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The Unclaimed Wastes - a bleak and horrible place, where all sorts of monsters lurk in the darkness...

A bit of a departure from the normal format with this one, I hope you enjoy it!




Thanks, that was awesome. I just wish you didn't end it there...


Well shit. There goes my Friday.

CJ Mora

Great...boss just told me it's going to be a late night at work, and now I gotta wait to read it! Life can be so cruel!!!


Uuu nice start... Thanks for posting it today Tef.






Hi, Tefler, I have a tiny favor to ask: I'm reading your story on my phone, so I usually change the layout slightly to fit the phone screen better and then convert the word document to pdf. It only takes a minute and makes reading on the phone much easier, the only (1st world) problem I have is that you always use two empty rows between paragraphs, instead of just a single one, thus wasting a bit of screen space. Unless there is a reason for using two empty rows, could you leave it at one row in the future? Love your story!


Nighthawk, try opening the word doc with google docs, works like a charm! Amazing chapter though just finished it and this was a great change of pace for the story!


so i guessing next chap is going to be from john and the girls pov and add more from where this one ended ?


I normally just put any word/rtf document through <a href="https://word2cleanhtml.com/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://word2cleanhtml.com/</a> and then use Moon+ Reader on the phone to read the resulting html. That works very well.


Your 'departure from the norm' was still a wild ride. A dark and gritty, edge of your seat thriller. Will be very interesting how things go from here. Now I just have last another 10 or so days to find out.


Nooooooooo!!! Cliffhanger!


Dang. This is really annoying. I had entered a six paragraph comment, edited it to fix a typo, and then when I went back to look at the page, it's entirely gone.


Trying this again. A bit of a departure for sure, Tefler, but an excellent chapter! You've given us a glimpse into the History of the area (where History is defined as the perceptions and stories told about the Past) and thus, of Mael'nerak, it is to be presumed. He came upon the area where there were one or more advanced interstellar empires, and in a brief period, he destroyed them. He destroyed them all. He then created and raised up new species in the region instead, although not in precisely that region, since he had already destroyed most of the life-bearing bodies - planets - in that region which we now call the Unclaimed Wastes. We've learned about Tashana's psychic gifts - she, like her mother and sister, obviously has the third helix - as well as the headaches that presage her untimely demise, although John will, of course, be taking care of that at the same time as he, and his crew, heal her of her physical, mental and spiritual damage. We've learned a bit about Alyssa's potential, as Athena was able to scan everyone in the rather large base telepathically, and not only that, but to illuminate them with a distinctly visible marker, as well. We've learned that Irillith's power not only allows her to enter the cyber realm, but to use her powers of electricity through it, even with killing force. We've learned that Dana is possibly going to be upset, both because someone else got the fire bolts before her, as well as the fact that now 'Sparks' might rightfully be used as a nickname for three of them! ;-) Finally, we have a glimpse into how personally powerful a Progenitor might be, since everything that any of them can do, John potentially could, and more, once he integrates Progenitor John into himself and begins to acquire more of his innate abilities. Of course, that's just his untrained, uneducated, innate capabilities. Ah well, baby steps.


Can anyone else picture the following happening? John arrives at a meeting. "Alyssa, love, do let me know if anyone in the area decides that they are going to attempt to seize or harm any of us, or of our technologies, without our consent, please? I wish to focus on other items at the moment." Knowing intent, one can prevent incidents very effectively, although they can still occur without intent, such as by means of a catastrophe set to trigger within a region without an intent associated with it, such as an explosive, geological, meteorological or astronomical event. For example, bombs, volcanoes, lightning and rogue planetoids would all be potentially harmful events that could occur without intents associated with them, although most can be predicted, prevented or protected against.


omg. right when i didnt think you could do a better job you pull this from somewhere.i love how your introduced her sister. and fell in love with the way that you combined so much of everything. and then the final pages with the constent shifts in points of view was icing on the cake.. you sir are a brillant writer


You're welcome! Everyone started getting jittery, so I figured it would've been harsh to make you wait until Sunday. :-)


Thanks Xentian! I'm glad you liked the chapter. I thought it might be fun to change things up a bit.


Yep, back to primarily John's PoV now. I made a start on Chapter 72 before dinner.


I was worried I went a bit too dark and gritty in places, but it was an interesting one to write. I'm glad you found it an exciting read. :-)


I do have a reputation to maintain, but that one didn't really count. I need to setup a real zinger!


I got an email when you posted it so I did read it. I'd say the rewrite was even better! :-)


How could she tell he was a progenitor under the helmet?


Paragon armour helmets have a wide clear crystal faceplate.


Thanks Morris! This chapter was a bit of a gamble, but I'm really relieved you guys enjoyed it. :-)


-starts reading- -notices that im halfway through already and cries on the inside- -gets to the end and continues to try and scroll down more- -dies on the inside- -needs more-


Thanks for the positive feedback everyone, I'm really glad you liked the chapter! Effectively changing to all new characters and only seeing John and co from their point of view was quite a radical shift, but I thought it might make for interesting reading. I really missed the gang's cheerful banter though, so some bits were hard work to plow through! I was champing at the bit to get back to John and Co's perspective, so I've got stuck straight into chapter 72.


It's crazy how long it takes to write a 28k chapter compared to how long it takes to read it. I'm guessing it took a couple of hours to read? I think it probably takes about 40-50 hours to write all that (including proofreading and editing time)!


What is going to happen to all the survivors? There are bound to be a ton of slaves. Does John load them up and head into Malari space and let them deal with it?


Been reading since chapter 1 on Literotica and SciFi since I was a kid (a long, long time ago) and this may be one of the best chapters of any SciFi I have read. Great writing and the emotional connections for the characters (and us readers) is fantastic.


Fantastic Chapter! I definitely like the darker, edgier, avenging angel view of the crew. The new perspective really allowed us to appreciate the skills of John and the girls. As time goes on the team eventual needed to more driven and precise in their battles and less reactive.

