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Here it is, the entire chapter!

It's the biggest one so far, weighing in at just over 60k words, so I hope you enjoy it.

I'll still be doing some minor punctuation and grammar editing of the second half, but there won't be any major changes at this point. I thought I'd post it now, rather than make you wait any longer (As per the recent Patron poll about when you wanted the release).

Let me know what you think!






Thank you Tefler.


There goes my productivity for today


The anticipation for when I end my workday is going to definitely affect my productivity. I look forward to reading it tonight.

Jedi Khan

Damnit! This is just too painful! You posted right before I have to go to bed, and I can't afford to stay up! GAHH!! I can't take it!


Yeah... He posted it right as I need to leave to drive in to work...


I been waiting on the whole chapter all this time couldn't bring myself to read just half I can't wait


Ah great, I hope you enjoy it! I wanted it all as one big chapter rather than splitting it up for a specific reason. I'll be happy to discuss it once you've all had a chance to read the second half!


You are my hero. Exactly in time after work!


Tefler, just starting work, but wanted to know if the chapter's first half is any different from previously posted?




Tefler, I see you slipping in the crossover....


Ok.... Damnit. It was good. But.. It needs another seventy or so chapters to be better I think. ;)

Jim lynch

How will you put our names into this story do you need any more info on us for it I'm currently donating 5 dollars a chapter so I'm going to be a kintark dragon lol


Thankfully it came out before my lunch break, so I only lost my morning to it lol. ~Morningfrost


Thank you.


well damn.. i have to say that was a impressive chapter and i love how you have started addressing some of the opinions that have been floating around. what made it better was that i could read it at work so thank you kind sir for this


Man, all those little hints at things to come inthis chapter is killing me! Like Dana's "project" and the image she showed of the new Invictus, and that feeling she keeps getting. Hm, I didnt realize it was mostly pertaining to Dana. And what's with the cut off on part 1? I was hoping part 2 would settle what actually happened in Maliri space hte last few weeks. I was thinking Irrilith wouldnt let it go quite so easily, and maybe call Edraele, if only privately.


That is what I thought happened to his mom, it was the only answer. I assume she made it back to him and that he was grateful for a functional ship that she returned with.


Interesting though. I would think that Jessica Blake would want to make sure she had her master's son with her when she returned. The progenitor gets to choose the sex, meaning he intentionally had a male child. Jessica's "capture and baby left behind" seems highly intentional.


It is certainly possible if the matriarch survived. She could have sent direction and guided her. We don't know if she did or as even the same one that guided Lynette.


This has made my evening.


Loved it. Always great to get some down-time with the crew, especially after so much action. I really like seeing Faye & Sakura get some serious development. Faye is adorable as always, and seeing her trying to figure out her version of sexual fantasy is great. The idea of John entering cyberspace and getting to really interact with Faye is exciting, though seeing how she responds to his non-physical attentions in the real world, I'm kinda afraid that getting "hands-on" in the cyber realm is going to fry something. And now we're finally getting close to finding Tashana. Should be interesting - maybe when they see her in person she'll have white hair... Wouldn't that throw a wrench in things?


OMG! Yes it is long, very well thought out, written and presented. But, OMG I loved it. Thanks again Tef!


The refit should be fun to write, I'm looking forward to it! Edraele's letting the other Matriarch's stew at the moment. With 5 Houses aligned together, no single House would stand a chance against them.


Thanks! I read everything on here, so if people start speculating about something, 9 times out of 10, it provides useful direction for the story!


You're welcome, I'm glad you enjoyed it! I planned out the days and key scenes in advance to try and make sure it was coherent, so I'm relieved it worked. :-)


Yeah, I've been neglecting them chilling out together, what with Nexus, Shinatobe's attack, the dragon march traitor, Mateo's rescue, and then the battle of Regulus. It was nice to take a good breather!


Amazing chapter sir.. I don't comment often, usually happy to just watch as a great story unfolds, but thought I would share a thought about the Invictus that I've had for a while. I've played the space mmo Eve Online since 2008. Ever since John purchased the Invictus in chapter 6 (or 7?) I've had it pictured in my head as looking quite close to the Hurricane (Sleipnir) battlecruiser in the game. (The Sleipnir being the higher technology "command ship" variant of the Hurricane). Even the scale is nearly perfect, with the Sleipnir being 490m in length. <a href="http://i.imgur.com/EmzRjKC.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://i.imgur.com/EmzRjKC.png</a> <a href="http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Sleipnir" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Sleipnir</a> .. Again.. Great chapter, good sir.


