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---- Update 29th April: Chapter 77 is complete! ----

Hey everyone!

I know I've kept you waiting ages for this chapter after Chapter 76, so I thought I'd give you a status update. :-)

I've written 13.5k so far, and handed over part 1 to my editors. All being well, I should have it ready for you by Sunday!




nice ! very well done story, i'm looking forward to read it every week :)


You are a Beast!


Woo hoo!!!! Hope you got your new keyboard, and are shopping new systems :)


The new keyboard is still on its way. I plan to spend some time buying my new system as soon as Chapter 77 is completed. So hopefully I should have that new bad boy in just under two weeks time! (I'll add a photo here).

Lucy Severine

... Uh, what? XD didn't the last chapter only realise yesterday, I haven't even had time to read it yet! :P


Yeah, one of my editors couldn't get back to me for a few days on chapter 76 part 2, but I kept writing Chapter 77 while I was waiting. :-)


love it cant wait till sunday hope its as good as 76


Mama Mia!!!


i retract my last comment.... crack ain't even this addicting lol keep it coming cant wait to see what she remembers




Hip Hip Hooray!!!!


Lots of other non-Progenitor storylines to work with over next 10 chapters 1. Dana's super weapon 2. How to fill primary hanger 3. Whether to upgrade Primary Hanger to allow Faye's drone fighters 4. Will Faye obtain a physical presence 5. What happens to Athena 6. Will other Maliri matriarchs seek an update to immortal 7. Kintark plus Brimorians 8. Ashanath's weapon 9. Will Maliri ships join Invictus vs Drakkar 10. Have Drakkar upgraded their ships &themselves 11. Are Drakkar organized into a fighting force other than raiding parties? 12. Why are Drakkar attacking? 13. What is happening at Terran Federation? 14. Potential Ashanath - Maliri alliance 15. What will TF do now that John is official Protector of two groups 16. Other than Progenitor expert, how will Tashana be used offensively? 17. How quickly will Mailiri Fleet upgrade be completed? Lots to think about.


I would love to see John with a mailiri fleet backing him to take on the Drakkar and the Kintark. Bring the pain lol.


With ya, Big J. Reckon Kintark would be very surprised at the effectiveness and viciousness of the blue skinned fleet.


Maliri should make some special forces using Progen tech or special stealth ships or both. I have a felling we will see Maliri fleet with upgrades in final battle or sequel.


A few queries for Tefler: 1. Was wondering whether those Maliri female who have not had the Maliri Hair Bleach will start dyeing their hair blonde to be seen as part of the favoured team? 2. Ditto, will those Maliri children sired by John Blake have blonde hair? Can't imagine incest/in-breeding as a way of gaining favoured status would be a viable genetic option. Or something that John would support. 3. can't remember the characteristics of Ashanath women. Are they likely to be attracted to join John's Flying Circus? Make good sense from the Ashanath High Command's viewpoint to have someone on the inside. However, not sure sure whether sexually compatible for Terrans? Am sure that is something we will find out in sections 77 - 79.


A few answers for Wookey: 1. Hair dyeing isn't part of Maliri culture and the women are very conscious about growing their hair long because of the connotations associated with it. Who knows how they'll react to the cultural impact that John is going to have on them though! 2. It's a long way away, so I won't make you wait. Yes they'll have white hair, and you're right, John wouldn't be up for incest/in-breeding. 3. They're physically almost identical in appearance to Ashanath males. The crew has a really hard time telling them apart. Like the Terrans, the Ashanath seem to be unaffected by the genetic modification that has altered the Maliri (the women aren't fascinated by him). John finds both the Ashanath and the Trankarans unsettling. It's highly unlikely he'd seek to sex one up. :-)


as to 16 she has pyrokinesis, John et al just need her to gain control other than through rage :). Pyrokinesis should go through shielded to entities and be pretty devastating to those that can regenerate.


The Ashanth women may not be fascinated by John, but it appears that all of them are fascinated by the girls' "orbs" :)

Big Dude

Excellent story sir! Some plot questions. I realize you may not want to spring anything before its time! 1) Did the Invictus have external cameras that captured the external characteristics of the PG ship? 2) Will John's mother reappear? Everything you wrote in earlier chapters seems to reappear later, like Ceraden thinking about his daughters in earlier chapters. 3) Will John go back and acquire the PG weapon on the Terra moon? 4) If Alyssa and Athena merge will Alyssa be able to remold (remould) the armor (armour) at a higher level without getting headaches 5) Will Tashana's pyrokinetics be added to Dana's weaponry repertoire? Have Tashana's weapon fire fire? 6) How many rail gun shells does the Invictus have aboard and does the ship have the technology create more and self replenish? 7) How much power do the new power cores produce?

