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Assuming there are no complications after surgery on the 7th, I should be back home the same day. Apparently the recovery time is only a couple of days, so I'm hoping to be able to get back to writing the next chapter without too much delay.

With a bit of luck, I hope to be able to complete a couple of chapters this month, not including chapter 163 which I'll finish next week.





So, all those who are complaining, just shut up or leave. Just figure it is a monthly payment, not per chapter I UP'd my membership to $5, with a limit of 1 per month. Tefler needs our support, not our complaints. Bitching won't help him get in the mood to write more. I would hate to see Tefler disappear like Kid Wiggler, who posted every 6 months.

Rayce Royal

Are you saying they have no right to their opinion? Has this now become a glee club where only the YES Men are allowed to speak?


Tefler, writing serial fiction is not easy. There have been many extenuating circumstances, and I look forward to having something to read in the last hours of the month, but there is this: It may simply not be possible to produce this story at the rate you used to crank it out. I will continue to support your ghost episodes, but you are digging a hole that ultimately serves no one. I have no concrete advice on the subject, except devoting some of the time when the words aren't coming to making more money off the huge, amazing body of work you have already created.


.98: I am wondering if Tef will keep with the one 'free' posting a month to Literotica and SOL, .... or will his hospital stay put this off? :-) ttfn


@Unresolved Plots To my knowledge, Tef did remake the beginning of TSM and it's on Amazon for 15$ you want it go buy. Look man (or women who knows?) I can admit when I'm wrong and I was wrong to engage in this as you're clearly getting your daily hit off this so my bad for supporting your habits. I didn't offer anything because barring Tefler or myself kicking it he's going to write it and I'm going to read it eventually. I also don't mind posts that state people are perturbed because no one in a shared space is happy collectively, I also usually don't read the comments, and if I find one that's generally stupid to me(your initial post for example), I can and do usually abstain from commenting. And so once again I apologize you were digging a hole and I jumped in it the hole was yours you dug it I had no right to do that sorry. ps. You understood me just fine. pps. The topic of the discussion was originally people have the right to voice their displeasure for better or for worse funny how you kept dancing around it that self-reflection thing works trust me.

Unresolved Plots

I'll answer your last point first, since as you say, this was the issue which started the discussion. I acknowledged that people complaining about placeholders have a right to do so and said I am fine with it. I also said I (and many others) have an issue with the people who come on and repeat the same complaint each month (sometimes multiple times). So contrary to what you say, I have not danced around the original issue of whether people have a right to voice their displeasure, I answered it. Either you have not read my posts (which going by what you write could be the case), deliberately ignored what I wrote, or you are too dense to understand them. But anyone reading this does not need to take mine or your word for it, they can read back themselves and make their own mind up. Though because you keep posting outside the original thread, I appreciate that is making it more difficult for them, but maybe that is deliberate on your part? Once again you haven't answered in the thread, which basically confirms that I was right and you just want to loudly spout back on the main comments thread. Thankyou for confirming that for everyone else to see. Your great solution is for 'me' to buy the published books on Amazon? After a few days worth of thinking, I'm sure that most would agree its not a very good solution. Though I was not expecting a good one from you tbh! Commas and full stops...I did understand your posts. But my point is I should not have to decipher them myself! They take about four or five rereads and I have to pause on nearly every line to self edit, because you post paragraph sentences which tend to blend into one, making them exhausting to read! I wasn't digging any hole. You make statements like this, or you have dodged the topic (when, as per my example above) I haven't, as if you have won an argument, when the complete opposite is the case. When a person declares that they have won an argument, it does not mean it is true. You are a great example of this. In all of your posts you spout nonsense like "because no one in a shared space is happy collectively". I've just been trying to answer the points you make (which unfortunately usually means long posts), but you non answer with silly mumbo jumbo philosophical statements like this.


.101: ... yeah, I agree with you UP, all of those whiner / complainers with their silly mumbo-jumbo philosophies are quite annoying, especially on the ump-teenth repeat, .... sigh, .... ;-) ttfn (oh yeah, I have bought a few bags of Purina Troll Chow, -- I used my coupon. ... and it's a little like feeding the pigeons)


M56S - you're the king of mumbo jumbo!! 😎😁


I hope the operation goes well. All the best.


Dam still waiting to read 163 it is getting harder not to read it Tefler said the rest will be out soon. Darn this is very hard 3 two fingers drinks needed for this one.(RUM )

Tefler Fan 007

Good luck with your surgery tomorrow Tefler. While they have you under anesthesia I dare you to call your wife Alyssa, Dana, Rachel or Jade.😁.

Anthony Kester

This just in to the TFNN news desk. A new Discord server has been created for Tefler's epic and it's growing. Reports coming in suggest intelligent conversation, reasonably mature members and lots of redheads. For further information go to https://discord.gg/tXEPg9PuhM


Research has found gall bladder recovery is 42% faster when writers are not mid chapter. You can do it! Either way best of luck tomorrow.

Tyler Derkearmian

Hmmm imagine that. No second half of the chapter. It's not like Teffler to not deliver on his promises, oh wait.....


I wonder with the complaining here if Tefler said screw it. While I see both sides, momma says sometimes things left unsaid are said loud and clear. And no stupid TTFN, M56S. That gets so tiring to see.


.115: I'll say this Vince, the 'stupid' TTFN is just something a Canadian radio announcer used to say when he signed off the air, it stands for "Ta Ta For Now", ... a little bit like Aloha, ... I picked it up from Tigger of Winnie the Pooh fame, ... it is not, and has never been anything hurtful, .... ;-) ttfn


.116: Well Tyler, I would say that if Tef does not drop a completed #163 by late tonight, then I would expect it to be at least a few more days, ... after his most recent gallstone removal, ... I still have my fingers crossed for tonight though, ... ;-) ttfn

Who Me

Hope your recovery is fast and you and your family are well and happy!

Thomas Stocks

FYI: (from Dictionary.com) TTFN, standing for ta-ta for now, was popularized during World War II by the radio comedy program It's That Man Again. On that show, the character Mrs. Mopp used ta-ta for now and TTFN as a catchphrase. The program itself shortened its name to ITMA, satirizing the many military acronyms used during the war.

Florida Reader

I hope you recover quickly, my friend. Best regard to you and your family.

Jerry Isdale

so we are 3.5 chapters into Placeholders. if we pause/stop Patreon support, do we still get those chapters for which we have paid or do we have to keep paying ahead?


.124: Yes, Ierry, you do still get those paid for chapters, you will get 2nd half of #163, an all of #164, #165 and #166, ... You can quit now and kick back, more TSM will still roll in, ... so, enjoy your TSM payment break, Hurry, I fear it will soon become 4.5 Placeholders (#167) that Tef owes to us, ... other Patreon's have stopped and restarted before, it has been done, ... so, see ya in September or so, enjoy the summer, ... ;-) ttfn


.125: Yep, there was a Placeholder for TSM #167, ... but then we not only got #163 completed, but we did also get a quickie cliffhanger to TSM #164, ,,, I hope you had time to stop that big Patreon donation to Tef before the new placeholder sucked up your hard-earned money, ... best of luck, ... ;-) ttfn


.124: the End of August is approaching, and Tef's surgery has been put off (for how long is unknown) So, he well be likely to have time to finish off chapter #164, and perhaps get #165 and even #166 ready to drop at months end, .... perhaps that is just my wishful thinking, but then, he knows that After the Surgery, he likely won't be able to write for a time, ... so he'll want to do a little catch up while he can, .... I hope, .... fingers crossed, .... ;-) ttfn