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Okay , this weekend i compiled all the versions for the public versions of 0.61 (linux , mac) and i hope they work if not... well.. >_<

I also continued my work on th game as usual and created all the animations for Vivian and the new *other* device. So currently we have two new machines , a half baked new level and no story so far. My next step is to continue and finish the new level as well as thinking about a fitting story. 

Furthermore since i release the public verison 0.61 and if someone want a little *guide* you can still use this from Deniska25-> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11RX1ajzV6coZk9lHkbRAJFtoLXDDDTH4OWp24Ppnogw/edit#gid=0

it is not up to date but i hope it helps.

Next weekend i want to continue my work on the level and then... mh... we will see :)