Big Dude

Stupid me, I hit enter too quickly: Back to #7, the old core had 1189% of the original core. How much more power now? 8) Will Onyxium ever be used again or just the new elements Dana created? 9) With the data crystals will Dana be able to improve the Gateway server? 10) With the sympathetic tie-in between Irillith and Tashana, will they be getting full twin telepathic capabilities?


I feel like I can answer two of these myself. 4 - Alyssa will be able to reshape armor to a higher degree as she gains more power, which so far has been taking place even without merging with Athena. Since it seems like Alyssa has more power to gain before she merges in Athena, then Alyssa should presumably be able to reshape the armor another time or two before that point. 5 - Considering the pyrokinesis is something created psychically by Tashana, it is extremely unlikely that it would be incorporated by Dana into a weapon, since the weapon is not Tashana and thus cannot actually perform pyrokinesis. Now that being said, it's possible that something could be created to provide Tashana with a "focus" to use with her pyrokinesis, similar to the way that John channels some of his psychic powers through his sword (setting it on fire, freezing it, etc.). Of course, Tashana already seems capable of projecting her pyrokinesis as a ranged weapon (so to speak), so she probably would not need a "focus" like John does. ~Morningfrost


Another quick answer. 8 - Onyxium is still used as a part of Dana's armor composition, so it would definitely be used again. ~Morningfrost


John can introduce Irilith & Tashana to ashnath high council as they know how malari women look like & explain his new status of malari. So ashnath can reveal their knowledge about progenitors to John & girls


I'd hazard a guess that the ashanath might be a little bit perturbed by the appearance of Irillith and Tashana with their blue skin and blonde hair.


I think they will reveal most everything either way, expect this secret weapon/program.


CURVES, you forgot their curves, that's all they ashanath will think about. Don't think they care if curves are flesh color or blue!


Rachel saw his questioning look and asked, "If Tashana doesn't mind, I was wondering if she would share this load with Dana? I'm conducting an experiment at the moment, and she's volunteered to be my test subject." what is Rachel latest experiment?


I believe it has to do with birth control. She had a 'OMGosh' moment when they were talking about it in an earlier chapter.


If the Ashanth were Impressed by John and company before can't wait to see their reaction now. And the poor Bolon who sees Alyssa will maybe be blinded by her "light" ?

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

There does seem to be a bit of inconsistency concerning John creating defensive shields. He has been doing that with the astral plane entities for some time. He has had a protective shield, with runes, for several chapters now, yet, he cannot reproduce it now for defensive purposes in the 'real' world? Seems a bit fishy to me. Perhaps it is because he is not being aided by Athena? But, not sure why that would matter at this point because he made the personal body shield all by himself. And, I am thinking runes on his defense shield would also strengthen it against attack just like the runes on his astral plane shield help him hide from those behemoths.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Another point: I am not so sure Mael is John's father due to one insight I just had: specifically, Athena is benevolent and assistive with Alyssa. It is now evident Mael would have been the same way with the spiritual assistant of John. Since John's is not so benevolent and is more like what we would expect of a regular progen, I am thinking Mael is not the BSP but BSP is actually Mael's foe who was stranded on that planet, impregnated John's mother with the intent to take over his body, and then had to do so again when John was born away from his sphere of influence. The reason he has not killed John off already is because he is curious as to why John has developed the way he has and is just bored enough to see where it goes before he destroys him.


Good point JFL. Had not thought of that.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

And, that would make John his genetic equal. That would necessarily mean John would be his equal in psychic strength as well...when he is able to absorb his guide.


One of the great things about Tefler's stories and this Patreon site is that it encourages debate as well as lots of interesting side bars. For example, StaceyB's Rule 34 story. <more please="" stacey=""></more>


Have we determined the Bolon can see telepathic links? Maybe they can, I didn't remember reading it.


