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Hey everyone,

I mentioned in one of my earlier comments that I'd post the Invictus' final weapon loadout when I'd finished writing chapter 75. 

Attached is the document I wrote prior to the refit. It includes the weapon loadouts during the various refits, and also Rachel's (my) plan for coordinating all of the work needed during the refit.

I hope you find it interesting!




beefy little assault cruiser, or is it battle cruiser now? (I'm still all for pocket dreadnaught)


I've taken to referring to the Invictus as a battlecruiser now, as that's the most comparable in size. :-)


Can we just call it Invictus: The White Knight? :D


I don't know if it's because I'm not a native speaker or have no military/navy background, but I have no idea what those ship classes mean. Size, purpose, I'm always lost. A document similar to this explaining those would be great. A link that's more or less true to your ideas would work as well.


On a similar note, I have no idea about weapon classes and types as well. Early in the sorry you could focus more on each piece on weaponry, but now there are too many hehehe. I'm getting a bit lost.


I think it missed a bit drama/angst on Tashana transaction, it felt a bit abrupt. Loved everything else though. It was getting hard to deal with the waiting withdrawal.

Daniel Sifrit

Everyone writing naval influenced fiction goes back to the WW2 days. :) Modern ships are down to 4 classes and even some of those are merging. (Frigate/Destroyer, Cruiser, Carrier are pretty much it) Really the main difference is role these days. Frigates are anti-sub, Destroyers are antiship with decent AA, Cruisers are heavy AA with some antiship. The size of the ships have pretty much stabilized.

Daniel Sifrit

That big hangar is hinting that we will start seeing drones soon. :) At least Fay-controlled parasites of some sort. I have been expecting them for a long time - given replicators there is no reason not to move to semi-disposable short range drones. Still need the Raptor for its main job of shuttle, and probably a true stealth replacement since the Raptor isn't anymore...


With John basically being the King of the Maliri now, with a much larger ship, there's a possibility that they'll actually start carrying Maliri fighters now, but upgraded with full Progenitor tech so that John doesn't have to worry too much about losing anyone. I just have a hard time seeing Faye-controlled drones. She's pretty much maxed out at the 12 avatars atm, so you'd be kind of limited on how many drones Faye could actively control at any one time. Plus who would then handle the Pulse Cannon defense grid? Faye is limited by the processing power of her server. Sure the crew could build additional servers and Faye could copy herself into it, but in terms of the story I think that would be a poor idea. ~Morningfrost


Tefler, something to think about for the next Invictus refit: <a href="https://phys.org/news/2017-04-star-wars-superlaser-longer-sci-fi.amp" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://phys.org/news/2017-04-star-wars-superlaser-longer-sci-fi.amp</a>


Super Nova Lance with multiple beam convergence


One thing I never understood... With Nova Lance's being so powerful, why go double barrel on a target? Why not stagger a shot on a new target every 15 seconds if the recharge time is 30 seconds?




Hmm... 4 Medium/Heavy Drone ships with a Progenitor Power core each, and enough size for like 2 beam lasers, shields, and a Nova Lance each - even if they are basically tethered around Invictus for short radius orbits due to keeping Faye's communications links intact - and the Invictus then has the basic hitting power of an entire SQUADRON of ships...


Perhaps they must work in pairs? If they are so great, why not have another pair? I suspect Tefler doesn't want a perfect win load out.


Tefler, can you contact me via email address. Have a table 1/2 prepared taking what you have sent which could be updated every time there is a refit


LOL, a 10 storey hangar bay, someone will have to see how good an echo chamber it is. (Based on 9 decks (Command thru 9), the Inertial Negation Device was listed as 100m tall in the first refit, making each deck just over 10m in height. Primary Hangar was listed as decks 6-9, i.e. over 40m in height, rough industry standard height for commercial building floor spacing is 3m, with the ground floor being slight taller.) Get Dana to turn off gravity in the hangar and play 0g games.


Tefler, how many Maliri have now had their hair bleached by John? I note that John has moved from 25 Maliri bleaches a session in previous visit to 75 this time round. On that basis he is probably &gt;5,000 i.e. 3 sessions a day x 75 per session x 21 days, plus 500 from last time.


Hang on, if the turret wells and singularity driver rails take up deck 2 where have the officer's quarters been moved to and also with the crew/guest quarters on deck 4, wouldn't need to be sound proofed from the sounds of decks 3 &amp; 5?