Kim Biel-Nielsen

I really enjoyed this. The use of a different POV was quite effective and I really liked the expanded background.


Wow.. While it was a cliffhanger, it still seemed a logical place to end the chapter.. speaking of chapters... 72? lol ADDED: also.. 600 patrons.. congrats :)


One of my inspirations for the story as a whole was to counter the "good is dumb" trope. I wanted to go for a "good can be badass" theme to make it a bit different. :-)


It was really tempting to slide back into the normal characters PoV, but I managed to resist!


Silly, why should I feel proud but our boy is all growed up now, not just telling a story but being a writer. The chapter started interesting, although then I had my niggly doubts whether you could wrap this up - but this was seriously impressive. You've hinted at the male company that our hero was lacking and I thought that it would give this tale more depth but this was unexpected and incredibly well done and gave the story more complexity. I somehow see you working in technical support and that may/should be coming to an end. I saw the paintings of Guido van Helten the first time the other day on the bbc news site (I am seriously ignorant) - this is not quite as magnificent and humane and touching but is for me a reasonably close second this week, thanks.


I know, 72 chapters is completely crazy. I was telling the wife 6 months ago that I was going to end it at chapter 80... I could probably still do so, but each chapter would have to be about 100k words long! :-)


WOW! Now I have to read it again!


Thanks Temepeach! Maybe I levelled up? :-) I'm actually a project manager by trade, but I did work in business-software support years ago. It was a thankless job, constantly having to deal with problems and complaints. I switched professions as soon as I could... for another one dealing with problems and complaints. /rollseyes I'm quite the philistine, so I'd never heard of Guido van Helten, but a quick google search sorted that out. I love "realistic" art, and his work is quite breathtaking. It's amazing how gifted some artists really are.


That was some very good work. I could see the prey perspective happening here and there as interesting. I did love the idea of John taking the kids gloves off and all of the girls and John just unremittingly bringing devastation on their foes. I hope irrilith or fae captured a recording of this action. I can see the interview now. "So Lion of the Federation Rear Admiral John Blake, may I call you John." he pauses and gives a nod as he maintains an professional demeanor. "Please do." "what kept you from being able to do a more immediate interview with us a couple months ago?" John gestures to his side as Fae odd camera just flatters her wings. In a window the action against the pirate fleet starts to play out. "I discovered a lead to a vast kidnapping and illegal slave trade operation that was hurting not only interests of our neighboring races but terrans as well. As you see they did not approve of my crews efforts to rescue the enslaved men and women." jaw a gap... "Did any Terran forces know of this." john nods.. "We managed to gain evidence of those that were paid by these vile groups and have passed that on to Terran fleet high command to take appropriate action."


FOR THISE WHO HAVENT READ THE CHAPTER YET. FAIR WARNING I MAY HAVE A SPOILER OR TWO IN THIS COMMENT. I absolutely love the shift in perspective. Not really for a lot of the reasons your other patrons have. I love watching John and Co unleash hell. And I really love that when it's from the perspective of those on the receiving end. Love how they go from smug to distraught to horrified as they realize they're critical error in judgment. Also, I get why you ended the chapter there but damn that makes me itch for the next one. So much action. Now time for some healing and growth I assume. Can't wait for your next chapter. Keep it up.


Incredible chapter Tefler. You've pushed your writing even further. Great character building, an impressive introduction to a whole society and its' surroundings and a very satisfying action packed part as well. Nicely balanced chapter imo. Only a shame we'll have to wait for chapter 72 now...


Loved the different POV. Always amazed how versatile you are Tefler at story telling.


Kicking ass and NOT taking names! That's what I'm talking about! Totally different style but awesome as usual. Sure am glad you didn't make us wait the weekend.


I am not sure how much forensic work they are going to do. But I can see them make sure they have gotten everyone off the station and then fire multiple nova lance shots into it to make it uninhabitable. Dana says "We sent that station into the underworld." *Everyone growns*


Hmm, i liked how you were able to keep the previous chapters not quite as dark despite the world you were building... I feel like this one is a bit too much on the annoyingly dark side (just my 2c). Rest of the story is still amazing though.


What is known about the Enshunu? Other than they are going to arrive shortly? Some are sadistic and they take slaves. Will John commit genocide for Tashana?


That was a really engaging chapter. Different, in that none of it is from the perspective of the Invictus crew, but it did a really great job of giving us a "crash course" in Tashana, so now we're up to speed with her and ready to go. On that topic though, wow, I was not expecting Tashana to be that damaged. It's going to be real interesting seeing how they're going to try to bring her around. Seeing how familiar she already is with Progenitors, I don't know how they're going to convince her to allow John to do anything for her. She's probably going to think all the girls are under his control and trying to manipulate her into becoming a thrall as well. As always, eagerly looking forward to the next installment.


Tortuous cliffhanger ! Thanks for the Chapter Great work!

Jim lynch

Oh god nooo please not another cliffhanger arghhh I need to know what happens next arghh please tefler blob work a few days flu maybe and get chapter 72 done asap I BEG YOU PLEASE


no they definitely don't want to record it. that would give their enemies information about their abilities, armor, weapons, etc


I don't think we are up to speed at all. I expect there to be a lot of flashbacks.


What ! NO prisoners ?


They didn't hunt everyone down, many headed to docking bay two where Tashana and crew arrived. Additionally because of its size there are bound to be plenty more. This is just Act 1 in the cleaning out.

Old Salt

Seems that Tefler left a clue on what will happen to the remaining pirates. Soon the Malari will be united and will have the assets to clean out the Wastes.

Old Salt

Not to mention the motivation.

Jedi Khan

Hey, Jedi, where's the rest? There isn't any. That was the end of the chapter. What, seriously? That was the end of the chapter? Yes. Man, that's cold. That's like being blue balled but worse. An apt way to put it. Tefler wouldn't leave us hanging like that, would he? He apparently did. He's going to have the next chapter for us soon, right? One would certainly hope so.


