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Hi everyone!

Chapter 76 is finally finished! 

What happens next to Tashana? Will they ever finish the refit? Will John finally reveal his plans for the Maliri? Why are you reading this post when you could be finding out? :-)

Hope you enjoy it!



Jim lynch

Oh thank you


nice :P ill begin and thank you :P

Jim lynch

I can't open it


Thank you!


Woooo hooooo

Jim lynch

I can open it via internet but having trouble using app




Now I'm off to have dinner, then I'll be getting stuck into chapter 77. I've written 8k already and I want to have it finished by Sunday. :-)


Thank you Tefler


Thank you very VERY much! There goes the day...


Thanks & good luck with 77


I have had issues with the app before. I recommend logging out and back in to be able to open the file


Sunday?! Wow, you're a beast.


Thanks Tef! Hope you got your keyboard issues sorted out.


Thanks and Great work, Tefler. Best on Chapter 77


nice but now i have to wait for at least a week to now how alyssa is going to retrieve the lost data


Absolutely loved it.


My guess, astral plane memory copy from Tashana that she then replays to all the crew


Great, thks.


Wow! Good one!!🤔


Excellent Chapter!!!!


Today is my birthday and this makes for an excellent birthday gift. Can't wait to read it later when I get a chance. Thanks!


I've got a stand-in by my proper replacement hasn't arrived yet. :-(


OMG! Nooooo! Bloody cliffhangers! A pox on the person who used it first! ROFL! Thanks for the chapter, Tefler. As always, looking forward to the next one. :)

Jim lynch

Wow what a twist I never saw it coming fantastic chapter your getting exceptional now fantastic thank you bring on the next instalment WOW


lol Yeah sorry about that, I had to end it somewhere! Hopefully you won't have to wait too long for the next one!


Ah, good to know I can still keep you on your toes. :-)


Go Tef Go! Keep it coming Hot & Fresh!


If you have issues with opening it, just load it into a google drive. that lets you open it and read it, no troubles at all


Cliff hanger again!??! I thought you evolved away from this Tef? lol Loving everything about this story. The plot twist shows a lot of thought going into this story. I would venture into stating that it's more than raising a child

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

This was a masterpiece! Sheer masterpiece! I had to wipe tears away at the end...and laughed at your cliffhanger. Are you sure you are not a sadist at heart Tefler? LOLs. Now the questions are: is the BSP Mael come back from a dibilitating injury or is it the one he opposed who has resurfaced? And we now know there are a host of other Progens, a whole race of them? Is the BSP another challenger from that race? I am leaning towards the one he opposed or the offspring of one the one he opposed, due to his callous methods. And I think we can now safely say that John is Mael's son. Their temperment seems too alike to be otherwise. I am thinking I was right when I said John's mother found Mael in a cryogenic state. The rest of the storyline there will be very interesting indeed. John is going to have to claim leadership over or destroy the Drakkar. I am thinking the Enshunu were the minions of the other Progen who was either destroyed or was in a similar state to Mael...and that weapon on the moon (the legacy device the Ashanath have?) is looking more and more as a much used planet killer. The higher level of psychic mind sharing practiced by Alyssa and now being investigated by Edraele I suspect is going to bear fruit and I am thinking John is going to make all the girls, including the 4 Matriarchs, into Progenators...which will tip the power scale deeply into his favor when John has to deal with his Progen Kin. I suspect this has all been a subliminal plan in John's subconscious mind from the beginning.


There can only be ONE!


I didn't really plan this one as a cliffhanger, but I have to cut the chapters off somewhere! :-) It was satisfying being able to finally reveal some more of the backstory, so I'm glad you enjoyed it!


Thanks for the glowing praise, it's much appreciated! This chapter revealed quite a bit, but as you say, it raises a bunch of new questions. :-)


Uh, did you write it correctly? Page 5 I believe... "So, all progenitors have more than one Matriarch?".... "We believe so." I'm not sure you meant it like that, but if you did, alright. Doesn't seem to go with what we have learned so far.


