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What mischief will Tashana get up to? How goes the Invictus refit?

Answers here my friends...






Thanks Man


And I'm working a busy post today 😣


I can postpone work for another half hour, right? Thanks!


LOL I was just writing comments in previous post and I see new chapter, dang it lost 10 minutes ^^

Jedi Khan

Hah. Impeccable timing. I had just asked when we can expect the chapter 30 minutes ago, and I had just gotten home from work 10 minutes ago. Time to read!


Busy for the next 10-11 hours :( I look forward to getting home and enjoying tonight.


Greatly appreciated.


Noooo.... The one day I can't spend it reading at work... Stupid Hadoop cluster making me go to the datacenter...


Oooh Tef! You saved my afternoon! *dropping on the couch and beginning to read* won't move before I finish it ♡♡♡


I'll save this for reading tomorrow on the flight back from Japan (well if I can last that long). Thanks mate


Damn it Tef. I was about to do productive things...


Damn, this chapter went by too quickly. Now the wait for Chapter 75 starts.


Guess I'll be going in to work late...


Another incredible chapter....keep them coming!!!


Oh I am so waiting for another chapter where the shit hits the fan again. You are just making us all wait for some new peace of art:) Thank you for writing this incredible story and handing it to us!


Okay, that was a good chapter. Good job


I feel like the Fry meme: "Shut up and take my money!" Great chapter, with some ominous foreshadowing there... what terrible misfortune awaits the Terran Feds next?!


Nope, couldn't wait. Nice chapter. Looking forward to the new ship and Tashana being set straight

Jedi Khan

Three hours later, I'm done. Only lost about an hour of sleep, but whatevs. Certainly an interesting chapter. As the saying goes, the plot thickens. Now hurry up with the next chapter. I want to see the upgraded Invictus take on an entire fleet on its own.


John's Marvelous Malari Hair Tonic! I saw that! Still reading moving on...


Thanks for the chapter Tef. Again, not much of huge consequence like battle scenes in this. My theory is u started the set up the beginning of maliri and terran(maybe ashanath n rest) vs brimorians and lizards( n maybe enshunu). huge boss battle ending with John leading them in battle (wargames for progenitor growing up ritual, i just don't believe the god species would be stupid enough to fight each other n die, feels more like initiation rite but whatever). before any of that, ur prepping maliri vs maliri battle maybe. really wanted tashana to be integrated in the crew by now but it's ur story. Cheers!


Why doesn't john send his 4 infltators to get matriarch palifen


Tefler, I just started reading and I love it so far. You hit another home run. Thanks.


So we can expect Chapter 75 tomorrow? LOL


{SPOILERS} :P LOL Well, just an hour and a half delay.... LOL Fortunately, I'm not on a tight schedule. :P Well, no one call for stealing Edraile's ship... LOL I love the addition of the Maliri "hair tonic" LMAO that was hilarious. New redesigned Trankaren engines? Whoa.... THREE power cores? Never have to wait because of a lack of power again... Plus they're Progen cores. HOLY CRAP that's some juice there.... Too many upgrades to list (remember) that's going to be one bad ass upgrade..... I wonder what the hinted at upgrade is going to be. Possibly a combat flight deck? A C^3 battle holo room? (comand, control, communication) I had an idea that if Tashana escaped, she would head to one of the threatened, un-allied houses. I know she "burned out" her tracker (ouch), but I'm sure that Edraile has some sort of tracking for her ship. For a rescue or something. But then, maybe there isn't one, for assassination protection... Kind of looking like getting the Brimorian shields if off the table for now.... Not that John knows about it. Should be an interesting trip if it happens before the next big Kintark battle.

Dhruv Patel

If you don't talk about it in future chapters can we get the stats of the rebuilt invictus compared the the old?


Oh, I am a bit surprised that there wasn't an investigation into the last few hours before Tashana left, fir clues where she might have gone. Irillith could "dive into" the computer and find all of the Progenitor files. But I guess that would require cameras in her room, so.... I just feel they missed something.


Makes me wonder how Tashana's going to twist it when she finds out that she's an unwitting agent of chaos for the other Progenator. also makes me wonder what the Terran federation will say to john when he shows up in his elongated assault cruiser. IF they will call it a battle cruiser, or not. Since it is definitely going to be much more powerful than a Terran battleship is... they could still get the shield tech from the brimorians, just have irrilith hack one of the battleship computers.... free tech upgrade anyone? Or have Faye take it over, then space the crew... oops.


