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Firstly, a warm welcome to the Patreon site everyone who joined in the last two weeks! :-)

Also, I'll take this opportunity to thank everyone who's been supporting me since the very first month, and for all the comments you leave on the forums here. You guys come up with loads of fantastic suggestions which often slip into the story in some form or the other!

I'm looking into commissioning some art pieces for the crew, and perhaps the ships too, so I'll give you an update there when there's some more news.

Chapter 74 is nearly complete, and I hope to be able to hand it over to my editors today. :-)









Tef at this rate you may want to think about putting in your two week notice haha congratulations on 800

Jim lynch

Ships is that a clue tefler lol and your welcome my support for you is purely on the fact that your work deserves it as it's so great not once have you disappointed me so thank you very very much for your hard work.

CJ Mora

Congratulations Tefler! You almost doubled your readership in little over a couple months! Even though we probably won't hit the 3/28 date I guessed for the $1500 goal, it's only a matter of time. Keep up the GREAT work!


Tefler, if you keep this up, you may well hit a true $1500 per chapter value before the arrival of Autumn, even for 3rd and maybe even 4th chapters per month. Sincere congratulations on your progress towards your goals and thanks for the story that results.


Awesome. I am so glad I joined. (Needed to get the funds, broke college student).

Jedi Khan

In honor of 800 patrons, a special message to everyone in the Tefler-verse: Literotica’s annual Special Categories contest for 2016 is in progress, and among the categories is Most Influential Writer. I've nominated Tefler for this category, and many (!) others have too. Feel free to nominate Tefler and Three Square Meals in the other categories as well. In fact, it looks like a battle royale between the girls for Sexiest Female Character, and John has a commanding lead in Sexiest Male Character! You can find information about the contest and the categories here: <a href="http://forum.literotica.com/showthread.php?t=1406122" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://forum.literotica.com/showthread.php?t=1406122</a> You'll need a Literotica account to submit a nomination, and if you already have one to post comments on Tef's stories there, it'll work for the Lit forums where the nominations happen. Hurry! Nominations end March 31st!


I predicted 1st of may about month ago. Heh somone did even bets ^^.


well it looks like Tefler will take the author category by a long shot followed by FinalStand, John has the male lead and it is a tie between Alyssa and Dana currently for female. ( i would have preferred faye and dana but what do i know)


I cast my vote for most influential. Good luck Tefler. Seems there are some people that don't like our voting.


Thanks for the messages everyone! Someone asked earlier if I ever thought I'd reach such astonishingly high numbers of Patrons. No, not for one moment! I had to be nagged into creating the Patreon account by fans on literotica, and I thought it would only get about ten to twenty Patrons at most! Thanks guys for proving me totally wrong. :-)


Thanks for the vote Grimlakin! Benuwer is a longstanding troll who started lurking on the literotica comments for the story about a year ago. If I win anything, all the fans effectively giving that guy the middle finger will leave him furious! ;-)


You're the One. Tefler and this is just you receiving what's due for your story telling abilities. Thanks for letting us ride along.


Thank you for your hard work.


Rofl Tefler. 10-20 Patrons...methinks you were "slightly" off ;) ~Morningfrost




Wait, that means we may get a meeting of John and Jake? WHOOOT!


You deserve the praise


And today we will are at 815. At 15 per day, looks as though Tefler will get from 800 to 900 within 7 days, a record!

Jedi Khan

Geez, it's only been, what, less than 24 hours since we passed 800? And we're already at 821, a fifth of the way to 900. But, according to the math, with the current per patron contribution average hovering around $1.70, we need 882 patrons to reach the $1500 goal, which means we only need 60 more patrons!


LOL..... We all want Tefler to quit his job so we can read his works.... HE needs to be sure to take care of his family. I would suggest a sabatical, or "walk-about" ala Aussie style. A lot depends on how long Tefler's imagination holds out. :P


from the various options that have been thrown out here in this 3SM community I reckon he has at least 40 more chapters


$104 to go.....


