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Here you go, all done!

Lots of interesting titbits in this chapter for you guys to savour. My editors did a great job on this one, and came up with lots of great suggestions. I'll go into detail in the comments once you've had a chance to read it.

Hope you enjoy it!



Jedi Khan

You beautiful person you. Just got off work to see this. Better get started if I want to get to sleep at a reasonable time.


Out Fucking Standing! Each chapter not only gets better, but increases the craving for the next submission. You Sir are EARNING my modest money. Many thanks!


Thanks for the new chapter Tefler. Brilliant as always. Love the direction of story. Looking forward to seeing how Faye joins the group, or how they join her.


I loved it


Cheers Sparhawk, glad you liked it! Faye's just a computer program, though. Join them? Whatever do you mean? ;-)

Jedi Khan

Bloody hell, Tef. I should have been in bed over an hour ago, but I just couldn't stop reading. First Faye's gift, then the orgy, then the dream world. Damn it Tef, if I oversleep today, it's your fault. :-D Here's a thought: I don't suppose the new Progenitor projectors are advanced enough to make a hologram tactile, are they? Also, shouldn't Irillith be able to make use of the projectors while she's in the cyber realm like Faye does? I keep half expecting Irillith to pop up in sprite form as well next to Faye.


Ah, sorry to keep you up, but well done getting through it tonight! I hadn't really thought about Irillith using the projectors like that, but it makes sense.

Dwight Brown

Great Chapter! Love it!!


Well done, Tefler. Now that they know they can hurt it, they might be able to plan an actual attack next time and kill it. A future mission to clean up the astral plane lol. Skeery..... Seems no Progen has every had John's kind of power before. A vaporized critter limb... Critter will be nursing his wounds for a while. (course we don't know how fast it heals, or how long it grew in the first place. Taking millennia to get that big and strong, it might take a while to heal.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Now that was EPIC! When the dust settles and they have a debrief, they will realize the implications of these revelations and their fear will be mitigated. Additionally, the etherial monster now knows fear and doubt. This whole etherial threat scenario has just been turned on its ear! Well Done!


She's just making sure their helpful software's running okay, that's all. ;-)


Yeah, that plotline is far from finished. Expect much more on that in the future!


It's always a relief when you guys enjoy the latest chapter. I'm writing it for you guys after all!


I'm just writing the debrief scene now, actually. I've written about 1500 words of chapter 68, and it's off to a good start!


Outstanding doesn't come close. I drop everything when you post a new chapter. I love the improvement to Faye. Would it not be possible for Dana and Rachel to create an android body that is constantly linked to Faye's server and the Invictus similar to what was done on the old Andromeda series that was on tv years ago? Want more please. I'll read as long as you write. By the way, the organic portion of the android could be made with DNA samples from all the girls.


*thumbs up*


There's always more projects for the girls to work on... Thanks for the message, I'm pleased you liked it!


Another great job as usual Tef! I can't wait to see the next rounds of upgrades by Dana. I didn't see the new server coming though I was betting on a synth body, too much Fallout 4 I'm guessing lol. Here's a question I don't think has been asked before. If the Progenitor naturally want to enslave and rule, why did Maelnerak create a son (assuming he is John's father) that in normal circumstances would try to overthrow him? Obviously they have some measure of control or the crew would already having babies.


Thanks, always nice to hear you guys liked the latest chapter! Sorry about leading everyone up the garden path regarding the Nexus server. ;-) I've been reading all the fembot discussion on the forums, so I know what everyone was expecting! Regarding your question, I'll be revealing the answer to that in several chapters time, assuming they can successfully rescue a certain twin Maliri archaeologist!


Brilliant, just brilliant. But we've come to expect that, haven't we? Thanks again, Tefler, for another awesome chapter. I love where you're taking us, even if I don't have a clue where it's going!


For Faye I was thinking the new hologram system would be force interactive.

Anthony Kester

Another great chapter. Don't know how you keep out doing yourself. Looking forward to the next one.


Another great chapter. I hope that soon someone can get the idea into John's head that he is only doing himself and his girls a disservice with his approach to these psychic battles. He made a sword to cut the beast, when he could have just augmented the ward to form a sphere instead of a dome, and added weapons to keep the beast at bay. I understand that this was a standard John move so I have no problem with it, I just hope someone asks him to reflect on this before the next psychic showdown.


Nice job.


What an ending. Tefler, you just achieved a new Epicness. Loved the chapter


Another intense episode. Still sticking with my theory that between Rachel, Dana and Illrith, they could create a 'human' body for Faye. On another note, due to slight impantience and being on holidays, I started to put the chapters into more of a book format (correcting spacing being the main item to take care of). I started to do this for helping with research for the Encyclopaedia which I'm still working on but secondly as a way of getting other people at my college into the series. I've been putting them in books of 10 chapters (eg 1-10, 11-20, etc, etc) and so far the longest book that I've pulled together is chapters 41-50 (which comes out at 296 narrow margined MS Word pages long). I am willing to cease and desist if this 'project' causes any trouble.


<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VrFV5r8cs0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VrFV5r8cs0</a>


It's definitely something to think about. You'll see more development from Faye over the coming chapters!


I'm just glad you guys keep enjoying them. We're starting to get towards the really good stuff soon. :-)


Thank you! I was going for a slightly different focus on this one, with plot reveals, and the lead up to the Astral Plane battle. It's great that its been well received. :D


Well you've covered all your bases there with experts in all things Organic, Mechanical, and the Cyber Realm, so if anyone could, I'm sure they'd be in with a good shot! The projects fine, as long as you don't plan on selling it! I'll eventually package up the chapters into ~125k installments and put them out there as ebooks, but I'd like to finish it first. :-)