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I just got home from the hospital and feel a bit like a pincushion at the moment.

I was in for keyhole surgery to remove my gall bladder, but they encountered a load of infection, so I've actually got 4 keyhole surgery wounds now. In the end, they could have done open surgery, but it was too risky with the infection, so I'm being dosed up with antibiotics to clear that up.

That explains why I've been feeling so run down and exhausted recently. It made me wonder if the infection actually started after the first gall stone months ago.

It was surprising that they didn't pick up the infection beforehand though, as I've been in and out of the hospital multiple times last week for blood tests and pre-op assessments.

Anyway, it looks like I won't actually get my gall bladder removed for another six weeks. /sigh.

I've been working on chapter 163, but haven't quite finished it yet. I'll wrap that up and publish it as soon as I can.




As to why the infection wasn't found before, it's the NHS mate. Don't presume competence.


Updates every week would be fantastic. Blessing to you & yours. Ignore the complainers & try to maintain a positive attitude.


Take care and best wishes. Infections are a tricky mess, I hope your recovery goes well.


My friend just went through that - the infection had his gall bladder adhere to his kidney complicating everything. So rest up and do what you need to do to get better.


Take care and get fully recovered soon. And thank you very much for the timely update!

Robert Barr

Feed better, rest and heal good sir.


thanks for the update hope you get better soon dont push your self to hard your health is important so get lots of rest and recover


Thanks for that update! Get well soon and no stress.


BTW Thanks for the update . You'll feel even better once your Gal Bladder is removed . Until then chill , relax , and enjoy something .

Deryck Stevenson

Health more important than writing get well soon


Boys and girls, you cut into a diseased gallbladder and you think there's not a high risk of leaking infection?


.63: ... what I want to see in the next chapter or two is for those sneaky Maliri males to have a bit more fire power up their sleeves, ... like a few cloaked battleships that have bigger / better / stronger Nova Lances, ... like that, ... -- and after that, Faye's return, .... yay!;-) ttfn

Tefler Fan 007

Or the battle station is not just improved progenitor technology. Mael could have combined Acheron technology with progenitor technology to make it more deadlier. The pyramid was a combination of the two technologies so why not the battle stations.

Michael carney

On another note. I have tried to get into a few audio books, but found them annoying. But clicked on what I thought was a YouTube video but was a audio book with subtitles. Human voice, sounding similar to War of the World's. Only into chapter 5, but has got me hooked. Printedtext slowly scrolls up screen, large black screen pause between chapters. https://youtu.be/LM1oMiUS_kA Why humans avoid War complete series. Nearly 5 hours in length, and adds seem only at chapter breaks. Enjoy.


Hope you are healing. I know exactly how you feel. Had 3 days of antibiotics before they took out mine a few days back.

Rayce Royal

It's all going to depend on when the stations were built. Remember, the gun emplacements around his home world were progenitor technology only. When did he build the battle stations?


Tefler, I don't write much here and I am on my tablet so this will be a run-on paragraph. The big concern for some people is you have 3 months of payments without any deliverables. Many have given you the doubt benefit because this story is soooooooooooo awesome. But, that awesomeness pales when you go for future payments with few deliverables. Some people have been really crass and crude regarding your father's death (my condolences again) and your gall bladder issues. Even though I understand their frustration I disagree with their writing methods. NP - Now some have thought you should have attempted to write in those months. That's water over the dam wall (double entendre intended). I don't know your family situation except you have two sons. I do too. They are work, great work being a father. But, if they don't see the rest of 163, 164 and a prerelease to 165, I believe you will see a more people in a blowout. NP - I hope you get your medical issues taken care of. Take some time and update us here, your loyal fans more often and even the most crude will give you more slack. You disappear until the end of each month, so the speculation becomes sour when it doesn't have to. We got you but do you have us? Comprende?


