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So… Here it is, the new closed alpha, after the public release from last month.
Mostly debugging (the infinite resource boxes) , adding a generic event for the warehouse and the conclusion of the warehouse story (for now.. maybe i add some more side content later)

Download Win 64 (Pcloud)
Download Win 64 (Mega)

Download Win64 (Pcloud)

(Linux/Mac build will be made available if asked very nicely (usually not for the alphas))

Here is the change log :

Change log : Version 0.21 (closed alpha)

- Fixed: Scaling should be better now above HD resolution

- Fixed: Several bugs with infinite resources from the warehouse boxes

- Fixed: Lowered the size of the UNPACKED game a bit with crunch compression (thanks to "marinekelley" for this tip) (the zip is... still large)

- Added: About 500 vn frames for the story

- Added: A new generic event for the warehouse

- Added: A new buildable and placeable device (needs warehouse story finished)

- Added: Placeable device useable by NPC (currently only Ivy , which can also be a litle bit controled like in MW)

So... and… as always the obligatory "please do not feed the creepy crawlers message" (just tell me the bugs you found xD)


Bound in Desire beta 0.21.zip - Shared with pCloud

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I know you said ask nicely 🙂 so I am asking as nice as I can 😇. Please Please Please Please Please can I have a Linux version 🙄? My Windows PC frankly sucks, and gets worse all the time 😒. The Linux PC gets better all the time and works fantastic with this game 🤓. You know I always report all the bugs on both 🐜🐞.