I'm thinking the defensive shields are different than what John uses in the astral plane. The shields used in the astral plane appear to be projections of Progenitor runes, not actual defensive shields, as evidenced by the chapter stating that John took two different runes (concealment and something else) and combined them to form his astral protection. The defensive shields used on the material plane appear to be standard psychic projections of energy, rather than anything rune-based like the astral shields. ~Morningfrost


I know we should have a poll for this but for you rabid fans out there (I consider myself one), how many times have you read through the entire series? Personally I have been through 3 times and am on my 4th.

rich ed

As Telf likes to drop hints for future chapters..........."It's not as deep as it looks and we drained the tanks from the old pool when we repurposed the gym into the new brig". I wonder who the new brig is destined for? Chapter 76

rich ed

3, but I also go back and read individual chapters from time to time. yesterday was 68 and 69, the last massive battle, jade was bad ass in that one.


I was wondering, as well, since the original design would have already had a brig. (the only reason it may have been taken out would have been it was in the area of the Marine barracks that was removed by Harris just after they bought it)


I'm surprised the brig wasn't mentioned as being extra hardened.


How many words now Tefler?


Does John's human side make him stronger or weaker in terms of psychic strength. My guess is stronger...


Stacey has given me another story, which I'll edit after the weekend and post up here. :-)


17k in total so far. I've got tomorrow off, so I'm aiming to get ~8k written then. I'll look to finish it on Saturday all being well, then hand it over to my editors.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Tefler: A thought. I remember when Irilith was dealing with the AI there were a few things that happened there that I thought might be added to the cyber defenses at the comms gateway server. First, the attacks that Nexus made on the Invictus were more like denial of service attacks with mass numbers of relatively common attack programs gaining access through the coms antennae. One of the best ways to prevent such an attack is to create a high bit (say 1024 bit—rather low for this time line since we already have 1024 bit word computers now--or even a 4,096 bit) unique to ship, fractal access code during battles that must precede all transmissions before the data packets are allowed through the coms receiver in the first place. That way the connected ships still have 2 way comms while other ships cannot penetrate/hack their signals. And since fractals are infinite in their formulations, getting the right one would be just this side of infinitely impossible. This would have the effect of the Invictus coms receiver just ignoring the attacking programs and they would just never even enter the coms network in the first place. Think of it as a keyed hexagon that opens the coms portal for the data packet holding the key to pass through into the internal comms security area for further scrutiny. And if the data packet is hostile, instantly change the fractal code and send it to the connected ships...instantly resetting the cyber defensive grid. The other issue: Nexus basically dismissed Irilith from its network by creating a purge routine. Any data packet that is seen as hostile can be immediately assigned its own purge program and booted out of the Invictus digital network while the key is reset...effectively locking them out again.


With Charles Harris being picked in the NFL draft by the Dolphins does that mean there is a vacancy at Olympus?


Question for everyone. The enshunu seem on the small amount of exposure we've had so far to be the red to maliri blue. Is it gospel that projen use females as thrall? No evidence that they had male thralls? If not then what is the enshunu overlord? Female something? The anchoin evolved? What?

Jedi Khan

Given what we know so far about the Progenitors, including what Tashana has mentioned in this chapter, I would say that it is "gospel" that the Progenitor thralls are exclusively female. But keep in mind, even the original Gospel is constantly questioned, reinterpreted, etc. The Gospel according to Tefler is still a work in progress though, so things can change quite quickly. As for the Enshuu, given their view of women as little more than tools for pleasure (just look at the decor on their ships), I highly doubt the big boss of the Enshuu is a woman, unless she happened to grow a pair, gained a reputation as a vicious nut cracker, and has managed to avoid being assassinated. I'm not convinced the Enshuu had anything to do with the Progenitors, except maybe get curb stomped by Mael'nerak. If the Enshuu are the descendants of the Achonin, then their treatment of women, especially of the blue skinned variety, makes sense given they were driven nearly to extinction by an army of women. It would also explain how that Enshuu vicar was able to reactivate Underworld.

