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Hey everyone,

I'm just finishing off Part 3. The entire chapter is about 38k words at the moment. (6th April).

This chapter will be a bit larger than the last couple, as I want to wrap up the Tashana story arc in one final go. 



Jim lynch

Great I want her belly full of cum lol

Jim lynch

First comment yay I've tried before but someone always beat me haha. great work tefler your churning out the chapters now.


Looking forward for to how all this goes down. 😁


cant wait for her to join da crew. time to tame that bad girl lol


What it's not done... Oh the inhumanity.


Great as Tashana's actions and sympathy were growing a little thin (to use a kind word).

Stijn Van Hove

Cool. Enjoying the Tashana story, but looking forward to what comes next :)


Honestly... I liked Tashana as a captian a d having her own story for that chapter. It was cool. But these last two chapters she's really broken up the flow and been a character I wanted to see fail not grow. I understand her motivations and even the smartest people can be victims of their own design but it just bugged me. I'm chalking that up to evil tumor. Or outside influence.. Like one of those things is living in her skull that attack John in the ethereal plane.


I read a comment asking for a before and after stat list for the Invictus. I made a checklist of the new ship against the old when I was planning the refit, so once I've released chapter 75, I'll make a separate post listing the differences. :-) (And I'll add the original Invictus, just for comparisons sake!)


Regarding the dislike for Tashana: I've actually been surprised at how much people loathe her for the actions she's undertaken. From her point of view, events at Genthalas are playing out like "Invasion of the Body Snatchers"! She thinks she knows exactly what's happening, and is desperate to stop a Progenitor from dominating the Maliri again. I guess I must have screwed up in not making her point of view more sympathetic! :-) She's also very damaged goods after the nightmare she's been through in the Unclaimed Wastes, which has meant communicating with her was a non-starter for the crew. (Especially with a Progenitor amongst them, and most of them 'Thralls'). I guess it's been a good learning experience about what to do/not do. :-)


Well i personally have to say that though i dont care for her charector persay i feel she was needed to add realism to the universe. the fact that not everyone that they meet is going to like them. That and i love how it enhances the other charectors cause here is someone that they catn just kill and or just force feed a load of "Malari Hair Bleach #2". It is really adding i feel more depth to them by showcasing other skills. sorry if this wasnt eloquently written i am not good explaining my thoughts.


Personally, I hope she joins the team—that's a story of redemption that would be interesting, and she would add a historian's perspective (as well as underworld contacts) to a team with an engineer, programmer/hacker, doctor/biologist, pilot, tactics specialist, and martial artist.


People are wanting her converted but I can't see how she could be at this point, at least not by John. I am expecting her to jump off a high place to resolve things. Perhaps John or Alyssa are there to catch her, maybe not...


I've loved the Tashana story arc, and that it isn't a walk in the park for the invictus crew. As I saw someone say in a comment on a previous chapter, having an antagonist John can't shoot or have sex with is fascinating. Good work, and I can't wait to see how it turns out, one way or another!


Tasha a is as product of her environment and agree with Hornblower that having an antogonist he can't shoot or have sex with (yet) is fantastic


You can count me as one of the people who has liked the Tashana storyline as well. Given what she knows about the progenitors, and her past experiences, it wouldn't​ have made sense for her to just submit to someone after what she has survived, never mind to an 'evil' progenitor. Saying that i do hope she gets a happy ending, if that is her joining the crew then great, but given John's determination to ensure that the girls that join do so absolutely willingly, i can see that being a very hard sell. Could actually cause a serious moral dilemma for John, as on one hand he won't want to let Irillith down and not 'save' her sister, but on the other hand he won't force the joining on someone..


I think that we all lost the whole purpose of Tashana. She was simply supposed to simply be one half of John's sister fantasy. But with all of her emotional baggage I am wondering if this is still her calling. I mean we do need a flamethrower to help go up against the Kintark, so she fits there (if/when John heals her.) Remember the Kintark guards (and even larger types) cannot regenerate when they are on fire - which is why John's flame sword worked. Tashana could bring that to the next level. There was talk about Dana and others wielding fire, but I don't know that there is any proof of anybody actually having true fire capability is there?


