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(Picture above could be slightly related to the story)

As you may have seen already i finished the work on the new (small) device and i already created all the animations for Aemi and Vivian for this thing. Unfortunately i was not really able to do much for the story progression. I added some frames but.. not that much.

So , next weekend i can focus onto the story again and i guess i will need many more weekends before i can deliver a new beta with many bugs to find xD




A boob-snagger! I love it already. Really makes Viv’s funbags look even more squeezable than ever.


Where should I run away during? Poker - playtime locked for 300.


For what is that? I love the fixing (sich nicht bewegen können; ich weiß nicht die richtige übersetzung) part and it looks sexy, but for what will it be used? To stay in place? ;)


IF you lost the game you can either load an old save or you just ned to wait =)