Jedi Khan

So, Tefler, has anyone told you recently that your writing speed is ungodly fast? Yeah, seriously, it's like his fingers know the Hiten Mitsurgi style. You should see them fly across the keyboard. What the? Crazy, where the hell have you been? Didn't I tell you? I went on vacation. Want to hear about it? Not really... Okay, I'll tell you since you asked so nicely. First, I went to London and paid Tefler a visit. How-? I tried to help him out, give him some ideas, you know that sort of thing, but I don't think he listened to me, so I got a bit frustrated and broke the "b" key on his keyboard. Sorry about that, Tef, but I got a good look at your rig, and trust me, a broken "b" would have been the least of your worries had I even so much as tapped your case. You seriously need to get that dinosaur replaced soon. You what? So then after I watched Tefler for a while, I wandered around the world for a few days, saw the sights, did the the usual tourist stuff, then came back just this afternoon. You missed the new chapter. No I didn't. I read it over some other guy's shoulder. I think it was some guy named John F Lewis. You know that guy has a screw loose, right? I mean, more so than you do. I'm not-- I don't think he noticed I was there considering the mess in his head. Hell, he didn't even notice his hot wife giving him the come hither look while he was reading. I'm a ghost and even I noticed the look that hot piece of ass was giving him. If I had a body, I'd have tapped that in a heart beat, new chapter or not. Yeah, just gonna ignore that one completely. I got pictures. Wanna see? What? No! AHH!! Dear god, my eyes! Oh, whoops. Bathroom selfie. I think that was a truck stop in Toledo. Had a hot Tinder date there. Can't...claw...them...out.


Thanks JK. You (& Crazy) always contribute some light relief during the 2-3 day waiting period pre-Chapter


The Corsair Cherry MX keyboard I bought just arrived ten minutes ago. Thanks everyone who recommended a mechanical keyboard, writing on this thing feels amazing! :D


Is this what it's like inside your head? Omg, you poor thing. XD


You know, what I am curious about is when is Dana going to fit the GoPro's (or whatever the year 2780 version is)? That and whenever John finally adds their embedded reporter (in bedded? Perspective I guess) Jehanna Elani should make some good interactions/reports.


Hah, I can see it now: "But, I can't learn to shoot, I'm a reporter!" Dana, "Not anymore, toots, now you're one of us and we love to protect John." Rachel, "I'm a doctor, and I'll pick up a weapon any time we're needed to protect one of us or someone else."


Tefler... Does Edraele have a seaside estate, maybe somewhere they can take a break on Valaden next to the ocean. Give Jade a chance to stretch her muscles again, and meet some really exciting new creatures to emulate.


Not at the moment, but I can certainly see her buying somewhere like that to keep Jade entertained. All part of her "Come and live here with me on Valaden!" plan. :-)


I made decent progress today and wrote another 6k words. Some of it was slow going, as I had to sketch out Dana's secrete project and come up with some new names, as well as create a sketch of the Invictus for something else I'm working on. I'm still hoping to get the chapter finished tomorrow though and handed over to the editors! All being well, it should be up on Sunday evening! :-)

Jedi Khan

More sketches, huh? Just what have you got lurking in that devious little mind of yours, Tef?


I am probably alone in this thought but it would be cool to have Dana in the middle of one or more MacGyver moments. Situation hopeless, devious engineer saves the day with duck tape, Swiss army knife and creates improvised blow torch. If you need help with some practical application ideas Google "tm 31-210". Shaped charges using wine bottles, etc. No, I am not some wacko, I got interested in engineering while I was in the Army.


Great work Tefler, its lovely to be able to support someone as creative and hard working as you are.


I agree with someone somewhere, Its great to know and support you. Have a great day, Tefler.


Awesome - Am really enjoying and looking forward to the next chapter. Glad to support the effort

Jim lynch

You mean like mr t did in the a team back in the 80s lol


Hey Everyone, I'm just sitting here waiting for a new chapter and doing some thinking. I've got a theory and i was interested to see if anyone could poke some holes in it... Firstly the Enshunu (probably misspelled that) are the same people that built the underworld station all those years ago, that's how they knew about the control rod. Behind their masks they are the red people the Mal'Nerak went to war with that was on the stone pictographs the Arsanth (again misspelled) showed John a while back. The reason they treat women so badly is because all the Malarai soldiers were all women and they were defeated by them and so they hate women and treat them badly because of it. It could be that they have some kind of advanced cloning technology that they have been using for a long time and as a result of the genetic degradation they are all messed up and that is why they all wear masks. If this is the case then Dana could find a way to grow/clone a body for Athena and find a way to put her consciousness inside that new body, maybe one for Faye too? What does everyone think is there anything i have missed or does anyone else have a better theory?