Tefler - . I guess I must have screwed up in not making her point of view more sympathetic! :-) --- There is a line for many people between sympathetic and tragic. With Tash its not sympathy like what happens to our assassin turned into a crew member it is far beyond that into a gut wrenching tragedy. Some folks can handle that others dislike the person because the air of tragedy/tragic events around them makes folks uncomfortable. Think about it in terms of WWII survivors. We call them the greatest generation and we laud there sacrifices, but how many poeple are comfortable sitting down and talking to them in detail about the events that were so tragic? -- In that you did such a good job of presenting Tash's life that poeple have problems seeing her as a person beyond the events. So good job with that ;) Her actions are superbly logical and follow perfectly and that also twigs folks because were in effect omniscient readers and so we want to shake her and give her that info ;) so your 2 for 2... with the bonus of riling up your readers to see how it turns out because it is so emotional evocative, intellectually stimulating, and good dirty fun reading your work!


I think you handled the Thashana story ark fine. It would be to easy to just convert her to a crew m


Member. It took more time for Irilith and she was much less damaged.


Nice way to have her inadvertently unite the rest of the Maliri. She's making John and Edraelle's jobs much easier. Nobody'll be able to fight the genetic programming, plus the truth of John's swole deeds, I kinda feel bad for Tashana. All her hopes and dreams dashed again, but unless she gets killed off, she'll be healed in the end.


Tashana is a really interesting character and a great addition to the story - tragic and understandable, hence at least to some extent sympathetic. In my view, some of the negative reactions may come from the way that the plot had to unfold (and the characters behave) in a particular way to achieve the drama. It reminds me a bit of "The Mayor of Casterbridge" by Thomas Hardy, which takes this to an extreme, layering coincidence upon coincidence in a deluge of tragic irony, so that the sympathy for the main character reduces to his being the victim of a manipulative author.


Good point Jeff. Had not thought about it.


Tefler, you will have to consider finding a new image to use at your Patreon banner. Or maybe it will be one of your first art works commissioned.


I've tried reaching out to the artist, but he hasn't been responding. It's only meant as a placeholder, as I've got a friend working on a 3D mock-up of the Invictus. Unfortunately he's snowed under, so it's taking him ages! :-(


Hi Tef, I found this lady while looking around maybe she'd be the one to help you out with some images? <a href="http://www.aliciahollinger.com/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.aliciahollinger.com/</a> She's on Patreon too. X


Faye! <a href="http://alicia-hollinger.pixels.com/featured/blue-fairy-alicia-hollinger.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://alicia-hollinger.pixels.com/featured/blue-fairy-alicia-hollinger.html</a>


Right. Replace the stump with a console or chair and that's about got it


I want to wrap up the Tashana story arc in one final go. Wrap up the Tashana. Wrap up in one final go. Wrap up. The story arc. In one final go. The Tashana. She's dead.


Are we ever going to have John share the interspecies love with a Trankaran female, an Ashanath female, a Kintark female and a benevolent Drakkar Female (if they exist)? If so, this what I think that they would look like after being with John. Also before I move into descriptions of what they would look like post-John, I thought I would put in possible back stories for them. The Trankaran female is the daughter of an ore trader who hears stories about John and the girls from her father (The ore trader from the Underworld - see ch.71) and the extra net. When John and the girls disembark the Invictus to conduct business with Trankaran council, she sneaks aboard the Invictus in one of the ore shipment containers after Dana completes another successful ore negotiation. She is first of all discovered by Faye as she sneaks around the shi before the fae AI helps her settle in on Deck 4. Once the crew is a fair distance outside of Trankaran space, Faye then delivers the new of their visitor. The Ahsanath female is one of Councillor Talari's assistants and she is transferred to the Invictus crew to help John and the girls explore further into the hidden mysteries of the Progenitors. The female Kintark is the sole survivor of an ambush and was the matron's daughter of the second most powerful family in the Kintark Empire. With her parent's blessing, she served as part of the empire's military until a training accident cut her blazing military career short and placing her in hoverchair unable to use her legs. The only reason she was the sole survivor is because she was stuck in her room when the attack happened and only managed to survive barring her door with her hoverchair and hiding under her bed. The Drakkar female is one the very rare females to be born in the breeding pits. Something must have gone wrong with the process as instead of being a giant hulking brute like her brothers, she was a tiny slip of a thing that actually could use her brain for more than just fighting. When came time for the fighting pits, she survived by clinging to the shadows and hiding amongst the rotting corpses of her brothers that were already slain. The only Drakkar that spotted her was a highly decorated War Boss who was renowned for using tactics that his opponents would never think of. He tutored her until the day that he was cowardly killed by a younger War Boss who was looking to make a name for himself. She escapes being raped and tortured by her tutor's killer by employing the same strategy she used in the battle pits. She then boarded a drop ship and programmed it to get as far away from Drakkar spae as possible and as soon it was out of Drakkar space to start broadcasting an SOS signal, with the computer programmed she then ingested a cryogenic stasis her tutor gave to her to only use in emergencies. Trankaran: A Big Barda (DC Comics Cosmic Heroine) - esque body shape (Tall, broad and visible muscularity). Could also be described as a walking Roman Statue due to their marble/stone like skin. Ashanath: Slight narrowing their overly bulbous heads, while decreasing the amount of empty space that their brains occupy therefore retaining their level of intelligence. Visible ears forming and taking the form of human ears that would to be scale on their heads, while black hair with any of the colour spectrum as highlights sprouting from their heads to give them a softer and friendlier appearance. Also the body would undergo a drastic transformation becoming taller and gaining evident feminine curves and a slight muscularity to fit in with the rest of the girls. Kintark: Soften the harsh reptilian face which in turn would cut back if not lose the reptilian lisp and their tongue length would still be incredibly long (for use in bed). Expand their feminine curves and while the majority of their muscularity would be hidden due to their tough hide, show the visible muscularity of their torso where their hide would be softer (akin to crocodiles, alligators and caimans) and once again expand their feminine curves to keep in line with the rest of the crew. Drakkar: Change in skin colour from a putrid green to a more pleasing dark forest green, increase in musclarity and feminine curves and soften the face a bit. Sorry about the long winded post, I will also post relevant reference images to the community section if anyone is interested.