Absolutely loved Chapter . You grown by leaps &amp; bounds in writing skills. Keep up the good work. Thank You for amazing chapter&amp; Congratulations on 600 Patreons.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2022-11-18 17:13:09 いいなぁ!( ˘ω˘ ) 俺もなー!プールでなー!くすぐるイタズラした後火照った身体をホテルで鎮めたりなー!( ˘ω˘ )(血涙)
2017-02-25 03:14:42 Another outstanding Chapter. I like that you are taking risks and trying new things. You need to keep flexing your artistic muscles to fulfill your huge potential as an Author. I, for one, thought it was an appropriate level of darkness and grit, given the setting. I think at some point you may even want to explore the darkness further so we can truly appreciate the light. Now get back to work, for Jedi's sake ;-p

Another outstanding Chapter. I like that you are taking risks and trying new things. You need to keep flexing your artistic muscles to fulfill your huge potential as an Author. I, for one, thought it was an appropriate level of darkness and grit, given the setting. I think at some point you may even want to explore the darkness further so we can truly appreciate the light. Now get back to work, for Jedi's sake ;-p


wow ridiculously good chapter.


Fucking WOW..................... I liked the alternate view of the story. It answered all the questions without having to go through "what has happened to you".... Now..... What is WITH all the NEW ABILITIES THAT THE GIRLS ARE USING? When did they learn to do all those things? Last we saw was them preparing to enter the system in like 10 minutes......

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Tefler: your experiment worked wonderfully. Well done! One small suggestion though: The time from the capture of Tashana until her waking in chains back at the Underworld stronghold was a bit confusing. Thinking a few paragraphs there to help the transition would be good. Took me a moment to get my bearings there. Small thing, though. Chapter was magnificent.


the cliffhanger caught me for real this time. I was not prepared for the story to end there!


Blue balled? What, are you a Maliri male jedi? (wanna be? :p lol) Yup, "Tune in next week (s)(month?) same time, same station for another exiting edition of TSM...." lol


Her perspective was blackout, and wake up. I forget if there was ********* for a scene change or not. Seemed to work for me.


Totally understand why it had to end where it did however, I really dont like you right now and sincerely hope you already have the next chapter close to release already.

Jedi Khan

We only saw Alyssa and Irillith use new tricks. Alyssa's trick was basically all Athena's doing, and Irllith...well, she was pissed. As the saying goes, "Hell hath no fury like a pissed off woman with psychic powers." Those tricks were pretty awesome though.


Wow. Just wow. When I'm reading online I tend to follow where the screen block is relative to the bottom of the page so I know when it's going to end. I totally lost track of it and the end caught me completely off guard. Some how I managed to meter Ch71 and finished it a coupla days ago. Now I'm in same boat as the rest of us. Tap, tap, tap...


Really good stuff Tefler!


Wow, just Wow (again). You never cease to amaze me in the way you keep improving in leaps and bounds every single chapter. Loved the experiment of the different point of view. That's really all I can say now - I'm pretty much speechless atm and need a bit of time to process. Thank you. Brilliant!


Intense, riveting, compelling and oh so satisfying. Now there will be some angst as the betrayal and abandonment is somehow worked out. Looking forward to how you manage to resolve what should be a permanent rift in their sisterhood. And I'm sure you will make it all make sense. Absolutely spellbinding.


A great chapter. My biggest hate is that in one chapter Tefler managed to make me want to see the other crew in a different light - as in he managed to make me invest emotion with Tashana's crew. And the ending - broken Tashana's scene was heartbreaking. Maybe as painful as that roundhouse punch to Ilirith.


As emotional and awesome as ever. I'm already refreshing wishing for more. I am looking forward to see how everything with the station finishes. Dana is gonna be so pissed that Tashana got the fire!

Jedi Khan

Tashana is probably the most damaged of all the characters we've seen, both mentally and physically, and Irllith is the one who, while not directly responsible for all the pain and torment, is certainly the one who ruined Tashana's life. Old Tashana, the one Irillith knew, would probably jump at the chance to reconcile with her sister. The Tashana we see in this chapter...well, let's just say she probably won't be satisfied with just a punch to the nose. As cathartic as a punch to the nose might be, it's not enough to handle 40+ years of physical and mental torture that would not have otherwise happened. Honestly, given her reaction to seeing John for the first time, and Irillith being responsible for the last 40+ years of her life, I highly doubt Tashana is going to want anything to do with either of them. It's going to take a lot of convincing to get her to open up. During this initial encounter, it might be best if John keeps his distance, instead interrogating Hades if he still lives or doing anything else to keep him out of Tashana's sight for now. Same goes for Irillith; there's definitely some bad blood between the two sisters. Instead, I think Rachel should take the lead with Tashana, letting her flex her doctoral muscles to build a rapport with the wounded woman.


Well, one thing that is known is that they also always wear masks, just like the Maliri. An interesting coincidence? Maybe…


Tefler, one question... for a true sociopath... or an insectoidal species... would Alyssa's scan have shown that they felt themselves to be guilty? I mean, as an example, if I eat once-living food, do I feel guilty every time I consume it, or guilty for every time I have consumed it? Most probably not. It's natural thing for me to do, to consume other life to sustain my own. I can't exist, otherwise. So, I'm curious... since you wrote that 'the condemned had been judged by the one person truly capable of judging their own guilt. Themselves.' Great line, by the way, but what if they truly don't deem themselves as being guilty, but others would? Would they have the red or white glow about them?


I am sure we will find it imperfect but it was a great first pass.


Yay! Another chapter! And another great one as well! While waiting for you to release the last couple of chapters I've been rereading from the start. What I've noticed is how much you have improved. The first couple dozen chapters are already among some of the best stories on literotica, but I think it's recognizable in those chapters that this is written by a newbie author. After that however there is steady and very noticeable improvement. The dialogue becomes more fluent and natural, the characters are better fleshed out and the story archs are more straight to the point with hardly anything that feels like it might be unnecessary. Especially the chapters since the big Kintark vs Terran battle have been really impressive. Loved the narration from Tashana's POV in this chapter! Thank you for creating this awesome saga and huge compliments for advancing your writing talents so impressively!