Another great chapter!!!! Yup, seems Dana is building a Super-Progenitor-Mech.... LOL I was kind of hoping that they might have pulled in some more crew and some additional ships (fighters) for the trip to Ashana. So far, they haven't needed additional help, but that seems to not be the case soon. Looks like a trip into the heart of Drakkar territory will be coming. Should be interesting to see how he "conquers" them. I have not seen any of the "genetic disposition" from the Drakkar for obedience. I wonder how the Ashanath fit into the scheme of things. Maybe Mael'nerak made them to be the collectors, and preservers of tech?


Well done spotting that! I dunno what happened there, but i somehow ended up writing the opposite of what I intended! I've just fixed it.


Great chapter Tefler! Was nice to see how the non-combat-related refits turned out, and the psychic training was done very well. The girls definitely had the right idea in mind, as John's sense of self-preservation is significantly lower than his desire to protect the girls. Also really liked the Mael'nerak twist. It brings up a lot of interesting questions about the Progenitors, such as whether John (and now Mael'nerak) are abnormal, or whether they're similar to other races where there's a spectrum of behavior. ~Morningfrost


Another great Chapter Tefler! Though you do realize I'm going to read the next chapter regardless? :)


Yo Tef! Idea! U know the polio vaccine? 2 drops of highly bitter liquid they give to kids in third world countries. If the connection with Edraeledoesn't take a lot. They can vaccinate all maliri from the other progenitor, and the more healing might make John progressively stronger and he would have a new maliri army at his disposal. My first prediction for this chapter turned out true so, SPOILER ALERT: athena solution after grey space threat is taken care of and LONG TERM PREDICTION: MAel'nerak in John's daddy! Poor guy. Didn't have a female progenitor with no compulsion to follow him. Otherwise, Valada would have saved his ass...


Looks like Mael'nerak might be his dad...  or Mael'nerak might have confronted his dad and stranded him...  Based on them not recognizing Mael'nerak as the spitting image of John I think the second is more likely. 


More mind diving for Alyssa or glowing eyees for Irillith


Fantastic!! So much new insights & information . It was a great thing that you resisted all the "kill Tashana" rants , her information on Mael-nerak & Progenitors is priceless . We get a new look at John's father , maybe he's not the monster we were led to believe he was & it opens up a whole new adventure / danger out there beyond BSP . The biggest little clues , Tashana outburst upon finding out Alyssa was a Progenitor ( they were " perfectly DESINGED" to dominate hordes of women for their wars) designed by who you might ask & what happens after the wars . We see later that "they" sent their strongest of his brother ,why? Did Mael-nerak somehow fail his "creators" . It just opens up so many new questions . The use of red to designate the other Progenitor hints to the Enshunu as his Thralls & since they seem to be males even though Mael said one of his brothers maybe this other Progen is female , wouldn't that be naughty idea . BTW don't know why all the angst about a cliff hanger , it seems like a very logical break in the story to me . just my $.02


DC he deliberately cut Valada lose to protect her & possibly the whole Maliri race from the other Progenitor attacking him . It seems he was on a suicide mission to take out the other Progenitor but didn't want Valada missing him (Aylssa could relate having lost John to Progenjohn for awhile) I think it obvious that Mael-Nerak is John's father , have to be pretty sad for him almost 10,000 years alone until John's mom showed up , John gets antsy without some loving for a few hours .


"Long live the King."


Great, Tefler. I agree with Chefy, Long live the King. I bow to you in humble appreciate your talent as a great writer and thank you for the best Science Fiction story ever.


Tefler i haven't said it enough but i adore you i really do.

Kim Biel-Nielsen

Fantastic - thanks! Addition of background material really builds the story. Can hardly wait for 77.


