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Okay , as mentioned before ,  last weekend  i did not post any update because i had other things to do. ^_^

Anyway , this weekend i advanced a bit in the story. (100 vn frames i guess) and also implemented a new outfit (currently only in story) as seen in the gif. Furthermore i need to think about what kind of little story the pirate base has and what i may do once the player has discovered certain areas of the base.

And i created some additional animations which will be of course used in the story. The medical bed will be put to a little bit use since Malia.. ahm.. no too many spoilers are evil.

TL DR version : Created some animations (~500 frames) added story frames (~100) added new outfit (see gif , only used in story) and thought about what story the pirate base has.

Btw : if i say outfits are currently used in story only means that i did not added them as buildable item. Every outfit i introduce can be worn by EVERY girl. I just did not added it as selectable for the player. (as for outfit change)




I was about to write an inspiring comment but then i realized i really suck at writing that type of stuff so ill just say: thank you for your work, and please never get "burned out", we <3 your work too much :) Best wishes!