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Hi everyone,

With everything that's been happening in my private life for the last couple of months, I haven't been able to release any new chapters for a while, and my financial situation is getting pretty dire. 

Fortunately I'm back to full health now, and aside from being a bit shellshocked at how rapidly my father declined, I should be able to do some solid writing in April. I'm sick and tired of being behind on the releases, so I want to get caught up as quickly as possible.

Writing has been quite cathartic for me recently, as it's been nice to lose myself in a bit of harmless escapism. 

I'm sure you're all as eager to reach the conclusion of the Galkiran invasion as I am, and I'm guessing that either Chapter 162 or 163 will be the final battle. I've sketched out the framework for the upcoming scenes, but it's a bit tricky to estimate their size, as events at Genwynn station might be brief or wordy, depending on how it all plays out when I write it.

We're also reaching the end of the Tom Walker subplot, so love or loathe that, it should also be concluding soon. 

Fleet Admiral Devereux will also be returning to Olympus Shipyard imminently, which ties in with the rebellion in the Outer Rim. I have a couple of key scenes in mind for that too, so thinking about it now, the showdown on Kythshara will most likely be in 163.

Anyway, I hope you're all in good health.

Best wishes,




You're a great author Tefler. I love the universe you built. I really want to continue supporting you. I hope you deliver in April. Was excited to see an email pop up saying you posted a chapter. Edit: My bad didn't see that you posted on 161.


Thank you, Tefler! I’m glad to see you posting again. I empathize with your situation and I wish you only good fortune moving forwards. You’re now 2.5 chapters in with this latest placeholder. I do hope that you manage to start clearing the backlog this month. My best wishes to you and your family.


I was thinking the other day that women have borne the majority of pain from Xar, shouldn’t they play the main roll in bringing him down. I was thinking of a Dana created quantum love energy device, or the combined psychic energy of the girls doing something to him. Psychic Ray, a psychic amplifier of some type. Just some thoughts


Hoping for 2 chapters this month.....


.118: Hey, did anyone else notice that the free sites finally got another chapter posted? TSM #144 was posted on the 8th, ... Atta boy Tef, .... ;-) TTFN


I did see that. Out of curiosity, I checked and that chapter dropped here in November of 2021. Basically a year and a half behind.


Oh yeah, just finally had time to finish what’s left of 161! Holy shit again…hopefully will able to pay for another chapter soon! Another great chapter!

Hendrix Morton

Well, he still owes 2 (162, 163) before he can charge again....164...Unless he does the dreaded Placeholder yet again....


Tefler, wanted to say thank you for continuing this work. I hope that when you finish it, the next story you bring us gains more followers and is able to fill more of the 'good story' gaps that we so desperately crave.


Not all f that at the end was what I said…so check is fecked here. I cried losing that author and the story


What would be the word count of the standard sci fi hardcover versus the total for TSM.


I am using Libre Office and have each chapter header with 6 words - Three Square Meals Ch. 161 ByTefler© Count seems to vary, for unknown reasons, with different word processors! TSM total to date 4,183,309 words Fiction published books vary 30,000-60,000 words. [from Google].


And this story is easily good for another 4+ million words. Endless possibilities. My suggestion is to keep writing and exploring it. Example, when a popular restaurant closes for remodeling many customers move on and don't return or when they think they need to change up the menu by dropping many customers favorites for something "new". Three Square Meals, appropriate for my example. Thanks Tef.


.138: Tef could just change the title, call it a sequel, and keep going, ... for another 4 to 5 million words, ... ;-) TTFN


There is a lot to cover still, I’m waiting for them to use the wormhole generator again to likely find out the cooldown time is much much lower. This would make sense since in the end the progenitor’s master wants them to die to serve him in death so he wouldn’t want them to be able to keep jumping around to avoid death. The main issue I think are the logistics of a story this size and keeping track of who’s doing what, where, and when. In scenarios like this it’s probably best to focus on the main characters to avoid getting a work to unwieldy and difficult to progress with the major story arcs. Regardless I’m looking forward to the placeholder chapters being completed ASAP and the following chapters monthly (or sooner)!