So I've been sitting back and reading the comments over awhile so I just wanted to add my 2 cents on what I have read from ppl. First off though, speaking as someone who is disabled and in somewhat poor health otherwise, your own health is important which I have been thankful to see everyone agree with. Seems that condolences for your father's passing continue and that's also good of everyone to understand. Lost my father at the millennium and it really can be a part of yourself gone. However this comment is kind of for everyone who has had some issues with the delays and the placeholder problems. I've been addicted to TSM for a very very long time now and through thick and thin guys Tefler comes through for us. It's not a trying to get kudos or anything on my part, but more the faith that he'll come through. I had more issues when a certain purple pixie vanished than I do at the moment. I'd be lying though if I said I didn't check at least twice a day for the last bit of 163, but I guess it's more important to have it when it's perfect than to rush and get a bad job if I make any sense there. But I am pretty sure that everyone that comments have been trying to help no matter the tone of the comment. It's fans offering what support and ideas we can for ya. But take care that your 100% to give us 100% so we can then return support 100% :D


.62: Hey fellow BurntRedstone / Jack Danner series fans, check this out: 2023.06.12 Current Update: After a very long hiatus, Jack Danner is back! Part 1 of Jack's Moonlighting was just submitted for publication on Literotica. Part 2 will be submitted in a couple of days. Over 197K words in this two-part story so it took a little longer than expected. Final edits of the super-secret trilogy (in the Jack Danner Universe) are underway! I hope you enjoy it!

William Wallace

I understand from where you are comming, i don't read the chapters on Parteon, I only support him here I only read them on SOL ! This should not be a problem to post regularly, they are already finished. Being of poot health is no exusr for freeloading


Yeah, except it has to get thru Lit's perusal first. Still waiting.... Impatiently 😫

Hendrix Morton

Having lost my father recently also, I get all that, and I would agree with you, except this has been going on for over a year now.....and it seems to be getting worse with multiple placeholders a month now...with no end in sight...

Anthony Kester

Attention All Connoisseurs of Redhead Beauty!!! Please visit us at the the new and improved Discord server. Oh yeah, we also talk a lot about some space story, written by some guy... But it has a Redhead in it!!! https://discord.gg/tXEPg9PuhM


.67: YAY! Jack's Moonlighting, part one dropped at midnight on 6/14/23, ... 28 pages/chapters, oh boy! ;-) ttfn

Nathaniel Wolf

Just finished it, I was hoping for more of the twins. Those two are definitely my favorite characters that are not Jack.


.69: ... and he wrote " Part 2 will be submitted in a couple of days" so, soon there will be more, maybe with the twins too, ... fingers crossed, ... ;-) ttfn

Tefler Fan 007

Such a great chapter. It was nice to see some of the stand alone stories from same universe pulled into this chapter. Plus it opens up some side stories as well. Waiting (drinking a lot) patiently for part 2 from Mr Redstone.


Tef - today is the day to deliver rest of 163. Pretend today is the last day of the month. I’m sorry you can’t wait for your incisions to fully heal. There’s hope of getting 164 out if you start tomorrow. No hope of delivering 164 if you finish 163 at 11 PM on the last day of the month.


.72: .... and that's a sharp elbow to the ribs, with a hint-hint, nudge-nudge and a saucy wink thrown in, ... nice work Blue Book-Inhaler, ... ;-) ttfn

Rayce Royal

I REALLY hope I'm wrong, but I don't see it happening. If his infection was as bad as indicated, he may still be adle-brained from the medication. Come on, Tef ol buddy, you can beat this! Thousands of TSM addicts are counting on you being stronger than BIG Pharma 💪 👏 Either way, please get well soon.

Tyler Derkearmian

Eh get real. He's been taking everyone for a ride for months now. We'll have 163 finished the end of the month and more empty promises a out 164. I'll bet you the dollar limit I put on my account because I'm sick of the excuses. In any other job he'd have been fired by now. Personal issues health etc do not excuse repeated missed deadlines. Mark my words Michael Smith.