Yay, a new chapter! Toilet, check, tea, check, biscuits, check, phone silent, check, And here we go! I watched rouge one the other day, thought to myself, yeah its good, but no 3SM! One complaint, No KPI's for Tashana? and how about the six month review for the girls? Time to add a HR officer quick smart!


Awesome Chapter Tefler. So Valada has changed Mael'nerak & made him a nice person . So I think Mael'nerak is a ruler of these part of the galaxy. Different Progenitor rule different part of a galaxy. I think some are good Progenitor, they are happy to rule their section but some are hungry for others territory . I support theory that Mael'nerak is John`s Father . I think BSP is rival Progenitor. Some questions - What PJ trying to achieve by conquering the galaxy? Will John become as powerfull as Mael'nerak ? Thank You Tefler for another awoeome chapter.

rich ed

dope chapter as always good sir. excited for 77 now


$1600 coming up very soon. To be followed by the magic 1000 Patrons.


Damn good chapter Tef. Keep up the excellent work, I'm sure you know everyone is already anxious for an update on 77. While the wait does suck it is totally worth it.


The videos show the other progenitor destroying habitable planets on the way towards Mael'nerak's territory.  Tashana says that Mael'nerak destroyed the habitable planets of the Achonin.  The timestamps make it unlikely that this progenitor interacted with the Achonin.  But they may have been a threat to them just as every other culture is a threat to each other in theory at least... This universe is full of diverse life, not just humanoids.  The Achonin have a computer system that is unreadable and unrecognizable by Dana and Irillith so it is possible they use a base three, four, five system rather than binary.  Perhaps multiple words together provide context, etc...  Unless it is explored in another work, it doesn't overly matter a lot here. Hint, hint Tefler...

Jim lynch

The one thing I'm hoping for is for this story not to finish any time soon reading each chapter is the highlight of my month. being disabled I don't get out much so I honestly these chapters are a godsend it means that much to me. the way you write is fantastic considering it's your first attempt. So thank you very much for making me smile each time you post keep em coming and if you do get 77 done by Sunday I will be smiling again lol 😁


Hey Tefler What happened about Tsarra Perfaren joining young Matriarch club ?


Ok my theory: Progenitors are generals of some evil empire and Mael'nerak went rouge on them, end of theory. Now for questions: 1. Who is the father Mael'nerak or his rival ? 2. Can planet destroying weapon 1 shoot Progenitor ship ? 3. Is Mael'nerak really an asshole at heart or good guy ? :P 4. What race was the weapon of choice of this other Progenitor ? 5. Can both of them be alive ? 6. Is Valada alive ? P.S. Drakkar need to show some teeth in next I hope few chapters to show they can fight or at least slow down Progenitor, do I need to add I can't wait :)


Verrrrrry interesting chapter for sure :) Excellent work as always :)


All these hints about Dana's secret project and all I can think is IT'S A GUNDAM!! XD


I hope everything is alright at your editors. Seems to me something unusual happened since it never takes so long. Please pass along my wishes for their wellbeing and thanks for all the hard work.


I've got a couple of exciting announcements for when that happens!


I can't possibly comment on the secret project, but I'm delighted to hear you enjoyed the chapter. :-)


Thanks Morningfrost, I'm glad you liked it. Some of these events I planned out months ago (The Mael'nerak twist), and it's extremely satisfying to finally get to write them!


Part of the reason the "refit chapters" took a while, especially Tashana being a pain in the arse, was to make the reward for finding her seem more well earned. With the way it panned out, that also included reuniting all the Maliri behind John. Glad you liked the little clues to the wider backstory I sprinkled in the chapter. :-)


Thanks Robert! I'm not sure how to respond to that without sounding arrogant. I'll just say, "Glad you're enjoying the story!" :-)


I hope you like it Stacey! I'm still waiting on your next comedic masterpiece... :-)


You're welcome Ben! I'd love to discuss your predictions with you, but I've stopped commenting on them. It's too hard to avoid givinig away spoilers!