I am looking forward to getting more chapters to read


.143: ... and the Free Site fans (of Storys On Line and Literotoca) are finally getting fresh material for the first time in many months, .... the fans that have rediscovered TSM are thrilled, ... and chapter 143 is no longer their latest, now that (on April 8th) those sites have dropped #144, that's the one when they save Jade from those activated Achonon (sleeper) runes on her crystal heart, ... and Tef wrote that more TSM releases are coming soon to the free sites, .... Tef is catching up all over the place, ... so, I think his getting his Gall Stones removed did him a lot of good, .... fingers crossed that the poor guy continues to have only Good Luck, and No More Bad Breaks, ... ;-) TTFN


.145: Huh, thanks for the correction/update, ... I had just assumed, ... my bad, ... ;-) ttfn

Anthony Kester

MEN!!! Admiral Kester here. I am looking for volunteers to join an elite group. Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to go to the new Discord Server, "The Invictus, a Three Square Meals Forum" and have fun discussing everything 3SM. DISMISSED!!! https://discord.gg/tXEPg9PuhM Also, leave "RAMMING SPEED" to me.


.147: ... THAT IS ALL, .... dismissed, ... ;-) ttfn


What chapter was the "RAMMING SPEED again? Wanna reread but cant remember


.149: Well, Admiral Tony Kester was able to finally call in to the Fleet Admiral and report, in chapter #124, so his call for Ramming Speed against those fragile hulled Brimorian ships must have been in chapter #123, .... Tony did good, Yay! .... ;-) ttfn


.153: ... with the upgrades to the Raptor and the Valkyrie (the Mecha), I was looking back to the Raptor 2.0 blueprints from last year, ... even way back then, the two main guns were not filled, ... before launching the two auxiliary crafts, they gave the Mecha a new and improved gun, (based on the Quantum flux cannon), but with a much shorter barrel, and threw old Tachyon Lances on the Raptor as a temp measure, ... My thought was that Dana had been planning a Quantum Flux Cannon for the Raptors' main guns, but the little Soul Forge can't make a long enough barrel for it, ... so, later, after they fix the Star Forges, ... ;-) TTFN


*whimper*. looking for 161, 162 and 163 *whimper whimper*


just finished reading it, more more more! Lol

Keepit simple

I just want Faye back....


I haven’t checked Daily at all this week.

Florida Reader

I liked what Tef added to 161. I am glad he is trying to keep the quality up.


If takes 25 days to write one chapter we’re probably already in a 1.5 chapter zone for the month, followed a promise of the last bit early next month. Dig deep Tef… maybe there’s still a small window for 2 chapters this month!


,172: Wouldn't that be Awesome! ... April 3rd Tef gave us the completed chapter#161, ... I fully expect a complete chapter #162 by months end, .... and like you I am rather hopeful of at least a partial #163 at months end also, .... but wouldn't both #162 and #163 completed be freaking Awesome!?! ---- have the Galkiran Invasion definitely concluded, Gahl'kalgor pacified yet not killed, ... so Xar'aziuth gains no further knowledge from under the Shroud, ... ---- and let John and his wonderful girls return to Kythshara and restore Jade, ... having fixed the faulty Wormhole Generator, ... then they could travel (no barfing this trip) to the Trankaran Republic and find/study/fully restore the Star Forges to something near to Mael'nerak's ideal, ... maybe install Quantum Annihilators on both the Invictus and the Raptor, ... --- then they might decide on how best to deal with the Fishy Brimorians and free up the Abandoned, ... relocate? provide a basic education for over a billion-water dwelling near humans, ... might the T-Fed (under Lynette) provide teachers, counselors, medical support, and such to make up for a century old 'Abandonment'!?! So, do the Abandoned all get moved to the Callopean Shoals? or to the Maliri Protectorate, or will some deal be struck with the Brimorians? --- Oh yeah, and lots more Nymph Kisses all over the worlds and fleets of the Maliri, ... and the Laranthyran Empire too? ... ;-) ttfn


Do you ever wonder about the logic of the thrall gender imbalance. It seems like this merits further discussion. Today, we are seeing the tragic consequences of the one-child policy in China. Russia is experiencing an exodus or extermination of its male population. I imagine Chinese men seeking Russian brides as a win-win, but it does not seem logistically feasible. I doubt that many war widows want to move to China or spoiled "only chd" bachelors moving to Moscow. Instead both populations will plummet and gray. But, our John is not Putin.

