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The picture is of course unrelated to the story and my bad animation skills are shining through but.. she is in a beach chair. The space station did not had a beach but i hope th crew quarter leisure area is also fine.

Anyway , despite the fact that i could only work on sunday this weekend , i  added about 100 Vn frames. And , I am also working on the bug with occulusion culling in the chastity trail game. (i guess barely anyone noticed because no one plays the minigames anyway >_<)

And.. well... just the usual -naughty- work :)

BTW : I noticed that Patreon is search through all the NSFW creators and i ask myself when i will be the one beeing -reviewd- due to fetisch game i create here...

... or isn't my content that extreme ?




Well i guess your content is more like objectophilia since the both girls are "things" as androids, and you haven't any of the "modern" fetishes like r4p3, inc3st and b3sti4lity in your awesome game you create. ;) Thanks for all you've done!


Yeah, you should be fine mate, they are cracking down on Taboo stuff as Kimble mentioned. Keep up the great work!


Hey, I definitely play your minigames. That freakin' tower defense game is insanely hard, though (that or I'm doing it wrong).


@not getting the attention deserved: Well, dont take it too hard. Patreon Search is just not as good with finding the content one would expect to find when searching for certain tags/fetishs. So maybe its not you but lost in the mechanics.