Hey Don, Thanks for commenting, it's nice to hear from a happy customer! :-) I've obviously heard of Eve being a gamer, but I've never actually played it. That ship looks very much like the way I imagined the Invictus. I sketched it out a few weeks ago, so a friend could model it. I'll have to chase him up and see how that's coming along!


Great chapter, although I am surprised that the crew have not figured out Edraele's surprise yet!I laughed out loud at the reference to Titanium Jake, but Dana wanting to blow fireballs from her eyes has to be a prime candidate for the best line in the entire opus to date.


It is nice to be retired. Came in at 0640 PST and I saw the Email about 0830 PST then skipped to the second half to start reading from there.


One small complaint (aka pet peeve): "I love you, Full Name"... "I love you too, Full Name" comes across to me as fake Hollywood dialogue - truly intimate people do not talk like that, especially not in such young relationships.


The one thing I cannot get over and has probably been addressed before is the second progenitor never co opted the Maliri's and left them for John. It feels like the second progenitor has some form of connection to John (due to John not being dead) and its possible that Johns mum was likely able to rescue his father from the crash with the ship she stole. Since there is no evidence of there being more than two male progenitors within the story area it seems quite likely that the second progenitor is Johns father. Also great story tefler!


Believe it or not, I actually know two couples who call it each other by their full names like that. I guess Hollywood had to get it from somewhere (or these people copied the cliche!)


I tried googling fireballs from eyes and can't find a hit. I somehow can't manage to picture that....


Great chapter !! Eagerly waiting the next installment!

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! He didn't go into the cyber realm yet and see Faye! Please Tefler! Make that happen in the first part of the next chapter! Feeling really attached to Faye at this point. This was a fantastic chapter, but the cliffhanger with Faye!!!!! AAAARRRRGGGGHHHHH!


Thanks Tefler, great chapter, as always. I loved the way Sakura brought out the speedy side of John. One wonders what you have in store for them that they're going to need it. Oh, I supposed it will be juuust in time for dealing with freeing Tashana, eh? Since you're now talking about what the Invictus looks like (or will look like) You never did answer my question about that ship image at the top of your Patreon page here... what is the origin of that, and is it your work? Now I'm wondering about the Politics of things here again. What will the Admiralty think of John taking Invictus out of Terran space for weeks at least? Not that they can stop him, but they can sure consider the ramifications of it... And then there's the Media, and their feeding frenzy on all things Lion-related. The rescue of the Ashanath ship and the alacrity with which the Drakkar raiders were handled - so far into Teran space - will only add to his legend once the Press gets wind of this new rescue story. The Lion's legend will only grow bigger in Terran worlds (and, for that matter, in Maliri worlds too given their hunger for Terran media).

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

And I am psyched I called the 3rd DNA strand for Sakura. The others I didn't expect until the issue with the DNA scanner popped up. Melee combat with John and Sakura just got interesting. And what changes were made to the Invictus????? Dying here!


Thanks again, Tefler, for such a wonderful chapter with lots of wonderful little teasing tit-bits and hints to future directions/outcomes/revelations which I'm sure you'll bring to a resolution in subsequent chapters (as you always do). Meanwhile, I'll just go back into my "I wonder where that sneaky bastard's going with this?" mindset while I wait! Please don't make the wait too long for my own sanity's sake (or what's left of it!) Cheers and thanks again.


Thank You Tefler . It is a well-written chapter with a lot of character development. Also, John started using PJ power. I am waiting for Shadow manipulation that PJ used after that John become Truly badass. I am laughing out loud at 1 am when I am reading a chapter . My mum scolded me from next room for what are you doing at night? Thanks again Tefler Great Chapter.


