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After my little break last weekend, I am back on track. This weekend i created a little side event and continued with the main story.

Saturday i finished the one device from two weeks ago and created animations for it. Then i implemented it and now Kyra can choose to be freed from the restraints if... she gives a little bit milk to the warehouse.

ON sunday , i continued with the main story and brought one more clothing set (a bikini) into the game (the suit in the gif is an old item but.. i think i have not implemented it into the story yet)

Next weekend i need to generate the navmesh anew (since i build in more stuff into the warehouse, the NPCs are currently walking through things >_<)
And also.. one more clothing item next weekend, and.. i would like to add a new older styled transport device (like a segway (the thing on two wheels) but.. different xD




I have a problem with the game, my character runs even though I don't press anything. Can someone help me?


Hello there, Usually (from experience) this is the case if you have a gamepad connected , due to stick drift xD

Darth Monkius

Just wanted to say im enjoying the focus on milking on this adventure.