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Today I finally codified the review score guide for The Jimquisition. The score scale is very similar to the one I wrote out for Destructoid because, well, I think it works damn well! Some people expressed surprise at my continued use of scores, because it's assumed all reviewers want to break free of the tyrannical rule of numbers. I like 'em though! I use review scores because I choose to, not because I am bound by some law that demands I do. Anyway, here's what the numbers mean, Mason!


Review Score Guide

Hello there, beautiful people! Welcome to The Jimquisition, a website on the world's finest Internet. Here, you can expect to find reviews for all of the lovely videogames that men and women sell in shops. I will write about the videogames, then I will nail some number at the end for my own salted pleasures.



Surely the point of review scores is that they summarise the review in the most concise possible way, without needing a long explanation. By producing this explanation, aren't you just admitting your system has failed in its purpose?


I am all for the scores. They make my interaction with reviews more efficient. I basically follow two paths in consuming reviews: a) Game I'm already interested in: Read the review. b) Game I wasn't interested in: Scroll down to the score -> Is it high? -> Read the review else pass. Well ok if the score is really really low I might read the review for sheer entertainment. (The whole watching a trainwreck thing you know) but only if I have some time to spare.

Chris Crowther

The problem is numbers mean different things to different people. Having what Jim thinks they mean helps you calibrate your own mental scale to his.


Not a fan of scores in reviews, I'm more interested in overall critical consensus. Which is most easily expressed in review scores so I'm talking nonsense aren't I? Still don't like em.


It's not the scores that are the problem, it's the people and companies who don't use them properly. I don't want to spend my time reading every review for every game. Scores let me see which games are said to be good and which are not at the blink of an eye. Once I consider buying a game, I will read the entire thing to get a more in-depth impression. Blaming review scores is like blaming kitchen knives just because someone decided to murder people using one.


Looks solid, don't like numerical scores usually, but any system that has 5, not 7 or 8, as mediocre, is fine with me.


I'm glad metacritic is posting your reviews


I was actually curious about the reasoning behind your scoring system, so I'm glad you published this. I don't mind review scores in general, but I really appreciate when they are assigned clear meanings.


I like numbers too. I almost always skip to the short, written conclusion with a score attached to see if I think a game is worth my time. That way, I also skip spoilers/ruin surprises. Looking good.


There's a theory in existence that states "People don't see scores below 5." Meaning 5 = Awful, 6 = Bad, 7 = Could've been better, 8 = Alright, 9 = Good, 10 = Amazing.


I like review scores because they can force the reviewer off the fence. Without scores, some reviews become a listing of the games strengths and weaknesses but the reviewer doesn't make it clear which dominates the player's experience.


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