanks!

Theo Caro

Have you seen the Netflix reboot of She-Ra and The Princess of Power? And if so, what are your thoughts?


If there was to be a spiritual successor to silent hill what elements of the series would you want to see continued and what would you want to be changed/added. Love all of your content Jim. You, Laura and Gavin have helped me so much with your content and your open discussion of lgbt stuff helped give me the confidence to transition. Thank you so much.


hoping to get a sneaky second question in, if that's ok! With the founder of Patreon saying the platform is unsustainable, a large portion of people leaving over political bias and the recent website issues the site has suffered which has affected payouts, do you have any backup in case Patreon fails or shuts down?


What core aspect of video games, do you think is the most important? I personally say audio. Good sound design can make games in to masterpieces.


As a opening gambit, how was dinkus Christy?


Jim, you mentioned giving Yomawari Collection a shot, so how was it? Did it manage to scratch that horror game itch? Also, when is boglin watch 2019?


So, according to this comment list, it's my 4th question, but it was really my first, since it was the reason I originally posted my questions, but then forgot what it was after having thought of the other three. You mentioned in a previous Asking Sterling that your favorite entry in the Final Fantasy series was 9. A favorite we share. Do you have a favorite character from 9? Is it Steiner because he looks like a toy that could demand attention from his place on a shelf? Vivi because he's a good combination of cosmic power wrapped in cuteness? Zidane because he's awesome? WHO?


Hello Mr. Fucking Sterling Son, I was just wondering what are your favorite quotes/jokes from your content? Any ones that you wish you hadn’t said/done?


Who is your biggest comedic influence? And why is it stewart lee?


I’m gonna try and sneak this one in since you (understandably) did not want to answer who you wish you never crossed paths with on part 1. Could I rephrase that as “do you have someone with whom you have a negative relationship that you want to repair but just can’t”? Thanks for everything dude, much love from Canada!


Have you been able to see Kenny's Quest (video collaboration between Kenny Omega and toby fox) or play Blackbird (the new Switch/Steam game from the makers of Million Onion Hotel)?


Jim! Bloody love you and everything you do! I remember an old jimpressions video in which you apologised for losing your voice after singing Muse's Panic Station. Are you still into them? What's your fave song of theirs? Also, have you ever gotten a platinum trophy or all the achievements in game? Keeping doing what you're doing. You're a hero!


Hello, as you are a mainly console player and TB, sadly, is dead, can you please recommend a mainly PC critic/reviewer?