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Yours truly may have many negative things to say about Nintendo, but there's no denying the Switch has had a phenomenal year.

Also, Sterdust returns, and has something to say to Pro Wrestling Ego.


Bugger Me, The Nintendo Switch Is Killing It (The Jimquisition)

http://www.patreon.com/jimquisition http://www.thejimquisition.com http://sharkrobot.com/collections/Jimquisition-merch Yours truly may have many negative things to say about Nintendo, but there's no denying the Switch has had a phenomenal year. Also, Sterdust returns, and has something to say to Pro Wrestling Ego.



I've been awaiting the return of Sterdust. Eagerly. But not in a creepy way... Probably.


Wait....Jim....do you have gold on your teeth or am i seeing things O.o but good episode


It’s surprising how much I like the Switch as my list of reasons I’m annoyed with Nintendo is a mile long. Where are VC games Nintendo? The wait is getting ridiculous. Glad to see Stardust back btw. I like that character a lot.


Stardew valley on the switch is a pretty good system seller, who knew all nintendo had to do to break into the mobile market is to make a harvest moon for mobile devices, oh well better late than never I guess


I'm not going to bugger you, no matter how often or how nicely you ask.


Jesus Christ Jim. Great show! Also, I think you should get a full mask made. And maybe fireworks for the next time we see Sterdust.