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Okay , this weekends main goal is story progression. I want to add at least 300 VN frames this weekend for the command section story. I still have much to do sincei also need to inlcude the ending of the game into the story. I guess i need to add at least 2000 more VN frames (maybe even more)

I also need to create some more animations but since those are mostly specialized animations for the story they do not take that much amount of time to create. (depends on the lenght).

Other than that MW found a very evil bug before the hydrponic section story. If you  Show Vivian her chastity belt/bra before you go into the hydroponic section than you will no longer be able to progress into the hydroponic section.
I already fixed this bug in my dev version but i need to mention this bug in here since is it is a very evil and story blocking bug.

And.. other than that,.. mhh.. not much to say.
Maybe some thoughts about the sequel (if i ever make one) here and there but... nothing serious.



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