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I first read this book in 2016, and this sex scene was soooo hot. I don't know how many times I re-read it throughout the years. I ended up recording myself narrating it in 2020, and it's not the best recording, but what can ya do. I wanted to post something for you all to listen to! I'll find more stuff too. 

This is from Corrupt by Penelope Douglas. Damon, Michael, and Kai who are mentioned are all friends who are a bit wicked. Trevor is Michael's little brother. 



This is what I like to call vintage Sing 😁👑 I actually love when you narrate things. It's kinda like a naughty bedtime story haha. Also for this being an older audio; the sound quality is actually not bad. I can hear your voice nice and clear. It was very hot how you voice the intense scenes especially the around the neck part. I'll consider this an early Christmas gift 🎄 I would have commented earlier but I was out with my mom getting the Christmas dinner stuff. Thank you for thinking of us enough to post this Empress. I pray that you can continue heal and rest up. Cheers to great day🍵


Aw thank you so much, Georgio! I'm glad you enjoyed it. Ooh a naughty bedtime story, I like that. Aw thank you! I am getting better. My voice is coming back! Much better than it was, but a ways to go. I hope you have a great day!