Same lol. Faye's my favorite of the girls, even if she's an AI and not truly a "girl." Her freezing whenever she starts to think about John is so freaking cute lol. ~Morningfrost


Minor typos, but fabulous chapter, Tefler! Really enjoyed the interactions between the group, and of course, Faye's 'inexplicable glitches' where her image(s) somehow get overlaid on top of the other girls involved in sexual interactions with John.... or as Freud might have said, "Ah... Transference.... via Transposition..." ;-)


Excellent chapter. This chapter was as good for character development and backstory as chapter 68 was for space battles. The information provided about John's mother leads me to believe she was desperate to return to her master and probably didn't leave him behind by choice. Hmmmm, maybe that's where all the aggression toward Terrans is coming from with our BSP. I'm looking forward to the reunion/rescue/extraction of Tashana. I'm sure there will be some interesting revelations coming from that. Magnificent work again. I was only disappointed when there was no more left to read.


Thanks Tefler, great chapter. More please.


I wanted to focus on moving the plot along and spend some time on character development, so I'm glad you enjoyed it!


If you spot anything that slipped past my editors, always feel free to let me know. I try and correct anything that gets pointed out. I was surprised at how popular Faye is, but it's great to see people like her. She's definitely a fun character to write about. :-)


You're welcome! It should hopefully be a fun ride seeing John unlock all his abilities. :-)


I could have had Dana give away a lot more in her briefing, but I think it'll be more fun doing it this way. I know I'm looking forward to cracking on with the refit!


Well done guessing correctly with the 3rd helix for Sakura. The rest of her story arc should be entertaining, and I enjoyed writing about the new dojo and sparring between them. Only about a month or so to wait to find out what's going to happen with the Invictus! ;-)


As QuiGon says to SithLord Jar-jar, "There's always a bigger fish." I found the image for the banner online, and intended it just as a temporary placeholder while a friend of mine is working on a custom model of the Invictus for me. I tried emailing the creator to try and see how much he'd charge for a copy, but no response. :-(


Hey Evan, I don't think I changed anything in the end. Perhaps a few minor typos that people emailed me about, but definitely no significant changes.


Great chapter, I am loving the development of faye and her "glitch". Nice crossover tie in with titanium Jake


Great job Tefler! I couldn't wait to get out of the kitchen and read part 2. I tried reading while on break but the cakes won't ice and slice themselves. I've read the chapter again to savour it more before I feel the urge to keep checking my phone for updates on Chapter 71. I love seeing Faye's character really grow and how Sakura is finally combat ready. I wish there was more to the Maliri part of the chapter than the cliffhanger "we're doomed". Cheers! Wishing you all the best.


Wow some possible mysteries revealed: 1. If this crashed ship is BSP ship it would explain why he started showing his presence recently: a) He needed help with repairs and Kirrix could help with that but only found him recently. b) He needed Jessica Blake for physic energy to start repairs himself. c) After Jessica came back he and her (or his Matriarch) started traveling the galaxy in search for fresh troops/thralls and only recently repaired ship. 2. Now we know that Progenitors ships can be destroyed, but who made this one crash cus I doubt they crashed because of drunk navigator... There are many scenarios here: a) They were running away from other Progenitor and he shoot them when they were using worm hole to jump away. b) They were running away from hostile race powerful inaf to threaten Progenitors. c) His ship was sabotaged by hostile/rouge AI. 3. I kind of knew that war with Kirrix and Drakkar is coming, so few thoughts on that: a) What kind of deal BSP has with Kirrix, I doubt they are Progenitor made species so he had to make some kind of deal with them, perhaps he offered them tech, so we could see some powerful Kirrix ships I kind of hope for that :) b) John is one man one ship if lets say: Kirrix, Drakkar, Brimorian and Kintark all atack T-Fed what can John do... 4. Thus my last political thoughts: a) After John learns that Maliri are united he will have many options, 1 is to wait, refit all Maliri fleets and wait till T-Fed is at such bad situation that Maliri can offer help. b) Aggressive option, he hold over T-Fed Command what he knows of this virus and as Edraele suggested threatens them with Maliri invasion if they dont allow lets say free passage of Maliri fleets over their territory. c) John acts as messenger of bad news from Maliri saying T-Fed needs to make alliances with Trankarans and Ashanath or be destroyed by Maliri invasion :P d) Well this option will happen anyway I hope namely: Maliri, T-Fed, Trankarans, Ashanath in face of all dangers form powerful alliance to stop alliance of hmm evil (?). e) Regardless of all above John and Maliri need to make some serious plans for future and finnly launch whole Genthalas Shipyard. P.S. Peace mission to Kirrix rly ? :P

Jim lynch

I was just thinking if John made all the girls into proginators then Dana could access the genetic memories of all the prog tech Rachael could get the medical things like ways to make better terrans through DNA manipulation and so on for all the girls in their particular fields so the whole team can become so strong the bsp wouldn't stand a chance in a fight with them all. What do you think of that idea everyone good or bad ?


