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I slept all day today until 3:30. I want to sleep more. My voice is really hoarse, and it's hard to talk. 

I am sick of being sick. And even though I can't help it, I still feel really bad and guilty for not putting out audios. I am sorry.



Awe I'm sorry that you aren't feeling so good Sing. Maybe you getting the rest you been getting is what your body needs. Resting and taking your medicine is what will lead to a more speedy recovery. I know you don't like how it is but just know you that this sick feeling is passing on. Everything is gonna work out for you like it always has Empress. We all understand so don't say sorry for something that's literally out of your control. I left you some green tea 🍵 and 🥐🍇 I'll keep you in my prayers as always. Good healing vibes to you 🌟


I’m sorry you still feel sick. Don’t feel bad; like you said you can’t control it. Just take the time you need to get better.


Aw thank you so much, Georgio!! Yeah, my body is acting like it needs the sleep. I fell asleep pretty early for me last night, even though I had a 6 hour long nap during the day. I slept for over 8 hours last night, but I still so tired and will be going back to sleep soon. I have been remaining optimistic that everything will be fine, and that it's just going to take a little time. I'm just really impatient. I want to work so badly! It's my passion. Aw thanks!


Aw thank you so much, Doc!! I really appreciate that. I can be pretty hard on myself, and impatient. I need to stop freaking out and calm down.