I've noticed something rather...strange. According to the details on the left, Tefler has at the moment of this posting, 822 patrons for a per Chapter total of $1396. However, when you add up the totals from the right hand tiers, it only comes out to $1222. So, where did the extra $174 come from?!? Not that I'm complaining, mind you, more like wondering if this mysterious bonus can be increased somehow... At first I thought that there was some behind-the-scenes accounting delay, with the left hand side showing the current immediate total as soon as someone pledged, and the right side just wasn't updating as fast for whatever arcane reason. That was shot to pieces, however, when I wrote the post and the total number of backers went from 821 to 822, with a similar immediate increase in the number of Trankaran Shock Trooper pledges. So both the left and right sides are updating at the same time, they just aren't showing the same amounts... What is going on?!?

Jedi Khan

The info on the right, the pledge tiers, is entirely optional. People have to select the appropriate level for those numbers to update, so the discrepancy you're seeing is the people who have not selected a pledge tier.


We hit $1,400...

Jedi Khan

lol if only people watched their money IRL as closely as we do Tefler's climbing income rate.


Good advice Jedi Khan. So I re-checked my budget, and doubled my pledge to Tefler for the second time. He is currently pumping out 3 chapters a month. I remember him saying in a post it takes an average of 40 hours a chapter for creation. That means right now he is working two full time jobs. If he does quit his day job, I would think to prevent burn out we should not expect him to put out more than 4 chapters a month. that's still a full time job. one where he would only get paid once a month by the way. Talk about needing a budget! I personally would consider any extra posting past 4 a month a blessed bonus. but not required. I am on a fixed income myself and would need to put a cap on my monthly pledge amount should Tefler just go hog wild crazy and start posting over 6 chapters a month. I think that's not a realistic expectation.


Realistically, one chapter a week is going to be my absolute limit (for 25k-30k chapters). I need time to mull over ideas, and I'm dependent on my editors too. 4 chapters/month would easily be doable, 5 at a real push. :-)


Excellent news, I'm pumped for every new release! One request though, if you commission art for the female armour, please don't make them skintight latex suits. Although it looks good, it's just too impractical to have only millimetres of protection. Especially when you compare John's bulky armour with the female variant.


Thanks Tefler for all you do for us. I just wanted to put that out there for everyone to realize how close to the red line you have been producing for us since the very beginning, and not to have unreal expectations of output. I for one am perfectly happy with a chapter a week.


I'm ecstatic to see a chapter a week, very happy to see one every two weeks. Heck I'm happy to see a chap a month! I'm used to weekly posting of no more than 5k to 20k words a week. One of the serials I've been reading for 12 years is at chap 3147. Great writing, she has posted neary everyday -- 350 to 3500 words a day. Not everyone's genre, but good writing!


If I remember the details of the material that they are working with, it would be a tight bodysuit however due to the interweaving mesh layout of the armour and the repulsor technology would mean that it effectively has the same protection capabilities as John's 'bulkier' armour (which Dana designed specifically designed with over the top motifs and shoulder pads as a recognisable symbol and to allow him to charge at enemies and fortifications alike). If you want a good example of gender differential armours look no further than TES V: Skyrim. In it armour has both a male AND female variation both variations offer exactly the same amount of protection. Even historical armour when crafted looks different depending on whether it was crafted for a male or female.


Oh this is so much fun. What cool work you are doing!


We seemed to have stalled at 827 members for last 18 hours. Time for everyone to crowdsource the extra 60-80 names so Tefler can get to $1500/month


add another one, lol.


Almost back to $1400 Tefler. Have you told your boss of your plans to leave yet? Looks as though he has you for another month.


$50 to go. If some of the $1/Ch pledges upped it to $2/Ch for a month.....


$30 to go. C'mon people. We can do this.


$4 to go till $1500. 4 Patreon till 900. Double Celebration on the way. Probably today.


Well done Tefler. $1500 achieved. Is your resignation letter prepared for Easter Tuesday?