If, and it's a jolly big if, I've got the mental layout of the Invictus right in my head then the singulaity driver rails are in the new 250m extension and the 200m fore section. The officer's quarters are still on deck 2 but in the 300m aft section of the original ship. This is on the assumtion they split it at the 200m mark to remove the mass driver rails which are (or were) 200m long.

Jedi Khan

I believe it's mentioned in the chapter that there are nearly twelve hundred linked to Edraele now, most of them being the engineers from the refit.


I thought I would share a minor typo before this is fully released. "John nodded, and replied, 'Yes, she's a telepath like your mother. It comes in quiet handy.'" "quiet" should be "quite". Thanks.


Your assumes are based on no space between decks and even height decks.


Earlier you mentioned that thralls live as long as the progenitor. He's making immortals at an impressive rate.


@PT -&gt; They get healed to the template when they get there sample of MHD and then age normally. With regular ingestion of MHD they are reset to the healthy template and begin aging from there. So the folks who are around John the most are constantly 'reset.' All the rest will age normally for there species from the default template.

Jedi Khan

Is it just me or did the Invictus become more like a current naval ship in its internal layout, where in order to get from point A to point B, you first have to go to point C or even point D?


Tashana's memories : I hope before John wipes her memories of the Waste Lands they examine them in detail about the Underworld &amp; the Enshunu &amp; the brass rod . Being forewarned of any danger from them &amp; reawaken Underworld could save some lives . Also will John be able to duplicate his Astral plan Armor in the physical world ? Being invisible &amp; untouchable would be an awesome upgrade .


Wait did I read it right, they can shoot singularity drivers every 1 sec ?

Jedi Khan

Now why would John be asking about that stuff? As far as he's concerned, that's all old news. There was nothing of interest on the Underworld, the Enshuu were/are insignificant, John has absolutely no clue that the brass rod is even a thing, and they were long gone by the time the Vizer showed up and turned on the rest of the station's defenses. Until the Enshuu start causing significant problems for the Maliri that can't be handled without John's help and the Underworld is being used a staging ground for said problems, I highly doubt John is going to give a damn about either the Enshuu or the Underworld.


Well that's pretty over powered, lets hope Brimorians have good shields :P


What I got are there are two primary lifts that have access to all decks. They skipped some for being boring.


They are supposed to have the best shields. I wonder if John will ever get to share in those shields. I suppose that it depends if the Kintark are colluding with all Brimorians, or whether the Brimorians are also splintered like the Trankarrans or Maliri were.


Yeah, it's just the singularity that needs to be spooled up once, after that, it's only slowed by how fast you can load the rails.


I just thought of this and will bring it to the attention of everyone else. Apart from rescuing damaged little birds, John has done more mercenary work than trading. Also can't wait for him to spend more time with the Trankarans as we only got a small glimpse into their sector as the was the time of Progen-John. Was also just re-reading the comments from Chapter 25 on Literotica and realised that one room that really hasn't seen that much usage is the pharmacy.


Kinda hard to need the pharmacy with John's magic "hair tonic" LOL... But, Rachael, I would assume, has raided the pharmacy for her contributions in healing and saving the Fed folks they picked up and rescued.


There are ways of getting the shields. Lol. HACK THEM!!!! Lol. That's how they got the projectile plans. Woulda been cool if they got those dreadnought shield plans. lol. Imagine that, the little battlecruiser with dreadnought class shields!!!!


Just thinking, I wonder whether John's "magic hair tonic" will cause different colours for different species? E.g. Ashanath red or Tramkarans blue. Imagine the girls betting on each new species. Alternatively John could do hair colour for special events. For example a simultaneous conversion to green for St Patrick's Day.


Well, I would assume it's a universal white color for all species. The trankaran "glowing queen" was white correct? Not sure about any others.


However, each of Terrans retain their own pre Hair Tonic colouring

Jedi Khan

Wookey, they actually have a more vibrant, healthier version of their original hair color. The reason why their hair didn't turn white or any other color that was not their original is because Terran DNA has not been modified to do so, like the Maliri or Trankarans are. And I don't think the Ashanath have hair, so...yeah, hard to say with them, and I doubt we're going to find out.


yeah, probably right JK re other races. Just like to do a bit of sh&t stirring so people can take things to absurd places.


Tefler, are we going get a word count up progress to publishing Ch76?


I've written 4k of chapter 76 so far. I'm hoping to get an other few thousand written this evening.


