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Time for a new Jimquisition on your Monday morning! This week, we discuss Sonic Boom, as well as Sega's history of misguided reinvention when it comes to the maligned hedgehog.


Sonic Gloom: How Invention Killed A Hedgehog (The Jimquisition)

http://www.patreon.com/jimquisition http://www.thejimquisition.com Following the disastrous Sonic Boom game, Jimquisition looks at how constant rebooting has destroyed the series' potential.



I can tell you that my kid (5) is thoroughly into this multimedia Sonic-selling jamboree. The cartoon is also atrocious, but he loves it. We've read the horrible comic-book together and it's his favorite. Sonic Boom, technical issues aside, just isn't made for those of us who played the original Sonics in our teens. Sonic Boom is Jar-Jar Binks.


Poor, poor Sonic. Mario, Sonic and Mega Man where the greatest back in the Day for me and now Sonic gets tortured and Mega Men is somewhere in a Prison locked away. At least I still have Mario.


*Shudder* The Jar-Jar Binks comparison makes me feel awful, but... you may be right on the money.


I can't help but see a parallel between Sega's overcomplication of the Sonic franchise and Squeenix's overcomplication at anything relating to Final Fantasy. God forbid the two ever join forces to create a Sonic themed JRPG. There'd be more belts, zippers, angles, bandages, gauze, skirts, shirts, swords, gunswords, bandages, belts, zippers, bandages... Ad infinitum.


I think we just have to accept that Sonic isn't for us anymore. By us I mean the people who grew up on Sonic, its for kids now. Kids still deserve great games Sonic Boom is still an abomination but I think we have to let it go.


I asked this on your written review, and I think this video kinda' reinforces my point; Are platformers dead? Sega certainly seems to think so, seeings how they're doing everything in their power to change Sonic from his jumping roots. Like you said, lack of confidence. Sega doesn't seem to think a platformer game alone is worth their time. Every new Sonic games has to have a gimmick, because Lord knows a 2d cartoony platformer just can't cut it anymore! I guess because we've had generations worthy of platformers now, they're no longer as novel. We all have platformers we like, but I struggle to think of any current gen ones that were any good.


From my perspective, it sounds like they're trying to hit as many markets as possible and find which explodes best. There's a general trend to look towards financial success (read: not design, game fun, customer happiness success) and try to be apart of that pie. It's been called 'Fast Follow' but to many companies it is a slow and abysmal process. The worst part is that we like to be able to point and say you're doing it wrong. This seems more like the company being driven by Consumer Insights as law...and not trying to find it's niche and own it.


I'd argue they're not. We're still seeing a lot in the Indie space that challenges it's conventional notions, but for the most part it's being modified. I think we're seeing it less on consoles (relatively high barrier to entry vs PC) but even so it's a relatively lively game type. Fez is the greatest proponent, and speaks for itself, in what you can do in a platform game (this one is focused on puzzles). If you want something similar to Sonic (Timing, speed, etc) mobile's been better to the genre. I'd even argue SOME (not all!) infinite runners are paying homage. The one I'd suggest if you're mobile inclined is Blades of Brim (Beta, Canadian Appstore), maybe by an indie mobile company in Denmark. Have friends that work there and..it doesn't feel like a damn cash grab and the game play just works. Don't be discouraged because of companies that formed our youth. I've been looking forward and the landscape is gorgeous.


I'm glad you brought up the Zelda franchise briefly. Had a good laugh when the folks who criticize Zelda for sticking too close to "the formula" (*cough*genre*cough*) all the time went and reviewed Hyrule Warriors with basically "It's fine, but it's not really Zelda."


I think what people miss about Zelda and what is enjoyed about it's current form are servicing two different groups. I'd argue the formula for the more recent stuff serves audiences who want a guided tour. What I miss is that Zelda used to be about imagination, exploration, and discovery. I just don't think they have those elements anymore.


Personally I don't agree with you at all, I don't think there's ever really been a bad Sonic game, i've enjoyed pretty much of all them, Sonic Boom included.


That's not true, I grew up playing Sonic on the Genesis and I find these newer games to be quite enjoyable(and Dave over on Video Game Critic felt the same way despite being an older gamer). So no it's not an "abomination" at all.


Meh, I'll take Sonic over Mario any day, at least Sega is trying something different while Nintendo is content to do the same thing with Mario pretty much every year.


You know what I hated on Sonic 4? The physics. The game seemed good, the music seemed okay, but Sonic couldn't climb a ramp of floor half his size without going slow.


Love it. It's worth the 65p a month to get the Jimquisition straight in me inbox. TO THE QUEEN!


Would you kindly make a review of the new Dragon Age 3, Jim, please (-:


I personally haven't played a Sonic game since Sonic 2 back when Sega actually had a console. Not to say I don't like Sonic, it just wasn't a franchise I got into is all. Shame Sega can't stop playing with a formula that wasn't broken in the first place and try and reinvent the hedgehog.


Jim, that was good. you did it good. good job jim.


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The bandages aren't for aesthetic reasons, they're a metaphor for how broken and patched together the game is.


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