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I've finished! (27th March). I've handed over part 2 to my editors, and I'll work on their suggested edits for Part 1 now. :-)




You can do it...


Can't Wait.....

Jim lynch

My god your on a roll keep up the great work I know it will be amazing just like the other 73 were


Damn didn't get first. GO TEFLER GO!!!

Jim lynch

No u didn't lol


That's awesome. Can't wait to see the next part.


Keep up the awesome work!

Malthe Mørk Mejlby

You know you have to keep up that pace now right, otherwise I will be severely dissapointed :) Semi joking, I would really love to get a new chapter once a week, or twice a week, or every other day, or every day, or twice a day, or every four hours, or every two hours, or whenever i finished reading the latest chapter (continuing for eternity ofc.). You aren't able to write and edit around 25k words an hour are you? Seems my inner addict took over my typing for a while :) Keep up the good work but don't burn yourself out. The only thing worse than waiting for the next chapter in a series is when the author abandons the series.(I might be exaggerating a little, nuclear holocaust is worse)


@MMM... [The only thing worse than waiting for the next chapter in a series is when the author abandons the series.(I might be exaggerating a little, nuclear holocaust is worse) ] Hmm...not really sure that the nuclear holocaust would really be worse in this instance...


T, thanks for keeping us updated on your progress on each chapter! It is very much appreciated.


With the fun benefit of keeping us all extra addicted.


I have to edit the chapters as I read them on my phone i decrease the margines increase the font size (or decrease if I am at work) and delete all the blank lines.


Back to work, Tefler. No more comments please till you are at 20k . And keep delaying publishing elsewhere, I reckon there should be a one week delay.


So tefler how bad are you going to prank us on the first? also what time of the year is it for the 3SM uni i only ever remember years being talked about not the months.

Jedi Khan

He might prank us by saying his PC crashed and he lost everything he's written so far. Although, given how old his PC is, it could turn out to be true, rather than a prank.


I don't know how it works but i think he uses google docs.


I'd assume he'd give them to us in PDF rather than DOCX if he were using google docs, I've always assumed he's using word.


I like "Maliri hair bleach" as a laugh line, but if it were to get into the story, I would think that "Maliri Hair Tonic" might be a better sell (fits with the "cosmetics" theme better that way doncha know).


I am happy to donate all royalties and copyright to "Maliri Hair Bleach" to the "Get Tefler to Write Full time Appeal". Tefler will probably needs to put 5% set aside for JK and Crazy's counselling . After 2x as much 3SM I think there are going to be issues....


at 5K per day Tefler, that will mean to your editors on Sunday then release here next Thursday


I wonder if we'll meet Ailanthia in this chapter. I admit I'm curious as to what she looks like and what species she belongs to.


I think he submits to Lit pretty quickly it just takes Lit up to a week to post.


Man how do you stay up late writing? I was proofing my stuff until 10:30 but when I started nodding off I knew I better just pick it up in the morning. I get up at 5:30 to write before work...


Am wondering about a normal evil progen growth once he packs his first girl he needs a ship then upgrades that then gets more girls needs bigger ship then upgrades that etc until he makes the 2km ship, so he needs a kind of base and dry dock to build and upgrade his ship/s so is there a planet/moon with his old ships just sitting there? And how does he know were to get the elements? I cant see all the progens sharing resources?


Andya, we are SO ignorant about Progenitors, it's not funny. Our only exposure to them at all is via a single source - Mael'nerak - and those that he influenced. Perhaps he was typical of their species. Perhaps he wasn't. How do we know? He either is, or gave rise to, the Black Ship Progenitor, as well as to John, we believe. He certainly gave rise to John's mother, as he created the human race as it is now, albeit based upon the combination of the existing life on Terra at that time and a standard 'template' that the Progenitors seem to use... or at least, that he did. Perhaps, unlike the other Progenitors, he wasn't creative enough to create new life forms each time, and had to resort to templates, unlike his more talented and powerful brethren? Perhaps he was a failed artist? Perhaps he is a great one? The problem is that we have nothing to compare him against. Oh, but what about John's Progenitor self? Well, where does that come from? Also Mael'nerak, perhaps, so you can't take it as a representative sample, either. Ah, but what about the Black Ship Progenitor? Well, if it's not Mael'nerak, perhaps it too came from him? Who knows? Our ignorance is appalling and yet, we make judgements anyway. It's quite fortunate, really, the human capacity to make decisions based on little or no facts and to stick with them regardless of what evidence comes out that might be considered to contradict the basis for our decisions, isn't it? It allows us to do so much while others dither and wait to - as Heinlein put it - grok the whole. After all, who needs understanding when you have your own belief in your own perception of power? No winner has ever lost a war by believing that they would win, no?


