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Part 2 is finished! I've just handed it over to my editors, and I hope to have it up on the site in a day or so, once I've done the bulk of the editing.

It was 32k words, taking the entire chapter to 60k, which makes it the biggest yet! :-)




Sam J

Tefler will you be releasing a part 2 here or posting part 1 and 2 together?


It's probably easiest if I just combine them together and post one massive chapter 70. Then anyone who's been putting off part 1 until part 2 is complete, can read the entire thing at once.


Damn that's a hell of a thing, congratulations :-) Looking forward to to it. I'm sure it will be as great as ever. Just look after yourself and make sure you're still enjoying it (in the end that's the most important thing despite what fans desperate for their next fix will tell you). Congrats again and I look forward to reading it :)


Thanks! Yeah it was a fun/interesting one to write, as it covers quite a bit of time, and there's a fair bit of character development. I'm hoping everyone enjoys it. :-)


Tefler, you need to stop antagonizing Jedi's crazy. You know he's gonna be insufferable until the chapter gets posted ;) ~Morningfrost


Good to hear. My hands are starting to shake so bad with withdrawal that it is getting hard to type. I did a little math and using a currency converter, if you do 3 chapters a month your Patreon income should be around 2000 pounds sterling. Makes me wish I had your writing talent. Dave


Jedi will be just fine. Just you know.. Hide. Because.. The crazy is going to be everywhere.


Ohh the withdrawal symptoms are soo unbearable.... Maybe I should get in to acting...


Now that the chapter is complete you should take a little time to upgrade your computer. Those things we put off could sometimes lead to unfortunate consequences. Particularly since you're experiencing issues now. Get that stuff backed up! Of course if your creative juices are flowing... we don't want to hold you back. Thanks for your entertaining work. TP


Ok, I'm ready!


Welp, time to sit at the computer hitting F5 until I see a new chapter.


Yep I am ready.


Been putting off re-reading part 1 till 2 shows up.

rich ed

really looking forward to the 2nd part of this chapter. character development through out has been fantastic! keep up the good work Telfer


I think he just likes to watch us all suffer as we wait for the new chapters...


So basically I'm going to be ticked off all day tomorrow knowing it's up and wishing I could read it instead of dealing with people that don't like me all day.


And I will be sitting back in my cubical drinking a beer reading the chapter.


I did a few hours of editing tonight (which was good), and watched a film called the nice guys (which was bad). I'm hoping to be able to finish up editing tomorrow evening, and I'll post the chapter afterwards.


Wait the movie was bad or that you watch the movie was bad?? Lol


So this is a story developing from the commenters? Very strange, a story way off to the side of the story. And Athena might be in on it? Wait. What's that hissing sound? OMG! What is that?


Ah, my precious. "Think you could enjoy Chapter 70 on your own? Not until I finish it."


Jedi you and crazy almost make the wait..... oh who am I kidding it still sucks but you make it a bit funnier

Jedi Khan

Glad you find it enjoyable. I'm over here afraid for my safety! (:p) ...it's gotten awfully quiet in the dungeon. That's even more frightening. *heavy thud against the doors to the dungeon* Oh shit!


Um is the cage bolted down...... oh shit

Jedi Khan

It was. Crazy broke the bolts yesterday. ...he's gotten quiet again. Maybe he concussed himself on the door?


Well see if he will read part 1 again it might hold him long enough for tefler to get the last bit done (fingers crossed )

Jedi Khan

I'd have to open the door to do that...I'll wait, thanks. It's safer that way. He's smart. He could very well just be sitting there on the other side waiting to pounce the moment the door opens.


Perhaps you should contact Mikaboshi for one of his tranquilizer guns like Shinatobi used.

Jedi Khan

Hmm...that might be a good idea. Hey, Tefler, can you share Mika's contact info? I need to make a call.


Believe it or not this is not the longest story on SOL its currently 8 but with this new chapter it will pass to 7. Umm the longest story there is triple the size of 3SM wich I find crazy posting for free ^^ I should add that in Science Fiction category there is only 1 rival there...


Yeah, Arlene and Jeff has been ongoing forever. I can't remember if it's the largest on the site, but it's certainly the longest of the categories I read lol. ~Morningfrost


Well ,,Six Times A Day'' is the largest but its total erotic, the Science Fiction story I mentioned is ,,Wolves and Dragons of the Blood'' there are 4 books and the 5 is in progress, if you sum up this 4 books they are about 3 times longer than 3SM. I like some threads there some not, there are so many supporting characters you could get lost and the book 5 which is being written add almost in every chapter new characters to the point of absurd, storyline got stuck in place so to speak because of it...


Oh and main character in ,,Wolves and Dragons of the Blood'' has 6 wives what's with that Science Fiction stories ?! :P

Jedi Khan

Well, just got off work and looks like the chapter isn't up yet. Guess I'm going to have to wait until I get to work, again, to read it. However, work has been annoyingly busy this week, so I doubt I'll get the chance to read, let alone without interruptions. That is totally going to suck, and crazy will not be a happy camper. Thankfully he hasn't broken out of the dungeon yet.


As you just got off work, I've posted the rest of the chapter. Have fun! :-)

Jedi Khan

I love ya, Tef, but dear lord, this is so sad it's funny! lol Your timing would have been perfect for any other day, except for the fact that I have to be at work in about 10 hours, and I need all the sleep I can get! I literally cannot afford the time to read right now! If I stayed up to read now, I wouldn't be able to get up in time for work! Gawddammit, my life sucks right now! I'm almost crying from the irony here!


I've read most of that story. He has his own website his book 5 is ongoing I stopped less than half though it you need to register but thats free <a href="https://aspartanswarchronicles.com" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://aspartanswarchronicles.com</a>