That's great Tef. Oh! might want to mention the possible other progenitor in the group matriarch meeting nor that you have removed that reference in the revised ch.75. At least that is plenty motivation for them to join the alliance now and not later. If, ur setting up a Trankaran type revolt in ur story, ignore that suggestion obviously. The selective memory disappearing, please use that judiciously as it takes away from possible convos in the future (tashana's was fine). Also, might wanna put adrenaline references with regards to JAde in the list of changes u might wanna make if u do an ultimate rewrite of the story. Can't remember where it was mentioned. Happy writing. Thanks to ur motivation, I am beginning to finally attempt mine as well.


Tefler, a question for you... A while back, you asked us to rank John's girls. I am curious whether the results influenced you in the role each of the heroines play. Did you feel the need to alter or expand any given character's traits? Did the results change the storyline? Inquiring minds want to know.


Interesting question! It didn't really alter my ideas for the rest of the story arc, as most of that was already planned out. The girls already have quite defined roles, so to make them more appealing would mean changing their personalities, which I don't want to do this far into the story! :-) I was more curious about the types of personalities that people found the most appealing. The poll was mainly for planning characters for the sequel, as well as for a fantasy story I'll eventually get around to writing. My conclusion was, that people prefer the more "interesting" characters, with Dana, Alyssa, Faye, and Irillith taking the top spots. The quieter, calmer girls like Calara and Rachel weren't as popular. I suspected that might be the case, but it was interesting to have my suspicions confirmed. :-)


One thing that I been trying to figure out is just how wide and tall Invictus is. We know that the ship is now 750 meters long. Now if memory serves me correct the ship has 9 or 10 decks. If we say each deck is 3 meters tall that would only be 27-30 meters tall. I would think the ship would be much taller than that. Say a aircraft carrier is 74.3m( counting mast) tall, 76.8m wide, and only 332.8m in length.


Rachel's maturity has developed her character much more after the poll. Especially with her observation and stuff. I'd vote her in the top 3 now... So, don't discount such characters. It might just me though you might want to do another poll.


I would agree with DC to a certain extent. Rachel's gotten some more "screen time", so to speak, since the poll ended and it's helped flesh her out a bit. Now instead of just being the person to examine DNA and whatnot, she's been in some situations where she's been able to shine (creating various cures/vaccines, being the organizer behind the refit, etc.). I don't know that I'd put her in the top 3, but that says more about just how likable Faye, Dana and Alyssa are. I think Rachel could crack the top 5 if a new poll were done today, however. It'd probably be a toss-up between her and Jade for that 5th spot, but I think she could take it. ~Morningfrost

Jedi Khan

An important aspect to keep in mind is that even if the quiet, calmer girls are not as popular, they're still needed in order to maintain some variety and to balance out the energy of the other girls. The quiet girls may not be noticed as much as the other girls, but when they do have their time in the spotlight, boy do they ever shine.


Yep, another point I did not quite know how to point out. Cheers JK


When they did the first Maliri re-fit the gravity negation tube they installed was 100 meters so, presumably, that's how tall the Invictus is. Since there are 9 decks that's 10 meters per deck (which certainly allows lots of room for hidden services in the floor and ceiling!) and 5 meters each for the hull top and bottom. As for width, since the new Primary Hanger is 200 meters it's a good guess that it's at least that wide (I don't recall the width of the cargo deck being given which is the full width of the ship). Coincidentally I was out for a wander yesterday morning and thought I'd see just how long 500m and 750m actually is so I set off to the main road from my house to see where the Invictus fit should they ever pop by for tea and hot cross buns (it being Easter weekend). Using my phone GPS I was taken aback to find it's 'only' 440m to the end of my road so I headed off to one of the very few long straight roads near me and was rather taken aback just how long the ship is when you measure it out. The new Invictus actually works out at 10½ Boeing 747-400's long or, to use your aircraft carrier method, 2¼ Nimitz class ships.


With so many guns I have this mental image of the Invictus looking like some kind of crazy porcupine but with all sides covered.


I sketched a before and after diagram of the ship. Would you be interested in seeing the sketches?


I don't think the Invictus has the weapons hidden anymore John. I want to say that went away when they refit the ship with Maliri beam turrets during the first refit. ~Morningfrost

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

The beam turrets replaced existing turrets on the ship though...and those were hidden. And I just looked at Tefler's sketch of the Invictus and they seem to be hidden as well. Am I wrong?

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

And the new Invictus does look like a Damacles Sword now.....very sleek and just looks like it makes the statement, I am with the good guys but don't make the mistake of thinking I am easy prey.

Jedi Khan

I partly agree with Morningfrost. They definitely had the retractable armor plating hiding most of the weapons before this refit, but I'm not sure they kept them with the new guns and ship extension in place.