Vizth Hal

I don't think that will happen with china's tendency to attempt to genocide or breed out any ethnic groups they don't agree with. The government may be allied with russia out of necessity or convenience, but I doubt they want them intermixing


.176: I have been rereading the entire TSM series (again), ... as it is the best written thing going, ... and in chapter #156, after the Faye clone reveal, John asks about cloning Alyssa to give her guide, Athena, her own body, ... Alyssa breaks down why that would not work, ... that got me to thinking, (and yeah it hurt--I took some aspirin) and thought, while it might be that an Alyssa clone could not be wholly Athena's body only, they could still share, but with Athena getting more time, like around 50%, and Alyssa's little sis getting the other half, .... then Alyssa Prime could absorb her Athena and grow stronger, while Athena 2 could still watch over John as he sleeps, and be an active part of the crew, .... already skilled in a large number of ship positions, ... she might not be as powerful as Alyssa Prime, but she (both aspects) is still quite powerful, and would be an organic 'backup' to John's 1st Matriarch, ... so, win-win, plus-plus, right? ... --- think it over and tell Tef, .... LET'S SAVE ATHENA!!! ... ;-) TTFN


.177: ... or if/when things get better between John and his parents, .... then at some point, ... an Athena Guide (Copy) could help Jessica learn/develop as a Matriarch, ... and explain a few things to Jessica about Progenitors and Harem life too, ... that could be interesting (save this idea for the sequel?) ... ;-) ttfn

20 ton

Why cloning Alyssa doesn’t work seems a little off to me. They are taking a prototype of Faye and adding memories which would be the basis of her personality by bio electric impulses. Developing a way to transfer Athena’s memories into impulses doesn’t seem to far out with all the “space magic “ being used. Even if you add some of Alysa’s memories as a base, you would be reproducing not distinctly transferring them. I have always wondered why with the Ashanath’s love of cataloguing everything, wouldn’t it be good to introduce Nkkrrit to them over the astral. Let them keep the civilization alive if only through their recording it. She might have her loneliness eased as well as the burden of her civilizations end.

Anthony Kester

This just in to the TFNN news desk. A new Discord server has been created for Tefler's epic and it's growing. Reports coming in suggest intelligent conversation, reasonably mature members and lots of redheads. For further information go to https://discord.gg/tXEPg9PuhM


I love that Idea about Ashanath communicating with Nkkrrit

Jedi Khan

I would say putting Athena into a cloned body of Alyssa would in fact be easier than what they're doing for Faye, as they wouldn't have to convert from a digital format to an organic one. However, putting Athena into a separate body from Alyssa is not the solution people think it is for unlocking Alyssa's sealed potential versus keeping Athena alive. Athena is the seal and the potential all in one. Moving Athena to a separate body just moves Alyssa's sealed potential elsewhere, it does not make it available for Alyssa to use. Tefler has made it abundantly clear that the tradeoff for Athena's continued existence is for Alyssa to never achieve her full potential power.

Jedi Khan

Just to clarify, you're suggesting that Athena somehow be copied into a new body, rather than outright moved to one? Leaving the original Athena behind to be absorbed and unlock Alyssa's potential, while the copy of Athena gets a body in the real world?

20 ton

I don’t know if we have a final yes or no yet because they are learning and making progress. With Faye you are creating a being from scratch and yet we talk about bringing her back because of her memories and personality. If Rill and Rachel can digitize Athena’s memory, it would be the same. You aren’t killing her because she is part of Alyssa’s brain that is still here. You’re just taking that which makes her Athena and giving her a body and independence for the first time.

20 ton

Perhaps while accompanying John into the deep astral to revive Faye, the process is understood. Becoming a full fledged proginator while absorbing Athena allows Alyssa the power to spark life into a prototype. A tiny bit of himself given to revive Jade why she can only focus on him. The group will eventually succeed because John cares so much for Athena. With enough feedings will the other girls turn into proginators or only the Matriarch? The thralls are genetic variations of the Kyf. Can John change them back.


.184: Okay Jedi (master) Khan, if you have an Alyssa clone, sharing time with her version of Athena, ... still a powerful little sister for Alyssa Prime, who can then absorb her Athena and grow stronger with her united mind, .... the extra Alyssa can do many of the ships' functions, and be Alyssa Prime's back-up, .... Athena doesn't get completely zeroed out, and Alyssa gets more powerful, ... it's an option, ... I think. ask Tef, ... ;-) ttfn


I think Tef has a story problem if things are as simple as printing out another body on Mael’s species printer and do a digital copy-paste on the personality/soul. He would be in a world where everyone would just back themselves up every night and perhaps print out a few bodies just to have on hand in case of disaster. There has been sci fi stories like that. And while they are disturbing they also are dealing with regular humans. Imagine being able to print out and copy a thousand Alyssas. They might be perfect copies day one but divergent after that. Not necessarily in a good way. I just don’t think Tef wants to explore that territory. So his solution with Faye and Athena is going to be harder to do and inherently more rare and exotic. Something you wouldn’t want to do very often unless you absolutely had to, and even then maybe not.