Definitely bad. It removes all uncertainty from the equation. Entertainment in reading comes from conflict. If you make all the characters into the most powerful beings possible, and they're able to just roll over everything, where's the conflict? ~Morningfrost


Recent as flying his ship goes. What do you mean ? I meant him flying that crashed ship after potential repairs and stirring trouble not his presence as such. He only recently started playing empire games so to speak, so if he waited that long, one of the reasons for that is unable to fast travel without his ship and intimidate species like Drakkar.


The kintark dragon title on patreon is just honorary for now; to show your support for tefler, and for him to be able to easily distinguish who is giving more. He has discussed working some patrons' names into the story in some small way, such as a ship captain or a federation officer, but so far, he hasn't gone forward with that idea. Frankly, I agree with tefler on that. Maybe give a few of the more generous/supportive/helpful patrons a small mention in the story, but don't place any importantance on that, and certainly don't try and adjust the story to make it work. Btw, I am also the kintark dragon level, but only because I want to show my support for this author and his wonderful story that's given me dozens, if not hundreds, of hours worth of entertainment.


I held off until this morning. I had pneumonia, but now I got myself all medicated up, I am ready to spend the day imagining.


Wait a minute. John is just assuming the current mysterious progenitor is his father. But if the original progenitor that got John's mother pregnant was there, why didn't he stop her from leaving? I'm hazarding a guess that it is probably his brother, especially if the original was permanently crippled or disabled.


Progenitors aren't omniscient. It's entirely plausible that the scientists grabbed John's mother when the Progenitor just wasn't available...and the Progenitor may or may not have had a matriarch to psychically tell him about the kidnapping. On top of that, Progenitors generally care very little about individual thralls. ~Morningfrost


Tefler, Just curious but how much of the girl's old temperament did John overwrite? I really liked the scene where they were sitting around reminiscing about their early lives. It was too bad the only anecdote you really expanded on was Rachel's threesome, exploring one of Dana and Alyssa's adventures growing up on Karon would have been nice. Granted Alyssa, Calara, and Rachel are only 18 and Sakura might as well be, but I think you need to round out the characters a bit more than just being his cheerful, perky albeit talented cheer squad. If I was the John's Progenitor father, and had to spend 60,000 years surrounded by nothing but cheerful, perky sycophants, I'd have flown that spaceship into the planet at highspeed myself. Good blowjobs, like a diet of perfectly cooked steak, would only go so far before you would be bored to death. No wonder John is missing male company.


I think you guys are missing the point of what can take out a Progenitor ship but except another Progenitor unless the attacked Progenitor is awful unlucky. Then the Progenitor ship on Arcadia, was it even repairable? There wasn't a core breech but still if the core or FTL drive was seriously damaged where would you get it fixed? Dana is going to have to make elements to build one. I do not think you can MacGyver one on a backwater planet. Then did the Ashanath find another crashed Progenitor ship? Or were they created to be the workforce of Malnerack which is why they were psychic so they could take instructions easier and they just passed down how to build the stuff? Personally I'm now done posting speculation on the future of the story. It seems when your view doesn't match some of the others you end up getting a long lecture or at least told your totally wrong.


