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As mentioned in the last weekend log i barely had time to work on the game. I just added some more things for the thrid person thingy and a simple spy cam.

ON Saturday i actually was able to do something , i added a few more little things to the third person feature and afterwards i quickly implemented a spy camera which lets you look at the girls who are currently in the base.

The spy cam is actually only the normal orbit cam i always use.. so this was very easy to implement and i could hit myself to not have done this before.

ON Sunday i was not able to do anything due to family related stuff >_<

But.. anyway end of this month is public release =)




I like it! Now when I tell them to play with each other I don't have to run around like a maniac trying to figure out where they are meeting up.


I'm missing the 'get over here' options from ATOFL... could we have those in here as well? (I understand the android delivery device is not suited for this story)


<p style="color: #008600;">Well, I like the introduction of simple spy cam, it should be interesting. And I hope your family issues will be all right!</p>


Please , Not family "issues" we just threw a party which took a while to setup then not attend because Kerni is a loner and then to clean up again. Nothing evil at all.


Get over here... ahm.. i think i can put this in when i have time. (when.. i have time &gt;_&lt;) With the tablet would be a good idea i think.


Yes , it was such a easy thing to do and i never built it in until now.. call me an idiot.


<p style="color: #008600;">Oh, English is not my native language and I use the words I know. The emotional coloring of these words is often a mystery to me. Therefore, I didn't mean anything bad, I just wished you good luck in your affairs.</p>