.75: ... life does happen, sick kids and mother -in-law, gallstones, leaky roof, ... Tef began as an amateur writer in a 'free' Literotica format, .... he still is not fully a 'professional', thus the complaining commenters, ... but I do think he is trying to improve, and he is very creative, ... sorry that you find it so hard to forgive his being a human being with faults just as we all have, ... he'll get caught up eventually, .... patience Tyler, ... ;-) ttfn


I felt bad for originally voicing my doubts but in the comparison of a 9-5 his ass would be let go, I came here to compensate him for his work not pay a portion of his bills so he doesn't have to go to a McDonald's job


.77: ... and if he went back to work full time to support his family, then TSM could conceivably stop, ... I do like the series, and I want Tef to keep writing, ... --- okay? -- and do you really want to fire him? ;-) ttfn

Tyler Derkearmian

Fire, no. But pay him what he a tually deserves for what he delivers. Yes, and this the $ monthly cap. If he a tually delivered more than promises I'd be happy to support him more, but at this point the only reason I do at all is be cause I want to know how this stage ends. Otherwise I'd walk.


Michael56Smith Tefler is now a professional writer he said he quit his job to write that makes him a full time Author. I like his story I still believe he can do his job writing the story, Yes life goes on, when my parents passed I have a few days to get things done and I had to go back and do my job. For my pay if Tefler want more money he could do like the rest of the world does work over time put out more then one chapter per month, I have all ways said I work to live but I don't live to work. As a writer Tefler can do his job at any time of the day if he needs family time take it, but make up the writing time later that day. Being sick is a bit challenging for sure and will stop any person, even if he did like other Authors I follow some pages three or four time a week will keep the story moving along ,but I would think that this must be very hard schedule to complete. I was injured on the job it took 5 years to be able to go back to but hard part getting back from the injury was getting my head straight, thinking if do this I will get hurt again took forever to get my head in a place where I could work again. Tefler just needs to get down and write a few words a day. Tefler there is still followers out there that believe you can do it but ******************* get well. Talk to your followers regularly give updates regularly. Kick ass and move on


He does have us on the hook with this current story. No one would support a new story if the author charged for one chapter a month for six months but only managed to deliver two chapters in that time. I hope Tef can get his health back in order and restore our faith in his ability to reliably deliver. If not I think he’ll have to get a different job after TSM wraps up.


.82: regards Tef being a 'professional' writer: I see Tef as a work in progress in that he was definitely not trained to be a writer, ... he is the creator of a wonderful series that has been a fan favorite since it's December 2015 debut, for free in Literotica, .... I have seen a number of commenters that offer him 'how to' advice, totally unsolicited. And was likely never heeded, .... He does get compared to other authors that produce like clockwork, ... My biggest peeve with Tef is his lack of routine communication / updates to his supporters, I think that improvements in this area would go a long way to quelling many of the gripes out there, .... I am sure that he did not intend for his various life problems to intrude on his writing time, but it has, ... if we want more TSM from the source, then we need to support Tef, and we should back off on telling him how we would do his job, ... :-) ttfn

William Wallace

He's had 9 day's to remove al the needles, but still no end of chapter 163, and guaranteed an next placeholder when he finished 163 Goh I hate freeloaders, he has so much stuff going on posting the already written books on amazon, will keep him going, bust as long as people are going to mother him he's not going to change TEFLER IT IS TIME TO GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR AND BACK IN ON THE JOB, if you were one of my employees, I would already thanked you for services rendered, months ago!!


.84: .... don't feed the trolls, ... don't feed the trolls, .... don't feed those silly trolls, .... sheesh! smh, .... ;-) ttfn


It is interesting to note that I remember in the old days that Patreon would show the number of people subscribed and the amount Tef was getting per month, I have not seen that information for a long time now.




They gave an option to the owner to not show the amount. Teler has taken that option.


