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Dragon Age: The Veilguard announced a basic accessibility option, and Gamers(tm) lost their minds about it. A pundit made the case for a pause button in Elden Ring, and Gamers(tm) lost their minds about it. The Difficulty Discourse continues to range, and Gamer(tm) are losing their minds about it.


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potato potato also another potato

the freakout over dragon age is particularly funny when you remember just how absurdly broken the artificer was in inquisition (as well as several other classes) and how completely challenge free that game was in general. I loved it, but not for the combat. I can think of few games where the experience would be less impacted by a god mode accessibility setting adding it to veilguard is a great idea. .

Never Raines

https://youtu.be/sNHg1-e7FXo?si=oPp1TUqWjuV5kSiz The ultimate response to those against, the pause all the technical bits already exist and are shown by this guy