Nothing is perfect and the Crystal armor seems to be. Any bets that it shatters when hit by a sonic distributor? Vibrations are what we use today to shatter hard substances do it only makes sense.


Jedi I was under the impression that Tashana was only under physical and mental torture for about 13 years. since Irillith said that she gave her the hacking device shortly before she was banished and in that flash back she seem happy. I could be wrong but i though that she was banished for 13 years and the last 3 of which was spent at or near the underworld


She was reading their minds &amp; even if they felt no guilt over their actions the actions themselves condemned them . Also Tashana was exiled 13 yrs ago &amp; almost instantly fell victim to the Pirates &amp; slavery . It was 3 yrs ago that her power awoke &amp; she fried her captures &amp; she took over the ship &amp; became a smuggler . That's how I read it . Dana might still be in luck with the fire balls out her eyes , Tashana come from her hands :-)





PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

The change in POV was so much better than what was accomplised in the work Pulp Fiction. Much better. And at a point in the story it didn't seem contrived or forced but more refreshing and expository without detracting from the storyline. Kudos.


just a typo : "The Kind of the Underworld", I believe you meant King


What do you want to bet that the tingle in the back of Tashana's neck is the tracking implant? They are heirs toa powerful house and would be high value hostages. So their mother had them tagged. The tingling is it sending a signal and children explained it as a twin thing.


Tefler, as others have noted, this chapter is a big step up in your writing. My opinion is the job you did building Tashana's character, and filling in her entire back story in short flashback form, stands head and shoulders above what you've done with all the other girls (although the memory theatre used for Sukara's capture was nicely done too). One suggestion if you ever do rewrite this epic would be to re-edit it to include more parallel scenes like you did in this chapter. Ie: take some of Tashana's action in 71 and intercutting it with some of the draggier parts of 69 and 70 to build more suspense. Ie: Tashana is in a fight for her life while John and the girls are having a leisurely chat with the admiralty and then the long flight to the underworld. For example you could have dropped almost all of Chapter 70 Part 1 (the Maliri scene with Tsara Prefaren a big exception) and not lost a thing. (taking 125k words, the equivalent of a novel, to get from the end of the Terran-Kintark battle to the underworld was a bit much) I would suggest considering the use of parallel story lines extensively throughout to create more dramatic tension. ie: I think Jade said in 70, 'I feel we are in a game of Cat and mouse and we are the mouse.' Parallel plotting, interspersing a scene in the BSP's ship to discover his plans and his timeline for the next stage of his galaxy conquest would turn this story into a race against time for John and the girls. The first 1.5 million words has been a wandering road tale. They cruise from place to place with no real timeline or sense of urgency until all hell breaks loose with a battle scene. Like was the coming Vizier the same Progenitor/Vizier last seen with the Kintark emperer. If so then a bit more development would have turned this from Tashana having a narrow escape with a torcherer to just barely having her avoid his clutches. This type of plot construction would also highlight the differences between how the two progenitors treat their thralls (one of the original goals you had expounded on). My advice would be to not make BSP too cardboard cut out evil and John too nice, allow them both to have flaws and strengths since my biggest beef with the story so far is that your main character John has become too much of a Dudley Dooright type character. It's made him less interesting over time. He needs to have a bit more of an edge to him (what happened to the lovable rogue character that happily screwed the Karon minors out of a fortune at the start of the book). I also really liked the way back scene where Projenitor John told the merchant/assassin, " Do I look like a fucking towing service?" Maybe John will pick up a bit of PJ's edge when he finally integrates him into his personality.


Gods what's with this lost comments... Is there a time limit you can write a comment ?!

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

I agree with what you said, to a point. Yes, we use ultrasound to do wonderful things like set up sympathetic vibrations in kidney stones so they eventually desentegrate due to the torsional forces of that vibration within the stone. But, Crystal Alysium is made to redirect wave energy to the point that military grade lasers have little effect. And wave energy is wave energy....whether it is sonic or light in wavelength makes no difference. The Crystal Alysium does not set up a sympathetic vibration because it redirects/reflects that energy rather than just absorbing it. The armor of the suits and ship will work very well against sonic weapons.


All I could have said is already said by my co-commentators. So I just say: Great chapter, loved!


Tashana should come around after a short time to adjust. Her passion for all things Progenitor will be her path to healing. She will see Faye and realize that she had a hand in "Birthing" her. Additionally, Dana and Rachel will be able to share their knowledge and understanding of the Progenitors. There are surely going to be some emotional scenes as she comes to grips with her "new" sister and mother. How will Dana manage armor for Tashana's pyrokinesis? Will Tashana be like Jade and go unarmored with some sort of fire shield? Aaaargh where is Chap. 72???? Write damn you, Write ;-)