Well it took a day but I finally read it all you sure covered alot in that chapter I like how sokura got super speed I didn't expect them to find good stuff about johns mom dang if it didn't get a little dark at the end there all in all it was a good chapter can't wait to see how things turn out in outlaw space


Well since wormholes often have temporal as well as spatial characteristics in SF, perhaps John shot him down sometime in the future just as the BSP was entering a wormhole this throws the ship into the distant past setting up a temporal loup that leads to John's birth. More seriously Rachel earlier said the Drakkar were created in a hurray to provide the progenitor with foot soldiers. So obviously he was in a pitched war with someone 10,000 years ago. Must suck being an immortal stranded on a broken ship for 10 millennia. I presume The progenitor was badly injured in the crash, sucked the life force out of all his thralls and matriarch to heal himself and then had to while a way the ages playing solitaire until John's mom showed up


Hmm I see a pattern here the longer free sites wait for new chapter the more Patrons you get Tef. P.S. 60 in less than week ^^


I think he had at least one girl with him. That is the easiest way to trap Jessica. A pretty girl shows herself and then runs a few times and leads her back to the boss.


Nice Tefler, already close to $900 per chapter lol. Not much longer now ;) So guys, what's the over/under on our goal for $1500 so Tefler writes full-time? I'm thinking...3 months? Seems to be picking up Patrons at a higher clip now than a month or so ago. ~Morningfrost


Some have asked about the benefits of patronage. To me, it is the feeling of contribution to an artist's work that I very much enjoy, but do not have skill to perform myself. I appreciate that Tefler and this site tolerates creative meanderings of aficiandos. Why was John born? Like many I am troubled by insomnia and understand how prolonged sleeplessness can cause typically rational persons to behave poorly. I imagine that if science allowed me to live forever, I still might spiral into madness due to bordom/longevity, particularly in the absence of a partner to keep me centered. We know that Progenitor John went mad due to insufficient fullfillment, and I suspect that his father did too. To me, it seems that his father had enough sense to create an eden to serve as his cemetary before drifting into the spiritual realm, forgetting his ship and thrall in the physical realm. The destruction that you found could be his own ordinance that was improperly maintained. He never woke to find his thrall dead, his ship in ruins and an incapacity to heal himself mentally. He just went nuts. Yet, he may have had just enough vitality to accidentally produce an heir (or more). Have you ever woken in the morning unsure if you had sex that night? Sex is not always a conscious choice, and can be initiated in a dream-like state with a willing and available partner. I believe that I am not alone, humans have retained this primitive urge. This may explain why John was born. His father did not deliberate and choose to procreate. He rolled over. What happened to John's mom? She may be on the eden still, may have died out of neglect like the father's past thrall or may have gone mad. Frankly, I do not care. She is not a character worthy of development. Nevertheless, John will need to make a trip out to eden and this should be added to itinerary shortly. Thus, we will find out what Tefler envisions. Can John and his brother co-exist? It is possible that the other progenitor is unrelated to John or his father, but a brother story would be interesting and I hope that Tefler capitalizes on this. There could be more brothers, but this might overcomplicate the storylines. I believe that there will be a single brother and he may be causing all of this trouble out of revenge of his mother's death. This would explain why he refuses to hurt John. The only reason that John would kill his brother is to protect his family and humanity. Sadly, I also believe that Tefler will conclude this story when this fraternal relationship stablizes. My favorite twist... What if the sister is a matriarch or thrall of John's brother? That her investigation led her to the planet and she found the brother. Alternatively, his brother escaped the planet and encountered her in the wastelands. Would this be a good or bad twist? We will find out soon.


Hopefully he won't take too long to write the next chapter though.


Well I personally think if Jons mother can be bought out from being a thrall she can be interesting character. Besides she's his mother and John knows she has no control over what she's doing, so if she still lives he will try to save her. There could be potential plot twist with BSP killing her or threatening to kill if John won't do what he wants.


Just a quick military thought does planets without fleet have a chance against a lets say orbital bombardment. I mainly mean some defensive technology : shields, laser batteries that can shoot from surface into space, e.t.c. I remember Armoured Cobras had some of this but only around base. My main point is can a besieged planet hold on her own from orbital bombardments ?


Hey. In Terran Space, there is tech for shields that protect a base against planetary bombardment (just like the Armoured Cobras base, well remembered!). They don't have the tech to shield the entire planet from bombardment though.