Wow thank you for the link

Rayce Royal

So. . . anyone want to hazard a guess as to which chapter we see our favorite Purple Sprite? What chapter will she earn her ring (by giving up her ring! ) How will Daphne and the Collective see the new Faye? And lastly, what psychic power will Faye get?


.90: My crazy guess would be at least two more chapters out, say #165 or #166, ... and she will have wings, ... Oh, and a cyber power like Irilith's so she can stay in touch with her collective, and perhaps Aerokinesis to help with her flying, ... and the elemental power will give her shields too (purple hexes?), ... -- It's a bit of a shame though that the precious and petite purple pixie will grow from a very cute 5 foot even, to a lovely, but tall 5 foot 9 inches due to John's cum, ... ;-) ttfn


.92: Yeah, but not just on Tef's site, but almost all the other Patreon Authors too, just an optional format change, I first noticed it on Home for Horny Monsters, ... and check out jdg45's reference for all that info, ... ;-) ttfn

Rayce Royal

Maybe not. It's up to John, so could he consciously make that happen and keep her original size? I like your theories on her gifts, though. Hopefully she can fly!!

Unresolved Plots

Assuming he sticks with the current 20K chapter sizes, my guess is 164 is the final battle with Gahl'kalgor and 165 is Faye's return. We have had small hints that Daphne might not be as happy about Faye being given a living body as everyone else, so her reaction when Faye does return will be interesting to see. The most obvious psychic powers Faye would get is the cyber ones Irillith has, but then what is the point of having two girls with the same powers on the ship? Could Irillith die to free up space for Faye? I hope not! I'd prefer to see Faye given different powers to Irillith, something unexpected like Earth powers.

Rayce Royal

Maybe Faye will be able to command vast legions of war bots so worlds of blue girls don't have to be in danger?


.96: Well UP, I'd save the Earth powers for the Glowing Queen, more appropriate I think, ... but, another elemental power, I picked Aerokinesis so she could fly, have shields, and she could whip up tornadoes and hurricane winds, ... not too bad for a fairy, right, .... and yes, all her abilities would then overlap with some other Lionesses, ... but John could add another one or two, small like Sakura's empathic ability to mirror John, to be in phase with him in battle, ... but something Purple for Faye, ... like Fairy Dust (pick your space magic), .... -- And to RR, I like the Idea of John controlling / limiting Faye's growth, maybe 5 ft 2 in, and not the full 5 ft 9 in, ... she'd still be darn cute and still a petite pixie, ... I like, .... ;-) ttfn


.97: Okay, a few more items to add to Dana's already impossible workload, ... 1) mini maintenance bots to inspect small / tight spaces, ... 2a) floating medical crash carts for Rachel, (like the follow me floating luggage), ... 2b) floating away team gear carriers, with meals, water and spare rifles and ammo, ... 3) an open-to-space, but with force field protection to hold in the air like on the hanger deck, -- they can use this to more safely test fire the progressively more powerful personal weapons that Dana keeps coming up with, and not blow out the side of the ship, ... 4) the Dreadnaught Destroyer auxiliary ship that they once discussed over a hundred chapters ago, .... 5) and finally build that superior Paragon 2.0 armor, ... (or did she already do that? I know she almost started a couple of times), ... 6) and on the next upgrade, replace the bulk of the ship's old titanium decks and walls with something better, like Etherium - similar in weight but it can be made much stronger and thinner too, ... any thoughts from you guys? .... ;-) ttfn


I don't think theyll be heading back to kythshara until at least the end of 165. I think 166 will finish off with the trip into the deep astral for the team, with John only just getting away from Xar after pummelling the fallen progenitors. The final scene I can see being Faye opening her eyes and saying something along the lines of we're all filthy organics now. Lol 😆