First, tefler, WOW - in so many ways. Your writing is growing some serious chops nowadays. John, well ...wow again. This Lion has learned to ROAR! BIG TIME!! I think we're beginning to see that Alyssa/Athena has got a bit of a bite all her own, too. I too loved the approach you took here - the "new narrative" from Tashana's POV was a great way to bring us up to speed to where she is, and sets the dramatic stage well for her "conversion therapy" (for lack of a better phrase) time. For sure, Irilith will have to take her lumps with Tashana. but so too will Edraele. those will be interesting scenes. Just image the tirades she will launch at her mother and sister for all the torturous things she was subjected to due entirely to their earlier cruelty and then even worse after her banishment. What she went through will make profoundly affected, suicidal PTSD returned-from-armed-service-in-hell victim seem like they were merely on a lovely afternoon picnic and are now complaining about a few ants. Her psyche's wounds could make Sakura's suffering seem mild by comparison! (Having someone carve up your face for a $1 bet, basically....ouch. that's "enough for a psychotic break" zone stuff right there.) Interestingly, however, Tashana began unlocking her psychic potential via those same torturous experiences, so simply wiping her mind of those memories will not be a viable avenue for John (or her) to seriously consider. John and Irilith will probably have to give Tashana a lot of space for the other girls to start her on a path to recovery of her previous self-image. Stray thought here: it's interesting that none of the other Maliri houses went after her as a way to get back at Edraele in previous decades - especially in the time period right as she was being banished. As the power/dominance games were portrayed, I would have thought that many of those other matriarchs would have gleefully either tortured and killed her while streaming video of it back to Edraele, or worse insulted Edraele by enslaving and abusing Tashana over time, gloating about their treatment of Edraele's daughter as publicly as possible. ...or perhaps they already knew that even worse awaited any Maliri females who were banished to the unclaimed wastes. Tefler, earlier you got some interesting advice, which I think maybe you might be advised to consider. If, that is, you have any eventual notions rewriting this saga into a different or possibly better form/format. As your skills have improved over the writing of this saga, that is not an entirely worthless thought. The idea was to interweave the story threads more - like taking some of Tashana's story and moving pieces of it into earlier chapters and such. My comment on that thought is that while it is a very worthwhile one to give serious consideration to, there are potential downsides to it. I would advise any writer considering this thought to spend some time reading the somewhat long offerings of Adrian Leverkuhn on Literotica. He writes some things where this approach is heavily employed, and his more recent (early 2017-ish) stories are perhaps good cautionary tales for writers to take heed of where this type of thing can get taken too far - almost into the "abusing the reader" side of things. (Please don't take that as me knocking Adrian Leverkuhn or this approach to writing - I think highly of both, but even really good writers can blunder sometimes, and I think Adrian's last few works have suffered some from taking this storytelling methodology a bit too far.)


I expect you are right but it will be a slow process.


I thought that this chapter was among your best Tefler. It bodes well for your next story after 3SM. You took what could potentially have been quite a boring chapter, and turned it into a virtually standalone short story. I mean lets face it, if John and crew can decimate just about every species naval ships, we sort of knew that violence was not going to be very interesting. That was a given. I forget the chapter, but months ago they decimated an even larger and more military mercenary group, so we could not really get any real drama there. But instead you turn the chapter into a character build, and anxiety over when with John and crew arrive to save the day. The robotic way the crew lays waste to those 'with blood on their hands' was quite fulfilling.


They certainly executed some swift and ruthless justice.

morris ridgeway

Outstanding chapter. Build the suspense.


I posted 2 long comments here but cant see them any reason why ?


I got an email with them, but can't see them in the list (reposting them below!).


I just got home from a visit to the rellies, so haven't been able to respond, but I did managed to read all the feedback. Thanks for all the comments, it's been really interesting to go through them all. :-)


Thanks for the great feedback! If I do any rewrites before turning this into a series of ebooks, they'll be primarily focused on the early chapters to flesh them out a little bit between all the sex (and fix a lot of bad punctuation and grammar). A few early references to later alien species, more detailed descriptions of the Fool's Gold, stuff like that, which should hopefully make the earlier chapters more engaging for new readers. I don't want to spend a lot of time on a major rewrite, as I think with all the detailed sex, Three Square Meals is never likely to be a big mainstream hit. The PoV scene switches have been invaluable for keeping things moving with the Maliri, so I think it can be a really useful technique if not overused. I'll definitely bear that in mind for the sequel to this story (which I've started planning).


Some really useful feedback, thanks Dave! I'm glad you liked the chapter. I've tried to vary the introduction of the different girls to make them all unique, and as you say, with Sakura and Tashana I thought I'd try something a bit bolder. Intercutting scenes like that is a really great technique, and I've found it works brilliantly for: 1) Combat - swapping between space/ground fights happening simultaneously. 2) Keeping background plots going, eg Mikaboshi, and Edraele's scheming. My one concern with cutting in for example Tashana's fight scene with the Admiralty discussions, is that the mood of the scenes would be radically different. It would be quite jarring for the reading to switch between slightly tense political wrangling, to a savage gunfight, unless the point was to specifically show how one group was leading a sedate existence and the other was living on the edge. Chapter 70 was basically there for a few purposes: 1) Focus on character development for Rachel, Irillith, and Sakura. 2) Cover Sakura's training from novice to a badass, and eventually helping John unlock Psychic-Speed. 3) Sakura's integration with the crew (building up friendships with Rachel and Dana), and her bonding with Alyssa. 4) Calara finally revealing what happened with Jessica Blake. I think TSM is closest to Babylon 5 out of any existing sci-fi I can think of. It's basically like a serial tvshow, with a major story arc simmering in the background. For the next story I'll try something a little different, and try and build on the various things I've learnt on this story. :-)


Banished for 13 years, tortured as a sex slave, then becomes a pit fighter over 10 years. Flips out and fries the Enshunu Captain, then 3 years spent as a smuggler.


Thanks very much for the compliments Takeo! Funnily enough, around chapter 25, I was contacted by a literotica reader who gave me some excellent instruction on ways to improve punctuation, grammar, and dialogue. That's probably why you spotted the big improvement at that point. Several months after that I plotted out the main story arc by breaking it down into major plot points I needed to cover. That's probably why you noticed that everything seems a lot more focused, as I stopped making it all up on the fly. ;-) It's been a fascinating journey so far, and really satisfying when you guys enjoy each new chapter. Cheers for the feedback. :-)


I'm hoping that when Tashana see the changes in Irillith and Edraele it may help her to forgive and accept that John is not your typical progenitor and she starts to open up to the crew. As the plan is to go to Genthalis and refit the Invictus there will be lots of time for her to reconnect. There will be some serious issues to get past but the changes in their personalities and that they came to get her will hopefully win her over. I can also see her really wanting to spirit walk and talk to Athena. Rachel's research may also provide insight that she didn't already have. Irilith and Faye showing her the malnerek videos may also have a huge impact. Your writing has definitely grown in leaps and bounds during the process of writing this epic tale. Your imagination was obviously always there and now your writing and storytelling are catching up. All your fans are looking forward to the time when you are able to write full time. The increase in patrons demonstrates their enthusiasm and how captivating the story is for your readers. Well done. Now back to impatiently waiting for chapter 72...

rich ed

Dana is going to be so pissed if she now has to wait for Tashana to get her gift (if she does at all) before John gives her, her second coming....