Fleet CIC most likely, with a purely holographic interface and probably a dedicated server. More Faye for everyone!!!


Especially since the watch commander should of checked in with the two guards, as paranoid as the military is from letting down their leadership... 45min - 2 hours. BUT the girls wouldn't of been notified, and there is nothing that John could of done.


And another home run from Tef. Wonder what's gonna happen when Ceraden shows up with his new (wife maybe) girl

Jim lynch

Wasn't what I was hoping for really I wanted the tashana storyline to finish with a full belly of cum to shut the daft bitch up. I too am looking forward to reading just how powerful the invictus gets when it's upgraded and I really look forward to kicking the shit out of all the lizards once and for all.


I am waiting for when john realizes his mom is still alive


Great chapter. I was hoping for the Tashana line of the story to move along a little faster, but you obviously know what you are doing. Can't wait for the next episode!


I am wondering what it is exactly that the Kintark have gotten from the Brimorians. Is it their shield technology? Seems like the Brimorians are siding with the Kintark in the battle. John better get out there and kill the Brimorian thrall quickly and stop the transfer of technology before too many Kintark ships get upgraded. I mean I assume that it is some highly placed thrall that is doing this. Probably have to get Dana to create some weapon that renders those shields much less powerful. Right now this seems like the elephant in the room.


What does the Emperor know or suspect, and what has he been told vis-a-vis by the Progenitor about John? Are his instructions any different that her's were? Why did he have that so uncharacteristic note in his voice when he made his inquiry?! Just how many available fleets are there, and how long will the travel take to get back from where they are, and how long will the refits take to accomplish? I suspect all of this will take considerable time... most probably longer than it will take to finish the Invictus, given all the resources being dedicated to that one vessel and the minds involved in completing it. Are the Terran Federation leaders really so naive as to assume that the Kintark aren't going to be working to improve their forces? They know that at least one of their foremost vessels has been taken by the traitors to them, so what are they doing to prepare to face their own technologies, plus others, in the almost inevitable resurgence of hostilities? Will the Brimorian shields be sufficient to stop the new weapons of the Invictus? I highly doubt it, since the newly installed and enhanced Nova Lance will not be driven with the comparatively meager power of a Maliri core, but the full power of a Progenitor core! Furthermore, while the Brimorian shields were known as the best shields in the quadrant, the Maliri weapons were sufficient to prevent all, including Brimorians, from entering their space, even before John's arrival on the scene. I doubt that the Kintark, even with their backing, will be able to improve upon them that much. On the other hand, they may well become effectively immune to all current Terran Federation weaponry, thus causing the Terran Federation to once more have to reach out for assistance from others, including, once they're ready, John and the Maliri, although their response may be delayed due to Tashana's actions. Please note, however, that the shields are only one facet. The Kintark had plasma weaponry and now they'll have shields and even a singularity driver, but they still lack the power cores, engines and lasers that John had planned to acquire for the Invictus, from almost the beginning. John, on the other hand, now has all of that, and all of it significantly enhanced - Singularity Drivers and Nova Lances, both plural! - beyond what anyone else has, except for the shields and maybe the plasma weapons... unless Dana is finally going to be installing a few of those in the refit, since she 'acquired' the details for those quite some time ago. It's going to be interesting to see what happens in the next ship to ship combat, of a certainty. John and Alyssa are developing their powers to the point where the next time a small ship passes by, rather than have to shoot it, they could just reach out and crush it. If they can lift and manipulate the many tons of the ship's superstructure as they have, just think what they could do to a member of the Kintark Royal Guard at this point, or even the Emperor himself?! They're also both getting MUCH stronger... and if you think about it, they just got a massive infusion of strength from all the newly bonded Maliri who are feeding them energy, now through both Matriarchs directly! And I'm sure that no one believes that John is done adding to their pool of white-haired Maliri as he continues to try to help them. When John was kidnapped, the Raptor was stripped and had its outer shell reshaped TEN times! Alyssa, no longer under that influence, has found her limit is about eight times when reshaping for the protection of the new cores. Based on this, unless she gets a lot more strength soon, it's fair to say that the Raptor's outer shell isn't going anywhere, and any new work to be done on it will have to be done internally, only, since it is a single, unbroken mass shaped to the form of the Raptor, excepting only designated openings, which she flowed onto the Raptor at that time. How many shapings will the new outer hull of the Invictus have? How many will the supporting superstructure have? Just how strong will the new Invictus be, and how much stronger yet is their old Raptor? And of course, how strong is the Progenitor that they face and how many shapings can that one deal with? What was up with the Assassins that Edraele turned against their Matriarchs, and what has John done to address that issue? What will happen when John simply engages in a broadcast to all the remaining Maliri Matriarchs as part of a 'conference call' that Edraele arranges to invite them to discuss how they are going to survive, individually, as Houses, and as a species? Which Matriarchs will dare to not participate, even if they believe that they dare not participate? Those that don't participate don't have to be attacked. They were well on their way to extinction, anyway. All Edraele needs to do is to keep sending white haired envoys to the males and this all ends in happiness and death, since all the males have retreated to the stations and without them, the females won't be able to breed anymore. And if they venture to the stations to take them, they'll encounter the white haired ones and won't want to, anymore. How much longer does Tashana have before her tumor requires her to accept the only healing ever found for it, or cease to be an issue? SO many questions... so many answers to look forward to... Keep up the great work, Tefler!