Rayce Royal

Ok, M56S, let's discuss your items: 1) Do you consider the mini bots to be nano, or just hand-held size robots? If nano technology, maybe that's what Faye is able to psychically control as part of her gifts. 2) Really like the idea of the floating crash carts. Maybe they can have rudimentary weaponry to help protect the fallen while being transported in a war zone. Otherwise, maybe make a couple of autonomous "pack mules" like our military have now that follow the girls around. 3) The open to space shooting range is something I always thought would be a good idea, ever since Dana started blowing chunks out of the hull with her improved weapons. Either that, or reinforce the crap out of the hull. Still, when they reform the hull with the Star Forge, no amount of fire from a hand-held weapon will be able to damage it. 4) I truly believe this will be addressed as soon as the Star Forge is up and running. It might even be the first thing John runs thru, as a "test" to see if it really works as intended. 6) I'm thinking she started on the improved armor, but never got all sets upgraded. Still, it needs to be a top priority to protect the girls. MAYBE it could even incorporate the crash cart idea into the armor. Kind of a self contained anti-grav unit/emergency auto-med kit that puts the wearer into a medically induced coma if the damage is bad enough.


.100: Regards Mini bots, I was thinking about when they slapped the Invictus back together after Larn'kelnar sliced it in two, they had to use the cleaning bots (because they were small enough to fit) to conduit some of the inspections, but at least one wanted to watch her soaps, ... not nano, but they could be quite useful too, .... -- and I so want to see Dana get her hands on the Star Forges, ... Tef will tell us so much then, ... I hope, ... ;-) ttfn

Rayce Royal

Cannot wait to see what our amazing Sparks does with the Star Forges!!!

Michael carney

In regards to small robots. It always nags me that after sparks had put the ship back together and collapsed. She had recovered when they were discussing inspecting large guns, think the collective had skipped them. Nagging point is why didn't John just fill sparks up so she could do the molecule inspection trick on the weapons. That would be simple compared to picking up ship and putting it back together. And why doesn't John give all the girls a boost just before they go into battle.


.105: He used to, A decent cum dose was once upon a time the Standard Operating Procedure, he would top-up the girls right before battle (space or ground), ... until he finally had too many girls, or the time when the fighting was to be too long, ... Tef 's knowing what was really needed by the story requirements, just stopped doing it, .... I still think that Rachel / Dana should've long ago come up with a storage system for spare / emergency psychic cum, ... and after John stomped Progenitor John and got all his horded info, Dana now will have Progenitor class Cum Vat schematics, ... surely, she can make some improvements, like pint and 1/2-pint travel bottles, ... if Dana doesn't drink it all first, ... maybe have Rachel keeping it under lock and key in Medical? ... ;-) ttfn


.106: I have broken down and read a few of the Fan Fiction TSM stories, and they don't go near the Star Forges, I think it's because Tef hasn't really clarified them yet, ... but some of the other story ideas are pretty interesting, ... author is DuncanIdaho2014, ... ;-) ttfn

Anthony Kester

Do you want to see the stars? Do you want be a part of something bigger? Are you ready to give all that you can? The Terran Federation Navy is looking for you. Start your journey at the new Discord sever https://discord.gg/tXEPg9PuhM


Hello Tefler. Hope all is well. As you heard our strangely mentally challenged president last week comment or comment last week (you choose) "God save "the queen"". Maybe you can decipher that for us in Chapter 164 or 165 as an "Easter egg"?


I just hired Kali, the Vodou Queen, to unpin cushion Tefler. Once she has performed the rituals, I expect Tefler's Horny House to become more reliable. You may thank me in advance. The Troll


.112: ...Wow, when Trolls get feed, they go out and hire Vodou Queen's to perform rituals, ... who'd have thought it, ... ;-) ttfn


He couldn't work the rope line due to weather so took comments from the stt


--from the stage ...apparently he made the comment you allude to possibly in


( hate this editor)))) response to someone from the audience...other than that I can think of no reason for him to say "God save "the queen" man. Oh, by the way, you never complained when TFG wanted to suspend the constitution


Wally, he was there at the funeral vs. Constitution Suspension. Typical apples and oranges comparison. Mental capacity vs. political capacity. First is real, second is conjecture. Good attempt at trolling. Tefler is English, hence my Easter egg request. You are not too bright. Did you heart your own comment?