Okay. I get half way through and I'm thinking, "Didn't see this coming." And then with major grin..."will Alyessa have a pleasure barge if new recruits?" I get to the end. Super major, OMG! This is so cool.


Great chapter again Tef. It was really good to see more characters and a different POV. I was curious how you'd write this chapter since we'd all like to know how Tashana survived all this years in the unclaimed waste. I feel like this was a bit darker tone for John and the girls exterminating all the villains in underworld. If i was among the people in the station i would definitely see John as omnipotent. Which is a different look at the story so far since being always centred on John and the girls in the Invictus you'd feel that they we're a happy go lucky bunch despite all the challenges they've faced. All in all I do love how the story is going. Idle moments in the kitchen makes my mind wander and imagine how John's world looks like.


Wow just wow


Will John and the gang get pulled back into the nightmare when Tashana joins? Athena thinks no as long as John makes wards with a floor. But is she right? There was a large build up for such a single answer to protect them.


Well I'm guessing John might give her 2 doses but for the 3 we might wait a while...


Great work of Sic-Fi. Can't wait for the Chapter to come. You have a true gift to tell your stories.


The gamer in me knows that this story will wrap with John and crew discovering the true big bad. I could see John and Fae taking the Invictus to go face off against the impossible threat buying time for his children and his many wives to grow in power... Each of them a progenitor of their own accord. Just my thoughts on it mind you.


My guess is there is no big bad but it is an evolutionary exercise and there are thousands of progenitors through out the galaxy and we are seeing what happens when they encounter each other and how the conquer when time is not a concern. For an immortal, personal safety is paramount.


Has it been answered somewhere before? What determines the matriarch a girl is attached to?


What will happen to Hades now?  He is laying on the ground bleeding out without hands.  If he is red do they can just shot him but they lose so much intelligence on the area and the station doing that.  Can jade pump him full against his will and attach him to Eaderal?  Return him to running the underworld but like John wants? Will they lock him up and have Alyssa do a spirit dive and just strip as much information as possible from him over several days?


What happens to the Malari girls attached to Edraele when John released her?  I assume they separate from her as well.  Do they need another dose to reconnect?  Do they need to be recalled from the station?


I don't see Hades being bonded to anyone. I seriously doubt any male would end up bonded to any Matriarch. If you look at the way that the previous Progenitor manipulated the Maliri DNA, it's fairly clear that males were designed solely to help birth new Maliri females (highly disproportionate gender ratios), as it only takes one male to fertilize multiple females. There's no real evidence that's been presented that males are bonded. I also really doubt that John and company care about the intelligence on the area and the station. Especially when they can get the same information from Tashana (and more, since she knows some information about the race that built the station in the first place). I'm guessing they just let him die. Or shoot him in the face. ~Morningfrost


It's probably going to depend on whether John needs to end the bond in order to create a new one without the compulsion to obey. If he can do so without ending the bond, he may be able to do some sort of trickle-down where he fixes it through Edraele, and only Edraele would need a dose of cum. If he DOES need to end the bond in order to form a new one...I'm fascinated as to whether he'll actually be able to do so or not. What little information we have is basically 1 Matriarch per Progenitor, and John essentially got around that because Progenitor John was the one who bonded Edraele as his Matriarch, while John bonded Alyssa. If he does end up needing to dose each engineer in order to correct their bonds (whether through altering or ending and creating a new one), I imagine he could just stop by the trading station for a day or two once he's done at the shipyard. That being said, most of the engineers seem pretty fond of him, so they may elect to just return to the shipyard once they hear he'll be back for a couple of weeks. ~Morningfrost


Ok re read a few chapters. Wow this is the greatest online story I’ve ever read. This last chapter was extremely well constructed and written Tefler, congrats. To break with the format like like and construct great characters analogous to the main story arc was brilliant and definitely shows your development as a writer. As regards to the Station. Are we all perhaps incorrectly assuming that there's been no jury rigging or development by the myriad of post Progenitors destruction of the Anchoin occupants? To me it seems that there's the possibility of some major tech here that’s just no longer known or used and dormant/damaged just awaiting Dana! Like an Atlantis type scenario? Also I feel that John and girls are searching for a home (subconsciously) wouldn’t this place be perfect? John gets to have his own Realm, be not far from known civilizations without actually having to conquer one of them. I initially thought Maleiri space would be it but now think that this is perfect he gets to be close without having to take them over completely thus satisfying his own inbuilt social morals (he despises the idea of being the builder of an Empire – just wants to have a home and raise his family) Also it allows him and girls to continue their good works with providing for orphans helping the oppressed etc. On the Enshunu – red to the Malieri blue eh? Malieri matriarchal in social construct and effective in battle. The Enshunu most likely patriarchal? Wonder would skills they bring to the table. Yang to the Malieri Ying? Mr Tefler I doff my hat to you sire, that so far down the road you can still bring new races and history to the table and do it so well that it excites the reader and doesn’t feel contrived. I can’t wait for the resolution of athena/alyssa – Just want one kick arse Miss Progen Alyssa in all her full power beauty! If Irrillith can start climbing out of screens not long before we see Miss Faye having some private time the captains suite methinks! Oh and Tefler – You Rock! PS. You have name a Terran officer Paxton.

Jedi Khan

I don't suppose I'm the only one wondering what color Tashana got tagged with, am I? Red, white, or perhaps something else? Did she even get tagged like everyone else on the station?