My personal speculation is that the BSP is John's father. He is not after John he is after punishment of the Terrans for taking John's mother and John away from him. Did John's mother make it back? Only Tefler knows. Is Mikaboshi after John on the BSP's orders or someone else's? What is the entity in the spectral realm and how will that affect the story. Hopefully when the crew finds Tashana she will have some more information on the progenitors. Now that Sakura is fully changed John intends to work on Dana which will definitely benefit the refit of the Invictus. I'll speculate that Tashana is somehow working for Hades and may have provided some progenitor tech (such as Irrilith's hacking deck) which would have aided his rise to power. That would also make for a more challenging opponent. The puzzle pieces are there and only Tefler knows if I put them together correctly. Hopefully we find out very soon. One of Tefler's gifts is putting out just enough foreshadowing and clues to allow for rampant speculation, but not so much as to confuse the reader.


These are all very possible twists. I do not think that BSP is John's father, because it does not explain the lag and weaknesses in his arrival. A brother would. You might argue that John's emergence caused his father to become active. However, I have great respect for John's father given that he create most of these races. He should have been able to wipeout humanity without playing all of these games. If I were John's father, I would have gone straight to the Malari and used them to destroy humanity. It seems that BSP has meddled with all races except them.


Loved the chapter can't wait for the next chapter

Jedi Khan

Whew! It was a close fight but I finally managed to put crazy down! Won't be seeing him again any time soon. Anyways, on to the speculation. Did not see the 3rd DNA strand coming for all the girls. That's going to be interesting. I wonder what sort of powers they'll develop? Rachel' will probably be some form of healing. Dana I'm not sure about, but I bet it's going to have something to do with the golden ring in her eyes that Tefler has pointed out several times. While it might not be the shooting fireballs from her eyes that Dana wants, it's definitely something that will prove useful. Clara's power might be some form of precognition, or at least something that will make her a better tactical officer. Maybe something like the fabled Battle Mediation ability in KOTOR? And Sakura, we already know she has the super speed, but what else has she got? Does she still have that ability to see the psychic connections between them all, and if so, what info can she glean from that? Irillith seems like a bright girl; she caught on that all is not quite the same in Maliri space as she once knew it. Maybe she can puzzle out what's going on before they get back to Valaden? Assuming, of course, that all goes well with Tashana and Irillith isn't left an emotional wreck from it. The Drakkar and the Kirrix. How interesting that they're acting up. Maybe after the Valaden trip, John can make a little detour through Drakkar space to do a little reconnaissance in force? I'm sure they'd respond well (aka back off) after John thins their numbers a bit and puts the fear of the Lion in them. That should be all for now. Might have some more later after another read through. *spectral voice*Jeeeediii! Jeeeedii! Wh-what is that? *crazy pops in as a ghost*I'm haunting you! NOOOOOO!!!!


Laser surgery using her eyes. That would be impressive. And then casually use the ability to dissect enemies. Woooo!


I'm interested to see how you are going to deal with the 'power up' problem. Pretty typical in long running series with a single protagonist with a limited suite of skills (e.g. martial arts)…where the capacities of the protagonists increases over time (e.g. kicks ever more impressive ass). One strategy is ‘enemies of ever increasing capacity’…this seems to be one way it is going with the closer and closer brushes with the other Progenitor. Another strategy is to shift the nature of challenges such that well developed capacity in one direction is less relevant. If you pick up a few, then you can incrementally step on any one of them…increases the number of nudges you can give capacity before you enter the realm of the absurd. A third strategy is setbacks…where something precious/important is lost and things must be rebuilt. Another might be to split the crew and have them facing differentiated individual challenges with their own sets of objectives before having them rejoin. I’m also interested to see how you handle intimacy in the series. Most of the long running series I’ve seen the initial hook is more erotic and for those who get hooked the barb is plot depth/complexity in which the erotic eventually becomes monotonous. To this point the ‘meddling’ of the other progenitor has been represented as an evil. Is there, perhaps, another way of seeing things in which our lovely crew are naive/ignorant?


Yes the ever present threat of main heroes becoming too op.


It is possible that humanity is a plague on the cosmos and John is impeding a galactic checks balance system. Deep thought.


As for sex, John may need to get more creative. As for power inflation, this is a concern for lesser minds than Tefler. His gift for character development has been awesome. One of my recent favorites was the simple proposal to Calara and family. Also, he capitalizes on little stuff, like making air filtration cool. There is no need for more powers.


When might.Tefler set a date for the wedding?


