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I guess i just start with the things i want to do this weekend.

1. Priority : Create animations for Aemi and Vivian for this machine (

used in the hydroponic deck update)

2. Priority (Not sure if i have time for this) : Create a patch for the bugs i was able to iron out.

As you guys found out ,  there are some bugs in this version of the game (0.17) and i just want you to know the current known bugs list and if some of them can be solved.

  • Remove devices dialouge will appear even without devices attached (Fixed in dev version)
  • If Aemi or Vivian used the machine two times the event can not be ended (Fixed in dev version)
  • Victors Left arm will be weird sometimes if he fights... (i have no idea.. srsly.. O.o)
  • If Vivian asks you to help her out regarding her arousal. After that you can not speak to her again (Fixed in dev version)
  • I guess there are many more ^_^

Ps: This is a free post and as long as i do not have finished a big update ( e.g.the hydroponic deck), i want it to be always free and readable for everyone :D



Awsome :)




good work man , i told you to come over patreon asap lol, did my pledge , do some work on your pledging option , i would like an upgrade :p


Glad to see you got on the Patreon train, and thanks for making it an easy $1 one. Unlike Last Exile I'm not after any upgrades, I don't want exclusive content and I'm actually more inclined to raise my pledge in response to ongoing free, public content. Definitely take the time to think about your pledge structure and how it can best compliment the project, but please don't be tempted to pull shenanigans like Reepyr and Eek! have. Their approach to tiers makes a mockery of patronage.


I like the major update style support over the monthly stuff. Good choice