Good story point Jedi! It wasn't really mentioned. Still the way Tefler described the tagging process, Alyssa/Athena basically reads every individuals mind and then puts the judgement on them. So if she identifiedTashana she might not have been tagged. We should have a crazy after action debrief coming up! With maybe some backstory on mission planning since we missed out seeing the Invictus prep for battle. First we got mop-up operations, will the purge continue? Then what? The Enshunu Vizier should be dropping in system shortly. Is he going to make the mistake of demanding Tashana? What are the secrets of the Enshunu? Since they have red eyes are they the red-skinned people on the stones? Why the mask? Trying to hide, much like the Maliri in their suites, from the eyes of a Progenitor? Is Edraele going to arrange for some back-up to come in and secure the station? John has taken out their defenses so the station is toothless and would be unable to avoid being taken over by the Enshunu or other evil elements. It would be in the interest of the Maliri Regancy to take over the station if the Enshunu are wanting it also. Much like old time TV,,, For the answers to these questions and more,, Stay tuned boys and girls!!!!


I have wondered that myself. How do the the "thralls" get allocated. Near as we can tell, no Progen has had TWO matriarchs before... Hmm, I'm thinking it was probably a subconscious decision on John's part. (He has done a lot of things without knowing he did them...) All the Maliri got pushed to Edraele, because they weren't going with. All of Alyssa's, are hers cause they go with. Maybe John can make a conscious decision who gets whom. And then that begs the question, can they be shifted to a different Matriarch with a fresh teaspoon dosage?


And.... who gets filled up next by John in Ch 72. Tashana, Faye or Dana?


Her hands were on fire, but since she was the reason for John's visit to Underworld, it doesn't matter.


Ok, something that has been bugging me, and several have pointed this out.


Ok don’t hit return as that seems to submit the post ☺ What we know is that 1) Malnarek made the Milari, to be genetically responsive to progenitors, 2) We suspect the Malnarek is Johns dad, 3) Current Progenitor (BSP) did not go to the Milari for an instantaneous army; The question is why? I suspect that BSP and the Malnarek, are not the same character, as it seems the BSP is unaware of Milari susceptibility to their presence. Hence, BSP is not Johns dada, and that Malnarek (johns Da) is back on our strange Eden like world.


I think the whole body was colored but people could see their own hands. In a crowd, you would have trouble determining who was who if it wasn't the body and head colored.


Why haven't we discussed Tashana BABIES!


(Ok don't hit return) or the 1st 5 paragraphs?


So one of this gelatinous creatures is a father of her baby brrr.


Oh, yeah.... I forgot about the Bolon (?) rapist.... Not just a physical rape, but since they are psychic, a mental rape as well.... And there were babies as well?!?!?!? What an odd way of reproducing. (but not unheard of). There are lots of things we haven't discussed.


It could be it planted the equivalent of eggs which were already fertilized. Like they normally use incubators but they decided to use her that time.


I forgot to mention before, chapter 71 was partly inspired by a music track, for both the attack on the pirate fleet, and the assault on the base: Battle for all time by Edward Bradshaw. <a href="https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=arYJ5Sx71p8" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=arYJ5Sx71p8</a>


Second the Paxton idea. Make him a drill sergeant like in edge of tomorrow? Probably not but still. Got to be a good guy.


Awesome chapter. Enjoyed the departure from the norm, but can't wait for reckoning in 72. Keep up the good work!

Jedi Khan

So, Tefler, given how gun-ho you were to get back to the perspective of John and the girls, I imagine you're about half way through chapter 72 by now, right? Don't be so pessimistic, Jedi. He's got to be almost three quarters of the way by now. I know you keep saying you aren't, but you're definitely crazy, ghost crazy. It's only been three days since he posted chapter 71. He hasn't even finished the edits for it yet! Yeah, and...? He could still be almost done with 72. That would mean he'd have to have written nearly 10k words a day! Still not hearing a good reason why he can't be almost done with the next chapter. *sigh*


Agreed. On one hand I knew they had to go eventually but I was still pulling for them. Tashana kidnapped without a trace and Bull takes over the ship or something. Anything. Even pulled for the drakkar.

Jim lynch

That's my third read through done I'm so looking forward to chapter 72 I want John to make tashana all better the poor irl is so broken John won't be able to stop himself from saving another broken little bird


What a chapter. The amount of heartburn at the beginning and the corresponding satisfaction as the end was perfectly well done Tefler. One question, considering that Chapter 72 will be from John PoV, will it end at the same place as chapter 71 or continue after it for some time since i really want to know how Tashana settles into the crew ?


If John and Sakaru fell asleep holding their swords would they be in the astral plane with them?  If so, then they need some sheaths.  It is dangerous to sleep in a pile of people with a super sharp blade....


@Jedi Khan, you good (insert correct Pronoun) make the wait between chapters so much more entertaining and bearable. could almost make a story from just your comments alone


Tagging Tashana I believe that when Athenia/Alyssa did her scan Tashana was unconscience &amp; might not have been tagged at all . Only when her dream awoke her burning power did she start to burn through her chains &amp; escape her cell taking revenge on the Enshunu &amp; her captures &amp; although it was pretty brutal it was in self defense (not evil) . I hope John &amp; the girls &amp; her Mother can bring her back to the sweet person she seemed to be . The first step would be to show her that the old versions of Edraele &amp; Irillth were victims too of the Maliri's toxic , cruel &amp; cut throat society &amp; that John hopes to cure it as he has them . Might be the only way to over come her deep fear of John as a Progenitor


Her power seems. To be directed at abusers and tormenters of others. As such I think Johns moral compous won't have an issue at all. ;)


Really good chapter, it was good to expand what we know of the galaxy and see what life is like on the other side of the law. What I found really interesting is that even though she had the motive to do so, Tashana/Malifica showed real character by just being a smuggler rather than becoming a fully fledged pirate. My big question at the end of this chapter is do they take the Infernal Retribution and start a fleet, as well as giving Dana more technology to investigate and subvert. I think what would possibly be the easiest way to calm Tashana's nerves would be for the other girls to talk to her and help her realise that while the Progenitors really do exist, John is an evident exception to the evidence provided which says that all of his species are evil. Another point that might help subdue Tashana's fear is Faye. She could/would give Tashana the rundown about how she came to be. Finally, if we are going to do character songs I had these in mind. John:


