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Once again people with the money want to fiddle around with the Internet in a way that won't end well for the people with less money.

The European Union Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market, specifically Article 13 and Article 11, is vague, overreaching, and looks ripe for abuse. In a world where ContentID and copyright protection is already an outdated mess, this won't make anything better.

Not for us, anyway.


Article 13 And The 'Meme Ban' (The Jimquisition)

http://www.patreon.com/jimquisition http://www.thejimquisition.com https://www.thejimporium.com Once again people with the money want to fiddle around with the Internet in a way that won't end well for the people with less money. The European Union Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market, specifically Article 13 and Article 11, is vague, overreaching, and looks ripe for abuse. In a world where ContentID and copyright protection is already an outdated mess, this won't make anything better. Not for us, anyway. __ Twitter: https://twitter.com/jimsterling Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jimsterling0 Jim’s Big Ego (No Relation): http://bigego.com/ Bandcamp of the Sax Dragon - https://carlcatron.bandcamp.com Nathan Hanover - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-8L7n7l11PJM6FFcI6Ju8A



Yay. Jim talking about politics that DOESN’T make me roll my eyes. Only one “PC” thing with the Toad Trump penis thing and even that was more of a joke. Yay! ^_^

Perpetual Noob

Thank you for the education Jim. All of this speaks to the idiots at the top who can't adapt. They're thinking, "I've made money like this forever! I must continue to do so otherwise I shall be destitute and others will treat me as poorly as I've treated them! This cannot stand! Enforce archaic systems on a world I don't understand anymore!" Fuck 'em. And no I'm not just bitter because my YouTube channel is currently inaccessible (seemingly due to bullshit copyright claims). I'm extra bitter because of that. Copyright claims for anything aside from a direct reproduction/copy/etc. are bullshit.


I think there's also some small (horrific) possibility that sites will do much as they did with the updated privacy notices- rather than region-locking content, simply applying the most draconian standard across the board rather than face, say, the possibility that they might still get in trouble for not taking into account Internet users using VPN software to appear to be making a request for content from a less-stringent country. But, y'know, on the plus side, maybe the articles will kill memes. ...Right, I'll see myself out.

Perpetual Noob

Probably right. I'd expect most sites to do whatever is easiest/cheapest to comply with the new laws (unfortunately).


Will there be ALF Pogs?


Not really across what PC means are you? Because that comment is the antithesis of PC culture.


If you sold Jim Sterling Boglins on the jimporium I would buy that like the fist of the north star.


Funfact: the Article us losely based on a German law the newspaper lobby cooked-up, demanding pay for thumbnails and snippets. Google gave it a big, fat shrug, excluded their content from their news page altogether and waited a few weeks. Sure enough they came back whining, offering Google an interim contract giving them permission for free. As much as it would hurt the content creators short-term, I don't fully give up hope just yet that Google will indeed use (deliberately) bad algorithms to make original content owners fall in line.


Down with Article 13! Up with the memes!