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Okay relatively much done this weekend actually. 

First of all i had to do a little debug session since i had to add some more generic events for a certain item which makes someone silent and since she was silent i needed new events for those rare occasions. And those events triggered a bit wrong.

Furthermore i had to implement a function which gives me the exact position of a certain vertex of a skinnend mesh since i need this position to attach somethign to it.

And.. i added about 20 VN frames

and... to make myself more efficient i added a function to my vn framework which allows me to copy whole events. I hope this will help to add generic events in case the player wants to do something but the girl is... silent for some unknown reason.

Btw : A question to all the spellcheckers out there , is it imporant that  i include the spellchecking framework into the next release or can this wait for a bit ?




I am not really a spellchecker but i think that the game itself schould propably have priority over the spellcheck.


It can wait. As long as it's there for the final release it doesn't have to be there before.


The spellchecking is important, but only if you're using it to get corrected text to put into the game. 95% of people playing your games are using the default text, errors and all. If you want to use it to make the game better for everyone I'd say it's important enough to put in there in the get-go, since it will help your games become popular; if you are just including it as a community modding feature than it can wait.


It is actually more a way to do spellchecking , the whole modding thingy is just.. well things i did along the way because my framework is capcable of it.


Spell checking can wait, not too many errors as is. Better to flesh out the game right now.


I figured that i will try a quick implementation and if this fails and leads to prolonged developement of the next update i will let it be.