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So.. okay.. this weekend i want to continue my work on the hydroponic deck level.

This is just one of these weekends to just do linear work and put stuff into the level and.. more stuff... and.. props.. and when i am done with it (could take some weekends) then i am able to work further onto the story.

And btw : I created a patch with the Xdelta3 patch maker so you can update your version to 0.17_1.

version 0.17 to 0.17_1

- Fixed some minor issues with the story

- Added : you can now Ask Aemi to wear her BDSM suit again (only if she is aroused)

- Added : Start game button if you are not able to use the Mesh buttons at the start of the game

I hope this works since some guys from the loverslab forum and someone frome here :) told me that this thing does not really work.If you encounter problems please tell me so i know that i have to upload the whole game again in version 0.17_1.some hints to use the patch

Screw the patch >.< i will update the download links in the Patreon thing so you can download the whole version 0.17_1 insetadt of the patch.



The updater doesn't work for me


I uploaded the game as a whole build insteadt of a patch. Hope this will work ~_~


I can't play. The mouse doesn't interact with the game, I can't even clic the buttons on the menu. It happens on all the versions, but I played somo time ago the 0.15 version. I think the last windows 10 big update has something to do. What do you think?


OK, if I delete the SSAA file I can play, but I can't open menus nor load saves


This is a known issue with SSAA , you are not able to click on the 3d buttons (In the gameworld itself) but you should be able to use the 2d buttons on all menues(Press ESC). I would recommend foryou to use forward renderung and simple MSAA and SSAA turned off (It is good for deferred rendering)