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THis weekend i wanted to built in a little additional feature for the game. Once you have finished the game you can directly control the girls in a limited manner. (really just moving around and doing very basic things)

On saturday i had to actually get the old script to work with the other girls and i re discovered how i hate the mecanim system.

Sunday i had to fix many thingy regarding the behaviour if the girl is restrained and built in some new layers. Furthermore i created some basic things you can do while controlling the girl. Like change clothes and dress her with some devices.
I will not be adding much since this is not the main focus of the game. This is just some goodies once the player completed the game.

And.. well.. next weekend i can not really do that much since i am invited to a birthday party so i guess i will add some little minor things to the game.




Will we be able to use things like the shower in this mode?


I doubt that i have enough time for such things to be build in. As i mentioned this is just a minor goodie at the end of the game. The next game i want to create is planned to be third person with a girl protagonist.