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Another handy reference post for myself and hopefully interesting one for you guys! I've put this list up before on the literotica comments, but anyone following from storiesonline will have missed it.

This is a list of the Terran Federation ranks. A Navy Commander is comparable to an Army Commander. (John's original rank in chapter 1).



Second Lieutenant

First Lieutenant

Lieutenant Commander




Rear Admiral

Vice Admiral


Fleet Admiral


Second Lieutenant

First Lieutenant

Lieutenant Commander




Major General


Field Marshal


Big Dude

Commodore = Rear Admiral Lower 1-Star and Rear Admiral = Rear Admiral Upper 2-Star


You show 12 ranks for the Navy and only 10 for the Army.


I suggest the the old style British rank of Subaltern be inserted as the lowest Army rank; insertion of the rank of Lieutenant General between Major General and General as is the norm in the current military rank system would equalize the number of ranks. This would also make all the ranks the same in both services equivalent. Your use of the Commander rank in both services eliminates the current confusion for the rank of captain. A Naval Captain is the equivalent to an Army Colonel; while an Army Captain is the equivalent to a Naval Lieutenant.

Daniel Sifrit

I assume this is Marine and not Army :) It does dodge the old issue of having a low tier "Captain" rank at O-3, commander isn't a bad swap for that since the usual job title there is "Company Commander." If anything I would just remove 2nd LT from Navy (US equivalent is LT Junior Grade) That makes the LTs equivalent (another system confusion) And as James suggested just now, I would add LT General as well. There is a very good reason that most militaries all use the same tiering. O1-O3 is "Company grade officers, O4-06 are field grade (major commands) and 07-O10 are Admirals/Generals.

Daniel Sifrit

As you might guess it is a major career milestone as an officer to move from one tier to another. Very few officers retire in company grades.

Jedi Khan

So, TFed Command basically switched John from being a Marine to a Navy officer?


That appears to be the case. I can understand the reasoning behind that change: poli-ticks.


No Majors in Army classification? My father was one so am a bit biased. lol


My take is Commander is equivalent to Major: where progression is from First Lieutenant, to Lieutenant Commander (Captain), Commander (Major) for a modern army.


I think we need to bare a few things in mind (well at least this is my take on it or it could be something I heard on literotica ages ago. Lol) 1) That while there are similarities between US, UK and many modern military forces/ranks and the Terran Federation military forces/ranks, it would be important to remember that they are only similarities. This allows Tefler to make it easier for us, the readers, to associate/relate to the story and to provide an efficient flow to the story. 2) Or It’s because Tefler’s from the UK and it’s easier (read too lazy :P love your work Tefler) to write using knowledge he’s already familiar with. 3) The Army of the TFed are predominately utilised for planetary defence and ‘mop up’ after an invasion. 4) Whereas, the TFed Navy are an amalgamation of, for a lack of a better explanation, the equivalent of a modern Navy, Air Force and Marines and are utilised for everything else. 5) A possible reason why there is a disparity in the amount of ranks in the Navy and Army is the amount of personnel in each service. I would hazard a guess and say that there would be at least a ratio of 100:1 if not 1000:1 Navy to Army personnel. More personnel means more ranks required for a ‘equal’ (not sure that’s the right word, maybe progression???) distribution throughout the ranks. 6) In regards to TFed switch from Marine to Navy. My understanding is that it’s one and the same. Don’t think of it in the context of the US military service branches but as a sub-branch/discipline/profession i.e. like a pilot or engineer. So, in John’s case, he’s an officer in the TFed Navy and his profession is a Marine. Some job descriptions of a Marine or ‘grunt’ is/are; boarding an enemy vessel or defending against a boarding, participate in the initial ground invasion, provide security on all TFed Navy facilities and vessels. Feel free to agree or disagree on the points I made. Maybe discuss or add to the points I put forth to provide a better explanation if required :)


I don't have an issue with the ranking but at this point I think John is going to be getting direct face time with the king or president or whatever it is of the tfed. He's either going to get promoted into upper Admiralty, or receive an award commencerate with saving a world and a solar system.


My only real issues is there is no enlisted ranks for the most part it looks like all officers and even so far into the future I do no see any military getting away with out having NCO's that truly get the job done.


With all of John's titles from Terran Federation, Maliri Regency and Ashanath Collective, why one should be used first when addressing him? - Friend of Ashanath - Protector of Maliri - Rear Admiral Reminds me of the Idia Amin song, Da Amazing Man, from the 1970s "He is the most amazing man you ever seen, He be President , General, King and da Queen"


Tef even stated in the title of the post that these were officer ranks. I seriously doubt there are no enlisted ranks...it's just that Tefler didn't provide them here.

Jedi Khan

Rear Admiral John Blake, Lion of the Federation and Protector of the Regency. I don't think the Ashanath have given John an official title yet. That's definitely going to change after this next chapter.


"as well as the additional awards/title from the TF for the Battle of Regulus.". Anyone think its suspicious that the TF wants to get all the Invictus crew on Earth for the award? Might it be an attempt to grab the crew whilst they are away from the ship? Faye might be busy conducting a rescue in the next few chapters.


Hard to imagine the PR disaster of trying to "capture" The Hero of Terra / The Lion of the Federation if it got out . We really don't know what kind of government rules the Federation .Some sort of Planetary Federation or representative body /a military dictatorship ? Tefler hasn't really let us know , but if it's in anyway an elective one I'm sure every politician in the Federation would want to be seen with John & Crew in a photo-op .It might be as innocent as that but it might be prudent if they don't want to risk it to leave the Twins & Faye with the ship just in case . Doubt any TF force could take over the Ship & any attempt to stop them from rescuing John & the Girls would expose the plot to capture them.


then there's the retribution from the Maliri - Ashanath - Trankarans that would follow regarding abduction of someone with diplomatic immunity


If someone in TF tries something it just might be the door to bring Jehanna into the crew , she breaks the story that leads to their rescue or prevents it from happening at all . But it seems a little far fetched that any attempt to "sequester" them could work now that their physic powers have come forward . Jedi , good idea about Edraele sending as escort ship , her daughters & heirs are now part of John's crew so perfect excuse & would allow the girls to be part of ceremony in their golden armor ( would keep anyone who saw Irillith's image at the Battle of Regulus from recognizing her) .