20 ton

I didn’t go that far down the rabbit hole and you’re probably right. MAL did it at least eight times, male / female ash, Tark ,Terran and Dak. If he only made an Adam and Eve for each species. There are many possibilities for how but at some point John needs a full strength Alyssa while not giving up Athena. Looking forward to finding out how.


How do you know what her powers will manifest as since there has never been a female progenitor? Also, your question about digitizing Athena's memories is answered by yourself since you're taking what made her, her, and making what is essentially a replica and giving it form that's not Athena that's a puppet that mimics her. This is why I was against bringing Fae back though technically fae was never alive to begin with which is an argument that can be made for or against since she was sentient. I suspended my belief ( yea I realize the irony) on that since she was data, to begin with so was she really dead or just un-present since Daphne had all her code? Looking at it this way her being brought back isn't as jarring as Alyssa absorbing Athena and then piecing a version of her together.

20 ton

I stated a full fledged proginator when in fact she had become Kyf. The best proof would be the interaction with the Kyf fortress in the astral. It’s been theorized that x modified the Kyf to get thralls and proginators. What better revenge for a dying species that leave a way to be repopulated. Why I believe she would gain powers is because Alyssa and Athena do. I guess this comes back to a question of a soul. Who we are has a physical component, mental capacity, reaction to things like adrenaline and dopamine and neural pathways. The prototype provides these. The rest are learned experiences and memories. Stimulating these is what they are after. If they were completely the same would Athena have just learned the thrills of a shower? Basing her prototype on Alyssa’s DNA would handle the physical. Imprinting Athena’s memories gets you closer. As for the story problem azure raised, I don’t think Tef wants to go for constant cloning. Many of those story lines are already touched with John’s women. Renewed DNA, regrown limbs even Jades brush with death. John’s method is more fun than the cloning tubes. Crazy thoughts for a story that started as some good character/ story development around a lot of sex. Where is that next chapter?


Isn’t there already a Discord server? I need to be in two different ones now?


I’m much more interested in the Nikrrit storyline, and hope she makes a comeback. This is another “wrong” that John should set right. Perhaps some of her kind survived somehow, on some backwater planet where their presence was missed. But in order to survive they had to revert to a pre- industrial level. Knowledge of their existence would give Nikrrit a reason to live. They would need her for protection, and to bring the species back as a spacefaring race. Nikrrit would also need John’s help and might be able to assist him in return. Tefler, feel free to use this idea without giving me credit.


.197: Hey there SomeYoungGuy, ... should you ever attempt to compare the 'original' Discord server site to Tony's much improved version, ... you would cheer him, and you might even build a 50-foot-high aluminum statue to him, .... it is night and day, no comparison, .... we really only need Tony's, ... but if the original site retains most of those 'bad eggs' then it would be worth keeping it, ... if you are mostly human, and have a sense of humor, or at least if you GROK, ... then Tony's newer server is for you, .... ;-) TTFN

20 ton

Another plausible story line is the cloning lab. Restoring this civilization would over come moral objections people have in its causal use. Plenty of DNA samples for prototypes. Not trying to install an existing personality. Ederaele I believe eliminated three species. Inviting the Nikrrit to be protected in Malari space would make a second species under her protection. Making amends that are available.

Who Me

"Tony's New Server" is a piece of garbage. He is a liar and a thief! I hope he gets shut down real quick!


John can protect Nikrrit in her existing space but I’m not sure what he could offer her to get her to agree. Her staunch refusal for help suggests she wants it to all be over when she dies. I’d be shocked if she isn’t aware of cloning. The problem is that her entire civilization was destroyed. She might view clones as a way of preserving the species but not restore what was lost.