I couldn't see the images. They'll get buried in the comments here, so maybe make seperate posts under the "Community" tab. There are a bunch of other pics there too. :-)


Naaaa, the former Tashana, future thrall of the bsp.


Patron count suddenly went from 840 to 810. What happened there ?


Future -- the marine in john knows that the happenings in this sector of the galaxy aren't random, so he will understand the need to consolidate forces ( Maliri ) ... update ships, and help defend the Ashanath, while updating some of their ships. An Ashanath matriarch (+ 200 thralls(3-4 days worth), a spread of professions. Engineers/scientists/farmers/normal peasant…(lol)) would be recommended. They do have the largest repository of progenator knowledge outside of the progenitors themselves. Then the maliri would be more likely to defend them, through the alliance. AS well as the blue skinned nymphs have the largest military, as soon as they are consolidated they would be in a better position to ‘police’ the alliance space. Then work with the Trankaran, same deal (matriarch + 200 thralls( again, 3-4 days)). See if it could be the senator, have the Trankaran help defend the greys also. (upgrade them as well, to normal (Ashanath, Maliri, Trankaran tech levels, equalize them), if John and crew went into the Brimorian territory from the Trankarans instead of the Maliri, they might be more willing to talk with him) The Maliri, Ashanath can try to trade for the shields from the brimorians. ... also, in the trade reports inside of a brimorian trade station(secure computer, of course, never know what intel u can acquire from a little snooping, knowledge is power. And with the current power structures being destabilized no one can be trusted fully), there should be a record of greater trade opportunities with the Kintark, along with governmental subsidized trades of high technology. (Shields)... Or the Ashanath could try to trade, claiming they could use help defending themselves from the raiders. (but this act would require an alternate route, or a proper military escort) (through the matriarchs, and the engineers attached to the matriarchs, it might be possible for them to share racial blueprints for technology. Then let the engineers best adapt it to their own technology. Dana wouldn’t supply as many blueprints, because of the radical upgrades that get made through her proginator knowledge) But that should help stabilize the Ashanath, help with the trade routes from the Maliri, possibly improve the trade routes probability with the Trankerans, it would just take them longer for the round trip. Less pirate activity in the Ashanath zone at that point. T-fed wouldn't dare expand to any of those three races then. Economic security would be much closer to being secured, t-fed would make one hell of a profit trading with those three races knowing it's secure along those fronts. I'm sure that john would still help out with the kintark...


I love 4x's ... I was also playing a dnd campaign (i was a divine magic user, tinkerer (archivist)) where I was a trader and content with trading acrost an empire. until another empire came through and wiped them out. I took the straggelers and made firearms, and used magic to enhance those firearms... airships the up to 2km in size... ended up one shotting their empire capital from almost 200k away. bound air elementals the ship as a power source, magic magnetism for the main guns, put every single magic energy into the shell that I could, and watch the emperors building disintegrate) ... the gm tried to lead us towards an expedition to find some old god relics... oops.


