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Hey everyone,

It's been another tough month, with my father's funeral and everything related to it, as well as dealing with another bout of flu. 

I've nearly finished the next chapter though, so I should be done in about 2 more hours.

Best wishes,





GDay (FMS)

My condolences on the passing of your father. I hope that things can settle down so that you all have time to mourn, recuperate and heal. You and your family comes first. We appreciate the update.

Tefler Fan 007

My condolences. Take your time. We will still be here waiting.


Please accept my condolences to you and your family, good sir. Better days are coming.


Please accept my condolences to you and your family. Take care of your health and your family. As has been said, we will still be here. Family and health come before your reading audience.

Pana Napoleon

My apologies and condolences on the passing of your father. Aia no ia me ke akua (he is with god). Take your time ohana is more important.


My condolences for your loss. Family and health are far more important, so don't worry about us.


So sorry for your loss. Take all the time you need to be with your family in these difficult times. As other have said before me, we as your readers can have patience and give you and your family the time and space you will need to grief and come to terms with the loss of a loved one.


Soo sorry for your loss Tef praying for strength and understanding for you and yours


Sorry for your loss Telf


Hey Tef! I lost my grandfather a week ago today from a sudden heart attack and at the same time I'm trying to keep my head on straight for some deadlines. As someone who has been following your series since they found it on Literotica 6 years ago now, I just want to say that this journey we've been on together has been a beautiful one and your mental health means more to me than a transactional fiction. To write probably 60-90k words of a masterful story within one month is a herculean task, let alone whilst grieving for your father. Some of us patrons may have gotten a bit pig-headed and entitled over a story you ask at minimum £2 a month for, but YOU ARE STILL HUMAN. If you care about your family, your fans, your story and most importantly, yourself; take every day as it comes and do what is best for your sanity. We're all obligated to be over 18 years old here XD, we can be grown-up enough for you to be honest about what you can and can't do right now. Please, be safe and no matter what today brings, know that there is always a tomorrow. I don't know you or your father, but if I were him I would be mighty proud of the joy and excitement you have brought to literally thousands of people's lives.


I am so sorry for your loss Tef, may you and your family find strength and comfort in each other and the happy memories your father has left.

Tipp McClure

My condolences for your family's loss.


My heartfelt condolences. Hope you and your family find strength and solace during this difficult time.


.38: ...just a little FYI, but it was more like 2 and a half hours, ... really good chapter, .... and the 2 placeholders did even out the months with no paycheck (and also with no chapters), hoping for all good things for you now, ... ;-) ttfn

Pablo Costa

Deepest condolences. as to the passing of your Father. Mine passed 10 years ago m Take comfort. There is no more pain.