I'll do my best! I just created an update on Chapter 77...


I might go into that in the sequel, but I doubt I'll touch on it here. You're right basically. The hexagon shaped nature of the psychic powers, the nexus server and a few other bits all point to the way a Progenitors mind works, and by extension their tech. Terrans and Maliri are Progenitor creations, and base their tech on the same source. The Achonin were unrelated to Progenitors, and their minds and tech are alien. Hence their computers not able to communicate with each other.


Hey Jim.I'm really pleased you've been enjoying the story, and thanks for your kind words! Unfortunately this story will end eventually, but then I'll just start a new one!


John was cock blocked by the Ashanath. She'll have to join as a short-haired trial member for now!


Hmm secret project, giant hanger, lion motif. I got it. She's building Voltron.


Given the Star Wars like photo in Patreon maybe it's a star killer


Hope the aforesaid editors realize how lucky they are to get early access to Tefler's work!


xd...Valada lived for thousands of years with Mael-neark as his Matriarch but once she didn't have a steady supply of his Cumm she would start to age , how fast I don't know but since she was House of Valaden first Matriarch (hence the name) & left the projection device for descendants I would guess she's been dead for 10,000 years As for Mael-nerak & his foe since they are Progenitors they might be alive , Mael possibly being john's father was alive 40 yrs ago .


Just re-read & loved all the little moments that make this story such a delightful read . It's sort of easy to get into the battles & fight & sex scenes , they're great, but what is hard , as seen by a few complaints about lack of ACTION in our posts, is keeping the readers interest in the quiet times . Loved Faye's reaction when Tashana almost gave away her crush on John ( hope Alyssa doesn't give it away when she bonds with Tashana) . One thing I was puzzled by was when they were getting her last permission about joining the crew they didn't mention the rise in intelligence , since Tashana was a researcher/scientist I think that would have been a big factor .


Old Edraele can use telekinesis as seen in fight between her and PJ , Also new edraele had given tips to john when he was started to learning telekinesis.


I'm pretty certain that Alyssa already knows that Faye is in love with John. It's already been mentioned she's noticed Faye's dreamy/wistful looks of adoration during at least one of their meetings.


That was a terrific chapter Tefler. I enjoy the galaxric political machonations and world building the most, so I'm dwfinitely looking forward to learning more about the Drakkar. They definitely aren't evil by default since one of them was in Tashana's crew.


Wow, and that incoherent gibberish in my previous post is why I should never do so from my phone. I just had two more things: I think the Lovecraftian Eldrich monsters on the astral plane may have been hunting progenitors to consume their psychic powers, and are the reason for the ancient territorial wars between the progenitors themselves. There's always someone bigger and badder out there. Lastly, I really hope good things come Jade's way in the near future or she gets a chance to redeem herself from the guilt she feels for not being able to protect the Nymphs. That was an awesome twist and made an already terrific character even more interesting.


Wait a minute. The gym was converted into a brig? I feel that this should have more than just a passing mention. It makes sense to have one, but what are they planning on putting in there?


And just how big is this brig? I mean, they reduced the weight training area to accommodate the new pool and hot tub, the old weights area being large enough to allow nearly 300 marines to workout.


Typo: "We need to come up with some names," Dana said, rolling over on her tummy so he could look down at him. She gave him her most endearing smile, as she asked, "Can you help decide for us?" Should be 'she could look down at him.'


Thanks a lot for pointing that out! I've fixed it, and I'll update the post.


What if the astral monsters have to be tamed? Then they work for a progenitor and alert them when new progenitors awaken.... that leads them into conflict and helps them find each other.