How many words now Tefler. Presume this is a 35-40k word festival, which means next weekend.


He said it was a bigger chapter so could end up being a 60k beast like ch 70!


Plus long chapter = great read. Negative long chapter = more delay till it arrives.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Well, with the feedback from readers, I think Tefler felt it was necessary to get through the Tashana story arch in one last go. Seems readers are having difficulty empathising with her character due to personal experiences with people who need help but are unwilling to accept it. And real life frustrations are intermixing with the telling of her story....which is the mark of a good author btw.


Can anyone remember the chapter where Dana tells John she's going to upgrade the shit out of the Invictus? Something about eventually being able to duke it out with a battleship, something like that? He laughed and did't believe her at the time. Let me know if you can, just writing dialogue for the refit. :-)


I don't remember that happening. Maybe my memory is bad. All i remember is that someone said that they had more firepower than a battleship after the invictus got the maliri weaponry.


I believe she was comparing against Maliri battleships when they fired the (forgot the name of the gun used in The Warning)


How's ch. 75 coming along?


I've written 23k so far, and still got some important scenes to go. I think I'll probably be done by Monday or so, and it'll push over 30k I'd imagine.

Jedi Khan

So, Tefler, I've been wondering: what's the current total word count for the entire story? Last I heard it was probably 1.2 million words, maybe?


This so needs to be a complete book when done.


I'd like to see it made into an Xbox One game when it's completely done... Not a freemium one either, a full fledged game. It'd be nice to have a game that's more focused on the space ship's upgrades, as well as your characters.


Well past that Jedi. As of chapter 73, we're at 1,622,400 words, per Stories Online. ~Morningfrost

Jedi Khan

This would make a good RPG game, and PC is the best platform for those types of games. And it definitely shouldn't be one of those FTP games - those are just micro-transaction traps. It should also be a complete game upon release, with none of the stuff that seems to becoming a trend with big titles where they release the game, charge full price, and then players realize it's incomplete and requires the purchase of additional DLC that'll be released months later to be "complete."


Since Tefler was a pen and paper gamer... Tefler if you want to turn this into something of a real pen and paper game.. Or a tcg game. (would need tons of work and everyone would play a different progenitor) let me know. Direct message me or email me at Grimlakin at g to the mail at the dot of com. I have a couple pnp industry contacts.


You know, re-reading what has come before, it strikes me how much Tefler's writing has grown, and yet, how much Tefler's characters have grown even more. For example, in Chapter 42, when Rachel explains her analysis of Terran DNA: "Only one minor thing, Terran DNA shows no Progenitor tampering at all," she noted with certainty. And yet, in Chapter 67, when we see the recordings of Mael'nerak, we see the first Terrans, of which it is said: "Their development has been accelerated and enhanced to fit the standard template thusly." Rachel then stated, "No wonder we share trace elements of Neanderthal DNA! Our species was directly modified from theirs!" So, on the one hand, Terrans show no signs of Progenitor tampering, and on the other, are a created species. The fact that both can be the case shows the growth of Tefler's character of Rachel over time, and the growth of Tefler's skills in writing over that time, and before it. I'm looking forward to chapter 75 and seeing this trend continue!


My personal best guess would be Friday at the earliest, allowing two days for editing turnaround.

Jedi Khan

What the hell?!? Post keeps disappearing. Trying again. Edit: Okay, this one stuck around, but now the one I actually want to have up is hidden behind "Load 2 replies" WTF? Edit #2: Well okay, then. Cut &amp; paste does not work well here. Had to type it all out again. And now you've got this awkward post above the real one that is so much more interesting. Fun.

Jedi Khan

Hey...um, Crazy? What are you doing just sitting there? Waiting. I can see that. However, your "waiting tends to be a bit more...active. Just sitting there quietly like you have for the past few hours is rather passive for you. Fine. If you must know, I had put super glue on this chair on the first with the intention of having you sit in it. But I forgot about it and sat down instead, so now I'm stuck. Wait...super glue dries really fast, so in order to have glued yourself to the chair, you would have had to sit in it within a few minutes of applying the glue. ... And you've been stuck there since the first? And it's now the fourth? You must be really uncomfortable. I'm a ghost, I can't be uncomfortable. Right, you're a ghost, which means you have no physical body. Obviously. And doesn't super glue require two physical surfaces to work? Yeah... So, if the chair has one physical surface, and you have none, how are you stuck? ...I'm gonna go now. That's what I thought.