Jedi Khan

Your theory has merit, but I'm not sure cloning is the answer to the Enshuu survival. Given just how long it's been since they got crushed by Mael'nerak, if they were using cloning to maintain their population, the lack of genetic variation would have led to their extinction. In all likelihood, if they are the descendants of the Achonin, they probably somehow managed to escape the devastation of their species by finding another genetically compatible species and integrating into their society. If John and the crew do find cloning technology, it's likely going to be Mael'nerak's, as they have seen proof that he had the technology and skill for it.


That's a good point, i was just rereading chapter 76 getting ready for the next on and i saw a bit of dialogue from Valada ("As you ordered, the cloning facility has been repaired and reactivated!") maybe when they fight the Drakar next they will travel to their home world/system and be able to find the old cloning facility that Mal'Nerak used to create them and use that tech to get Athena a body. From memory the Drakar don't have a government as such so it might not be too hard to infiltrate their home planet.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Jared, not sure your theory works with what we already know. Tashana mentions the race that made the underworld were an advanced race that Mael killed off eons before the antagonistic Progen came to challenge him. Now, the Enshunu is an entirely different matter. They may know of the control rod due to archeological digs of that prior civilization. They may be the minions of the antagonistic Progenator, there is room for speculation there.


That's interesting, what i am getting from the story in regards to Mael's timeline is that he came to the local area (of space) and he was mostly similar to the other Projenitors at that point (he was an asshole). He either created the Malari or fundamentally changed their DNA with the genetic modification. Also at some point he created the Lenarrans (nymphs) i assume to assist with recruiting large numbers of Malarai for his army. Then he went to war with Achonin eventually defeating them by using the Malarai (shown in pictographs). At which point her then created the Tankarans for mining minerals and the Arsanth for some other unknown reason the Nexus and eventually humans for genetic diversity experiments as he was bored, probably still a projenitor asshole at this point (the scene from the nexus files when he is yelling at Valada about his drink). It seems in the 30K yerars since then he fell in love with Valada and became a nicer guy, much more like John. He decided (with Valada's prompting) to free the Nymphs and left them alone on their new planet. At which point the new Projenitor shows up and goes to war with Mael. After suffering huge losses in this war he then desperately creates the Drakkar in a attempt to boost his armies. After which he launches some kind of final last chance battle which is why he left Valada and is never heard from again (probably killed in the battle). Is that the correct flow of events or have i missed something again? Damn there is a lot to remember...

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Tefler: I have a possible sequel idea for you. The heroine is a space faring Amazonian named Underboob. She is the creator and protector of the Milky Way. Her ship is hard to hit as it flies through space due to its hypnotic sway. It jiggles and wiggles and when close enough, emits a white cream from the nose which instantly blinds any antagonist to their impending doom. My wife was the inspiration. LOL


Jared ..The only hole I might see is that Tashana knew about the Achonin & their history before she went into the Waste Lands & doesn't make any connection between them & the Enshunu . That they( Enshunu ) may be an off shoot of Mael enemies thralls & are also hiding behind masks like the Maliri seems more likely . It would still leave them with a hatred for women , especially blue ones . If Tashana is able ,once the "Gift" kicks in ,to find the base where the cloning tanks are I would love to see John create bodies for Athena & Faye (hope she stays purple though ) ps the red males that Mael destroyed in the first pictograph were described as a pre-industrial civilization not a space traveling one .

Jedi Khan

That's mostly correct, Jared. However, we're still a bit fuzzy on the exact order of events with regards to him arriving in the region, wiping out the Achonin, enslaving the Maliri, and creating the Nymphs. It's possible that he already had the Maliri when he arrived in the region and that he wiped out the Achonin as his way of saying "hello" to the new neighbors.

Jedi Khan

As much as I hate to distract you from your work Tef, Crazy's got a question for you. How ya doing? *sigh* Yeah, a simple question, seemingly not all that important or relevant, but I think you can figure out what he's talking about.


I finished chapter 77 last night and handed it over to my editors. I've just been finishing off editing of part 1, but it'll be a few days until my editors get back to me with the edits for part 2. I'm thinking I'll just post it anyway, then I'll update the new versions as I get their edits. :-)


Thank you, I love that idea. Not only does it satisfy our cravings but also we gain more insight on what is being edited.


yes. please do. now. please.


gimme gimme gimme.....pretty please