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Star Wars Battlefront II was a bit of a misstep, huh?

EA is licking its wounds after the massive loot box backlash, but there's little time to heal.

They got too greedy to fast, and now legislators are interested in games... and gambling.


EA And Battlefront II Really Fucked This Up (The Jimquisition)

http://www.patreon.com/jimquisition http://www.thejimquisition.com http://sharkrobot.com/collections/Jimquisition-merch Star Wars Battlefront II was a bit of a misstep, huh? EA is licking its wounds after the massive loot box backlash, but there's little time to heal. They got too greedy to fast, and now legislators are interested in games... and gambling.



Jim, this is fucking glorious. Thank you for keeping up your exposure of this bullshit.


Yeah. I'm so glad we're not putting up with this shit anymore. I actually saw in my Google news feed yesterday that some lawmaker in Hawaii was talking about putting some legislation in place.


Here's the Hawaiian Press Conference <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_akwfRuL4os" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_akwfRuL4os</a>


I'm happy to see someone doing something about this. I am a fan of the Assassin's Creed series and I can't even play the new one. It just feels slimy to play it.


So do you think these executives believe they went too far or do you think they blame people like you and the cusotmers for voicing their displeasure? Im betting the latter.


Lolz a Star Wars themed online casino. How true. Oh, and with a $60+ cover charge.


*delightful sigh* Jim, I hope I get the chance to buy you a drink someday. :-)


Thank You Jim! this really brightend my mood, and seeing as Nurgle has seen fit to bless me with his pestilance, i really needed some good news :)


Funny how some of the undercover fanboy AAA apologists on YouTube are still complaining Jim is spending to much time on this when clearly things are just getting started...


I got a solid lead on where EA is heading. <a href="https://twitter.com/Swegabe/status/933395532265021440" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://twitter.com/Swegabe/status/933395532265021440</a>


Best episode ever :D


Ahhh yes Stress is back *and* EA helped burst the Loot Box Bubble, today is a very good day :D


I may be a bit optimistic now, but I think Jim fucking Sterling, son, may be the one who will turn over the stone completely and let the world see the dead, damp and rotten underbelly of this whole business. Keep on beating them, Jim, because the cracks are starting to show.


Wow. Just when you thought that Battlefront 2's meme was well into maturity, it gets its first pube. I've made sure to acquaint myself with EA's catalog to make sure I don't accidentally spend a dime on any of their products.


Jim, don't let Disney off the hook so easily here: game developers who work on Disney properties will attest to the fact that Disney is quite aware of every aspect what is going on with how their licensed properties are supposed to make money. Disney knew exactly what was going on -other EA Star Wars games like The Old Republic and Galaxy of Heroes have long tied progression to monetized RNG schemes- and the only reason they "intervened" was because they got caught. Whether you buy a game or its free to play, loot boxes are a predatory monetization scheme, and Disney is fully aware of how EA makes money with their property.




A side question: I notice that, recently, it seems like the Monday episodes of Jimquisition have been going back to the old "Born Depressed" theme, and extra eps to "Stress", when previously it was the other way around. Intentional, recording-time ponderances, or something else? (Also, will we ever hear a jazz-instrumental version of "Stress"?)