Damn dude. Its crazy how fast, and how good the stories come out. Myself can only get a full length chapter (10) pages done in about a month, but you get them out on a bi monthly basis. To me thats insane.


But PC master race!!!! Keep writing please.


Tefler, does that mean you've sent part one to the editors?


Yep! I'm about half way through part 2 at the moment. :-)


Tefler, y'know, we really do need even more frequent updates on your progress.. Can't you arrange for keystroke-by-keystroke statistics or somethin'? (I can see it now... "Yay! He's typing again!...aww he hit delete... Yay! he typing again!") ;-)


WOW!, sounds like T's really on a roll to getting us a new chapter soon. Thanks Tefler.


That looks like a third chapter this month. Yay!


My son tends to wake up early, so it's not a good time for me unfortunately. :-)

Tefler (edited)

Comment edits

2022-11-18 16:54:22 寸前のまま焦らしまくりたい…ろ( ˘ω˘ )
2017-03-26 08:02:49 You're welcome! I'm aiming for about the 31st March, depending on how much time i can get to write today.

You're welcome! I'm aiming for about the 31st March, depending on how much time i can get to write today.


800 Patrons!!! $1,359 per Chapter! Congratulations!!




Yes congrats T, 100 Patrons add since Mar 13; WOW!!!!


Time for #800 post, maybe with a nugget from chapter 74 ;)


Maybe #800 post with Ch. 74 Part 1 Tefler ? :P




And the number keeps going up! Now 801 patrons for $1,360! Congratulations, Tefler. Only $140 more to go to hit the milestone of $1,500 for your first monthly chapter!! At the current rate, you're on track for that before the end of April!


Yup! 804! remember what I said a few short weeks back when y'all were making noise about 400? :-) ...and Tefler ain't near done yet neither... :-P


- 13 days from 500 to 600 - 17 days from 600 to 700 - 12 days from 700 to 800 - ? Days from 800 to 900 ? days till $1500 and full time Tefler?


I think someone else mentioned a good point, It needs to be ~ $1500 per chapter which won't be the case now as i think a lot of people will cap their spending (especially people who have pledged $5 and above) which will cause the second and third chapter in a month to go from 1500 to 1000 to 750 probably.


That's right Sid, plus it will probably be a month or three after he hits a true1500 a chapter before he quits to pad a nest egg.


congrats on 800 now just a short hop to 1000


Congratulations and thank you for finishing 74! Hopefully, the edits won't take too long and we'll have it this month. There's plenty of time left, too. You have another 4431 minutes left to go!


Errr, not that I'm counting, of course. :-)


Are we there yet? Looks as though my productivity will be low for the next 24-26 hours till its posted


You can take a day off of waiting. It will NOT happen within 24 hours of now, because Tefler hasn't gotten the comments back from the editors, yet, as he just sent them. It takes them, normally, up to 2 days to turn them around, which is about right for editing that much material. I know when I have to edit in a 24 hour period, it's not easy.


Will we see the term "Maliri Hair Bleach" used in Ch 74, Tefler?


Are we there yet (again)?


I've just finished correcting 150+ edits (punctuation and grammar bits) from part 2. That's 3 out of 4 editors feedback done, so as soon as I get the last one, then I'll go through and add in those suggestions. I'd say tomorrow for Chapter 74 is looking quite likely.


P.S. I've got a stinking cold at the moment! I'm so bunged up, my eyes are watering... I'm literally crying as I labour away... :-) I made a start on Chapter 75 too, I'm hoping you guys will iike that one. I'm planning to wrap up a bunch of plot arcs, so it should be fun!


Hummm. After you are free from "employment constraints", you might want to consider a location less conducive to colds.


Please don't tell any of the addicts here where that fourth editor lives :)


Unfortunately, I share a house with a 2 year old plague-monster! Everything he catches usually gets passed on to me. :-(


no, please do so we can have someone to blame/harass


I feel your pain brother just getting over a cold myself. thems the brakes i guess

Jedi Khan

"Tomorrow" has become today, so where's the chapter? Crazy! What? Behave yourself and have patience. Tefler's got a cold, so cut the guy some slack. Oh, alright. Have it your way. So...Tefler, any idea on when we'll see the chapter?


Just be thankful that CRazy has not invited his cousins over to stay