Reading through the chapter on SOL again I realized the call Matriarch Tsarra Perfaren was dreading to place was to the male with which she had arranged a breeding contract. She would be wasting his time by canceling on the agreement she had made to get pregnant.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

I think I may have figured some of this out. How the Progen's ship was disabled and crash landed on that planet is completely unknown. I suspect it was an unassimilated group of women from inside the ship. John's Progen father had to have been at least partially incapacitated. With no or limited mobility he would have no way to regenerate due to no Matriarch or Thralls who survived the crash. This fits or he would have just taken over the Terran ship on the planet right then and there. We know his mother was not ordered to leave or she would not have fought the Terrans. For this reason: I believe John was to be a body for him to inhabit. Not a son for him to have to deal with later. Mom being kidnapped caused him a great deal of anger yet provided a way for her to steal a ship and bring it to him so he could get back to home base and create a new body and ship for himself. In this way, the Progen is BOTH father and brother to John since his mother gave birth to another male child for him to inhabit. This explains why it has taken this long for the Progen to begin his machinations at domination. His anger is so great he is going to put each of the species he has created back into the dark ages and subjugate them all. The appearance of John is, at this time, just something that is interesting to him. But, when John grows enough to become a challenge to his power, he will just take him out as his usefulness against his boredom will have dissipated.


A living progenitor enslaved Jessica and got her pregnant.  As far as we know Progenitors are ageless. Your theory is not consistent with these two knowns. If he was wounded he could heal slowly using his internal power and would immediately have access to her power once enslaved. If he was incapacitated he could not enslave her.


I stand behind the theory that the progenitor is not the big bad of this story. I think we will reach a culmination only to have the real big bad divulged. This progenitor believes that to make the ultimate weapon it must be forged in the fires of conflict. Hence why he has his forces going after eachother. John being involved is welcome because he is also forging John to be a weapon/companion as well. Someone who can approach problems with a fresh viewpoint and perhaps discover things... New things that the progenitors never thought of. From what we know John does have a new take on things. And if he wants to look in earth history for people that could be progenitors.. Just think of the heroes of old. Even the story of near immortal elves (pointy ears) and gods amongst us (super strength) could all point to past progenitor involvement with the human race. This could get fun.


Ok so here is my thoughts. I believe that the BSP is not related to John in any way except for being a progenitor. Now let's say you wanted to expand your territory but you need specific coordinates to travel to a certain place with a wormhole generator. but if you've never been there you don't have those coordinates so how are you going to get there you have to travel normally. that accounts for Mael'narak being gone for so long and when he got there he got his butt kicked by somebody a little more powerful. He had just enough time to open a wormhole back to a safe area in his territory. but he drain all his thralls to maintain himself and with nobody left to pilot the craft and the craft being severely crippled it crashed so he sat there for Untold number of years. The progenitors seem to be very sexual, so the first thing he did when John's mother came was to have sex. well it just so happened to be the lucky time and he did not have time to convert her when the crew found her. During this whole time frame the progenitor that kicked his butt followed him into our area of space and not knowing any coordinates he had to travel the same way to us what is the first thing you do when you go into a new area you explore cautiously now nobody outside of the milari have seen the milari or know what they are so bsp probably would not know who or what they are. what is one of the first races you would get rid of one that could read your thoughts and know who and what you are the Ashanath. Now why has he not destroyed John because progenitors have a massive ego for good reason if you're the top dog for 5000 years you tend to look down on everybody else. He sees John as a curiosity


John may be kept alive out of curiosity because he has inadvertently accomplished something that past progenitors have failed to do. Three possible ideas: (1) free women progenitors and not be killed by them; (2) improved the strength of transfers from thrall; or (3) fall in love. Maybe the immortality without love is unbearable and they look at him with envy. I know many rich men with cripplingly bad relationship problems.


Where have they been seen together outside the ship recently? I don't think BSP knows that much about John's current status.


Thanks for the great cliff hanger. Can't wait for 71.


And the addiction has been fed on the other sites. (Read it twice here first. Then once on sto, just as a place holder... lol) we need to make an anon group, 3sm addicts r us!!!!


I think he did convert her, otherwise she wouldn't want to come back so badly.


I had another thought about Sakura, she can see the connections. Maybe she can block them? At the start of chapter 68 the connection is blocked. Perhaps she can pinch a connection and release Jessica either temporarily or permanently.