The pace has dropped to half a chapter a month but I’m not sure Tef can maintain that if he’s gone back under the knife after clearing out the infection. Hoping for half a chapter by the final hour of the month, but something tells me he might not deliver a single word this month. Not really impressed with UK health care. They can’t seem to handle what should be a routine medical problem.

James St. Clair

You are assuming everything he tells us is factual. Besides, if I could make $8k per chapter, I would be writing from the hospital bed and everywhere else. 1 chapter a month for a nice life, hell yeah!

Tyler Derkearmian

Please this man has the potential to make more than 20k a month. There's pretty much nowhere you can't write from nowadays. Being honest here what else is he gonna do from his hospital bed. If he's too ill to write then he should be too ill to do damn near anything aside from using the bathroom himself. If he actually has as much planned out as he claims it should be absolutely nothing to put out a the overall layout and spend a week polishing it. There is zero reason he can't actually do two or three chapters a month. I should have capped my contribution last year. The man has more excuses than chapters this year


.120: Regards the Money Tef Makes vs gets to hang onto: ... this has been discussed several times in the past, ... and it starts with Patreon's fee (20%), ... then the biggest bite is from the UK income tax (quite high -- in 35% to 45% range, ... then there are a few local taxes and obligations to meet like property tax, ... the money he gets to keep is likely between 30% to 40% at best, my memory may be off a bit, but I do recall he only gets to hold onto less than half, ,,, so please don't exaggerate his income for use in trying to make him seem a bad-guy, he really isn't, .... just saying that he is in need of paying his bills, and also for the feeding and the caring for nis family each and every month, ... ;-) ttfn


.121: Oh yeah, in regard to his being able to write practically anywhere, ... I strongly suspect that by this time in his complex and very long story, he likely has charts and graphs on his work area walls, and more in his notebooks that are filled with the names and places in his tale (spelling is quite important), all this to help him to not make too many blunders when he writes the next chapter, ... I would bet you that he could only rough draft his chapter writing elsewhere, ... whew, glad get that off my chest, ... ;-) ttfn ...


Wow Michael56smith let’s see tax in Canada income tax starts out at 35% and goes up to 53% now add your living costs we get to keep about 30% of our pay so we all pay the tax but when self employed that person can make deductions to maybe lower your tax cost. Tefler is making money I really don’t care, I just love the story BUT I will not defend him as I do not know him he writes I pay that’s all. Life has been a bitch for the whole world we all need to overcome it and continue. Tefler may need to find a quiet place and find his self and start to write once more.

Jim lynch

Your wrong about the tax’s in the uk very very wrong in fact tefler will pay about 22% income tax there is no property tax in uk he will have to council tax which depends on where he lives and size of house ie how many bedrooms so that could be owt from £1000 to £3000 per year. If people remember when tefler had a job he wanted £1500 per month to quit his job to just write 3SM so last I saw he was receiving around £8500 a month so should have had plenty money for his bills roof or any other emergency.


.125: wow, ... your taxes are right up there with California's, ... take care buddy, ... ;-) ttfn

Tyler Derkearmian

I don't need to exaggerate anything. His actions, continual excuses, and lack of communication outside of the next excuse say more than enough. Everyone in the world has struggles and issues. Every person in the world has to figure their shit out. You can either be the type to make excuses about why you aren't handling your shit, or you can bust your ass, get back on your feet and make shit happen. I don't have to say a word about which type Tef seems to have become.


We don't have income tax in texas, but high property taxes, hopefully we will get a reduction because of our surplus. Still price of living is low.

William Wallace

If there are no 2 complete chapter within the next 3 weeks I will suspend my support and request a money back, since I already payed fo 3 chapters and didn't receive them.