20 ton

She used Kirrex tech to keep her soldiers animated but no species has shown signs of cloning. Only MAL had developed it that we are aware of. Starting with fresh clones that aren’t distraught at the loss of what was, might be a glimmer of hope. Teaching or guiding them might an exciting use of her remaining time. There are no more planets in her territory as Rahn destroyed them. Being confined in the ships would have been a factor in the despair that ended so many lives. One of the reason I’m an organ donor is the notion of life after I’m gone. After 9 thousand years of watching it come to an end, any hope of truly prolonging her species might be welcomed.

20 ton

Can Dana Hotwire an ash voice modulator to work for Nikrrit?


I hope she does come around. But a 9000 year prison sentence in solitary can break a person.


It’s the end of the month fellas … we’re gonna get an update or a story….. heavy breathing commences…

SP Rupert

What are you taking about Who Me? You brainwashed Rus-ians are delusional.

Who Me

"Raising Money for Tefler?" Without talking to him or asking permission? "Stealing" MY money! Like I said "THIEF!!!

Anthony Kester

Where is your proof that I have stollen anything? I take unfounded accusations very seriously. Like I have said on my server, I neither need or want your money. I was trying to do something nice for Tefler and that was it. So, lets see your proof and we can go from there. Until then, have a nice day.

SP Rupert

Yes. Unfounded accusations are cause for slander and/or liable lawsuits. Even here on Patreon. I’d be careful what you type next Who Me.


I hate to say this if we do it will be a short story for sure and a place card and we will still be two chapters back I hope not please Tefler prove me wrong. Okay I have big shoulders bring it on


2.5 days and counting now. No chance for two chapters now unless he’s writing both chapters of the final battle together so it reads cohesively. But probably not.


.214: Well, those Tefler fans (maniacs) are all on tenterhook's, anxiously awaiting your next chapter(s), ... will it be one chapter, or will it be more (2?), ... inquiring minds want to know, ... just a couple more days until the magic curtain is opened and the next chapter is revealed, ... this home stretch is always the hardest, ... see ya 'round boys and girls, ... ;-) ttfn


.215: ... and the singing commences too: It's time for Tefler Maniacs, ... and we're Zany to the Max, ... So, sit back and relax, ... You'll press F5 'til you collapse, ... We're Tefler Maniacs! We've got wise cracks by the Stacks, ... .... there's baloney in our slacks, ... totally insane y, ... it rains in Spain-y, ... money down the drain-y, ... Andromida Strain-y, .... Cock a Mamie, ... Tarzan and Janey, ... Have no Shame-y, ... Hunchback of Notre Dame-y, ... and those are the facts! We're Tefler Maniacs! ;-) ttfn


.216: AND WE'RE SINGING, off key: It's time for Tefler Man i acs, ... and we're Zany to the Max, ... So, sit back and relax, ... You'll press F5 'til you collapse, ... We're Tefler Man i acs! ;-) ttfn


Should be 3 chapters so he can get paid this month.

William Wallace

I am seriously thinking of canceling my support, I only support him so he could update SOL the chapter are already written! But he is not even doing that, so why should I pay a Patreon pledge for placeholders. He is a good writer when he doe produce something, but not that good to wait 30 day’s for the next chapter if it ever comes? Everybody has something ro complain about or constant pain, but we still keep going.


.221: ... it is last two days in April, a weekend, so it is likely that we'll see a chapter or two drop on Sunday, ... Tef came out strong this past month, after his Gallstone operation and his recovery, ... but he has been his normal 'quiet' self since his chapter #161 update on April 3rd, ... so, either he has been working hard and we will get several new TSM chapters tomorrow, or he has had more family drama and we get maybe a partial, and a placeholder? ... that Tef, he is always making us guess, ... but, then he comes through in the end, .... I can scarcely wait for Sunday evening, .... feels like Christmas again, .... Ho ho ho, merry May Day, and best wishes to all you good boys and girls, ... ;-) TTFN


Dam I am now starting think the same way, short chapters no chapters long in between chapters and forgive me for saying this but same old same old. Tefler you have a very good story line but I think the last year of chapters has way to much filler in it. One more month for me I think I know some here say good by good riddance but I will miss this story but, I really hope you pick it up and get it done and get us back to where we are going. Okay lots of filler just adding to make this a longer post done for now but waiting on the side for the next chapter

Tefler Fan 007

Sunday April 30 at 1000 pm EST. Let the countdown begin 😁


.224: ... that's 7 pm left coast time, the same time zone as Patreon, in its San Francisco office, .... so, you are forecasting a sightly early chapter drop, ... I'm good with that, ... ;-) ttfn


Everyone have new F5 keys for tomorrow night??? 😎😁✨⚡


What's the over/under on it being another placeholder?