Jedi Khan

Okay, so I read this back on Monday and decided to hold off on a review, so I'm not late reading, just late reviewing. First off, *bleep-bloop* Achievement Unlocked! Protector of the Regency. That was the first thing I thought of when I saw the results of the Matriarchs' meeting. John seems to be collecting titles like a gamer collects achievements. Just how many does he have so far? He's got Lion of the Federation and now Protector of the Regency. Did the Trankarans and Ashanath give him titles? Secondly, Tashana's first presentation seems kinda...lackluster. Yeah, sure we see Mael'Nerak be a "nice guy," which is different from how we've seen him before, and we learned more about the Nymphs, but really, we didn't learn a whole lot, especially considering the trove of knowledge Tashana has available to her in her own archives, what was recovered from the Nexus files, and stuff from her archives that she can now analyze with the tech on the Invictus. I'm pretty sure the presentation isn't quite over yet, but still, it looks like it's almost done. A few questions related to this is did Tashana know that Mael'nerak created the Trankarans, Ashanath, and Terrans? How will she react to those revelations? Has she even seen what's in the Nexus files yet? What else is on those data crystals Tashana recovered besides the few clips we've been shown? We're told there's thousands of hours of footage on those crystals, yet Tashana and Irllith only spent less than a day reviewing stuff Faye pulled up. Third, how are the Ashanath going to react to John when he shows up with two blue skinned, white haired women in tow? The Ashanath seem to be expecting John to come into some sort of inheritance, but what exactly is it? Are the Maliri the inheritance, or is it the Progenitor tech? That slow blink Councilor Talari gave obviously has some significance. Perhaps it is the Ashanath sign of accepting the inevitable, that John got his inheritance? Now the question becomes, is that a good or bad thing in the eyes of the Ashanath? Or was that slow blink the equivalent of shock, considering that it came right after John told Talari it would only take three days to travel from deep within Maliri territory to Ashana? And finally, how are the TFeds going to react to the new ship? I'm sure they're going to be a bit confused as their IFF is going to tag it as the Invictus, but the Invictus that is on record is a cruiser, and the Invictus that's right in front of them obviously is not a cruiser. Might be interesting to do the reveal of the new and improved Invictus to the TFed from the point of view of the officer who encounters them first. Would like to see what an active scan of the Invictus would reveal. Okay, so that wasn't much of a review, but honestly, there really isn't much need to keep repeating myself chapter after chapter. :-D

Jedi Khan

Oh, and it seems I was right from a few chapters back, when Alyssa blasted the Astral behemoth. That blast seems to have gotten the attention of most everything else on the Astral Plane, so instead of just one monster hunting John, there's a bunch of them. What I'm wondering is what's keeping those beasts from pulling Alyssa onto the Astral Plane? Why do they keep going after John exclusively? Now that the girls all have psychic powers (or soon will), are they susceptible to being pulled onto the Astral Plane again? Maybe Sakura's bad dream was a hint that the answer is yes, since we don't know what her dream was about.


90 % sure Maliri are the inheritance, the more interesting question for me is what is their secret project could it be planet destroyer ?


The way I read the inheritance angle, was just John accepting that he is a Progenitor and shrugging off his Human side. There by, perhaps, becoming a new threat to everyone, in their eyes.


It wouldn't suprise me if this pacifist talk was only a cover for their real plans or purposes, they do seem quite devious.


Good call on that, yes! Maybe they're not after Psychics in general, but only extremely powerful ones? Maybe Alyssa isn't anywhere near as powerful as John, inherently? Maybe they're only after Progenitors, or are such themselves, and don't recognize Alyssa as one, since she's female? Maybe they're only trying to go after those Progenitors who are making immortals, so the attack only comes after the 3rd feeding to ensure that Progenitors don't make too many bonded immortals, and Alyssa has never and will never make one immortal? Or maybe, it's because Alyssa has always been on the Astral Plane (as Athena), and John's caged the part of himself that would exist there as well as here, and they're just trying to free it? ;-) You raise some excellent questions, Jedi Khan. I look forward to finding out the answers with you.