Rayce Royal

Look, I KNOW you're frustrated, and you feel cheated right now. Please remember that we're all human, and we all handle things differently. He may be seeing these three placeholders as an insurmountable obstacle and have gotten depressed because of the huge pile of crap he's been fed this year. I don't know how tight he was with his dad. I DO know that I will be a basket case for months once mine passes on. Does he owe us chapters? ABSOLUTELY he does. Will turning him in to the administrators help get us the chapters we are owed? Absolutely NOT. Just be patient. If it's the money, then send me your address and I'll front you the $. If it is the principle of the thing, then I urge caution and understanding. Like I said, I understand where you are coming from. I love this story. I WANT MORE OF THIS STORY, and I want it NOW. Just realize that if you or anyone turns him in, the story will end at chapter 163.

Donald Randolph

I do not view Patreon as that transactional. It is not walking into a shop and buying something off the shelf. It is helping support some of my favorite artists, so they can produce more work, which I will enjoy when it becomes available.


.131: ...in a note to the upset 'Braveheart', ... Rayce Royal said it quite well, and I have to agree, ... so, just relax a bit and I expect that as Tef recovers and regains his balance, his writing will flow again, .... and might even catch up, ... fingers crossed, ... I am hopeful that during this time, if he had a few new long-range ideas for TSM, that he noted them down to aid him when his writing gets back into full gear again, ... ;-) ttfn

William Wallace

Rayce Royal, I understand were you’re coming from, to give you an idea I will give some of my problems. 1. I am a self-employed translator for the justice dept. 2. I am suffering from Cancer, with the related problems chemo & radiation &and the sick making medicines. I have to work since my health insurance does not cover day hospital stay’s for chemo or radiation. So you understand why I am so unforgiven, for a freeloader. 3. If I miss a deadline I can forget further employment. 4. There is little chance I will see the end of the story but when I am able to read the chapters owned, so I can hide in a fantasy world. Please no sympathy replies they only make it worse!!

Unresolved Plots

Another Patron wrote a comment a while back (can't remember who sorry or which post it was on, though it was on a recent Tefler post) that they cancelled their membership last year with chapters owed. They where still able to read those chapters when they came out, as they had been paid for. They said they had rejoined as a Patron since then. So, assuming what they said is true, you have this option too.


William Wallace - I understand your health and work issues. I was the lead Data Base Administrator for a very large database. In 2003 I found I had prostate cancer and had to have surgery. In the hospital for 2 days - with my laptop and phone working the next day. Reported back to work wearing a catheter 4 days after surgery. 2006 I became my parents primary caregiver. I was now a contract DBA and able to work for home. I was responsible for 14 business's with multiple databases, taking my parents to Dr appointments, cooking, taking care of the house, everything until they passed in 2010 and 2013. As a contract DBA you did your job or you were replaced. You handle what life hands you as a responsible person.

Holly Lowery

Hoping you mend well Tefler. Love this story so much! I waited 10 years for the last installment of Earth's children. A few months for chapter of one of my favorite stories is not long comparatively. So excited to "meet" Faye, see how things work out with Buckingham's kids, and how John deals with the Brimorians. Also full of curiosity for how things go with the Trankaran and Kintark "Queens". So much to look forward too. People have gotten so used to instant gratification!

Rayce Royal

Thank you for clarifying, William Wallace. I once told M56S that I felt the vast majority of complaints come from those who were simply addicted to the story and could not wait for the next installment, as if they were jonesing for their next fix. Your situation is vastly different. Too often we forget how important it is to "unplug" from reality and relax. When I had severe depression following my divorce, I used an online RPG as a means to escape. I sincerely hope you are soon able to find that escape. My apologies if my response was insensitive.