Hey everyone, stupid(?) non-book question coming up. For some reason I can't load Tefler's page whether or not I'm logged into Patreon (It gives me a screen claiming regular site maintenance). At the same time I can go to any other author page and view everything they do. So does anyone know why this is happening? After all, there is currently no maintenance occuring if everything else on Patreon is working fine. (Writing this from my Patreon homepage where I have access to Tefler's posts.)


Odd I've never had an issue.


I've written 18k on part 2 so far, bringing it to 33k in total. I'll hand this bit over to the editors, then make a start on part 3 tomorrow! :-)


Keep up the amazing work, Sir! We're all waiting eagerly and patiently to rip this chapter apart like wolves on a lamb :)


Tefler, can you please run a poll ahead of ch 74 1. Kill Tashana 2. Tashana joins crew 3. Illyria dies &amp; Tashana joins crew 4. Other. It will help us 3SM addicts survive the wait.


Wookey you do realize that this Chapter 75 update right?


i had it on Firefox delete the cookies for the page


Being Tashana it deserves to be her ass. Am so over this whinging pain in the ass.


How many words now Tefler?


I've written 5k on Part 3, taking the entire chapter up to 38k so far. I'll add a little bit more, but should be done with it tomorrow morning. Editing will take a day or two, so probably Friday for the entire thing I'd imagine. :-)


Awesome news Tef! So many of us appreciate the hard work you put into this epic tale!

Lord Winter

Tefler, just curious... have you considered posting an omnibus of all the current chapters for those of us who were late to the game?


He must have taken to heart all the "suggestions" to finish the Tashana arc in this chapter . I for one could care less , just happy to read


ths great story as Tefler wants to tell it .

Jedi Khan

You can find all the chapters on Literotica and Stories Online for free, which I'm guessing you already know considering that you've likely read all the chapters in order to get to this point. If you're talking about having all the chapters compiled into a single volume or book, that has been discussed, but I believe Tefler is holding off on that until 3SM is finished. Even then, because of the massive size of this story, it will likely be broken up into several volumes. Where he will post the compiled chapters is still undecided, I think.


Wow, 3 parts. It might take longer that 1 1/2 hours to read :)


Hey Tef, just wanted to let you know I'm enjoying the Tashana arc. A story tends to stagnate if every crisis is resolved simply ( no matter how great that simple resolution is in your story's case). Keep up the good work, I'm very interested to see if Tashana will bring the Kintark and the Brimorians into her new alliance.


Oops! I went a bit bonkers today, and got carried away with chapter 75. Part 3 is 12k, but I'm very close to the end. I'm aiming to hand that over to my editors in a couple of hours, then I'll start editing parts 1 and 2. :-)


Great. Now Tefler has his own crazy. Just don't start talking to it


Love u tef keep it up. Saw comment from a guy saying this story is going on for to long who says that? The best stories out there are the long ones that take weeks to fully read and have a deep background and charecter base. Btw Tashana arc scares me a lot lol John might have force her come to her senses.


Coming to an end.. Does Tashana catch John unawares and kill him? *gasp! * yea I doubt it too.


Waiting... You need faster editors... :P

Jim lynch

I've no nails left and my fingers are worried


Tashana coming into the fold . We all know how "psycho" she's been acting but her natural temperament before her exile was calm , inquisitive &amp; scientific . As of now she is finally out of a seeming life &amp; death scenario &amp; might finally start thinking like her old self . If she had a chance to talk to one of the "Thralls" &amp; asks she might find out that John hasn't sent any into battle to die for him as a matter of fact only has promised them a chance to find a mate &amp; have children &amp; if she gets to see any of the vid footage about him endangering himself time &amp; time again to rescue people , setting up an orphans fund etc she might stop &amp; actually think instead of reacting to her fears . She knows about 1 progenitor Mael-nerak &amp; is expecting them to be all the same . How would she have felt before her exile if everyone judged her by the reputation &amp; actions of her mother at the time? I hope she gives them a chance to talk before there are any meaningless deaths among the Maliri .


Umm...wouldn't that make you John Bobbit and the doc Lorena? ~Morningfrost