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But.. this weekend i can only do it on sunday since i have to do actual work on our house. I need to replace some floor tiles in our kitchen.

Other than that , well it is just story work and since i know where i want to go in the story i just need to write it so.. no real exciting news this weekend. (and i guess the following weeks won't be either)

My main problem is always to create some pictures for the posts but to avoid tooooooooo much spoilers.

Mh... maybe i can also do an unrelated one.. maybe Aemi in a beach chair or something like that xD

.. but i guess that would be too deceiving >_<




One never needs to apologize for, or even justify, renders of Aemi in a beach chair, or any other excuse to have her wearing skimpy apparel. Hell, go crazy and do one of Aemi and Vivian 69ing in a beach chair.


Hey, art is art, not all art has to involve the game, so if you want to do the girls on the beach, we won't complain :D