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Okay i thought a bit about the game and created a fist alpha version of it. Waht you can currently see is that poor Aemi is blindfolded and must be controled just like the in game fights with direction points.

If the enemy reaches Aemi then it will cast a spell and equip more chastity devices on her. If all chastity devices are equiped then the game is lost.

I also scripted some little spiders who will bite the girl and maker her touch herself on appropriate places (if she is able to and not armbinded)

I currently scripting some of the enemy AI so they are able to patrol from one waypoint to another.

The only fear i have is that this game will not be fun... i don't know. Guess i will find out when i create the next beta with the crew quarter section.

EDIT : due to many questions regarding this *other style*
This minigame will be a *simulated* game inside of the virtual realtiy of the emulated intelligence and i also want to use it as a new *test* for the girls.




Sounds funny, but i think i will loose alltime ;)


love the suit Amei is in and the spiders and goblin both give me ideas for the future :D


I agree and seriously hope the girls will be able to wear the equivalent clothes outside of the game? Also, while the game looks interesting, will we be able to bypass it if we so choose?


Definately interesting


Definately interesting. Maybe include clothing damage? I would say include (a couple of) areas where she can remove a chastity piece, but only one in an area then it shuts down. I would play the mini game for sure either way.


Mh.. currently i plan this to be realyl a *mini game* so one session will only last mh.. i think a maximal of 5 minutes. if you don't get captured by the evil chastity cursiong skeleton xD

Kravenar Games

Sounds really good! Keep up!


skeleton is a bit on the other side: fantasy. Imagine Skyrim versus Fallout. I think a little robot (a funny Portal like bot , maybe a floating one like Eve from Wall-E would stick to the path better and would add a little mistery of unknown better tech relying on the ship ). Just my thought.


I feel like I'm missing some context here. Is this meant to be some kind of "simulated" environment? As Andrei said, it's got a very medieval / dark-fantasy look, and while the concept is interesting, I have no idea how it fits into a sci-fi story about perverted station AI.


why not make the spiders crawl on her and sew new bondage stuff. I think you can now use the spiders as a main motive and work a story around them.


From what I understand; the answer is yes, its a simulated environment game and the girls are "uploaded" into it for the duration, and are under Vic's control/guidance


This minigame is more intended to be *in game computer minigame* played by Aemi,Vivian and Victor. That is why everything looks like fantasy :) To be honest i plan that this will be part of a new emulated intelligence test. Victor must play a game with Vivian and Aemi to test their ability to play games with humans.


Uff.. ahmm..Currently i only plan that the skeleton who follows you is able to create new devices and the bites from the spiders are there to rais the arousal and keep you occupied.


In the first seconds the fear for her is seized ...


That animation loop is good-- grabbed me when I first saw it. Seeing something dangerous sneaking up on a woman definitely triggers some low-level reactions in a person.


For me only one question truely remains: When will we finally be able to see it go live and test it? :D


First i have to acutally finish this minigame so it is fully usable in the game itself. Then.. i need to create the crew quarter level since this minigame is planned to be embedded into the.. story. Could take a while :)