Hmm, that's not a bad thought, actually. Presumably if one is able to see something, then they're also likely to be able to affect it. Being able to close off a Progenitor's access to their thralls (or even just their Matriarch, making them spend the attention to draw energy from individual thralls themselves) could give John that little boost he needs to take on a Progenitor that is more experienced (and presumably more powerful) than himself. That being said...as a plot item I don't know that being able to affect the bonds would work. Presumably, anything John is able to imbue into his ladies subconsciously, a Progenitor with full awareness over their actions would be able to do as well. Which would mean, in turn, that another Progenitor could affect the bonds between John and his ladies. ~Morningfrost


Looks like Teller might be becoming a full time writer before spring


Oh Noes - what have I done!? I apparently started the bandwagon rolling for a "Tefler addiction" 12-step recovery program over on Literotica today. (facepalms) - at this time there are 2 people wanting help with their addictions... but I can't say I really want help with mine (at least not yet). Does that mean I'm sill living in denial?

Jedi Khan

Just had a thought that has a couple of distinct points to it, so it might seem like rambling while I try to connect the dots. First point: since Tashana is supposedly an expert on Progenitors, and given the legends of the Mael'Nerak that were passed down in Maliri society portraying the Mael'Nerak as the boogeyman, perhaps Tashana will want nothing to do with John when she sees him, and/or react negatively when she sees that her sister has long white hair. If her will is as strong as Irillith's was, the behavior mod to make her submissive/attracted to John is not going to help at all, only resulting in Tashana suffering like Irillith did before she gave in. Second point: Rachel has already done extensive research into DNA and has even developed gene therapy treatments, so what's to keep her from developing a counter agent to the Maliri behavior mod? She probably can't stop it completely, but she should be able to blunt its effects, making it so that a Maliri woman can control herself and behave somewhat normally while in John's presence. Finally: if Tashana reacts negatively to John and/or is conflicted between what she knows of the Mael'Nerak and what the behavior mod is doing to her, perhaps Rachel can give Tashana the counter agent, with Tashana's permission of course. This will theoretically allow Tashana to think rationally and make her own decision regarding John without the influence of the behavior mod. John will likely insist on this, especially if Tashana expresses a desire to not join the crew before the behavior mod gets the best of her, because he's all for making sure the girls are fully informed and join of their own free will. Basically, John will want a way to ensure that any Maliri that join his crew do so of their own will, not the will of the behavior mod, and Rachel's gene therapy is perhaps the only way to do that without first feeding them his spunk.

Jedi Khan

I'd recommend getting that addiction treated ASAP, or else it'll wind up like mine. My addiction eventually turned into crazy, and when I finally managed to kill it before it killed me, it came back as a ghost and is now haunting me. *microphone squeals as a finger taps on it* Testing testing. Oh god. Ah, there we go. *ahem* You are now wanting the next chapter. Have fun with that. Damn it.


The gene therapy is interesting, but I believe that Tashana will first doubt the motives of Irilith. She may even want revenge. I could imagine a suckerpunch. Also, Tashana may have her own Progenitor tech found while researching. This could go very wrong at first. Hopefully John will proceed with caution. B


Yes! Love it! So we now have a highly skilled assassin who can help train John &amp; make him more deadly! Would love to see Sakura take Mikaboshi apart in that encounter! Curious to see what they find in the Unclaimed Wastes &amp; how the encounter with Tashana goes. I withhold from making any speculations for now. That last chapter was deeply satisfying.


(squirms uncomfortably) Can we get a Chapter 71 status update soon tefler?


I feel like Tashana is gonna to be in a scene like Princess Leia when she was Jabba the huts slave in the armoured bikini. I mean come on... Blue skinned elf girl got to put her on display.


All your efforts are truly appreciated.Thank You.

Opus the Poet

I'm getting warnings from my anti-virus that this site is trying to download multiple files besides the chapter files I clicked on, WTF?


After reading this chapter, I have to think that Jessica is still alive and serving her Progenitor master (unless he killed her.) In an earlier chapter, Tefler mentioned that John and his women are essentially immortal, so the same would apply to the other Progenitor's thralls. Perhaps in a future episode, John will have to meet/face his mom.