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As i said last time , this weekend i need to think about the next minigame i want to include. Currently you can see a dungeon which i want to use for a little minigame the player has to do for the story :
My current idea for this minigame ( all still in the idea phase, don't know if i can do it exactly like this)

This game is kind of co op mode between the player and the girl who must go throug the dungeon.

Okay.. so the girl will be transportet into this dungeon (the platform) and then be blindfolded. The player then has to guide her through the dungeon with direction points (player will play in orbit mode and can click onto the ground to place a point) the girl is only able to see the direction point and nothing else.

The first evil thing is that in the little dungeon there are ahm.. ghosts or traps or somethign like that who will emitt a light electrick shock so she isn't able to walk around for a short amount of time. So the player must be carefull to NOT lead her into those traps.

The second evil thing is a enemy (don't know which kind of enemy) will slowly follow her and when he/she/it reached the girl , the girl will be equiped with a bondage device which will make her arousel rate go up.

Maybe the girl will slowly try to pleasure herself insteadt of walking towards the exit.

Then the enemy will be teleported back and must go to her again to equip her with one more device.

the game is WON if the girl will reach the exit or the game is LOST if all devices are equipped onto the girl.

I hope i can code this all xD
and... i hope this won't be a shitty minigame.




Sounds interesting. I hope we will see a lot of sex and the sea of passion?)


How about some "Estrus"-traps for the dungeon and a few plants who sprays pheromones on lifeforms that try to pass them (to raise the arousal)?!


This sounds cool, maybe could be a sort of VR game of sorts for the girl/girls. Granting acces to "something" or the other?


Maybe the idea with the phermomones is even better than the *electric shock* idea.


That is just demented but I love it! Only thing is everyone is going to fail the first time cause they want to see what ideas you came up with lol.


There is something unnatural about trying to *avoid* seeing a hot girl uncontrollably masturbate. Are you sure you don't have the win/loss backwards?


very unlikely that this will be a shitty game, looking forward to test it :D


Maybe holograms? Maybe AI is affected by defective memory or something around there. Something for an alternative story. Just thinking: both girls are player friendly but a new story can always occur.