There's a possibility that the beam turrets are still covered by armor plating, but it's unlikely that the heavy cannons and gauss cannons are, since they were essentially after-market modifications of the ship, to say nothing of the Nova Lances or Singularity Driver. ~Morningfrost

Jedi Khan

And for those who do make the mistake, retractable armor plating (if the Invictus still has it) rolls back to reveal the full arsenal. The bad guys won't live long enough to change their underwear.


All of the weapons are hidden behind armour plating in the hull: Singularity Drivers - Each 400m barrel is embedded in the hull, and now sit where each pair of Mass Driver rails used to be. Nova Lances - They have two, and each one occupies the hardpoint that used to mount 3 Terran beam Lasers Heavy Cannons - The huge turret wells are there so that the 40m weapons can lower into the hull. Gauss Cannons - The turret wells for these are much smaller, and are mounted on the underbelly - all retractable. beam Lasers - These are all mounted in the old turreted Laser Cannon hardpoints, which are designed to retract. Pulse Cannons - These occupy the Gatling Laser turrets, which are also designed to retract.

Jedi Khan

Very nice. I can just imagine the look on some poor sob's face as what he first thought was an unarmed, oddly shaped, large freighter, ripe for picking tuns out to be a heavily armed battle cruiser when the armor plates retract. Hah. I would love to see an artist's interpretation of that look.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Thank you for sheding some light on that debate. I was hoping all of them retracted since the ship is an extention of John's personality. The Invictus has a strong understated intimidation factor going for it now. Especially with the Ashanath and the Terrans and the Maliri. But only the Maliri truly know what it is capable of. The Kintark, Terrans, et. al. only fear its potential.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Yeah, this Invictus V. 3 is a real ball busting ship. More total firepower than a Terran Battleship and a Dreadnought combined. This with a ship that can maneuver like a fighter. The Kintark and Drakkar are in for a rude awaikening.


JK, I think the Master Assassin might be in for an ass whooping when he takes the Invictus on. Let alone what Sakura and Alyssa are going to do to him.

Master Laurent

Greetings Tefler, After chapter 82 can you please update the word doc and also provide a description of the weapons - I do not know the difference between the beam weapons, Photon Lasers, etc. I did some googling on the gauss cannons / pulse cannons and found several different descriptions. I am going to post a questions on Lit and see if someone has created a cheat sheet.

Master Laurent

OK, I need some help, *LOL - other than a lobotomy/electroshock treatment according to most* Dana states “We just need to upgrade the heatsinks on the rest of the Invictus’ weapons now,” - What are the weapons she is talking about and the benefits? Photon Lasers, Done, 150%+ Pulse Cannons, Done, ??? Nova Lances, Yes, 150%+? Singularity Driver, Probably, ???% Gauss Cannons, Probably, ???% Heavy Cannons, Doubtful, ???% Also - What about the ESP (Enhanced Shield Penetrating) Projectile rounds for the heavy cannons? That is something the heatsinks may help with. ESP Singularity rounds with Dana touch magic????? And how about Dana doing her metallurgic magic on the projectile rounds? This can be done ASAP on route to the Trankaran space. Bringing forward from past comments - the 80mm Quantum Sniper Rifle for the Valkyrie / Raptor with ESP / Dana rounds?

