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I hoep the name of the minigame *Chastity Trail* isn't that bad ^_^

Anyway , this weekend was mostly a *animation* weekend since i implemented two animation sequences for the case that you have been catched by one of the more evil enemys in the minigame . (no , not the spiders and plants , they will just slow you down as seen in the gif)

Currently i only have a small level fpr this minigame , but i was able to build in all the gameplay elements. Okay.. they aren't many xD

You just have to guide Aemi/vivian through the dungeon without getting to close to the enemys and you should be faster than the skeleton who is trying to catch Aemi/Vivian.

Despite that Aemi is wearing the armbinder in the gif , You won't start with it. The skeleton just reached me before i started the gif creation software.

In the next weekend i want to start with the creation of the animation i need for the next level. I guess i need one more device and i want to create more toys to play with (more plugs and stuff)

Anyway... it is still a long way to go until i can finish this game >_<




Looks pretty cool :) Looking forward to trying it out.


Maybe i should creat a little beta demo so you guys can see if this minigame is even worth playing. Maybe it is boring.. don't know .


Guess there is a lot of motivated Betatesters amongst your patreons :D


Did you ever try to activate VR? Don´t know what there is to do but I got a HTC Vive now and tried it this weekend. Did not expect it is such a great expirience. And as much as I see it is also possible to activate it in unity personal edition (I allready played a game which was programmed with it). Don´t know what there is to do to get this running in a game though.


True but it will be great when you do. Looks good and I think a small mini game will add to it. To me its like the cards game; fun to do on occasion and if it's part of the story, well then even better.


Currently i do not have a HTC vive or another VR device. And i am not sure if this is a good idea with this game since most VR games are about freedom of movement and my game is just a visual novel with fixed movement in the visual novel scenes. First i need to buy a new PC either way since my 6 year old Mainboard is kind of dated xD


Chastity trail sounds great! If you want a hand with translations (beforehand), let me know.


looks good so far Kerni, and you've shown an additional spoiler you know we're going to want to play with outside of the game, right?


What exactly do you mean with *outsite the game* ?