Jeff, how can Dana create a counter to Brimorian shields when she has no data on them? Not that it matters, as my previous post indicated.


In all likelyhood, Tashana's storyline will end like that. It's not like her story ended there.


Told ya that Alyssa should have telepathically bitch slapped Tashana!


The bad news is....... we have to wait another 10 days to Chapter 75 becomes available. As one of my friends say "First World problems"


Arrggg, Tefler I already guarantee that I'll read the next chapter cliffhangers aren't needed. :) Awesome stuff! Will someone please Collar up Tashana already ....


Lots of suggestions from Patrons as to what needs to happen to Tashana after chapter 73 including: 1. Mailiri Hair Bleaching with consent 2. Mailiri Hair Bleaching without consent via Jade's cup of tea 3. Alyssa bitch slapping her 4. A spanking over her Mum's knee 5. BSP providing her with some discipline or MHB 6. Jade going She-Hulk on her 7. Tashana's ship getting blown up in near term so we never hjave to see her ugly face and listen to her poor attitude again 8. She goes back to Unclaimed Wastes and cleans house


THKS TEFLER! Very nice read. Combined John's Matriarchs, Tashana fled, more Maliri joined, the Invictus updates moved greatly forward, worry about the Kintark in the future, but was looking forward to John and Ceraden meeting again?


Lol maybe it's a Super-Cruiser. Oh, imagine what Admiral Charles (?) Will say when he sees it. ... "WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY SHIP?!?!?" Lol


Aaahh, my poor Tashana... so wrong, and yet so certain of what she "knows"...kind of like US Liberals "knowing" that all conservatives are militant, blatant racists. *sigh* (shakes head sadly)


Another great Chapter Tefler. Just one request don't kill innocent Malari girls because of Tashana stupidity.


List of works remaining : Remodel officer lounge Physical defense against boarding action padding on bedroom floor as mentioned by Alyssa don`t forget stock the malari food because jade loves it

Jedi Khan

So, what are the odds that there's an ancient prophecy somewhere out there in the galaxy that foretells of John's life? I gave it some thought and came up with this: A Lord abandoned at birth Turmoil and conflict his path to power Bonds of light unseen guiding his way Slaves in hiding shall be freed Darkness will be banished at his coming. Thoughts? Got one of your own? Share.

rich ed

fantastic chapter as per usual. love when the new chapter drops.


A few others 1. Brimorian shields 2. Wormhole drivers/equipment 3. Additional bedroom for auxilliary staff eg Maliri assassins, Matriarchs, 4. Creche and Day Care Centre for John's ever expanding famiily 5. Maliri Hair Tonic drinking fountain Think the drinking fountain would significantly ease the pressure on John and Jade. Much easier to have pre-produced than have to interrupt work every 3 hours for feeding 20-30. Imagine the attractiveness of "Progenitor- infused White Hair on Tap ". Ceraden could make big $$$ from it.


I got the impression one of the changes was a significantly armored bridge. He mentions they have been lucky so far and a shot could take them all out. Like how they regularly shoot out bridges and cockpits. Perhaps it also need an airlock or something else in case it is separated from the ship. Maybe some form of safe room or emergency life support.


It is best to keep real life politics and religion out of this site. Both sides of most arguments have some valid points, often ones disregarded by the other side but which they feel passionately about. The selfishness and the failure to see the other side are the cause of most arguments.