Maybe the question is , is he being "pulled on to the Astral Plane" as if by one or all the monsters there or is it a natural occurrence of adding thralls , or more specifically the Three cum ones ? Edraele nor any of her one shot thralls have ever been drawn in so maybe something about the closer bond John has with Aylssa & the crew has something to due with it. John is really a rookie there & with out the guidance he was suppose to be getting from Pro-John he is literally stumbling around in the dark. When he finally merges with him he just might be the baddest Mo-Fo there . I think also that the inheritance is John accepting his Progenitor powers & become what the Asanatha fear & why they had all the protection around the archives they showed John & especially what they didn't show him .Maybe the "Legacy" they talked about is a weapon to destroy a Progenitor ?


We've seen the tanks before, but I don't recall them being mentioned as cloning tanks. But, it does lead to a possibility of John creating an actual body for both Athena and Faye. Sure, they are probably destroyed, who knows. But, if they're not...


Spotted a formatting error in this chapter, with the paragraph *I can already do that, beautiful,* Alyssa replied, arching her eyebrow as she broadcast her thoughts to the Maliri girl's mind. She gave her a kind smile as she added, *I can feel your emotions, but I can't hear your thoughts. That'll come later, when we bond." The second 'speech' part starts off as a telepathic one but ends as normal speech.


John has to collect the Ashanth protector titlenow. The reality is the pacifist need someone to protect them. I would have them cede a world to the (Malari, humans, someone) for protection or work on drones that are computer controlled from large carriers.


The protection around the archives was laughable compared to what a progenitor could bring to bear.


Firstly, congrats on another fantastic chapter Tefler!!! You continue to improve your literary talents on each successive chapter you release. I’d also like to add a congrats/thank you to your highly talented editors who have obviously helped you in your literary journey. Finally, a congrats/thank you(not sure what to cal it) to all your loyal supporters across all the sites that you release TSM on, without the community that has grown around TSM we wouldn’t have this amazing story that we do :)


I want to apologies for the essay that follows over several posts...well not really :P I wanted to wait until the reveal of non-combat rooms that you hinted at last chapter before I commented about the refurbishments made to the Invictus. Telfer, I thoroughly enjoyed how you incorporated the suggested and debated topics/ideas and putting your own twist on them for the full refurbishments of the Invictus. I’d like to think a few of my suggestions were utilised in some manner and if so than I am honoured that you chose to use them :) I really liked the reveal of The Lagoon room, so many possible story points can take place there. I really liked the observatory reveal as well. I’d loved to have a room like that…who am I kidding, I’d loved to own the Invictus itself along with everyone else I’m sure :P lol.


A few questions Tefler or anyone else that wants to comment and I understand Tefler that you are unable to answer some of them but I thought I’d put all of them together… 1) When you had Dana explain The Lagoon room and where the water came from ‘we drained the tanks from the old pool when we repurposed the gym into the new brig’ Did you actually mean the new brig? Or the new Combat Command Bridge? Cause that’s where I kind of visualised it being. Or at least close to that area. 2) If that’s not where the new Combat Command Bridge is can someone refresh my memory on what level it’s on and where about it is on that level? 3) If it is the new brig what happened to the old brig? I vaguely remember it being mention in a very early chapter but can’t remember if it was because it was removed or that it wasn’t likely to be used.


4) a) Tefler are you going to be revealing anymore new rooms in subsequent chapters? b) I know there will be at least one more reveal with the section under the front of the ship that Dana wants to use for her secret project and I assume it’s some sort of drop bay. Or at least I think that what it was for (I’ll have to re-read the last chapter to double check) 5) I understand the gym no longer needs the pool or the sparring mats but didn’t the gym have other equipment in there? What happened to all that? 6) I like the suggestion of Dana’s secret project being similar to a Gundam and it kinda makes sense as what Dana obviously took from the mercenary base was one of their drop mechs and not a tank. And with Dana doing what she does best it’s obviously no longer a mech :P and now a Gundam lol and by the sounds of what one of the new weapons is its going to be pretty big. Which also suits the use of the drop bay at the front of the Invictus, if that’s what it ends up being. I’m going to use WMD(weapon of mass destruction) for the rest of this post. 7) Speculation on the new WMD primary weapon mentioned. Is it a portable Beam Laser or a pair of mass drivers :P lol. It’s not a mass driver because there is a focusing chamber but come on guys I don’t think I’ve noticed anyone speculating on what it will be. 8) Who is the WMD intended for? Originally, I thought it might have been for John but I’m not sure now and even though it’s going to have a cockpit I’m pretty sure Faye will end up piloting it at some point.


