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Okay , i was able to finish all the generic chastity trail event for Vivian on one weekend. 

Next weekend i will start to create the generic events for the towerdefense game. First will be Aemi and then Vivian. I will give them a repeatable story (one for Aemi and one for Vivian) so you can play with them when you want.

I will also use the old level (since many of you did not have a problem with this) and some of my old *reward* animations. But i guess i will also make new animations since only re-using animations is lazy.

Okay.. i am lazy to be honest , but i like to make some naughty animations once in a while.




Hope to see a return of the Parasitic plant soon :P Keep up the good work :D


Love this game can't wait for the update.


Great. I love the repeatable events!

William Klauss

Just Join love the game so far hope to see more