Looks like the Brimorians are likely reptiles.

Jedi Khan

Maybe they are what would be considered a "lesser" reptilian species, therefore see the Kintark as superior and are deferential to their demands? Or perhaps even a "prey" species and are trying to avoid extermination by playing nice with the Kintark?


Are we so sure there is only one other Progenitor stirring up trouble?  If they all come with plans for the same ship, that no longer is proof of there being just one. BSPs


Tashana might end up killing off the Malari herself. "The road to hell is paved with good intentions".


Swallowed more than most Cares about his little swallows


Not gonna happen with the foothold John already has. But she might fall into the hands of other progenitors and then either be broken out of his control or killed.


Hopefully Edraele and John contact Tsarra Parafen and ask to meet for Peace talks. They could tell her that Tashana is partially correct about progenitors at least as far as Malnerak was concerned and that she is bitter due to being banished and enslaved in the unclaimed wastes. They could offer to use her as a bargaining chip to bring her home. With John's effect on the typical Maliri hopefully they can convince her to keep Tashana in the dark until they arrive for the talks. That would be my guess, but Tefler is more creative than I am.


They need to reveal the brain tumor and say, she is not all there. Poor thing.


I was thinking it was going to be faster... but I am liking how this is drawing out... Plus she is also helping John out in a way. Forcing the hand along for him to align the Maliri houses... I feel like the only reason Tashana has not join the force yet is that John has limited contact with her as much as possible. To allow her to renew the family bond, without being coerced. Or John feeling like he forced it.


Yet another magnificent chapter. I love the way you're "suspending the suspense" as regards dealing with Tashana. That's what a good "mystery" writer does for sure. Get us all involved in the plot twists. The thing is, there is some "foreshadowing" in the chapter regarding those she ran to. They just looked at the pictures of the thralls and progenitor and we're getting wet as a result of it. Like that old saying goes "Resistance is futile" hahaha :)


If anything, when they visit Charles they will be able to get a Terran battleship shield generator, and upgrade it (or build a Terran DN shield generator from scratch, and upgrade it) until he gets the tech from the brimorians, or the progenator tech, that might be the best option. That little ship with DN class shields... talk about nice energy defenses! Lol. They already have more punch than an DN with fore weapons... should it be called a pocket dread? ... dread pocket? (It does seem to hold a little of everything...) the space equalivant of the bag of holding! It does include the kitchen sink.


Hey Donavan, Swiss pocket dread


One of the great things about Tefler's Patrons is the diversity of opinion. I love the suggestions for possible steps and missteps for Tefler to take with his characters. There is a lot of latent creativity lurking within these posts. Am sure Tefler is storing away some of the ideas away for chapters to come. Keep it up guys and girls!


Off topic, after 74 chapters I have never heard anyone mention PMS. With all those women in close proximity, am sure they have synced their cycles by now. If that is the case then imagine what the Maliri Regency is like. Almost 100% women and all synced. Travellers would definitely need to check the "tides" before venturing to Maliri space. Can imagine the intergalactic newsfeed: "We remind visitors that it is unsafe to travel to the Maliri Regency at this time. We expect normal services to resume in 2 days...." And yes, I have sisters so I know what I am talking about (without being disrespectful). And I live with n amazing girl too.


Lmao... Funny, yet not.... Since you mentioned it, yeah.... I don't think anyone has endured "shark week", and I don't remember any mention of birth control, or cycle pausing methods.


Gotta be honest, this chapter didn't do a whole lot for me. "Down-time" chapters I'm fine with, but I love this story for John & the Invictus crew rocketing around having adventures. Puttering around being adored by Maliri & getting mixed into politics isn't very entertaining for me, and that was by far the bulk of the chapter. It was well-written, and I certainly didn't find it hard to read or anything, I'm just ready to get back to focusing on our central cast.


That's how he leads us on. Crawling through the desert. Water... water. Tef give me action... sex... By the time John starts fighting we are drowning with a smile on our faces.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Sakura laughed good-naturedly, and shrugged as she said, "At least I don't have to deal with jokes about eating Sushi instead! I laughed so hard I fell off the couch.


That's looking more and more like the best idea.


Sushi sisters joke to be inserted here..... LOL


i honestly love the back story from this chapter also gives me fears cause i think john might have break charecter and force tashana to join up or while he fights her at some point she bangs his head unlocks progenator john and he forces her join him idk ideas