Anthony Kester

EXCITING CONVERSATIONS!!! INTERESTING DEBATES!!! LOTS OF PHOTOS OF REDHEADS!!! Coming to a Discord near you, "The Invictus, a Three Square Meals Forum". https://discord.gg/tXEPg9PuhM

Keepit simple

My advice is for Tef to hire an assistant, preferably named Faye, for him to help put his thoughts on paper. I have had my share of bad dynamics being a widow and health issues, like many of you. I chose to distract myself by focusing on what I could control...my work. Without my team helping, I don't think I could have been as successful, as some times the grief or pain was seemly too great. Tef has the story telling ability and a great story we all enjoy. I believe most are simply frustrated because we want more of the story(starting with getting Faye back ;)). I wish Tef best wishes. Just suggesting good work can still come from letting others help.

Rayce Royal

Good advice. The lack of updates is frustrating to most, as well. I can understand why Tefler limits his contact, since he gets piled on every time he shows up. However, a weekly "I'm still sick and trying to heal" would go a long way to solving the contact issue.


.140 YES! ... an unpaid, but very loyal and dedicated intern, ideally named Faye, to write weekly or bi-monthly status updates, .... also, to see to the needed editing to then post older chapters to Literotica and SOL, ... and maybe get back to publishing a few John Blakes Chronicles books again, ... The free stories are running 20 chapters (almost) behind and that's too much, ... just doing these things would make fans cheer, ... and I would be happy too, .... yowzah! .... ;-) ttfn


It's been excuse after excuse... In the last year and a half it didn't move forward... It used to be 1 placeholders now it's 3


What about writing by dictating. Much easier than writing. One speaks out loud and the computer writes it down for you. All you need is Siri or a similar app. Can also be done on your phone and in bed.


Editing the draft is still real work.


Statistically Tef delivered 15 chapters in 2022 for a 1.25 ch/mo rolling average for the year. That’s a respectable pace. This year he’s delivered 2.5 ch in 5 months giving him a 1/2 chapter average. He’s had a tough year, but I do think if the UK doctors can ever figure out what to do with a routine gall bladder problem he will return to 1.25 chapter average. Tef, don’t let you’re recent productivity inform you about how good of a writer your are. Write off first half 2023 for the shit show it was and expect to be able to do 1.25 chapters a month once you put it behind you. Maybe only charge for 1.0 chapters a month. You’ll get out of your hole in no time.


.146: Oh yeah Robert, but wouldn't creativity suffer with the use of a speak-to-write program? I think it will take lots of practice, and some real mental adjustments to successfully use one, .... and please don't mess with Tef's TSM creativity, ... can you imagine all the extra typos from the 1st draft with this program, ... the old saying, "if it works, don't fix it", ... and Tef's current way has worked / evolved for over 7 years, ... ;-) ttfn

William Wallace

I I have been reading the comments here continuously, and I cannot get rid of the impression that our dear Teffler doe not give a rats as what is written here, he has not even produced a full chapter this month. There are 3 possibilities 1. Writers block. 2. Forgot to pay his internet, and goes to an internet café to collect. 3. He doesn’t give a toss.


Tef has communicated his challenges this year which are enough to explain the drop in delivery speed between 2022 and 2023. There’s no need to imagine new challenges when he has plenty. Tef virtually never delivers anything before the final hour of the month. Usually literally, not metaphorically.


.150: ... and just who the heck is our "Braveheart" battling? It seems like he both likes and dislikes 3 Square Meals, ... or is it just Tef he has a problem with (maybe he is not allowed to have his father pass away or to get sick himself, ... sheesh!), ... smh, ... sigh, ... :-( ttfn

Tyler Derkearmian

Imagine being right that for three weeks we'd have exactly nothing despite claims to the contrary. So glad I turned my limit down to the bare minimum.


.151: .... as I toss out a few handfuls of Troll Chow: ... gee Tyler, you are still here, ... why not just go, ... those chapters you paid for will arrive eventually, ... then you can decide if you want to return (to complain some more?), or move on, .... until then, Adios Amigo, .... ;-) ttfn