Really good chapter. It gave us more insight into the galaxy and showed us what happens on the shadier side of the galaxy. Now several more questions have been raised. The main ones being; How will they calm down Tashana and incorporate her into the crew? Will they liberate the Infernal Retribution and make it the first ship in the Invictus fleet? When will the internal walls and the superstructure (skeleton) of the Invictus be upgraded? Finally, as some people seem to have suggested musical inspiration/ theme songs for each character I thought I might give it a try. The Invictus Crew: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5Q_TSNk-p4" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5Q_TSNk-p4</a> John: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSx_N18TWjs" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSx_N18TWjs</a> Alyssa:: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvaIgq5j2Q8" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvaIgq5j2Q8</a> Calara: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zloCaH9LrCM" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zloCaH9LrCM</a> Dana: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAg4yjEmerU" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAg4yjEmerU</a> Jade: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6DFLNa6MBA" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6DFLNa6MBA</a> Rachel: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7VmOZ4Ppj8" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7VmOZ4Ppj8</a> Irillith: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h45mviDrJhc" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h45mviDrJhc</a> Sakura: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UeA9Nus9Eg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UeA9Nus9Eg</a>


I really don't think you can call what Tashana did to that Enshunu during John's attack "self defense" lol. Not by any stretch of the imagination. ~Morningfrost


I do not recall if the Infernal Retribution was brought back or not. But I can't really see them leaving a perfectly usable ship behind, when they can sell it, or use it...... (uh oh..... did it survive the fight?)

Jedi Khan

Interesting mix of music there. Alyssa's music is oddly appropriate. lol How about Faye?

Hinterlands Man

Tefler, this chapter was such a rush. It was a bit tough to bite off the first half but soon I was in the groove and actually hoping Bull, George, and the rest of the crew survived. Way to bring each of the characters to life, including the Slarmian. You have truly outdone yourself Yet Again.


Probably my overall favorite chapter, a story that is to fuzzy and full of nothing but sugar and spice and everything nice gets a bit monotonous. I enjoyed the pov change to a large extent, i don't know how well it would have made sense without a bit of background from the sis viewpoint.


I greatly enjoyed the story being told from another perspective. The flashbacks gave some good emotional attachment and backstory, great chapter!


Just re-read this chapter. I wish I were a 3D animation guru, I'd love to re-create the Underworld battle using "March of Cambreadth" as background music.


I noticed something odd on my third read through. Why was the pilot on point when they were infiltrating the base? If he stumbled into a trap they would all be stranded...


My guess, drivers are easiest to come by.Also, just a guess, either Bull or the Drakkar would have been easily able to handle the pilot duties.


While waiting for chapter 72 I was thinking about random things and wondered how should Hades and be caeterized to stop him from bleeding out?  Or will they go with a boring turnicate? The simplest is to stand on his arms and use the lasers on the lowest settings. John could flick fire on his sword and just touch it to them.  They might want to restrain him first... They could ask Tashana to help but I suspect she might get carried away and is still probably freaked out.  Once she starts throwing for she might not stop... Any other options?

Jedi Khan

They don't know that Tashana's a pyro yet, so can't really ask her to help. As for options, Rachel could discover her new power of a healing touch and just lay her hands over the stumps and presto! bleeding stops. Of course, they could just let the guy bleed.


I didn't say they would let him live just that they don't want to die before they get information from him. He knows about the area, what groups are on the station, what deals he has active, about the neighboring empires, the status of the station, etc.  Even if they could figure all that out on their own it would be a waste to not debrief him, not necessarily gently. But you don't want him dying in two minute because he is squirting blood.  They will need to stop his profuse bleeding of they hope to interrogate him.


Teller, did you know that JMS wrote a writers guide ? I have copy around somewhere. After the home care ward project is done, so my wife an come home after her stroke, I'll take a look. Hmmm any chance I could borrow Rachel fora while ? Bet she could cure the brain injury ...


Well, all the "dangerous groups" are dead...... That leaves the traders and former slaves. Assuming this is a progenitor station, Tashana recognizes stuff, Dana, or whomever, can just read the symbols/glyphs and check things out. Not looking good for Hades being needed...... LOL


I feel like I should know who JMS is, but it's not ringing any bells. :-) I'm really sorry to hear about your wife, all the best for a speedy and full recovery.


Question: what does John's come if imbibed by a man? Not that I wish the story to become homoerotica. Or can only a female Progenitor (Alyssa) heal a man?


Well, Jade could feed the man. Who knows what would happen.... Depends on John's mood probably LOL. But might do the innate healing thing at the least. Before Tashana'a crew got killed off, I was picturing a Jade assisted healing. Oh well... :p


Just don't tell them what the "medicine" is..... LOL


And does Jade sprout boobies or something else to feed the men?

Jedi Khan

Same way she feeds the girls, either hollow out her fingers and use them as feeding tubes if the person is unconscious, or breast feed. When she stores the precious load to feed to someone else, her breasts inflate to a much larger size and they reduce as the feeding progresses. I doubt a guy would complain all that much if they get to suckle from her.


JK, I think you missed the point (this time anyway). Was wondering whether with the gender difference meant something other than boobies appeared when Jade was feeding a man John's elixir. Personally would feel very uncomfortable if Tefler made her grow a male appendage to feed a man.

Jedi Khan

Why would she grow anything else to feed a man when she already has the assets for it? The only time she's grown a male appendage was when John was taking her backdoor and she wanted to share the load with the girls. I believe the ability for her to grow that particular feature is locked so it only happens when John is in her backside. Now if there were a bunch of men to feed at once, like what happened with the Maliri engineers, then she might grow the extra appendage(s), as long as John is taking her backside at the same time of course. But yes, I agree is would be a bit awkward (and uncomfortable) for the story to take that particular turn.


awesome cant wait for the next instalment am also wondering if here are any female readers that are enjoying 3SM