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We talk about the "cheeky" DLC coming to Breath of the Wild, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe's majesty, Little Nightmares, and probably other games too!

Elsewhere, Laura's gonna do a wee, and Gavin's joined the ranks of the beggarati.


Podquisition Episode 129: Link Does A Gaper by Jimquisition

We talk about the "cheeky" DLC coming to Breath of the Wild, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe's majesty, Little Nightmares, and probably other games too! Elsewhere, Laura's gonna do a wee, and Gavin's joined the ranks of the beggarati.



Jim... Please link me the original picture :D For scientific purposes of course :D


Jim, if u want to get dark souls on ur xbone buy it on xbox.com and it will show up in ur ready to download list


Hey Jim just became a patreon supporter to you and wanted to say good job on these videos hope you keep making more for as long as you can


*Googles Gaper*


I love Laura, she's so relentlessly positive. Podcast would be nothing without her.