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

.Photon Lasers, Done, 150%+ Pulse Cannons, Done, essentially continuous fire Nova Lances, Yes, 150%+? Singularity Driver, Probably, ???% Gauss Cannons, Probably, ???% Heavy Cannons, Doubtful, ???% Ok...I am usually corrected by Tefler, but I am going to give this a shot. Main Laser batteries: Original Terran Lasers X 2 for Maliri Lasers X 1.5 for original heatsink upgrades X 1.5 for other Dana enhancements X 2 for Photon Laser upgrade X 1.5 for upgraded heat sinks X 1.5 for Progen capacitors and power relays. This puts the Laser batteries at 1 x 2 x 1.5 x 1.5 x 2 x 1.5 = 13.5 times the original. These originals lasers were forward firing while the Photon Lasers are on high speed gimbal mounts and there are 24 of them as opposed to the original 6. This makes the Invictus roughly equivalent to 54 Cruiser class vessels in the area of beam lasers alone. Point defense: Originally gatling lasers with limited time high rate fire due to overheating issues are now X 2 with Maliri lasers X 1.5 with original new heatsinks X 1.5 with Progen capacitors and power relays X 3.25 because of new heat sinks that allow for continuous fire from ALL THREE BARRELS now with no wait time (even though that was short) with twice the range of the originals. This puts the point defense grid at 1 x 2 x 1.5 x 1.5 x 3.25 = 14.625 times the original. Plus the Invictus went from 48 to 64 cannons which is an additional 25%. This makes the Invictus roughly equivalent to 18.28125 Cruiser class vessels in the area of point defense lasers that are now powerful enough and with the range to effectively attack Cruiser class ships. The Nova Lances have no Terran equivalent. But, compared to Maliri originals, the original power levels are X 1.5 for original heat sink upgrades X 2 (minimum but really just a guess based on higher fire rates down to one minute per burst) for Progen capacitor, power core and power relay upgrades, and X 1.5 for new heat sink upgrades. This puts the Nova Lances at 1.5 x 2 x 1.5 = 4.5 times as powerful as the Original Maliri Nova Lances. The singularity driver is able to fire one round per second in a continuous circuit. The new heat sinks will allow for an increased rate of fire by 50% which will allow an additional 40 rounds every minute or a round every .66667 seconds at roughly 3 times the range of regular Terran Mass Drivers. The addition of the tacheon energy field also makes them useful against ship energy shields at ranges beyond effective beam laser range which is an incalculable tactical advantage. Against unshielded ships this would equate to significantly greater penetration requiring far fewer rounds to reach a critical power core or power distribution node. Gauss Cannons: the current Gauss Cannons on the Invictus currently hit twice as hard and Terran equivalents on fast tracking turrets rather than fixed emplacements. After the tacheon energy field and heat sink improvements they will hit a minimum of twice as hard again (more penetration combined with the shaped charge to blast out rather than in) providing for explosive decompression of any ship sections hit by those rounds. The additional heat sink upgrades should also allow for the Gauss Cannons to fire at near gatling gun fire rates per emplacement. The fact that those emplacement hardpoints are now made of Crystal Alyssium will come in handy. As a wild guess I would say they are 2 X 2 X 5 or 20 times more powerful than the Terran originals due to upgrades but more tactically useful due to being on fast tracking mounts. The heavy cannons, to be on the conservative side, with the tacheon field and added heat sinks, will be as powerful as the original Invictus mass drivers AFTER Dana's first round of upgrades. With 6 pairs instead of 2, this would make the heavy cannons about 6 times more powerful than the original Invictus layout of mass drivers. This is without considering the MASSIVE tactical advantages of shield defeating capability as well as their being on trackable mounts now rather than in fixed emplacements. This means one set of heavy cannons is equivalent to the original Invictus Mass Drivers with a minimum of 180 degree vertical and 315 degree horizontal coverage! But there is one MASSIVE weapons system you left out ML. And that is Calara. Her Prescience alone increases the effectiveness of the massive firepower of the Invictus to incalculable levels. She has 100% accuracy combined with the ability to forsee enemy tactics before they even implement them enabling her to set up tactical traps in real time to decimate the enemy even before they can bring weapons to bear. Finally: The need for large and mobile next generation torpedo capability to enhance Calara's tactical abilities is even more important. With the FTL and gravity well FTL ability of the Raptor, popping into the middle of a hostile battlegroup to deposit a canister of 288 (12 x 12 matrix set back to back) intelligent, engine seaking, cloaked, Trankaran powered, Progen Power Core warheaded torpedoes and then popping back out at FTL speeds before the shit hits the fan is just too much of a tactical weapons system advantage to ignore.

Master Laurent

JFL is @ mid court, Dribbles the Ball once, Up, Shoots and Scores, Nothing But Net!!!!! That you JFL!

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

And about that Valkyrie Imagine this for a second: You are an enemy fighter, fast and agile, in formation with your squad of five in formation, flying towards a battle with enemy fighters. All of a sudden, something approaches at a speed almost twice as fast as your fighter and out of nowhere a 60 foot tall, shielded robot attacks your squadron with a freaking powered sword that neatly cleaves your fighters in two with one swipe. The Gundam is so fast it cannot be avoided and the entire squad is cut in half before you can blink. Now, you are members of other squads watching this and fire everything you have at this Gundam, only to find out you didn't even scratch it...and now it seems pissed.

Master Laurent

How about from 50K away you see a small white dot and then you see half of your ships explode as the 80MM ESP / Runed round lined up and with one shot passed through the ships in formation. Then all but the lead fighter is left as the second round tears though the squadron. As Lead Fighter gets closer it sees a cone of laser fire circle the fighter, leaving no doubt in the pilot's mind that they are being allowed to live so they can see The Valkyrie symbolically blow the smoke from the end of the Rifle. At which point the pilot says "Fuck this" turns and runs home to mamma!