9) I’m pretty sure Alyssa is going to do the same thing she did with Sakura and search her memories and then share them psychically. The only person who won’t get to see it will be Faye I’m thinking. 10) I’m thinking the reason Valada was angry and bitter is she realised that even though the other Progenitor lost so did Mael'nerak as he didn’t return to Valada and to not let the Maliri be subjected to whichever ‘brother’ progenitor came to investigate what happened she enforced the rule/law to not expose what the Maliri looked like to outsiders. 11) I have to hesitantly agree with previous posters about Johns dad most likely not being Mael'nerak due to nature of the PJ guide. Although I’m starting to think that Tefler hasn’t actually decided who John’s dad is yet :P lol. It would explain why BSP doesn’t know the Maliri are the Maliri, if that makes sense. As with PJ, BSP would have memories of encountering a blue species of thralls but not where that species originated from or where they were based. Whether that previous encounter was face to face or seeing similar murals to what the Asanthans have and what Tashana found is yet to be learned if ever. 12) It’s quite possible John could be BSP older brother. That’s it for now :P When I decide to stop reading the other stories I’m reading in between the release of new chapters I will end up having another read through. When I finally do I might have to do a basic wiki for myself with planets, vehicles/vessels, weapons, characters, species, misc. Which will make it easier to find some of the answers above lol.


I am pretty sure he meant brig. as the pool was on deck 7 and the combat bridge is on deck 4 which use to be the crew(guest) quarters. the old brig was removed during the first refit when they removed the marines barracks to make room for the cargo hold


Interesting comments! I can't reply in detail as I'm busy wrapping up chapter 77. Apart from point 11 - I know who his dad is! :P


PJ could not have been influenced by either progenitor as he was a few weeks old when they seperated.


As to the Maliri hiding themselves , if a Progenitor knew there was a race of thralls remaining in this area of the Galaxy how hard would it be to figure out that the one's hiding behind golden armor where them ? I believe the Maliri knew both Progenitors were gone along with their thralls from the last battle & hoped that hiding would keep a another Progenitor or any of the races that they had helped subjugate from finding them & also why they only let alien races interact with the males on the border planets because they didn't react to them . Irllith reaction to John at first seeing him even with her resistance was a dead give away . I think whoever sent Mael's "brother" thought that they both had been wiped out & thought this section of space had been destroyed in the fight . I always wondered why BSP didn't go straight to the Maliri & instead seemed to fiddle around on the edges with the non-humanoid races to cause trouble .


Yea it makes me wonder too, no matter who this Progenitor is, why he didn't just jump into orbit of Maliri planet or snatch some Maliri and find who they are. We know he's not above doing secret missions himself ( enthralling Lynton ).


*Adopts James Earle Jones voice* John, I am your Father!


Sweet thanks for that Wraith. I'm sure I'll find out exactly what the go is when I reread the story again


Lucky you know Tefler, otherwise the story would be stuffed. LOL


Looks as though Chapter 77 is agreeing with you


Am with you MrR, I thought that secret weapon was going to be a mega-enhanced weapon far stronger than a Nova Lance or Singularity driver. Something to specifically combat the Brimorian shields. From chapter 77's advice, looks as though we will have to wait until at least chapter 80, i.e. post Ashanath - Drakkar battle before it arrives.