Tefler Fan 007

We will get 162 at no charge since it’s paid for, might get partial 163 no charge and we will definitely get place holder for 164. 🍿😁


Raised my level from $1 to $5 for this month. Hope my faith is rewarded.


don't know what over/under means but I bet that there will be just a place holder


.232: ... yeah, between 7 pm and 9 pm (PDT), or 10 p, to midnight on the East coast, ... if Tef works in his usual way, ... only hours from now, oh boy, oh boy! ... ;-) ttfn


0 .233: ... unless Tef can give us three complete chapters, or two completes and a partial chapter, .... Tef will need to do another placeholder (for #164) to get a payday, ... We rather expect it, ... ;-) ttfn


Well, here it is a month later and still no word OR chapter and it's no surprise


.235: ... whatchu talking about Chandler? ... you must be a chronic complainer, ... ;-) ttfn

Tefler Fan 007

On the last day of the month it is normally dropped between 930-1030 pm EST. Still have about 10 hours till you can complain.


It's well know what a ass kisser you are Michael so your comment is no surprise either.


Everyone can claim it’s the last day of the month and no chapter because everyone knows Tef doesn’t deliver until nearly the last minute. But hardly anyone does (not just the fanboys) because it’s rude to state the obvious in a condescending way.


.239: oh. wow Chandler, ... I refer you to the old Rubber/Bounce, Glue/Sticks line, ... ;-) ttfn

Tefler Fan 007

9 hours to go…..🎉🎊🍾


.241: gleefully rubbing hands together, ... oh boy, oh boy! I got a new F5 key for today, ... ;-) ttfn


Ho hum, da, da, da, da. Twiddling my thumbs and tapping my foot. Bored. Impatiently, waiting for the next chapter to drop.


An entire month with no update is troublesome.

Tefler Fan 007

7 hours to go…..it’s taking too long. Anyone have a Time Machine? I’ll pay in Monopoly money and alcohol.


Chapter 161 has been released and is presumably complete(ish). It’s now the end of April and I had hoped (as I’m sure that Tefler did, too) that one or more of the two other chapters that have already been charged for would have been released by now. I’m sure that there will be a release later today, but I’m concerned that we’ll probably still be two chapters ahead in this regard. On the other hand, I do know that it’s hard to schedule creativity and that Tefler might be working on a multi-chapter section of the book, planning to release more than one chapter at a time once he has them worked out. So, we live in perpetual hope and look forward to the release(s) that we get.


246: .... I fell asleep, ... and I startled awake, seeing the clock, it was around 02:00 o'clock, .... I thought yippie! I can check and see what Santa Tef had gifted us, .... I looked on Patreon, and my heart sank, nothing, ... how could that be? .... then I notice clues that it was 2 pm, still on the 30th, and not after midnight, May 1st, ... So, we still had a few hours left to go, ... that was both good news and bad, .... no Tef forgetting us, but still needing to wait hours more, .... I might as well just go back to bed, .... zzzzz ;-) ttfn


Does it on California time!


.252: based on Tef's Update, it seems likely that a chapter (#162) will drop about an hour later than your estimate, so about 8 pm or so, PDT, ... still it was a pretty good guesstimate, ... and we'll enjoy some new TSM tonight, yay!, ... ;-) ttfn


repeat--.252: based on Tef's Update, it seems likely that a chapter (#162) will drop about an hour later than your estimate, so about 8 pm or so, PDT, ... still it was a pretty good guesstimate, ... and we'll enjoy some new TSM tonight, yay!, ... ;-) ttfn

Jim lynch

Hurry up or you’ll never catch up buddy


.255: Hey there TONY!!! Here it is!!! ;-) ttfn


ah ha , so it is !


Where is it?


.260: Well, the original question was for the location (he couldn't find it) of the placeholder for chapter #163, .... and here (right where you are reading this) is the placeholder for chapter #163, ... capeice? ;-) ttfn


Yea thanks :D


.262: TEF!, where oh where is chapter #163 where oh where can it be? -- with its battle scenes cut short and its sex scenes cut long, .... -- I am anxiously awaiting new words my favorite Space / Sex Opera is due, .... So, ... where the f*** are you? Berma Shave ;-) TTFN